Representative Thomas W. Peterson proposes the following substitute bill:




Chief Sponsor: Thomas W. Peterson

Senate Sponsor: Curtis S. Bramble


8     General Description:
9          This bill modifies State Construction Code.
10     Highlighted Provisions:
11          This bill:
12          ▸     amends the State Construction Code to:
13               •     align with updated standards in the International Residential Code (IRC); and
14               •     modify provisions of the IRC;
15          ▸     creates a mass timber construction loan program; and
16          ▸     makes technical changes.
17     Money Appropriated in this Bill:
18          None
19     Other Special Clauses:
20          This bill provides a special effective date.
21          This bill provides a coordination clause.
22     Utah Code Sections Affected:
23     AMENDS:
24          15A-1-104, as enacted by Laws of Utah 2014, Chapter 197
25          15A-2-103, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2023, Chapters 160, 209

26          15A-3-105, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2023, Chapter 209
27          15A-3-202, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2023, Chapter 209
28          15A-3-203, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2023, Chapter 209
29          15A-3-204, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2023, Chapter 209
30          15A-3-205, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2023, Chapter 209
31          15A-3-206, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2023, Chapter 209
32          15A-3-401, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2019, Chapter 20
33          15A-3-701, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2023, Chapter 209
34          15A-3-801, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2023, Chapter 209
35          15A-5-103, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2023, Chapter 95
36          58-55-102, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2023, Chapter 223
37     Utah Code Sections Affected By Coordination Clause:
38          15A-3-203, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2023, Chapter 209
39          15A-3-205, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2023, Chapter 209
40          15A-5-103, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2023, Chapter 95

42     Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
43          Section 1. Section 15A-1-104 is amended to read:
44          15A-1-104. Permit approval required -- Certificate of occupancy valid.
45          [(1) As used in this section:]
46          [(a) "Compliance agency" is as defined in Section 15A-1-202.]
47          [(b) "Project" is as defined in Section 15A-1-209.]
48          [(2) A compliance agency for a political subdivision may not reject a permit, or
49     otherwise withhold approval of a project whenever approval is required, for failure to comply
50     with the applicable provisions of this title unless the compliance agency:]
51          [(a) cites with specificity the applicable provision with which the project has failed to
52     comply; and]
53          [(b) describes how the project has failed to comply.]
54          [(3) If a compliance agency or a representative of a compliance agency issues a
55     certificate of occupancy, the compliance agency may not withdraw the certificate of occupancy
56     or exert additional jurisdiction over the elements of the project for which the certificate was

57     issued unless additional changes or modifications requiring a building permit are made to
58     elements of the project after the certificate was issued.]
59          (1) As used in this section:
60          (a) "Completed noncompliant structure" means a structure that was constructed and
61     completed without:
62          (i) obtaining a building permit;
63          (ii) passing inspections; or
64          (iii) obtaining a certificate of occupancy as required by Section 15A-1-204.
65          (b) "Compliance agency" means the same as that term is defined in Section 15A-1-202.
66          (c) "Project"means the same as that term is defined in Section 15A-1-209.
67          (2) A compliance agency for a political subdivision may not reject a permit, or
68     withhold approval of a project whenever approval is required, for failure to comply with the
69     applicable provisions of this title unless the compliance agency:
70          (a) cites with specificity the applicable provision with which the project has failed to
71     comply; and
72          (b) describes how the project has failed to comply.
73          (3) A municipality may not withhold a permit or project approval for a project because
74     of a completed noncompliant structure on the same property provided that the completed
75     noncompliant structure:
76          (a) has been completed for five years or more;
77          (b) does not pose a health, life, or safety concern;
78          (c) is unrelated to, independent from, and not affected by the project; and
79          (d) is outside the scope of work under the permit for the project.
80          (4) A municipality may require additional permitting, engineering, or inspections for a
81     completed noncompliant structure if it:
82          (a) has been completed for ten years or less; or
83          (b) poses a health, life, or safety concern.
84          (5) If a compliance agency or a representative of a compliance agency issues a
85     certificate of occupancy, the compliance agency may not withdraw the certificate of occupancy
86     or exert additional jurisdiction over the elements of the project for which the certificate was
87     issued unless additional changes or modifications requiring a building permit are made to

88     elements of the project after the certificate was issued.
89          Section 2. Section 15A-2-103 is amended to read:
90          15A-2-103. Specific editions adopted of construction code of a nationally
91     recognized code authority.
92          (1) Subject to the other provisions of this part, the following construction codes are
93     incorporated by reference, and together with the amendments specified in Chapter 3, Statewide
94     Amendments Incorporated as Part of State Construction Code, and Chapter 4, Local
95     Amendments Incorporated as Part of State Construction Code, are the construction standards to
96     be applied to building construction, alteration, remodeling, and repair, and in the regulation of
97     building construction, alteration, remodeling, and repair in the state:
98          (a) the 2021 edition of the International Building Code, including Appendices C and J,
99     issued by the International Code Council;
100          (b) [except as provided in Subsection (1)(c),] the 2021 edition of the International
101     Residential Code, issued by the International Code Council;
102          [(c) the residential provisions of Chapter 11, Energy Efficiency, of the 2015 edition of
103     the International Residential Code, issued by the International Code Council;]
104          [(d)] (c) Appendix AQ of the 2021 edition of the International Residential Code, issued
105     by the International Code Council;
106          [(e)] (d) the 2021 edition of the International Plumbing Code, issued by the
107     International Code Council;
108          [(f)] (e) the 2021 edition of the International Mechanical Code, issued by the
109     International Code Council;
110          [(g)] (f) the 2021 edition of the International Fuel Gas Code, issued by the International
111     Code Council;
112          [(h)] (g) the 2020 edition of the National Electrical Code, issued by the National Fire
113     Protection Association;
114          [(i) the residential provisions of the 2015 edition of the International Energy
115     Conservation Code, issued by the International Code Council;]
116          [(j)] (h) [the commercial provisions of] the 2021 edition of the International Energy
117     Conservation Code, issued by the International Code Council;
118          [(k)] (i) the 2021 edition of the International Existing Building Code, issued by the

119     International Code Council;
120          [(l)] (j) subject to Subsection 15A-2-104(2), the HUD Code;
121          [(m)] (k) subject to Subsection 15A-2-104(1), Appendix AE of the 2021 edition of the
122     International Residential Code, issued by the International Code Council;
123          [(n)] (l) subject to Subsection 15A-2-104(1), the 2005 edition of the NFPA 225 Model
124     Manufactured Home Installation Standard, issued by the National Fire Protection Association;
125          [(o)] (m) subject to Subsection (3), for standards and guidelines pertaining to plaster on
126     a historic property, as defined in Section 9-8a-302, the U.S. Department of the Interior
127     Secretary's Standards for Rehabilitation and Guidelines for Rehabilitating Historic Buildings;
128     and
129          [(p)] (n) the residential provisions of the 2021 edition of the International Swimming
130     Pool and Spa Code, issued by the International Code Council.
131          (2) Consistent with Title 65A, Chapter 8, Management of Forest Lands and Fire
132     Control, the Legislature adopts the 2006 edition of the Utah Wildland Urban Interface Code,
133     issued by the International Code Council, with the alternatives or amendments approved by the
134     Utah Division of Forestry, Fire, and State Lands, as a construction code that may be adopted by
135     a local compliance agency by local ordinance or other similar action as a local amendment to
136     the codes listed in this section.
137          (3) The standards and guidelines described in Subsection [(1)(o)] (1)(n) apply only if:
138          (a) the owner of the historic property receives a government tax subsidy based on the
139     property's status as a historic property;
140          (b) the historic property is wholly or partially funded by public money; or
141          (c) the historic property is owned by a government entity.
142          Section 3. Section 15A-3-105 is amended to read:
143          15A-3-105. Amendments to Chapters 10 through 12 of IBC.
144          (1) In IBC, Section 1010.2.4, number (2), the following is added at the end of the
145     sentence: "Blended assisted living facilities shall comply with Section 1010.2.14.1."
146          (2) A new IBC Section 1010.2.14.1 is added as follows: "1010.2.14.1 Blended assisted
147     living facilities. In occupancy Group I-1, Condition 2 or Group I-2, a Type-II assisted living
148     facility licensed by the Department of Health and Human Services for residents with
149     Alzheimers or dementia, and having a controlled egress locking system to prevent operation

150     from the egress side shall be permitted to also house residents without a clinical need for their
151     containment where all of the following provisions are met:
152          (a) locks in the means of egress comply with all IBC requirements for controlled egress
153     doors;
154          (b) all residents without a clinical need for their containment shall have the keys,
155     codes, or other means necessary to exit the facility, in a manner that is determined by the
156     facility operator and communicated to the resident or their legal representative;
157          (c) residents or their legal representative acknowledge in writing that they understand
158     and agree to living in a facility where egress is controlled; and
159          (d) the number of residents housed in a smoke compartment with controlled egress
160     shall not be greater than 30."
161          (3) In IBC, Section 1011.5.2, exception 3 is deleted and replaced with the following: "
162     3. In Group R-3 occupancies, within dwelling units in Group R-2 occupancies, and in Group U
163     occupancies that are accessory to a Group R-3 occupancy, or accessory to individual dwelling
164     units in Group R-2 occupancies, the maximum riser height shall be 8 inches (203 mm) and the
165     minimum tread depth shall be 9 inches (229 mm). The minimum winder tread depth at the
166     walk line shall be 10 inches (254 mm), and the minimum winder tread depth shall be 6 inches
167     (152 mm). A nosing not less than 0.75 inch (19.1 mm) but not more than 1.25 inches (32 mm)
168     shall be provided on stairways with solid risers where the tread depth is less than 10 inches
169     (254 mm)."
170          [(2)] (4) In IBC, Section 1011.11, a new exception 6 is added as follows: " 6. In
171     occupancies in Group R-3, as applicable in Section 101.2 and in occupancies in Group U,
172     which are accessory to an occupancy in Group R-3, as applicable in Section 101.2, handrails
173     shall be provided on at least one side of stairways consisting of four or more risers."
174          [(3)] (5) IBC, Section 1025, is deleted.
175          Section 4. Section 15A-3-202 is amended to read:
176          15A-3-202. Amendments to Chapters 1 through 5 of IRC.
177          (1) In IRC, Section R101.2, Exception, the words "where provided with an automatic
178     sprinkler system complying with Section P2904" are deleted.
179          (2) In IRC, Section R102, a new Section R102.7.2 is added as follows: "R102.7.2
180     Physical change for bedroom window egress. A structure whose egress window in an existing

181     bedroom is smaller than required by this code, and that complied with the construction code in
182     effect at the time that the bedroom was finished, is not required to undergo a physical change to
183     conform to this code if the change would compromise the structural integrity of the structure or
184     could not be completed in accordance with other applicable requirements of this code,
185     including setback and window well requirements."
186          [(3) IRC, Section R105.2, number 10, is deleted and replaced with the following: "10.
187     Decks that are not more than 30 inches (762 mm) above grade at any point and not requiring
188     guardrails, that do not serve the exit door required by Section R311.4."]
189          (3) In IRC Section R105.2, under Building, the following changes are made:
190          (a) Number 3 is deleted and replaced with the following: "3. Retaining walls retaining
191     less than 4 feet (1219mm) of unbalanced fill, unless supporting a surcharge or requiring design
192     per Section R404.4."
193          (b) Number 10 is deleted and replaced with the following: "10. Decks that are not more
194     than 30 inches (762mm) above grade at any point and not requiring guardrails, that do not
195     serve exit door required by Section R311.4."
196          (4) In IRC, Section R105.2 a new exception is added: "11. Grade level, non-connected
197     conex boxes, less than 350 square feet, used for storage only."
198          [(4)] (5) In IRC, Section R108.3, the following sentence is added at the end of the
199     section: "The building official shall not request proprietary information."
200          [(5)] (6) IRC, Section 109.1.5, is deleted and replaced with the following: "R109.1.5
201     Weather-resistant exterior wall envelope inspections. An inspection shall be made of the
202     weather-resistant exterior wall envelope as required by Section R703.1 and flashings as
203     required by Section R703.4 to prevent water from entering the weather-resistive barrier."
204          [(6)] (7) In IRC, Section R202, the following definition is added: "ACCESSORY
205     DWELLING UNIT: A habitable living unit created within the existing footprint of a primary
206     owner-occupied single-family dwelling."
207          [(7)] (8) In IRC, Section R202, the definition for "Approved" is modified by adding the
208     words "or independent third-party licensed engineer or architect and submitted to the building
209     official" after the word "official."
210          [(8)] (9) In IRC, Section R202, the definition for "Approved Agency" is modified by
211     replacing the word "and" with "or."

