


Chief Sponsor: Doug Owens

Senate Sponsor: ____________


8     General Description:
9          This bill addresses wages and payment standards.
10     Highlighted Provisions:
11          This bill:
12          ▸     defines terms;
13          ▸     directs the Labor Commission to determine the wages for all occupations required
14     for construction projects for each county within the state; and
15          ▸     establishes:
16               •     a minimum a contractor may pay a qualifying employee;
17               •     record keeping requirements; and
18               •     penalties for noncompliance.
19     Money Appropriated in this Bill:
20          None
21     Other Special Clauses:
22          None
23     Utah Code Sections Affected:
24     ENACTS:
25          34-58-101, Utah Code Annotated 1953
26          34-58-102, Utah Code Annotated 1953
27          34-58-103, Utah Code Annotated 1953

28          34-58-104, Utah Code Annotated 1953
29          34-58-105, Utah Code Annotated 1953
30          34-58-106, Utah Code Annotated 1953
31          34-58-107, Utah Code Annotated 1953

33     Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
34          Section 1. Section 34-58-101 is enacted to read:

Part 1. General Provisions

37          34-58-101. Definitions.
38          As used in this chapter:
39          (1) "Commission" means the Labor Commission created in Section 34A-1-103.
40          (2) (a) "Construction project" means a project for the construction, renovation,
41     alteration, or improvement of a public facility on real property, including all services, labor,
42     supplies, and materials for the project.
43          (b) "Construction project" does not include:
44          (i) services and supplies for the routine, day-to-day operation, repair, or maintenance of
45     an existing public facility; or
46          (ii) a project estimated to cost less than $100,000.
47          (3) "Contractor" means a contractor, subcontractor, or a public entity.
48          (4) "Division" means the Division of Purchasing and General Services, created in
49     Section 63A-2-101.
50          (5) "Prevailing wages" means the list of prevailing wages and fringe benefits published
51     by the commission under Section 34-58-102.
52          (6) "Procurement unit" means the same as that term is defined in Section 63G-6a-103.
53          (7) "Public entity" means the same as that term is defined in Section 63G-6a-103.
54          (8) "Public facility" means the same as that term is defined in Section 63G-6a-103.
55          (9) (a) "Qualifying employee" means a laborer, workman, or mechanic employed
56     directly upon the site of a construction project by a contractor, subcontractor, or a public entity.
57          (b) "Qualifying employee" does not include:
58          (i) an employee whose work includes only the transportation of materials or equipment

59     to or from the site of a construction project; or
60          (ii) a prisoner employed through the penal system.
61          Section 2. Section 34-58-102 is enacted to read:
62          34-58-102. Commission to maintain list of prevailing wages.
63          (1) Subject to Subsection (2), the commission shall determine the prevailing wages for
64     each county within the state for all occupations required for construction projects within the
65     state.
66          (2) The prevailing wages for an occupation in a county within the state may not be less
67     than the wage determination provided by the United States Department of Labor for the
68     occupation in the county.
69          (3) The commission:
70          (a) may review the prevailing wages at any time;
71          (b) shall review the prevailing wages at least once per year; and
72          (c) shall review the prevailing wages whenever there is a change to the wage
73     determinations made by the United States Department of Labor.
74          Section 3. Section 34-58-103 is enacted to read:
75          34-58-103. Qualifying employees to be paid prevailing wages.
76          (1) Except as provided by Subsection (2), a contractor shall pay a qualifying employee
77     no less than the prevailing wage published by the commission for the type of work performed
78     by the qualifying employee in the county where the construction site is located.
79          (2) A contractor shall pay a qualifying employee who is registered in a training or
80     apprenticeship program, approved by the United States Department of Labor Office of
81     Apprenticeship, under the respective training or apprenticeship program guidelines.
82          (3) A contractor may not pay a qualifying employee described in Subsection (2) wages
83     less than 60% of the prevailing wage described in Subsection (1).
84          Section 4. Section 34-58-104 is enacted to read:
85          34-58-104. Prevailing wages to be included in procurement bids and contracts.
86          In addition to the requirements described in Section 63G-6a-603, a procurement unit
87     shall include in an invitation for bids:
88          (1) the prevailing wages for each occupation required for the construction project in the
89     county where the construction site is located; and

90          (2) notice that the procurement contract shall include a provision:
91          (a) affirmatively stating the contractor's obligation to pay qualifying employees no less
92     than the prevailing wages described in Section 34-58-103;
93          (b) that requires the executed procurement contract to specify that the contractor shall
94     pay the contractor's qualifying employees no less than the prevailing wages described in
95     Section 34-58-103; and
96          (c) that requires the contractor to verify that the contractor's bond is in compliance with
97     this section.
98          Section 5. Section 34-58-105 is enacted to read:
99          34-58-105. Recordkeeping -- Reporting requirement.
100          (1) A contractor shall keep payroll records of all qualifying employees showing each
101     employee's name, occupation, hours worked, and wages paid.
102          (2) A contractor shall maintain the records described in Subsection (1) for at least three
103     years after the completion of the contract.
104          Section 6. Section 34-58-106 is enacted to read:
105          34-58-106. Civil penalties.
106          (1) In addition to the criminal penalties described in this chapter, a qualifying employee
107     may bring a civil action against a contractor to enforce the provisions of this chapter.
108          (2) (a) An aggrieved qualifying employee may seek injunctive relief against the
109     contractor and may recover the difference between the wage paid and the prevailing wages at
110     the time of employment, plus interest.
111          (b) The court may award court costs and attorney fees to the prevailing party.
112          (3) A qualifying employee shall bring an action against the contractor under this
113     section within two years after completion of the contract for the construction project.
114          Section 7. Section 34-58-107 is enacted to read:
115          34-58-107. Criminal penalties -- Enforcement.
116          (1) A violation of Section 34-58-103 is a class B misdemeanor.
117          (2) For a violation of Section 34-58-103, the court may impose an additional fine
118     against the contractor equal to the difference between the wage paid to a qualifying employee
119     and the prevailing wage at the time of employment.
120          (3) Upon a contractor's violation of Section 34-58-103, the commission may refer the

121     criminal action to the county attorney, district attorney, or attorney general.
122          (4) The county attorney, district attorney, or attorney general is responsible for
123     prosecuting violations of this section.
124          Section 8. Effective date.
125          This bill takes effect on May 1, 2024.