


Chief Sponsor: Gay Lynn Bennion

Senate Sponsor: ____________


8     General Description:
9          This bill modifies provisions related to the reporting of information when applying for a
10     local business license.
11     Highlighted Provisions:
12          This bill:
13          ▸     requires a municipality or a county to collect information regarding single family
14     home ownership when issuing a business license; and
15          ▸     establishes reporting requirements.
16     Money Appropriated in this Bill:
17          None
18     Other Special Clauses:
19          None
20     Utah Code Sections Affected:
21     ENACTS:
22          10-1-203.1, Utah Code Annotated 1953
23          17-53-216.1, Utah Code Annotated 1953

25     Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
26          Section 1. Section 10-1-203.1 is enacted to read:
27          10-1-203.1. Home ownership information required to be collected with a business

28     license.
29          (1) As used in this section:
30          (a) "High ownership" means a single individual or entity reports income or loss from
31     the rental of 50 or more single family homes in the state.
32          (b) "Medium ownership" means a single individual or entity reports income or loss
33     from the rental of at least 10 but fewer than 50 single family homes in the state.
34          (c) "Ownership type" means:
35          (i) a corporation;
36          (ii) an individual; or
37          (iii) a pass-through entity.
38          (d) "Pass-through entity" means the same as that term is defined in Section
39     59-10-1402.
40          (e) "Pass-through entity taxpayer" means the same as that term is defined in Section
41     59-10-1402.
42          (f) (i) "Single family home" means an attached or a detached residential structure,
43     designed to be occupied by an individual household.
44          (ii) "Single family home" does not include an apartment.
45          (2) (a) A municipality that issues or renews a business license to rent a single family
46     home shall collect the information described in Subsection (3) as part of the license
47     application.
48          (b) If the applicant fails to provide the information described in Subsection (3), the
49     municipality shall deny the business license until the municipality receives the information.
50          (3) An applicant for a business license to rent a single family home shall include in the
51     application:
52          (a) the parcel identification number for each single family home used as a rental;
53          (b) the name and identifying information of the corporation, pass-through entity,
54     pass-through entity taxpayer, or individual who receives income or loss from the rental; and
55          (c) the parcel number of the single family homes used as rentals for less than 30
56     consecutive days for a majority of the rental periods during the calendar year.
57          (4) A municipality that issues a business license, on or after May 1, 2024, to rent a
58     single family home shall report the information to the Utah League of Cities and Towns.

59          (5) On or before October 1, the Utah League of Cities and Towns shall report to the
60     Economic Development and Workforce Services Interim Committee the following
61     information, as reported by the municipalities:
62          (a) the aggregate number of:
63          (i) medium ownership single family homes by owner type; and
64          (ii) high ownership single family homes by owner type; and
65          (b) (i) the aggregate number of single family homes used for rentals for less than 30
66     consecutive days by owner type; and
67          (ii) the aggregate number of single family homes used for rentals of 30 consecutive
68     days or more by owner type.
69          (6) The Utah League of Cities and Towns shall include with the report the name of any
70     municipality, if known, that does not comply with the requirements of this section.
71          (7) The Utah League of Cities and Towns shall provide access to the information
72     reported by a municipality to the Legislature, including the Office of Legislative Research and
73     General Counsel or the Office of the Legislative Fiscal Analyst.
74          Section 2. Section 17-53-216.1 is enacted to read:
75          17-53-216.1. Home ownership information required to be collected with a
76     business license.
77          (1) As used in this section:
78          (a) "High ownership" means a single individual or entity reports income or loss from
79     the rental of 50 or more single family homes in the state.
80          (b) "Medium ownership" means a single individual or entity reports income or loss
81     from the rental of at least 10 but fewer than 50 single family homes in the state.
82          (c) "Ownership type" means:
83          (i) a corporation;
84          (ii) an individual; or
85          (iii) a pass-through entity.
86          (d) "Pass-through entity" means the same as that term is defined in Section
87     59-10-1402.
88          (e) "Pass-through entity taxpayer" means the same as that term is defined in Section
89     59-10-1402.

90          (f) (i) "Single family home" means an attached or a detached residential structure,
91     designed to be occupied by an individual household.
92          (ii) "Single family home" does not include an apartment.
93          (2) (a) A county that issues or renews a business license, on or after May 1, 2024, to
94     rent a single family home shall collect the information described in Subsection (3) as part of
95     the license application.
96          (b) If the applicant fails to provide the information described in Subsection (3), the
97     county shall deny the business license until the county receives the information.
98          (3) An applicant for a business license to rent a single family home shall include in the
99     application:
100          (a) the parcel identification number for each single family home used as a rental;
101          (b) the name and identifying information of the corporation, pass-through entity,
102     pass-through entity taxpayer, or individual who receives income or loss from the rental; and
103          (c) the parcel number of the single family homes used as rentals for less than 30
104     consecutive days for a majority of the rental periods during the calendar year.
105          (4) A county that issues a business license to rent a single family home shall report the
106     information to the Utah Association of Counties.
107          (5) On or before October 1, the Utah Association of Counties shall report to the
108     Economic Development and Workforce Services Interim Committee the following
109     information, as reported by the counties:
110          (a) the aggregate number of:
111          (i) medium ownership single family homes by owner type; and
112          (ii) high ownership single family homes by owner type; and
113          (b) (i) the aggregate number of single family homes used for rentals for less than 30
114     consecutive days by owner type; and
115          (ii) the aggregate number of single family homes used for rentals of 30 consecutive
116     days or more by owner type.
117          (6) The Utah Association of Counties shall include with the report the name of any
118     county, if known, that does not comply with the requirements of this section.
119          (7) The Utah Association of Counties shall provide access to the information reported
120     by a county to the Legislature, including the Office of Legislative Research and General

121     Counsel or the Office of the Legislative Fiscal Analyst.
122          Section 3. Effective date.
123          This bill takes effect on May 1, 2024.