212          [(9)] (10) In IRC, Section 202, the definition for "Approved Source" is modified by
213     adding the words "or licensed engineer or architect" after the word "official."
214          [(10)] (11) In IRC, Section R202, the following definition is added: "CERTIFIED
215     BACKFLOW PREVENTER ASSEMBLY TESTER: A person who has shown competence to
216     test Backflow prevention assemblies to the satisfaction of the authority having jurisdiction
217     under Utah Code, Subsection 19-4-104(4)."
218          [(11)] (12) In IRC, Section R202, the definition of "Cross Connection" is deleted and
219     replaced with the following: "CROSS CONNECTION. Any physical connection or potential
220     connection or arrangement between two otherwise separate piping systems, one of which
221     contains potable water and the other either water of unknown or questionable safety or steam,
222     gas, or chemical, whereby there exists the possibility for flow from one system to the other,
223     with the direction of flow depending on the pressure differential between the two systems (see
224     "Backflow, Water Distribution")."
225          [(12)] (13) In IRC, Section 202, the following definition is added: "DUAL SOURCE
226     CONNECTION. A pipe that is installed so that either the nonpotable (i.e. secondary) irrigation
227     water or the potable water is connected to a pressurized irrigation system at one time, but not
228     both at the same time; or a pipe that is installed so that either the potable water or private well
229     water is connected to a residence at one time, but not both at the same time. The potable water
230     supply line shall be protected by a reduced pressure backflow preventer."
231          [(13)] (14) In IRC, Section 202, the following definition is added: "ENERGY
232     STORAGE SYSTEM (ESS). One or more devices, assembled together, that are capable of
233     storing energy for supplying electrical energy at a future time."
234          [(14)] (15) In IRC, Section 202, in the definition for gray water a comma is inserted
235     after the word "washers"; the word "and" is deleted; and the following is added to the end: "and
236     clear water wastes which have a pH of 6.0 to 9.0; are non-flammable; non-combustible;
237     without objectionable odors; non-highly pigmented; and will not interfere with the operation of
238     the sewer treatment facility."
239          [(15)] (16) In IRC, Section R202, the definition of "Potable Water" is deleted and
240     replaced with the following: "POTABLE WATER. Water free from impurities present in
241     amounts sufficient to cause disease or harmful physiological effects and conforming to the
242     Utah Code, Title 19, Chapter 4, Safe Drinking Water Act, and Title 19, Chapter 5, Water

243     Quality Act, and the regulations of the public health authority having jurisdiction."
244          [(16)] (17) IRC, Figure R301.2 (3), is deleted and replaced with R301.2 (3) as follows:
"TABLE R301.2 (3)
247      City/TownCountyGround Snow Load (lb/ft2)Elevation (ft)
248      BeaverBeaver355886
249      Brigham CityBox Elder424423
250      Castle DaleEmery325669
251      CoalvilleSummit575581
252      DuchesneDuchesne395508
253      FarmingtonDavis354318
254      FillmoreMillard305138
255      Heber CityWasatch605604
256      JunctionPiute276030
257      KanabKane254964
258      LoaWayne377060
259      LoganCache434531
260      ManilaDaggett266368
261      MantiSanpete375620
262      MoabGrand214029
263      MonticelloSan Juan677064
264      MorganMorgan525062
265      NephiJuab395131
266      OgdenWeber374334
267      PanguitchGarfield416630
268      ParowanIron326007
269      PriceCarbon315558
270      ProvoUtah314541
271      RandolphRich506286
272      RichfieldSevier275338
273      St. GeorgeWashington212585
274      Salt Lake CitySalt Lake284239
275      TooeleTooele355029
276      VernalUintah395384
277      Note: To convert lb/ft2 to kN/m2, multiply by 0.0479. To convert feet to meters, multiply
by 0.3048.1. Statutory requirements of the Authority Having Jurisdiction are not included in
this state ground snow load table.
2. For locations where there is substantial change in altitude over the city/town, the load
applies at and below the cited elevation, with a tolerance of 100 ft (30 m).
3. For other locations in Utah, see Bean, B., Maguire, M., Sun, Y. (2018), "The Utah Snow
Load Study," Utah State University Civil and Environmental Engineering Faculty
Publications, Paper 3589,, for ground snow load values."

278          [(17)] (18) IRC, Section R301.6, is deleted and replaced with the following: "R301.6
279     Utah Snow Loads. The snow loads specified in Table R301.2(5b) shall be used for the
280     jurisdictions identified in that table. Otherwise, for other locations in Utah, see Bean, B.,
281     Maguire, M., Sun, Y. (2018), "The Utah Snow Load Study," Utah State University Civil and
282     Environmental Engineering Faculty Publications, Paper 3589,, for
283     ground snow load values."
284          [(18)] (19) In IRC, Section R302.2, the following sentence is added at the end of the
285     paragraph: "When an access/maintenance agreement or easement is in place, plumbing,
286     mechanical ducting, schedule 40 steel gas pipe, and electric service conductors including
287     feeders, are permitted to penetrate the common wall at grade, above grade, or below grade."
288          [(19)] (20) In IRC, Section R302.3, a new exception 3 is added as follows: "3.
289     Accessory dwelling units separated by walls or floor assemblies protected by not less than
290     1/2-inch (12.7 mm) gypsum board or equivalent on each side of the wall or bottom of the floor
291     assembly are exempt from the requirements of this section."
292          [(20)] (21) In IRC, Section R302.5.1, the last sentence is deleted.

293          [(21)] (22) IRC, Section R302.13, is deleted.
294          [(22)] (23) In IRC, Section R303.4, the following exception is added: "Exception:
295     Dwelling units tested in accordance with Section N1102.4.1.2 (R402.4.1.2) which has an air
296     tightness of 3.0 ACH (50) or greater do not require mechanical ventilation."
297          (24) In IRC, Section R310.1, all words in the last sentence after "or to a yard or court",
298     are deleted, and Exception 3 of this Section is deleted.
299          [(23)] (25) In IRC, Section R310.7, in the exception, the words "or accessory dwelling
300     units" are added after the words "sleeping rooms".
301          [(24)] (26) IRC, Sections R311.7.45 through R311.7.5.3, are deleted and replaced with
302     the following: "R311.7.45.1 Stair treads and risers. R311.7.5.1 Riser height. The maximum
303     riser height shall be 8 inches (203 mm). The riser shall be measured vertically between leading
304     edges of the adjacent treads. The greatest riser height within any flight of stairs shall not
305     exceed the smallest by more than 3/8 inch (9.5 mm).
306          R311.7.5.2 Tread depth. The minimum tread depth shall be 9 inches (228 mm). The
307     tread depth shall be measured horizontally between the vertical planes of the foremost
308     projection of adjacent treads and at a right angle to the tread's leading edge. The greatest tread
309     depth within any flight of stairs shall not exceed the smallest by more than 3/8 inch (9.5 mm).
310     Winder treads shall have a minimum tread depth of 10 inches (254 mm) measured as above at
311     a point 12 inches (305 mm) from the side where the treads are narrower. Winder treads shall
312     have a minimum tread depth of 6 inches (152 mm) at any point. Within any flight of stairs, the
313     greatest winder tread depth at the 12-inch (305 mm) walk line shall not exceed the smallest by
314     more than 3/8 inch (9.5 mm).
315          R311.7.5.3 Nosing. The radius of curvature at the leading edge of the tread shall be no
316     greater than 9/16 inch (14.3 mm). A nosing not less than 3/4 inch (19 mm) but not more than 1
317     1/4 inches (32 mm) shall be provided on stairways with solid risers. The greatest nosing
318     projection shall not exceed the smallest nosing projection by more than 3/8 inch (9.5 mm)
319     between two stories, including the nosing at the level of floors and landings. Beveling of
320     nosing shall not exceed 1/2 inch (12.7 mm). Risers shall be vertical or sloped from the
321     underside of the leading edge of the tread above at an angle not more than 30 degrees (0.51 rad)
322     from the vertical. Open risers are permitted, provided that the opening between treads does not
323     permit the passage of a 4-inch diameter (102 mm) sphere.

324          Exceptions.
325          1. A nosing is not required where the tread depth is a minimum of 10 inches (254 mm).
326          2. The opening between adjacent treads is not limited on stairs with a total rise of 30
327     inches (762 mm) or less."
328          [(25)] (27) IRC, Section R312.2, is deleted.
329          [(26)] (28) IRC, Sections R313.1 through R313.2.1, are deleted and replaced with the
330     following: "R313.1 Design and installation. When installed, automatic residential fire
331     sprinkler systems for townhouses or one- and two-family dwellings shall be designed and
332     installed in accordance with Section P2904 or NFPA 13D."
333          [(27)] (29) In IRC, Section R314.2.2, the words "or accessory dwelling units" are
334     added after the words "sleeping rooms".
335          [(28)] (30) In IRC, Section R315.2.2, the words "or accessory dwelling units" are
336     added after the words "sleeping rooms".
337          [(29)] (31) In IRC, Section 315.3, the following words are added to the first sentence
338     after the word "installed": "on each level of the dwelling unit and."
339          [(30)] (32) A new IRC, Section R328.12, is added as follows:
340          "R328.12 Signage. A sign located on the exterior of the dwelling shall be installed at a
341     location approved by the authority having jurisdiction which identifies the battery chemistry
342     included in the ESS. This sign shall be of sufficient durability to withstand the environment
343     involved and shall not be handwritten."
344          [(31)] (33) In IRC, Section 403., an exception is added as follows: "Exception:
345     Vertical steel in footings shall be permitted to be located while concrete is still plastic and
346     before it has set. Where vertical steel resists placement or the consolidation of concrete around
347     steel is impeded, the concrete shall be vibrated to ensure full contact between the vertical steel
348     and concrete."
349          [(32)] (34) In IRC, Section R403.1.6, a new Exception 3 is added as follows: "3.
350     When anchor bolt spacing does not exceed 32 inches (813 mm) apart, anchor bolts may be
351     placed with a minimum of two bolts per plate section located not less than 4 inches (102 mm)
352     from each end of each plate section at interior bearing walls, interior braced wall lines, and at
353     all exterior walls."
354          [(33)] (35) In IRC, Section R403.1.6.1, a new exception is added at the end of Item 2

355     and Item 3 as follows: "Exception: When anchor bolt spacing does not exceed 32 inches (816
356     mm) apart, anchor bolts may be placed with a minimum of two bolts per plate section located
357     not less than 4 inches (102 mm) from each end of each plate section at interior bearing walls,
358     interior braced wall lines, and at all exterior walls."
359          [(34)] (36) In IRC, Section R404.1, a new exception is added as follows: "Exception:
360     As an alternative to complying with Sections R404.1 through R404.1.5.3, concrete and
361     masonry foundation walls may be designed in accordance with IBC Sections 1807.1.5 and
362     1807.1.6 as amended in Section 1807.1.6.4 and Table 1807.1.6.4 under these rules."
363          [(35)] (37) In IRC, Section R405.1, a second exception is added as follows:
364     "Exception: When a geotechnical report has been provided for the property, a drainage system
365     is not required unless the drainage system is required as a condition of the geotechnical report.
366     The geotechnical report shall make a recommendation regarding a drainage system."
367          [(36)] (38) In IRC, Section R506.2.3, the words "10-mil (0.010 inch; 0.25 mm)" are
368     deleted and replaced with "6-mil (0.006 inch; 0.152 mm)" and the words "conforming to
369     ASTM E1745 Class A requirements" are deleted.
370     The following section is affected by a coordination clause at the end of this bill.
371          Section 5. Section 15A-3-203 is amended to read:
372          15A-3-203. Amendments to Chapters 6 through 15 of IRC.
373          (1) IRC, Section [609.4.1] R609.4.1, is deleted.
374          (2) In IRC, Section N1101.4 (R102.1.1), a new section N1101.4.1 (R102.1.1) is added
375     as follows: "N1101.4.1 National Green Building Standard. Buildings complying with ICC
376     700-2020 National Green Building Standard and achieving the Gold rating level for the energy
377     efficiency category shall be deemed to exceed the energy efficiency required by this code. The
378     building shall also meet the requirements identified in table N1105.2 and the building thermal
379     envelope efficiency is greater than or equal to levels of efficiency and solar heat gain
380     coefficients (SHGC) in Tables N1102.2.2 and N1102.1.3 of the 2009 IRC."
381          [(2)] (3) In IRC, Section N1101.5 (R103.2), all words after the words "herein
382     governed." are deleted and replaced with the following: "Construction documents include all
383     documentation [required to be submitted in order to issue a building permit."] required for
384     building permits shall include only those items specified in Subsection 10-5-132(8) of the Utah
385     Municipal Code."

386          (4) In IRC, Section N1101.10.3 (R303.1.3) the following changes are made:
387          (a) The following is added at the end of the first sentence "or EN
388     14351-1:2006+A1:2010."
389          (b) The word "accredited" is replaced with "approved" in the third sentence.
390          (c) The following sentence is added after the third sentence: "A conversion factor of
391     5.678 shall be used to convert from U values expressed in SI units: ()/53678=."
392          (d) After "NFRC 200" the following words are added: "or EN
393     14351-1:2006+A1:2010," and in the sentence the word "accredited" is replaced with the word
394     "approved."
395          (e) The following new sentence shall be inserted immediately prior to the last sentence:
396     "Total Energy Transmittance values may be substituted for SHGC, and Luminous
397     Transmission values may be substituted for VT."
398          [(3)] (5) In IRC, Section N1101.12 (R303.3), all wording after the first sentence is
399     deleted.
400          [(4) In IRC, Section N1101.13 (R401.2), add Exception as follows:]
401          ["2. Exception: A project complies if the project demonstrates compliance, using the
402     software RESCheck 2012 Utah Energy Conservation Code, of:]
403          [(a) on or after January 1, 2017, and before January 1, 2019, "3 percent better than
404     code";]
405          [(b) on or after January 1, 2019, and before January 1, 2021, "4 percent better than
406     code"; and]
407          [(c) after January 1, 2021, "5 percent better than code."" (5) In IRC, Table N1102.2
408     (R402.1.2), in the column titled MASS WALL R-VALUE, a new footnote j is added as
409     follows:]
410          ["j. Log walls complying with ICC400 and with a minimum average wall thickness of
411     5 inches or greater shall be permitted in Zones 5 through 8 when overall window glazing has a
412     .31 U-factor or lower, minimum heating equipment efficiency is 90 AFUE (gas) or 84 AFUE
413     (oil), and all other component requirements are met."]
414          (6) In IRC, Section N1101.13 (R401.2), in the first sentence, the words "Section
415     N1101.13.5 and" are deleted.
416          (7) In IRC, Section N1101.13.5 (R401.2.5) is deleted.

417          (8) In IRC, Section N1101.14 (R401.3) Number 7, the words "and the compliance path
418     used" are deleted.
419          (9) In IRC, Table N1102.1.2 (R402.1.2):
420          (a) in the column titled Fenestration U-Factor the following changes are made:
421          (i) in the row titled "Climate Zone 3" delete 0.30 and replace it with 0.32;
422          (ii) in the row titled "Climate Zone 5 and Marine 4" delete 0.30 and replace it with
423     0.32; and
424          (iii) in the row titled "Climate Zone 6" delete 0.30 and replace it with 0.32;
425          (b) in the column titled "Glazed Fenestration SHGC", the following change is made: in
426     the row titled "Climate Zone 3" delete 0.25 and replace it with 0.35;
427          (c) in the column titled "Ceiling U-Factor" the following changes are made:
428          (i) in the row titled "Climate Zone 3" delete 0.026 and replace it with 0.030;
429          (ii) in the row titled "Climate Zone 5 and Marine 4" delete 0.024 and replace it with
430     0.026; and
431          (iii) in the row titled "Climate Zone 6" delete 0.024 and replace it with 0.026;
432          (d) in the column titled "Wood Frame Wall U Factor", the following changes are made:
433          (i) in the row titled "Climate Zone 3" delete 0.060 and replace it with 0.060;
434          (ii) in the row titled "Climate Zone 5 and Marine 4" delete 0.045 and replace it with
435     0.060; and
436          (iii) in the row titled "Climate Zone 6" delete 0.045 and replace it with 0.060;
437          (e) in the column titled "Basement wall U-Factor" the following changes are made:
438          (i) in the row titled "Climate Zone 5" and Marine 4" delete 0.050 and replace it with
439     0.075; and
440          (ii) in the row titled "Climate Zone 6" delete 0.50 and replace it with 0.065; and
441          (f) in the column titled "Crawl Space Wall U-Factor" the following changes are made:
442          (i) in the row titled Climate "Zone 5 and Marine 4" delete 0.055 and replace it with
443     0.078; and
444          (ii) in the row titled "Climate Zone 6" delete 0.55 and replace it with 0.065.
445          [(6)] (10) In IRC, Table N1102.1.3(R402.1.3), the following changes are made:
446          (a) in the column titled "Wood Frame Walls R-Value" a new footnote indicator "j" is
447     added and at the bottom of the footnotes the following footnote "j" is added: "j. In climate

448     zone 3B and 5B, an R-15, and in climate zone 6, an R-20 shall be acceptable where
449     air-impermeable insulation is installed in the cavity space, exterior continuous insulation, or
450     some combination thereof; and the tested house air leakage is a maximum of 2.0 ACH50"; and
451          (b) add a new footnote "k" as follows: "k. Log walls complying with ICC400 and with
452     a minimum average wall thickness of 5 inches or greater shall be permitted in Zones 5 through
453     8 when overall window glazing has 0.30 U -factor or lower, minimum heating equipment
454     efficiency is for gas 95 AFUE,or for oil, 84 AFUE, and all other components requirements are
455     met."
456          (11) In IRC, Table N1102.1.3 (R402.1.3) the following changes are made:
457          (a) in the column titled "Fenestration U-Factor" the following changes are made:
458          (i) in the row titled "Climate Zone 3" delete 0.30 and replace it with 0.32;
459          (ii) in the row titled "Climate Zone 5 and Marine 4" delete 0.30 and replace it with
460     0.32; and
461          (iii) in the row titled "Climate Zone 6" delete 0.30 and replace it with 0.32;
462          (b) in the column titled "Glazed Fenestration SHGC" the following change is made: in
463     the row titled "Climate Zone 3" deleted 0.25 and replace it with 0.35;
464          (c) in the Column R-Value the following changes are made:
465          (i) in the row titled "Climate Zone 3"delete 49 and replace it with 38;
466          (ii) in the row titled "Climate Zone 5 and Marine 4" delete 60 and replace it with 49;
467     and
468          (iii) in the row titled "Climate Zone 6" delete 60 and replace it with 49;
469          (d) in the Column titled "Wood Frame Wall R-Value" the following changes are made:
470          (i) in the row titled "Climate Zone 3" delete all values and replace with 20+ Oci or
471     13+5ci or 015ci;
472          (ii) in the row titled "Climate Zone 5 or Marine 4" delete all values and replace with
473     21+Oci or 15+5ci or 0+15ci; and
474          (iii) in the row titled "Climate Zone 6" delete all values and replace with 21+Oci or
475     15+5ci or 0+15ci;
476          (e) in the column titled "Basement Wall R Value" the following changes are made:
477          (i) in the row titled "Climate Zone 5 or Marine 4" delete all values and replace with
478     15+Oci or 0+11ci or 11+5ci; and

479          (ii) in the row titled "Climate Zone 6" delete all values and replace with 19+Oci or
480     0+13ci or 11+5ci;
481          (f) in the column titled "Slab R Value and Depth" the following changes are made:
482          (i) in the row titled "Climate Zone 3" delete 10ci. 2ft and replace it with NR; and
483          (ii) in the row titled "Climate Zone 5 & Marine 4" delete 4 ft and replace it with 2 ft;
484     and
485          (g) in the column titled "Crawl Space Wall R-Value" the following changes are made:
486          (i) in the row titled "Climate Zone 5 or Marine 4" delete all values and replace with
487     15+ Oci or 0 + 11ci or 11 +5ci; and
488          (ii) in the row titled "Climate Zone 6" delete all values and replace with 19 + Oci or 0
489     + 13ci or 0 + 11 + 5 ci.
490          (12) In IRC, a new subsection N1102.1.5.1 (R402.1.5.1) is added as follows:
491     "1102.1.5.1 (R402.1.5.1) RESCheck 2012 Utah Energy Conservation Code. Compliance with
492     section N1102.1.5 (R402.1.5) may be satisfied using the software RESCheck 2012 Utah
493     Energy Conservation Code, which shall satisfy the R-value and U-factor requirements of
494     N1102.1, N1102.2, and N1102.3, provided the following conditions are met:
495          (a) in "Climate Zone 5 and 6" the software result shall show 5% better than code; and
496          (b) in "Climate Zone 3", the software result shall show 5% better than code when
497     software inputs for window U-factor .65 and window SHGC=0.40, notwithstanding actual
498     windows installed shall conform to requirements of Tables N1102.1.2 (R402.1.2) and
499     N1102.1.3 (R402.1.3)."
500          (13) In IRC, Sections N1102.2.1 (R402.2.1), a new Section N1102.2.1.1 is added as
501     follows:
502          "N1102.2.1.1. Unvented attic and unvented enclosed rafter assemblies. Unvented attic
503     and unvented enclosed rafter assemblies conforming to Section R806.5 shall be provided with
504     an R-value of R-22 (maximum U-Factor of 0.045) in Climate Zone 3-B or an R-value of R-26
505     (maximum U-factor of 0.038) in Climate Zones 5-B and 6-B shall be permitted provided all the
506     following conditions are met:
507          1. The unvented attic assembly complies with the requirements of the International
508     Residential Code, R806.5.
509          2. The house shall attain a blower door test result < 2.5ACH 50.

510          3. The house shall require a whole house mechanical ventilation system that does not
511     rely solely on a negative pressure strategy (must be positive, balanced or hybrid).
512          4. Where insulation is installed below the roof deck and the exposed portion of roof
513     rafters are not already covered by the R-20 depth of the air-impermeable insulation, the
514     exposed portion of the roof rafters shall be wrapped (covered) by minimum R-3 unless directly
515     covered by drywall/finished ceiling. Roof rafters are not required to be covered by minimum
516     R-3 if a continuous insulation is installed above the roof deck.
517          5. Indoor heating, cooling and ventilation equipment (including ductwork) shall be
518     inside the building thermal envelope."
519          [(7)] (14) In IRC, Section N1102.2.9.1 (R402.2.9.1) the numeral (i) is added before the
520     words "cut at a 45 degree" and the following is added after the words "exterior wall": "or (ii)
521     lowered from top of slab 4" when a 4" thermal break material such as, but not limited to, felt or
522     asphalt impregnated fiber board, with a minimum thickness of 1/4" is installed at the upper 4"
523     of slab".
524          (15) In IRC, Section N1102.4.1 (R402.4.1), in the first sentence, the word "and" is
525     deleted and replaced with the word "or."
526          [(8)] (16) In IRC, Section N1102.4.1.1 (R402.4.1.1), the last sentence is deleted and
527     replaced with the following: "Where allowed by the code official, the builder may certify
528     compliance to components criteria for items which may not be inspected during regularly
529     scheduled inspections."
530          [(9)] (17) In IRC, Table N1102.4.1.1 (R402.4.1.1) in the column titled
531     "COMPONENT, the following changes are made:
532          (a) In the row "Rim Joists" the word "exterior" in the first sentence is deleted, and the
533     second sentence is deleted.
534          (b) In the row "Electrical/phone box on the exterior walls" the last sentence is deleted
535     and replaced with: "Alternatively, close cell foam, caulking or gaskets may be used, or air
536     sealed boxes may be installed."
537          (18) In IRC, Section N1102.4.1.2 (R402.4.1.2), the following changes are made:
538          (a) In the [first] fourth sentence[:], the word "third" is deleted.
539          [(i) "The building or dwelling unit" is deleted and replaced with "A single-family
540     dwelling";]

541          [(ii) after January 1, 2019, replace the word "five" with "3.5"; and]
542          [(iii) the words "in Climate Zones 1 and 2, and three air changes per hour in Climate
543     Zones 3 through 8" are deleted.]
544          (b) The following sentence is [inserted after the first sentence: "A multi-family
545     dwelling and townhouse shall be tested and verified as having an air leakage rate of not
546     exceeding five air changes per hour."]
547          [(c) In the third sentence, the word "third" is deleted.]
548          [(d) The following sentence is inserted after the third sentence:] added after the fourth
549     sentence: "The following parties shall be approved to conduct testing: Parties certified by BPI
550     or RESNET, or licensed contractors who have completed training provided by Blower Door
551     Test equipment manufacturers or other comparable training."
552          (c) In the first Exception the second sentence is deleted.
553          [(10)]
554          (19) [In] IRC, Section N1103.3.3 (R403.3.3), [the exception for duct air leakage testing
555     is deleted and replaced with the following:] is deleted.
556          (a) on or after January 1, 2017, and before January 1, 2019, with the following:
557     "Exception: The duct air leakage test is not required for systems with all air handlers and at
558     least 65% of all ducts (measured by length) located entirely within the building thermal
559     envelope.";
560          [(b) on or after January 1, 2019, and before January 1, 2021, with the following:
561     "Exception: The duct air leakage test is not required for systems with all air handlers and at
562     least 75% of all ducts (measured by length) located entirely within the building thermal
563     envelope."; and]
564          [(c) on or after January 1, 2021, with the following: "Exception: The duct air leakage
565     test is not required for systems with all air handlers and at least 80% of all ducts (measured by
566     length) located entirely within the building thermal envelope."]
567          [(11) In IRC, Section N1103.3.3 (R403.3.3), the following is added after the second
568     exception: "The following parties shall be approved to conduct testing: Parties certified by BPI
569     or RESNET, or licensed contractors who have completed either training provided by Duct Test
570     equipment manufacturers or other comparable training."]
571          [(12) In IRC, Section N1103.3.4 (R403.3.4):]

572          [(a) in Subsection 1, the number 4 is changed to 8, the number 113.3 is changed to 170,
573     the number 3 is changed to 6, the number 85 is changed to 114.6; and]
574          [(b) in Subsection 2:]
575          [(i) on or after January 1, 2017, and before January 1, 2019, the number 4 is changed to
576     8 and the number 113.3 is changed to 226.5;]
577          [(ii) on or after January 1, 2019, and before January 1, 2021, the number 4 is changed
578     to 7 and the number 113.3 is changed to 198.2; and]
579          [(iii) on or after January 1, 2021, the number 4 is changed to 6 and the number 113.3 is
580     changed to 169.9.]
581          (20) IRC Section N1103.3.3.1 (R403.3.3.1) is deleted.
582          [(13)] (21) In IRC, Section N1103.3.5 (R403.3.5), the [words "or plenums" are
583     deleted.] the following changes are made:
584          (a) A second Exception is added as follows: "A duct leakage test shall not be required
585     for any system designed such that no air handlers or ducts are located within unconditioned
586     attics."
587          (b) The following is added at the end of the section: "The following parties shall be
588     approved to conduct testing:
589          (i) Parties certified by BPT or RESNET;
590          (ii) Licensed contractors who have completed training provided by Duct Test
591     equipment manufacturers or other comparable training."
592          [(14) In IRC, Section N1103.5.3 (R403.5.3), Subsection 5 is deleted and Subsections 6
593     and 7 are renumbered.]
594          (22) In IRC, Section N1103.3.6 (R403.3.6) the following changes are made:
595          (a) In Subsection 1:
596          (i) the number 4.0 is changed to 6.0;
597          (ii) the number 113.3 is changed to 170;
598          (iii) the number 3.0 is changed to 5.0; and
599          (iv) the number 85 is changed to 141;
600          (b) in Subsection 2:
601          (i) the number 4.0 is changed to 5.0; and
602          (ii) the number113.3 is changed to 141;

603          (c) Subsection 3 is deleted.
604          (23) In IRC, Section N1103.3.7 (R403.3.7) the words "or plenums" are deleted.
605          (24) In IRC, Section N1103.5.1.1 (R403.5.1.1) the words "Where installed" are added
606     at the beginning of the first sentence.
607          (25) In IRC, Section N1103.5.2 (R403.5.2) the following change is made:
608          (a) Subsections 5 and 6 are deleted and Subsection 7 is renumbered to 5.
609          [(15)] (26) IRC, Section [N1103.6.1 (R403.6.1)] N1103.6.2 (R403.6.2), is deleted and
610     replaced with the following: ["N1103.6.1 (R403.6.1)] "N1103.6.2 (R403.6.2) Whole-house
611     mechanical ventilation system fan efficacy. Fans used to provide whole-house mechanical
612     ventilation shall meet the efficacy requirements of Table [N1103.6.1 (R403.6.1)] N1103.6.2
613     (R403.6.2).
614          Exception: Where an air handler that is integral to tested and listed HVAC equipment is
615     used to provide whole-house mechanical ventilation, the air handler shall be powered by an
616     electronically commutated motor."
617          [(16)] (27) In IRC, Section [N1103.6.1 (R403.6.1),] N1103.6.2 (R403.6.2), the table is
618     deleted and replaced with the following:
619          "TABLE [N1103.6.1 (R403.6.1)] N1103.6.2 (R403.6.2)",
1.2 cfm/watt
Range hoods
2.8 cfm/watt
In-line fan
2.8 cfm/watt
625      Bathroom, utility room
1.4 cfm/watt
< 90
626      Bathroom, utility room
2.8 cfm/watt
627      [(17) In IRC, Section N1106.4 (R406.4), the table is deleted and replaced with the following:]
628          ["TABLE N1106.4 (R406.4)]

634          (28) IRC, Section N1103.6.3 (R403.6.3) is deleted.
635          [(18)] (29) In IRC, Section N1103.7 (R403.7) the word "approved" is deleted in the
636     first sentence and the following is added after the word "methodologies "[,] : "complying with
637     N1103.7.1(R403.7.1)".
638          [(19)] (30) A new IRC, Section N1103.7.1(R403.7.1) is added as follows: "N1103.7.1
639     Qualifications. An individual performing load calculations shall be qualified by completing
640     HVAC training from one of the following:
641          1. HVAC load calculation education from ACCA;
642          2. A recognized educational institution;
643          3. HVAC equipment manufacturer's training; or
644          4. Other recognized industry certification."
645          [(20) In IRC, Section M1307.2, the words "In Seismic Design Categories D0, D1, and
646     D2, and in townhouses in Seismic Design Category C", are deleted, and in Subparagraph 1, the
647     last sentence is deleted.]
648          [(21)] (31) In IRC, Section N1104.1 (R404.1), the word "All" is replaced with "Not
649     less than 90 percent of the lamps in".
650          (32) IRC, Section N1104.1.1 (R404.1.1) is deleted.
651          (33) IRC, Section N1104.2 (R404.2) is deleted.
652          (34) IRC, Section N1104.3 (R404.3) is deleted.
653          (35) In IRC, section N1105.2 (R405.2) the following changes are made:
654          (a) In Subsection 3, the words "approved by the code official" are deleted; and
655          (b) In Subsection 3, the following words are added at the end of the sentence: "when
656     applicable and readily available".
657          (36) In IRC, Section N1106.3 (R406.3) "Building thermal envelope" is deleted, and
658     replaced with "Building thermal envelope and on-site renewables. The proposed total building
659     thermal envelope UA, which is the sum of U-factor times assembly area, shall be less than or

660     equal to the building thermal envelope UA using the prescriptive U-factors from Table
661     N1102.1.2 multiplied by 1.15 in accordance with Equation 11-4. The area-weighted maximum
662     fenestration SHGC permitted in Climate Zones 0 through 3 shall be:0.30.UAProposed design
663     =1.15xUAPrescriptive reference design (Equation 11-4)."
664          (37) In IRC, Section N1106.3.1 (R406.3.1) is deleted.
665          (38) In IRC, Section N1106.3.2 (R403.3.2) is deleted.
666          (39) In IRC, Section N1106.4 (R406.4) the following changes are made:
667          (a) In the first sentence, the words "in accordance with Equation 11-5" are deleted and
668     replaced with: "permitted to be calculated using the minimum total air exchange rate for the
669     rated home (Qtot) and for the index adjustment factor in accordance with Equation 11.5.";
670          (b) In equation 11-5, the words "Ventilation rate, CFM" are deleted and replaced with:
671     "Qtot"; and
672          (c) In the last sentence the number "5" is deleted and replaced with "15".
673          (40) In IRC N1106.5, in the column titled "ENERGY RATING INDEX" of Table
674     R406.5, the following changes are made:
675          (a) In the row for "Climate Zone 3", "51" is deleted and replaced with "65";
676          (b) In the row for "Climate Zone 5", "55" is deleted and replaced with "69"; and
677          (c) In the row for "Climate Zone 6", "54" is deleted and replaced with "68".
678          (41) In IRC, Section N1108 (R408) is deleted.
679          (42) In IRC, Section M1401.3 the word "approved" is deleted in the first sentence and
680     the following is added after the word methodologies ", complying with M1401.3.1".
681          [(22)] (43) A new IRC, Section M1401.3.1, is added as follows: "M1401.3.1
682     Qualifications. An individual performing load calculations shall be qualified by completing
683     HVAC training from one of the following:
684          1. HVAC load calculation education from ACCA;
685          2. A recognized educational institution;
686          3. HVAC equipment manufacturer's training; or
687          4. Other recognized industry certification."
688          [(23)] (44) In IRC, Section M1402.1, the following is added at the end of the second
689     sentence: "or UL/CSA 60335-2-40."
690          [(24)] (45) In IRC, Section M1403.1, the characters "/ANCE" are deleted.

691          [(25)] (46) IRC, Section M1411.9, is deleted.
692          [(26)] (47) In IRC, Section M1412.1, the characters "/ANCE" are deleted.
693          [(27)] (48) In IRC, Section M1413.1, the characters "/ANCE" are deleted.
694          Section 6. Section 15A-3-204 is amended to read:
695          15A-3-204. Amendments to Chapters 16 through 25 of IRC.
696          (1) In IRC, Section M1602.2, a new exception is added at the end of Item 8 as follows:
697     "Exception: The discharge of return air from an accessory dwelling unit into another dwelling
698     unit, or into an accessory dwelling unit from another dwelling unit, is not prohibited."
699          (2) A new IRC, Section G2401.2, is added as follows: "G2401.2 Meter Protection.
700     Fuel gas services shall be in an approved location and/or provided with structures designed to
701     protect the fuel gas meter and surrounding piping from physical damage, including falling,
702     moving, or migrating ice and snow. If an added structure is used, it must provide access for
703     service and comply with the IBC or the IRC."
704          [(3) IRC, Section P2503.2, is deleted and replaced with the following: "P2503.2
705     Testing. Reduced pressure principle, double check, pressure vacuum breaker, reduced pressure
706     detector fire protection, double check detector fire protections, and spill-resistant vacuum
707     breaker backflow preventer assemblies shall be tested at the time of installation, immediately
708     after repairs or relocation and at least annually. The Utah Cross-Connection Control
709     Commission has adopted the field test procedures published by the Manual of Cross
710     Connection Control, Tenth Edition. This manual is published by the University of Southern
711     California's Foundation for Cross-Connection Control and Hydraulic Research. Test gauges
712     shall comply with ASSE 1064."]
713          (3) In IRC, Section 2503.5.1, #2 Air Test is deleted and replaced with the following:
714     "Where water is not available at the construction site or where freezing conditions limit the use
715     of water on the construction site, plastic drainage and vent pipe may be permitted to be tested
716     with air. The following procedures shall be followed:
717          (a) Proper personal protective equipment, including safety eyewear and protective
718     headgear, should be worn by all individuals in any area where an air or gas test is being
719     conducted.
720          (b) Contractor shall take all precautions necessary to limit the pressure within the
721     plastic piping.

722          (c) No drain and vent system shall be pressurized in excess of 6 psi as measured by
723     accurate gauges graduated to no more than three times the test pressure.
724          (d) The pressure gauge shall be monitored during the test period, which should not
725     exceed 15 minutes.
726          (e) At the conclusion of the test, the system shall be depressurized gradually, all
727     trapped air or gases should be vented, and test balls and plugs should be removed with
728     caution."
729          (4) In IRC, Section P2503.8, the word "devices" is deleted and replaced with the word
730     "assemblies."
731          (5) IRC, Section P2503.8.2, is deleted and replaced with the following: "P2503.2
732     Testing. Reduced pressure principle, double check, pressure vacuum breaker, reduced pressure
733     detector fire protection, double check detector fire protections, and spill-resistant vacuum
734     breaker backflow preventer assemblies shall be tested at the time of installation, immediately
735     after repairs or relocation and at least annually. The Utah Cross-Connection Control
736     Commission has adopted the field test procedures published by the Manual of Cross
737     Connection Control, Tenth Edition. This manual is published by the University of Southern
738     California's Foundation for Cross-Connection Control and Hydraulic Research. Test gauges
739     shall comply with ASSE 1064."
740     The following section is affected by a coordination clause at the end of this bill.
741          Section 7. Section 15A-3-205 is amended to read:
742          15A-3-205. Amendments to Chapters 26 through 35 of IRC.
743          (1) IRC, Section P2602.1, is deleted and replaced with the following: "P2602.1
744     General. The water-distribution system of any building or premises where plumbing fixtures
745     are installed shall be connected to a public water supply. Where a potable public water supply
746     is not available, individual sources of potable water supply shall be utilized provided that the
747     source has been developed in accordance with Utah Code Sections 73-3-1, 73-3-3, and
748     73-3-25, as administered by the Department of Natural Resources, Division of Water Rights. In
749     addition, the quality of the water shall be approved by the local health department having
750     jurisdiction. The source shall supply sufficient quantity of water to comply with the
751     requirements of this chapter.
752          Every building in which plumbing fixtures are installed and all premises having

753     drainage piping shall be connected to a public sewer where the sewer is accessible and is
754     within 300 feet of the property line in accordance with Utah Code Section 10-8-38, or an
755     approved private sewage disposal system in accordance with Utah Administrative Code, Rule
756     R317-4, as administered by the Department of Environmental Quality, Division of Water
757     Quality.
758          Exception: Sanitary drainage piping and systems that convey only the discharge from
759     bathtubs, showers, lavatories, clothes washers, and laundry trays shall not be required to
760     connect to a public sewer or to a private sewage disposal system provided that the piping or
761     systems are connected to a system in accordance with Sections P2910 or P2911."
762          (2) A new IRC, Section P2602.3, is added as follows: "P2602.3 Individual water
763     supply. Where a potable public water supply is not available, individual sources of potable
764     water supply shall be utilized, provided that the source has been developed in accordance with
765     Utah Code, Sections 73-3-1 and 73-3-25, as administered by the Department of Natural
766     Resources, Division of Water Rights. In addition, the quality of the water shall be approved by
767     the local health department having jurisdiction."
768          (3) A new IRC, Section P2602.4, is added as follows: "P2602.4 Sewer required. Every
769     building in which plumbing fixtures are installed and all premises having drainage piping shall
770     be connected to a public sewer where the sewer is accessible and is within 300 feet of the
771     property line in accordance with Utah Code, Section 10-8-38; or an approved private sewage
772     disposal system in accordance with Utah Administrative Code,
773     Chapter 4, Rule R317, as administered by the Department of Environmental Quality, Division
774     of Water Quality."
775          (4) In IRC, Section P2705, Item 5, the words "lavatory" and "lavatories" are deleted.
776          (5) In IRC, Section P2705, a new Item 9 is added as follows: "9. Lavatories. A lavatory
777     shall not be set closer than 12 inches from its center to any side wall or partition. A lavatory
778     shall be provided with a clearance of 24 inches in width and 21 inches in depth in front of the
779     lavatory to any side wall, partition, or obstruction." Remaining item numbers are renumbered
780     accordingly.
781          (6) In IRC, Section P2801.6.2, the following is added at the end of the section: "When
782     permitted by the code official, the pan drain may be directly connected to a soil stack, waste
783     stack, or branch drain. The pan drain shall be individually trapped and vented as required in

784     Section 907.1. The pan drain shall not be directly or indirectly connected to any vent. The trap
785     shall be provided with a trap primer conforming to ASSE 1018 or ASSE 1044, a barrier type
786     floor drain trap seal protection device meeting ASSE 1072, or a deep seal p-trap."
787          (7) A new IRC, Section P2801.6.3, is added as follows: "P2801.6.3 Pan designation. A
788     water heater pan shall be considered an emergency receptor designated to receive the discharge
789     of water from the water heater only and shall not receive the discharge from any other fixtures,
790     devises, or equipment."
791          (8) IRC, Section P2801.8, is deleted and replaced with the following: "P2801.8 Water
792     heater seismic bracing. As a minimum requirement, water heaters shall be anchored or strapped
793     to resist horizontal displacement caused by earthquake motion. Strapping shall be at points
794     within the upper one-third and lower one-third of the appliance's vertical dimensions.
795          (9) In IRC, Section P2804.6.1, a new number 15 is added as follows: "15. Be installed
796     in accordance with the manufacturer's installation instructions, not to exceed 180 degrees in
797     directional changes."
798          (10) A new IRC, Section P2902.1.1, is added as follows: "P2902.1.1 Backflow
799     assembly testing. Reduced pressure principle, double check, pressure vacuum breaker, reduced
800     pressure detector fire protection, double check detector fire protection, and spill-resistant
801     vacuum breaker backflow preventer assemblies shall be tested at the time of installation,
802     immediately after repairs or relocation and at least annually. The Utah Cross Connection
803     Control Commission has adopted the field test procedures published by the Manual of Cross
804     Connection Control, Tenth Edition. This manual is published by the University of Southern
805     California's Foundation for Cross-Connection Control and Hydraulic Research. Test gauges
806     shall comply with ASSE 1064.
807          (11) In IRC, Section P2902.1, the following subsections are added as follows:
808          "P2902.[1.2] 1.1 General Installation Criteria.
809          Assemblies shall not be installed more than five feet above the floor unless a permanent
810     platform is installed. The assembly owner, where necessary, shall provide devices or structures
811     to facilitate testing, repair, and maintenance, and to insure the safety of the backflow
812     technician.
813          P2902.1.2 Specific Installation Criteria.
814          P2902.[1.2] 1.3 Reduced Pressure Principle Backflow Prevention Assembly.

815          The reduced pressure principle backflow prevention assembly shall be installed as
816     follows:
817          a. The assembly may not be installed in a pit or below grade where the relief port could
818     be submerged in water or where fumes could be present at the relief port discharge.
819          b. The relief valve of the assembly shall not be directly connected to a waste disposal
820     line, including a sanitary sewer, a storm drain, or a vent.
821          c. The assembly shall be installed in a horizontal position only, unless listed or
822     approved for vertical installation in accordance with Section 303.4 of the International
823     Plumbing Code as amended in Utah Code, Subsection 15A-3-303(1).
824          d. The bottom of the assembly shall be installed a minimum of 12 inches above the
825     floor or ground.
826          e. The body of the assembly shall be a minimum of 12 inches from any wall, ceiling, or
827     obstacle, and shall be readily accessible for testing, repair, and maintenance.
828          P2902.[1.2.2] 1.4 Double Check Valve Backflow Prevention Assembly.
829          A double check valve backflow prevention assembly shall be installed as follows:
830          a. The assembly shall be installed in a horizontal position only, unless listed or
831     approved for vertical installation.
832          b. The bottom of the assembly shall be a minimum of 12 inches above the ground or
833     floor.
834          c. The body of the assembly shall be a minimum of 12 inches from any wall, ceiling, or
835     obstacle, and shall be readily accessible for testing, repair, and maintenance.
836          d. If installed in a pit, the assembly shall be installed with a minimum of 12 inches of
837     clearance between all sides of the vault, including the floor and roof or ceiling, with adequate
838     room for testing and maintenance.
839          P2902.[1.2.3] 1.5 Pressure Vacuum Break Assembly and Spill Resistant Pressure
840     Vacuum Breaker Assembly.
841          A pressure vacuum break assembly or a spill resistant pressure vacuum breaker
842     assembly shall be installed as follows:
843          a. The assembly shall not be installed in an area that could be subject to backpressure or
844     back drainage conditions.
845          b. The assembly shall be installed a minimum of 12 inches above all downstream

846     piping and the highest point of use.
847          c. The assembly shall be a minimum of 12 inches from any wall, ceiling, or obstacle,
848     and shall be readily accessible for testing, repair, and maintenance.
849          d. The assembly shall not be installed below ground, in a vault, or in a pit.
850          e. The assembly shall be installed in a vertical position."
851          (12) In IRC, Table 2903.2, the following changes are made in the column titled
853          (a) In the row titled "Lavatory faucet" the text is deleted and replaced with "1.5 gpm at
854     60 psi".
855          (b) In the row titled "Shower head" the text is deleted and replaced with "2 gpm at 80
856     psi".
857          (13) In IRC, Section P2903.3, the words "public water main or an" are deleted and the
858     following sentence is added at the end: "A water pressure booster pump may not be connected
859     to a public water main unless allowed by Utah Administrative Code, Rule R309-540."
860          (14) In IRC, Section 2903.5, at the beginning of the second sentence, insert "If
861     installed,".
862          (15) In IRC, Section P2903.9.3, the first sentence is deleted and replaced with the
863     following: "Unless the plumbing appliance or plumbing fixture has a wall-mount valve, shutoff
864     valves shall be required on each fixture supply pipe to each plumbing appliance and to each
865     plumbing fixture other than bathtubs and showers."
866          (16) IRC, Section P2910.5, is deleted and replaced with the following:
867          "P2910.5 Potable water connections.
868          A system that utilizes nonpotable water (i.e., pressurized irrigation) and installs a
869     connection to the potable water system for backup must install a Reduced Pressure Principle
870     Assembly (RP) directly downstream of the potable water connection (Stop and Waste) and
871     install a "dual source connection" directly downstream from the (RP) installed so that either the
872     potable water system or the nonpotable water is connected at any time to prevent a direct Cross
873     Connection and to protect the potable water from any potential hazard from the nonpotable
874     water system. See Utah Code Section 19-4-112. Note: RP must be tested within 10 days of
875     installation and annually whether the drinking water is used or not."
876          (17) IRC, Section P2910.9.5, is deleted and replaced with the following:

877          "P2910.9.5 Makeup water.
878          Where an uninterrupted nonpotable water supply is required for the intended
879     application, potable or reclaimed water shall be provided as a source of makeup water for the
880     storage tank. The makeup water supply shall be protected against backflow by means of an air
881     gap not less than 4 inches (102 millimeters) above the overflow or by a reduced pressure
882     backflow prevention assembly installed in accordance with Section 2902."
883          (18) In IRC, Section P2911.12.4, the following words are deleted: "and backwater
884     valves."
885          (19) In IRC, Section P2912.15.6, the following words are deleted: "and backwater
886     valves."
887          (20) In IRC, Section P3007.3.3.1, the words "stainless steel, cast iron, galvanized steel,
888     brass" are added after the word "PE."
889          (21) IRC, Section P3009, is deleted and replaced with the following:
890          "P3009 Graywater soil absorption systems: Graywater recycling systems utilized for
891     subsurface irrigation for single-family residences shall comply with the requirements of Utah
892     Administrative Code, R317-401, Graywater Systems. Graywater recycling systems utilized for
893     subsurface irrigation for other occupancies shall comply with Utah Administrative Code,
894     R317-3, Design Requirements for Wastewater Collection, Treatment, and Disposal Systems,
895     and Utah Administrative Code, R317-4, Onsite Wastewater Systems."
896          (22) In IRC, Section P3101.4, the following sentence is added at the end of the
897     paragraph: "Vents extending through the wall shall terminate not less than 12 inches from the
898     wall with an elbow pointing downward."
899          (23) In IRC, Section P3104.4, the following sentence is added at the end of the
900     paragraph: "Horizontal dry vents below the flood level rim shall be permitted for floor drain
901     and floor sink installations when installed below grade in accordance with Chapter 30, and
902     Sections P3104.2 and P3104.3. A wall cleanout shall be provided in the vertical vent."
903          (24) In IRC, Section E3401.2 the second sentence is modified by adding the words
904     "townhouses", after the word "dwellings" and the word "their" before the word "accessory" and
905     the following is added after "NFPA 70", "such as, but not limited to the following equipment:
906          (a) fixed outdoor electric deicing and snow-melting equipment;
907          (b) motors;

908          (c) generators;
909          (d) transformers;
910          (e) phase converters;
911          (f) stationary standby batteries;
912          (g) elevators;
913          (h) dumbwaiters;
914          (i) platform lifts;
915          (j) stairway chairlifts;
916          (k) electric vehicle power transfer systems;
917          (l) electric welders;
918          (m) audio signal processing, amplification, and reproduction equipment;
919          (n) information technology equipment;
920          (o) solar photovoltaic (PV) systems;
921          (p) optional standby systems;
922          (q) interconnected electric power production sources;
923          (r) energy storage systems; and
924          (s) energy management systems.
925          Section 8. Section 15A-3-206 is amended to read:
926          15A-3-206. Amendments to Chapters 36, 37, 39, and 44 and Appendix F of IRC.
927          (1) In IRC, Section E3601.6.2, a new exception is added as follows: "Exception: An
928     occupant of an accessory dwelling unit is not required to have access to the disconnect serving
929     the dwelling unit in which they reside."
930          (2) IRC, Section E3606.5, is deleted.
931          (3) IRC, Section E3901.4.2, is deleted and replaced with the following:
932          "E3901.4.2 Island and Peninsular Countertops and Work Spaces. Receptacle outlets, if
933     installed to serve an island or peninsular countertop or work surface, shall be installed in
934     accordance with E3901.4.3. If a receptacle outlet is not provided to serve an island or
935     peninsular countertop or work surface, provisions shall be provided at the island or peninsula
936     for future addition of a receptacle outlet to serve the island or peninsular countertop or work
937     surface.
938          (4) IRC, Section E3901.4.3, is deleted and replaced with the following:

939          "E3901.4.3 Receptacle Outlet Location. Receptacle outlets shall be located in one or
940     more of the following:
941          1. On or above, but not more than 20 inches (508 mm) above a countertop or work
942     surface.
943          2. In a countertop using receptacle outlet assemblies listed for use in countertops.
944          3. In a work surface using receptacle outlet assemblies listed for use in work surface or
945     listed for use in countertops.
946          Receptacle outlets rendered not readily accessible by appliances fastened in place,
947     appliance garages, sinks, or range tops as covered in the exception to Section E3901.4.1 or
948     appliances occupying assigned spaces shall not be considered as these required outlets.
949          4. Under the countertop not more than 14 inches from the bottom leading edge of the
950     countertop."
951          (5) In IRC, Section 3902.1, after the word "125-volt" add "single phase 15 and 20
952     ampere" and strike the words "through 250 volt."
953          (6) In IRC, Section 3902.2, after the word "125-volt" add "single phase 15 and 20
954     ampere" and strike the words "through 250 volt."
955          (7) In IRC, Section 3902.3, after the word "125-volt" add "single phase 15 and 20
956     ampere" and strike the words "through 250 volt."
957          (8) In IRC, Section 3902.4, after the word "125-volt" add "single phase 15 and 20
958     ampere" and strike the words "through 250 volt."
959          (9) In IRC, Section 3902.5, after the word "125-volt" add the words "single phase 15
960     and 20 ampere in unfinished portions of the basement shall have ground-fault
961     circuit-interrupter protection for personnel" and delete the rest of the section.
962          (10) In IRC, Section 3902.6, after the word "125-volt" add "single phase 15 and 20
963     ampere" and strike the words "through 250 volt."
964          (11) In IRC, Section 3902.7, after the word "125-volt" add "single phase 15 and 20
965     ampere" and strike the words "through 250 volt."
966          (12) In IRC, Section 3902.8, after the word "125-volt" add "single phase 15 and 20
967     ampere" and strike the words "through 250 volt."
968          (13) In IRC, Section 3902.9, after the word "125-volt" add "single phase 15 and 20
969     ampere" and strike the words "through 250 volt."

970          (14) IRC, Section 3902.10, is deleted.
971          (15) In IRC, Section 3902.12, after the word "125-volt" add "single phase 15 and 20
972     ampere" and strike the words "through 250 volt."
973          (16) In IRC, Section 3902.13, after the word "125-volt" add "single phase 15 and 20
974     ampere" and strike the words "through 250 volt."
975          (17) IRC, Section E3902.16 is deleted.
976          (18) IRC Section E3902.17 is deleted.
977          (19) IRC, Section E3902.18 is deleted.
978          (20) IRC, Chapter 44, is amended by deleting the standard for "ANCE."
979          (21) In IRC, Chapter 44, the standard for ASHRAE is amended by changing "34-2013"
980     to "34-2019."
981          (22) In IRC, Chapter 44, the standard for CSA, is amended by changing the:
982          (a) standard reference number "UL/CSA/ANCE 60335-2-40-2012" to "UL/CSA
983     60335-2-40-2019"; and
984          (b) title "Standard for Household and Similar Electrical Appliances, Part 2: Particular
985     Requirements for Motor-Compressors" to "Standard for Household and Similar Electrical
986     Appliances, Part 2-40, Requirements for Electric Heat Pumps, Air Conditioners and
987     Dehumidifiers-3rd Edition."
988          (23) In IRC, Chapter 44, the standard for UL, is amended by changing the:
989          (a) standard reference number "1995-2011" to "1995-2015";
990          (b) standard reference number "UL/CSA/ANCE 60335-2-40-2012" to "UL/CSA
991     60335-2-40-2019"; and
992          (c) title "Standard for Household and Similar Electrical Appliances, Part 2: Particular
993     Requirements for Motor-Compressors" to "Standard for Household and Similar Electrical
994     Appliances, Part 2-40, Requirements for Electric Heat Pumps, Air Conditioners and
995     Dehumidifiers-3rd Edition."
996          (24) In IRC, Chapter 44, the standard for ANSI/RESNET/ICC 201-2019 section 4.4.4
997     is added follows: "4.4.4. Air Source Heat Pumps and Air Conditioners. For Heat Pumps and
998     Air Conditioners with the more recent Manufacturers Equipment Performance Ratings (HSPF2
999     or SEER2) available, and HSPF and SEER are not available, these ratings shall be converted to
1000     HSPF and SEER values by dividing HSPF2 or SEER2 by the conversion factors in Table

1001 If the type of equipment is not determined, the conversion shall default to the
1002     Ducted Split System factors. All calculations, including Equation 4.1-1a shall use HSPF or
1003     SEER values as made available by the Manufacturer or converted as specified in this section.
1004          (a) (i) (A) Table SEER2 and HSPF2 Conversion Factors3.
1005      Equipment TypeSEER2/SEEREER/EER4HSPF/HSPF
1006      Ductless Systems1.001.000.90
1007      Ducted Split System0.950.950.85
1008      Ducted Package
1009      Small Duct High
Velocity System
1.00not applicable0.85
1010      Ducted

Air Conditioner
0.97not applicablenot applicable
1011      Ducted

Heat Pump
not applicable0.85
     (25) IRC, Chapter 44, is amended by adding the following reference standard:
1013      "Standard reference
TitleReferenced in code
section number
1014      USC-FCCCHR 10th
Edition Manual of
Cross Connection
Foundation for Cross-Connection
Control and Hydraulic Research
University of Southern California
Kaprielian Hall 300 Los Angeles CA
Table P2902.3"
1015          [(25)] (26) In IRC, Chapter 44, is amended by adding the following reference standard:
1016     "UL 9540-20: Energy Storage Systems and Equipment; R328.1, R328.2, and R328.6."
1017          [(26)] (27) (a) When passive radon controls or portions thereof are voluntarily
1018     installed, the voluntary installation shall comply with Appendix F of the IRC.
1019          (b) An additional inspection of a voluntary installation described in Subsection

1020     [(22)(a)] (27)(a) is not required.
1021          Section 9. Section 15A-3-401 is amended to read:
1022          15A-3-401. General provisions.
1023          (1) The amendments in this part are adopted as amendments to the IMC to be
1024     applicable statewide.
1025          (2) In IMC, Section 505.4, a new subsection 505.4.1 is added as follows: "505.4.1
1026     Makeup Air. Makeup air is not required in residential dwelling units where gas, liquid, or solid
1027     fuel-burning appliances located within a units air barrier are all direct-vent or use a mechanical
1028     draft venting system."
1029          (3) In IMC, Section 1004.2, the first sentence is deleted and replaced with the
1030     following: " In accordance with Title 34A, Chapter 7, Safety, and requirements made by rule by
1031     the Labor Commission, boilers and pressure vessels in Utah are regulated by the Utah Labor
1032     Commission, Division of Boiler, Elevator and Coal Mine Safety, except those located in
1033     private residences or in apartment houses of less than five family units. Boilers shall be
1034     installed in accordance with their listing and labeling, with minimum clearances as prescribed
1035     by the manufacturer's installation instructions and the state boiler code, whichever is greater."
1036          [(3)] (4) In IMC, Section 1004.3.1, the word "unlisted" is inserted before the word
1037     "boilers".
1038          [(4)] (5) In IMC, Section 1209.3, the following words are added at the end of the
1039     section: "or other methods approved for the application."
1040          Section 10. Section 15A-3-701 is amended to read:
1041          15A-3-701. General provisions.
1042          The following is adopted as an amendment to the IECC to be applicable statewide:
1043          (1) IECC, Section C405.11, is deleted and replaced with the following: "C405.11
1044     Automatic receptacle control. Automatic receptacle control to be optional and decided by
1045     property owner."
1046          (2) In IECC, Section R102.1.1, a new section R102.1.1 is added as follows: "R102.1.1
1047     National Green Building Standard complying with ICC 700-2020 National Green Building
1048     Standard and achieving the Gold rating level for the energy efficiency category shall be deemed
1049     to exceed the energy efficiency required by this code. The building shall also meet the
1050     requirements identified in table N1105.2 and the building thermal envelope efficiency is

1051     greater than or equal to levels of efficiency and solar heat gain coefficients (SHGC) in Tables
1052     N1102.2.2 and N1102.1.3 of the 2009 IRC."
1053          [(2)] (3) In IECC, Section R103.2, all words after the words "herein governed." are
1054     deleted and replaced with the following: "Construction documents include all documentation
1055     required [to be submitted in order to issue a building permit."] for building permits shall
1056     include only those items specified in 10-5-132(8) of the Utah Municipal Code."
1057          [(3)] (4) In IECC, Section R303.1.3 the following changes are made:
1058          (a) The following is added at the end of the first sentence "or EN
1059     14351-1:2006+A1:2010."
1060          (b) The word "accredited" is replaced with "approved" in the third sentence.
1061          (c) The following sentence is added after the third sentence: "A conversion factor of
1062     5.678 shall be used to convert from U values expressed in SI units: ()/53678=."
1063          (d) After "NFRC 200" the following words are added: "or EN
1064     14351-1:2006+A1:2010", and in the sentence the word "accredited" is replaced with the word
1065     "approved".
1066          (e) The following new sentence shall be inserted immediately prior to the last sentence:
1067     "Total Energy Transmittance values may be substituted for SHGC, and Luminous
1068     Transmission values may be substituted for VT."
1069          (5) In IECC, Section R303.3, all wording after the first sentence is deleted.
1070          [(4)] (6) In IECC, Section R401.2, [a new number 4 is added as follows:] in the first
1071     sentence, the words "Section R401.13.5 and" are deleted.
1072          ["4. Compliance may be shown by demonstrating a result, using the software
1073     RESCheck 2012 Utah Energy Conservation Code, of:]
1074          [(a) on or after January 1, 2017, and before January 1, 2019, "3 percent better than
1075     code";]
1076          [(b) on or after January 1, 2019, and before January 1, 2021, "4 percent better than
1077     code"; and]
1078          [(c) after January 1, 2021, "5 percent better than code"."]
1079          [(5) In IECC, Table R402.2, in the column entitled MASS WALL R-VALUE, a new
1080     footnote j is added as follows:]
1081          ["j. Log walls complying with ICC400 and with a minimum average wall thickness of 5

1082     inches or greater shall be permitted in Zones 5 through 8 when overall window glazing has a
1083     .31 U-factor or lower, minimum heating equipment efficiency is, for gas, 90 AFUE, or, for oil,
1084     84 AFUE, and all other component requirements are met."]
1085          (7) In IECC, Section R401.2.5 is deleted.
1086          (8) In IECC, Section R401.3 Number 7, the words "and the compliance path used" are
1087     deleted.
1088          (9) In IECC Table R402.1.2, the following changes are made:
1089          (a) in the column titled "Fenestration U-Factor" the following changes are made:
1090          (i) in the row titled "Climate Zone 3" delete 0.30 and replace it with 0.32;
1091          (ii) in the row titled "Climate Zone 5 and Marine 4" delete 0.30 and replace it with
1092     0.32; and
1093          (iii) in the row titled "Climate Zone 6" delete 0.30 and replace it with 0.32;
1094          (b) in the column titled "Glazed Fenestration SHGC", the following change is made: in
1095     the row titled "Climate Zone 3" delete 0.25 and replace it with 0.35;
1096          (c) in the column titled "Climate U-Factor" the following changes are made:
1097          (i) in the row titled "Climate Zone 3" delete 0.026 and replace it with 0.030;
1098          (ii) in the row titled "Climate Zone 5 and Marine 4" delete 0.024 and replace it with
1099     0.026; and
1100          (iii) in the row titled "Climate Zone 6" delete 0.024 and replace it with 0.026;
1101          (d) in the column titled "Wood Frame Wall U Factor", the following changes are made:
1102          (i) in the row titled "Climate Zone 3" delete 0.060 and replace it with 0.060;
1103          (ii) in the row titled "Climate Zone 5 and Marine 4" delete 0.045 and replace it with
1104     0.060; and
1105          (iii) in the row titled "Climate Zone 6" delete 0.045 and replace it with 0.060;
1106          (e) in the column titled "Basement wall U-Factor" the following changes are made:
1107          (i) in the row titled "Climate Zone 5 and Marine 4" delete 0.050 and replace it with
1108     0.075; and
1109          (ii) in the row titled "Climate Zone 6" delete 0.50 and replace it with0.065; and
1110          (f) in the column titled "Crawl Space Wall U-Factor" the following changes are made:
1111          (i) in the row titled "Climate Zone 5 and Marine 4" delete 0.055 and replace it with
1112     0.078; and

1113          (ii) in the row titled Climate Zone 6 delete 0.55 and replace it with 0.065.
1114          (10) In IECC, Table R402.1.3 the following changes are made:
1115          (a) in the column titled "Fenestration U-Factor" the following changes are made:
1116          (i) in the row titled "Climate Zone 3" delete 0.30 and replace it with 0.32;
1117          (ii) in the row titled "Climate Zone 5 and Marine 4" delete 0.30 and replace it with
1118     0.32; and
1119          (iii) in the row titled "Climate Zone 6" delete 0.30 and replace it with 0.32;
1120          (b) in the column titled "Glazed Fenestration" SHGC the following change is made: in
1121     the row titled Climate Zone 3" deleted 0.25 and replace it with 0.35;
1122          (c) in the Column R-Value the following changes are made:
1123          (i) in the row titled "Climate Zone 3" delete 49 and replace it with 38;
1124          (ii) in the row titled "Climate Zone 5 and Marine 4" delete 60 and replace it with 49;
1125     and
1126          (iii) in the row titled "Climate Zone 6" delete 60 and replace it with 49;
1127          (d) in the Column titled "Wood Frame Wall R-Value" the following changes are made:
1128          (i) in the row titled "Climate Zone 3" delete all values and replace with "20+ Oci or
1129     13+5ci or 0+15ci";
1130          (ii) in the row titled "Climate Zone 5 or Marine 4" delete all values and replace with
1131     21+Oci or 15+5ci or 0+15ci"; and
1132          (iii) in the row titled Climate Zone 6 delete all values and replace with "21+Oci or
1133     "15+5ci or 0+15ci";
1134          (e) in the column titled "Basement Wall R-Value" the following changes are made:
1135          (i) in the row titled "Climate Zone 5 or Marine 4" delete all values and replace with
1136     "15+Oci or 0+11ci or 11+5ci"; and
1137          (ii) in the row titled Climate Zone 6 delete all values and replace with "19+Oci or
1138     0+13ci or 11+5ci";
1139          (f) in the column titled "Slab R-Value and Depth" the following changes are made:
1140          (i) in the row titled "Climate Zone 3" delete "10ci. 2ft" and replace it with "NR"; and
1141          (ii) in the row titled "Climate Zone 5 & Marine 4" delete "4 ft" and replace it with "2
1142     ft";
1143          (g) in the column titled "Crawl Space Wall R-Value" the following changes are made:

1144          (i) in the row titled "Climate Zone 5 or Marine 4" delete all values and replace with
1145     "15+ Oci or 0 + 11ci or 11 +5ci"; and
1146          (ii) in the row titled Climate Zone 6 delete all values and replace with "19 + Oci or 0 +
1147     13ci or 0 + 11 + 5 ci"; and
1148          (h) in IECC, Table R402.2, in the column titled "MASS WALL R-VALUE", a new
1149     footnote "j" is added as follows: "j Log walls complying with ICC400 and with a minimum
1150     average wall thickness of 5 inches or greater shall be permitted in "Zones 5 through 8" when
1151     overall window glazing has a .31 U-factor or lower, minimum heating equipment efficiency is
1152     90 AFUE (gas) or 84 AFUE (oil), and all other component requirements are met."
1153          [(6)] (11) In IECC, a new subsection R402.1.5.1 is added as follows: "R402.1.5.1
1154     RESCheck 2012 Utah Energy Conservation Code. Compliance with section N1102.1.5
1155     (R402.1.5) may be satisfied using the software RESCheck 2012 Utah Energy Conservation
1156     Code, which shall satisfy the R-value and U-factor requirements of N1102.1, N1102.2, and
1157     N1102.3, provided the following conditions are met:
1158          (a) In Climate Zone 5 and 6 the software result shall show 5% better than code; and
1159          (b) In Climate Zone 3, the software result shall show 5% better than code when
1160     software inputs for window U-factor = 0.65 and window SHGC = 0.40, notwithstanding actual
1161     windows installed shall conform to requirements of Tables N1102.1.2 (R402.1.2) and
1162     N1102.1.3 (R402.1.3)."
1163          (12) In IECC, Section R402.2.1, a new section is added as follows: "R402.2.1.1.
1164     Unvented attic and unvented enclosed rafter assemblies. Unvented attic and unvented enclosed
1165     rafter assemblies conforming to Section R806.5 shall be provided with an R-value of R-22
1166     (maximum U-Factor of 0.045) in Climate Zone 3-B or an R-value of R-26 (maximum U-factor
1167     of 0.038) in Climate Zones 5-B and 6-B shall be permitted provided all the following
1168     conditions are met:
1169          1. The unvented attic assembly complies with the requirements of the International
1170     Residential Code, Section R806.5.
1171          2. The house shall attain a blower door test result < 2.5ACH 50.
1172          3. The house shall require a whole house mechanical ventilation system that does not
1173     rely solely on a negative pressure strategy (must be positive, balanced or hybrid).
1174          4. Where insulation is installed below the roof deck and the exposed portion of roof

1175     rafters are not already covered by the R-20 depth of the air-impermeable insulation, the
1176     exposed portion of the roof rafters shall be wrapped (covered) by minimum R-3 unless directly
1177     covered by drywall/finished ceiling. Roof rafters are not required to be covered by minimum
1178     R-3 if a continuous insulation is installed above the roof deck."
1179          5. Indoor heating, cooling and ventilation equipment (including ductwork) shall be
1180     inside the building thermal envelope.
1181          [(7)] (13) A new IECC, Section R402.2.1.3 is added as follows: "R402.2.1.3 Walls
1182     with Air-Impermeable Insulation. Where IECC Table R402.1.2 requires R-20 for wood framed
1183     walls in climate zones 3-B and 5-B or R-20+5CI for climate zone 6-B, an air-impermeable
1184     insulation installed in the wall cavity with R-value of R-15 for climate zones 3-B and 5-B or
1185     R-20 for climate zone 6-B shall be deemed equivalent to the provisions in IECC Table
1186     R402.1.2, provided the home attains a blower door test < 2.5ACH."
1187          (14) In IECC, Section R402.2.9.1 the numeral "(i)" is added before the words "cut at a
1188     45 degree" and the following is added after the words "exterior wall:": "or (ii) lowered from
1189     top of slab 4" when a 4" thermal break material such as, but not limited to, felt or asphalt
1190     impregnated fiber board, with a minimum thickness of 1/4" is installed at the upper 4" of slab."
1191          (15) In IECC, Section R402.4.1, in the first sentence, the word "and" is deleted and
1192     replaced with the word "or".
1193          [(8)] (16) In IECC, Section R402.4.1.1, the [last sentence is] second and the last
1194     sentences are deleted and replaced with the following: "Where [allowed] required by the code
1195     official, the builder [may] shall certify compliance [to components criteria for items which may
1196     not be inspected during regularly scheduled inspections] with criteria indicated in Table
1197     R1102.4.1 for items which are not readily visible during regularly scheduled inspections."
1198          [(9)] (17) In IECC, Table R402.4.1.1 in the column titled "COMPONENT", the
1199     following changes are made:
1200          (a) In the row "Rim Joists" the word "exterior" in the first sentence is deleted, and the
1201     second sentence is deleted.
1202          (b) In the row "Electrical/phone box on the exterior walls" the last sentence is deleted
1203     and replaced with: "Alternatively, close cell foam, caulking or gaskets may be used, or air
1204     sealed boxes may be installed."
1205          (18) In IECC, Section R402.4.1.2, the following changes are made:

1206          (a) In the [first] fourth sentence[:], the word "third" is deleted.
1207          [(i) "The building or dwelling unit" is deleted and replaced with "A single-family
1208     dwelling";]
1209          [(ii) after January 1, 2019, replace the word "five" with "3.5"; and]
1210          [(iii) the words "in Climate Zones 1 and 2, and three air changes per hour in Climate
1211     Zones 3 through 8" are deleted.]
1212          (b) The following sentence is [inserted after the first sentence: "A multi-family
1213     dwelling and townhouse shall be tested and verified as having an air leakage rate of not
1214     exceeding five air changes per hour."] added after the fourth sentence:
1215          [(c) In the third sentence, the word "third" is deleted.]
1216          [(d) The following sentence is inserted after the third sentence:] "The following parties
1217     shall be approved to conduct testing: Parties certified by BPI or RESNET, or licensed
1218     contractors who have completed training provided by Blower Door Test equipment
1219     manufacturers or other comparable training."
1220          (c) In the first Exception the second sentence is deleted.
1221          [(10) In IECC, Section R403.3.3, the exception for duct air leakage testing is deleted
1222     and replaced with the following:]
1223          [(a) on or after January 1, 2017, and before January 1, 2019, with the following:
1224     "Exception: The total leakage test is not required for systems with all air handlers and at least
1225     65% of all ducts (measured by length) located entirely within the building thermal envelope.";]
1226          [(b) on or after January 1, 2019, and before January 1, 2021, with the following:
1227     "Exception: The duct air leakage test is not required for systems with all air handlers and at
1228     least 75% of all ducts (measured by length) located entirely within the building thermal
1229     envelope."; and]
1230          [(c) on or after January 1, 2021, with the following: "Exception: The duct air leakage
1231     test is not required for systems with all air handlers and at least 80% of all ducts (measured by
1232     length) located entirely within the building thermal envelope."]
1233          [(11) In IECC, Section R403.3.3, the following is added after the exception:]
1234          ["The following parties shall be approved to conduct testing:]
1235          [1. Parties certified by BPI or RESNET.]
1236          [2. Licensed contractors who have completed training provided by Duct Test equipment

1237     manufacturers or other comparable training."]
1238          [(12) In IECC, Section R403.3.4:]
1239          [(a) in Subsection 1, the number 4 is changed to 8, the number 113.3 is changed to 170,
1240     the number 3 is changed to 6, and the number 85 is changed to 114.6; and]
1241          [(b) in Subsection 2:]
1242          [(i) on or after January 1, 2017, and before January 1, 2019, the number 4 is changed to
1243     8 and the number 113.3 is changed to 226.5;]
1244          [(ii) on or after January 1, 2019, and before January 1, 2021, the number 4 is changed
1245     to 7 and the number 113.3 is changed to 198.2; and]
1246          [(iii) on or after January 1, 2021, the number 4 is changed to 6 and the number 113.3 is
1247     changed to 169.9.]
1248          (19) In IECC, Section R402.4.1.3 the following changes are made:
1249          (a) in the first sentence, the words 5.0 air changes per hour in Climate Zones 0, 1 and 2,
1250     and 3.0 are deleted and replaced with 4.0., and the words in Climate Zone 3 through 8 are
1251     deleted;
1252          (b) in the first sentence of the Exception, 0.28 is replaced with 5.0 air changes per hour
1253     or 0.30; and
1254          (c) in Number 2 the words of "conditioned floor area" are inserted before the words "or
1255     smaller."
1256          (20) IECC, Section R402.6 is deleted.
1257          (21) In IECC, Section R403.3.1 is deleted and replaced with the following: "Ducts
1258     located outside conditioned space. Supply and return ducts in attics shall be insulated to a
1259     minimum of R-8 where 3 inches (76.2 mm) in diameter and greater and R-6 where less than 3
1260     inches (76.2 mm) in diameter. Supply and return ducts in other portions of the building shall be
1261     insulated to a minimum of R-6 where 3 inches (76.2 mm) in diameter or greater and R-4.2
1262     where less than 3 inches (76.2 mm) in diameter. Exception: Ducts or portions thereof located
1263     completely inside the building thermal envelope."
1264          (22) In IECC, Section R403.3.3, is deleted.
1265          (23) In IECC, Section R403.3.3.1 is deleted.
1266          [(13)] (24) In IECC, Section R403.3.5, the [words "or plenums" are deleted.] following
1267     changes are made:

1268          (a) A second Exception is added as follows: "A duct leakage test shall not be required
1269     for any system designed such that no air handlers or ducts are located within unconditioned
1270     attics."
1271          (b) The following is added at the end of the section: "The following parties shall be
1272     approved to conduct testing:
1273          (i) Parties certified by BPT or RESNET
1274          (ii) Licensed contractors who have completed training provided by Duct Test
1275     equipment manufacturers or other comparable training."
1276          [(14) In IECC, Section R403.5.3, Subsection 5 is deleted and Subsections 6 and 7 are
1277     renumbered.]
1278          (25) In IECC, Section N1103.3.6 (R403.3.6) the following changes are made:
1279          (a) in Subsection 1:
1280          (i) the number 4.0 is changed to 6.0;
1281          (ii) the number 113.3 is changed to 170;
1282          (iii) the number 3.0 is changed to 5.0; and
1283          (iv) the number 85 is changed to 141;
1284          (b) in Subsection 2:
1285          (i) the number 4.0 is changed to 5.0; and
1286          (ii) the number113.3 is changed to 141; and
1287          (c) Subsection 3 is deleted.
1288          (26) In IECC, Section N1103.3.7 (R403.3.7) the words "or plenums" are deleted.
1289          (27) In IECC, Section N1103.5.1.1 (R403.5.1.1) the words "Where installed" are added
1290     at the beginning of the first sentence.
1291          [(15)] (28) IECC, Section [R403.6.1] R403.6.2, is deleted and replaced with the
1292     following: ["R403.6.1] "R403.6.2 Whole-house mechanical ventilation system fan efficacy.
1293     Fans used to provide whole-house mechanical ventilation shall meet the efficacy requirements
1294     of Table [R403.6.1] R403.6.2."
1295          "Exception: Where an air handler that is integral to tested and listed HVAC equipment
1296     is used to provide whole-house mechanical ventilation, the air handler shall be powered by an
1297     electronically commutated motor."
1298          [(16)] (29) In IECC, Section [R403.6.1] R403.6.2, the table is deleted and replaced

1299     with the following:
1300          "TABLE [R403.6.1] R403.6.2"
1.2 cfm/watt
Range hoods
2.8 cfm/watt
In-line fan
2.8 cfm/watt
1306      Bathroom, utility room
1.4 cfm/watt
< 90
1307      Bathroom, utility room
2.8 cfm/watt
1308          [(17) In IECC, Section R406.5, the table is deleted and replaced with the following:]
1309          ["TABLE R406.5]
1315          [(18)] (30) IECC, Section R403.6.3 is deleted
1316          (31) In IECC, Section R403.7 the word "approved" is deleted in the first sentence and
1317     the following is added after the word "methodologies": "complying with R403.7.1."
1318          (32) A new IECC, Section R403.7.1, is added as follows: "R403.7.1 Qualifications. An
1319     individual performing load calculations shall be qualified by completing HVAC training from
1320     one of the following:
1321          1. HVAC load calculation education from ACCA;
1322          2. A recognized educational institution;
1323          3. HVAC equipment manufacturer's training; or
1324          4. Other recognized industry certification."
1325          (33) In IECC, Section R404.1, the word "All" is replaced with "Not less than 90
1326     percent of the lamps in."

1327          (34) IECC, Section R404.1.1 is deleted.
1328          (35) IECC, Section R404.2is deleted.
1329          (36) IECC, Section R404.3 is deleted.
1330          (37) In IECC, Section R405.2 the following changes are made:
1331          (a) in Subsection 3 the words "approved by the code official" are deleted; and
1332          (b) in Subsection 3 the following words are added at the end of the sentence: "when
1333     applicable and readily available."
1334          (38) in IECC, Section R406.3 "Building thermal envelope" is deleted, and replaced
1335     with the following: "Building thermal envelope and on-site renewables. The proposed total
1336     building thermal envelope UA, which is the sum of U-factor times assembly area, shall be less
1337     than or equal to the building thermal envelope UA using the prescriptive U-factors From Table
1338     N1102.1.2 multiplied by 1.15 in accordance with Equation 11-4. The area-weighted maximum
1339     fenestration SHGC permitted in Climate Zones 0 through 3 shall be 0.30.UAProposed design =
1340     1.15 x UAPrescriptive reference design (Equation 11-4) "
1341          (39) in IECC, Section R406.3.1 is deleted.
1342          (40) in IECC, Section R406.3.2 is deleted.
1343          (41) in IECC, Section R406.4 the following changes are made:
1344          (a) in the first sentence, the words "in accordance with Equation 11-5" are deleted and
1345     replaced with: "permitted to be calculated using the minimum total air exchange Rate for the
1346     rated home (Qtot) and for the index adjustment factor in accordance with Equation 11.5.";
1347          (b) in equation 11-5, the words "Ventilation rate, CFM" are deleted and replaced with:
1348     "Qtot"; and
1349          (c) in the last sentence the number "5" is deleted and replaced with "15".
1350          (42) In IECC, Section R406.5 in the column titled ENERGY RATING INDEX of
1351     Table R406.5, the following changes are made:
1352          (a) in the row for Climate Zone 3, "51" is deleted and replaced with "65";
1353          (b) in the row for Climate Zone 5, "55" is deleted and replaced with "69"; and
1354          (c) in the row for Climate Zone 6 "54" is deleted and replaced with "68".
1355          (43) In IECC, Section R408 is deleted.
1356          (44) In IECC, Chapter 6, the standard for ANSI/RESNET/ICC 201-2019 section 4.4.4
1357     is added as follows: "4.4.4. Air Source Heat Pumps and Air Conditioners. For Heat Pumps and

1358     Air Conditioners with the more recent Manufacturers Equipment Performance Ratings (HSPF2
1359     or SEER2) available, and HSPF and SEER are not available, these ratings shall be converted to
1360     HSPF and SEER values by dividing HSPF2 or SEER2 by the conversion factors in Table
1361 If the type of equipment is not determined, the conversion shall default to the
1362     Ducted Split System factors. All calculations, including Equation 4.1-1a shall use HSPF or
1363     SEER values as made available by the Manufacturer or converted as specified in this section.
1364     Table SEER2 and HSPF2 Conversion "
1365      Equipment TypeSEER2/SEEREER2/EER4HSPF2/HSPF
1366      Ductless Systems1.001.000.90
1367      Ducted Split System0.950.950.85
1368      Ducted Packaged
1369      Small Duct High
Velocity System
1.00Not Applicable0.85
1370      Ducted

Air Conditioner
0.97Not ApplicableNot Applicable
1371      Ducted

Heat Pump
0.99Not Applicable0.85"

1372          Section 11. Section 15A-3-801 is amended to read:
1373          15A-3-801. General provisions.
1374          The following are adopted as amendments to the IEBC and are applicable statewide:
1375          (1) In IEBC, Section 202, the definition for "Approved" is modified by adding the
1376     words "or independent third-party licensed engineer or architect and submitted to the building
1377     official after the word official."
1378          (2) In Section 202, the following definition is added: "BUILDING OFFICIAL. See
1379     Code Official."
1380          [(2)] (3) In Section 202, the definition for "code official" is deleted and replaced with

1381     the following:
1382          "CODE OFFICIAL. The officer or other designated authority having jurisdiction
1383     (AHJ) charged with the administration and enforcement of this code."
1384          [(3)] (4) In Section 202, the definition for existing buildings is deleted and replaced
1385     with the following:
1386          "EXISTING BUILDING. A building that is not a dangerous building and that was
1387     either lawfully erected under a prior adopted code, or deemed a legal non-conforming building
1388     by the code official."
1389          [(4)] (5) In IEBC, Section 302.3 the following is added after the words "code official"
1390     in the last sentence: "or independent third-party licensed engineer or architect and submitted to
1391     the building official."
1392          (6) In Section 301.3, the exception is deleted.
1393          [(5) In Section 305.4.2, number 7 is added after number 6 as follows: "7. When a
1394     change of occupancy in a building or portion of a building results in a Group R-2 occupancy,
1395     not less than 20% of the dwelling or sleeping units shall be Type-B dwelling or sleeping units.
1396     These dwelling or sleeping units may be located on any floor of the building provided with an
1397     accessible route. Two percent, but not less than one unit, of the dwelling or sleeping units shall
1398     be Type-A dwelling units."]
1399          [(6)] (7) Section 503.6 is deleted and replaced with the following:
1400          "503.6 Bracing for unreinforced masonry parapets and other appendages upon
1401     reroofing.
1402          Where the intended alteration requires a permit for reroofing and involves removal of
1403     roofing materials from more than 25% of the roof area of a building assigned to Seismic
1404     Design Category D, E, or F that has parapets constructed of unreinforced masonry or
1405     appendages such as cornices, spires, towers, tanks, signs, statuary, etc., the work shall include
1406     installation of bracing to resist out-of-plane seismic forces, unless an evaluation demonstrates
1407     compliance of such items. Reduced seismic forces are permitted for design purposes."
1408          [(7) In Section 705.1, Exception number 3, the following is added at the end of the
1409     exception:]
1410          ["This exception does not apply if the existing facility is undergoing a change of
1411     occupancy classification."]

1412          (8) Section 706.3.1 is deleted and replaced with the following:
1413          "706.3.1 Bracing for unreinforced masonry bearing wall parapets and other appendages.
1414          Where a permit is issued for reroofing more than 25 percent of the roof area of a
1415     building assigned to Seismic Design Category D, E, or F that has parapets constructed of
1416     unreinforced masonry or appendages such as cornices, spires, towers, tanks, signs, statuary,
1417     etc., the work shall include installation of bracing to resist the reduced International Building
1418     Code level seismic forces as specified in Section 303 of this code unless an evaluation
1419     demonstrates compliance of such items."
1420          (9) Section 906.6 is deleted and replaced with the following:
1421          "906.6 Bracing for unreinforced masonry parapets and other appendages upon
1422     reroofing.
1423          Where the intended alteration requires a permit for reroofing and involves removal of
1424     roofing materials from more than 25% of the roof area of a building assigned to Seismic
1425     Design Category D, E, or F that has parapets constructed of unreinforced masonry or
1426     appendages such as cornices, spires, towers, tanks, signs, statuary, etc., the work shall include
1427     installation of bracing to resist out-of-plane seismic forces, unless an evaluation demonstrates
1428     compliance with such items. Reduced seismic forces are permitted for design purposes."
1429          (10) (a) Section 1006.3 is deleted and replaced with the following:
1430          "1006.3 Seismic Loads. Where a change of occupancy results in a building being
1431     assigned to a higher risk category, or when a change of occupancy results in a design occupant
1432     load increase of 100% or more, the building shall satisfy the requirements of Section 1613 of
1433     the International Building Code using full seismic forces."
1434          (b) Section 1006.3, exceptions 1 through 3 remain unchanged.
1435          (c) In Section 1006.3, add a new exception 5 as follows:
1436          " 5. Where the design occupant load increase is less than 25 occupants and the
1437     occupancy category does not change."
1438          (11) In Section [1012.7.3] 1011.7.3, exception 2 is deleted.
1439     The following section is affected by a coordination clause at the end of this bill.
1440          Section 12. Section 15A-5-103 is amended to read:
1441          15A-5-103. Nationally recognized codes incorporated by reference.
1442          The following codes are incorporated by reference into the State Fire Code:

1443          (1) the International Fire Code, 2021 edition, excluding appendices, as issued by the
1444     International Code Council, Inc., except as amended by Part 2, Statewide Amendments and
1445     Additions to International Fire Code Incorporated as Part of State Fire Code;
1446          (2) National Fire Protection Association, NFPA 1, Chapter 38, Marijuana Growing,
1447     Processing, and Extraction Facilities, 2018 edition;
1448          (3) National Fire Protection Association, NFPA 54, National Fuel Gas Code, [2021]
1449     2024 edition; and
1450          (4) National Fire Protection Association, NFPA 58, Liquefied Petroleum Gas Code,
1451     [2023] 2024 edition.
1452          Section 13. Section 58-55-102 is amended to read:
1453          58-55-102. Definitions.
1454          In addition to the definitions in Section 58-1-102, as used in this chapter:
1455          (1) (a) "Alarm business" or "alarm company" means a person engaged in the sale,
1456     installation, maintenance, alteration, repair, replacement, servicing, or monitoring of an alarm
1457     system, except as provided in Subsection (1)(b).
1458          (b) "Alarm business" or "alarm company" does not include:
1459          (i) a person engaged in the manufacture or sale of alarm systems unless:
1460          (A) that person is also engaged in the installation, maintenance, alteration, repair,
1461     replacement, servicing, or monitoring of alarm systems;
1462          (B) the manufacture or sale occurs at a location other than a place of business
1463     established by the person engaged in the manufacture or sale; or
1464          (C) the manufacture or sale involves site visits at the place or intended place of
1465     installation of an alarm system; or
1466          (ii) an owner of an alarm system, or an employee of the owner of an alarm system who
1467     is engaged in installation, maintenance, alteration, repair, replacement, servicing, or monitoring
1468     of the alarm system owned by that owner.
1469          (2) "Alarm company agent":
1470          (a) except as provided in Subsection (2)(b), means any individual employed within this
1471     state by an alarm business; and
1472          (b) does not include an individual who:
1473          (i) is not engaged in the sale, installation, maintenance, alteration, repair, replacement,

1474     servicing, or monitoring of an alarm system; and
1475          (ii) does not, during the normal course of the individual's employment with an alarm
1476     business, use or have access to sensitive alarm system information.
1477          (3) "Alarm company officer" means:
1478          (a) a governing person, as defined in Section 48-3a-102, of an alarm company;
1479          (b) an individual appointed as an officer of an alarm company that is a corporation in
1480     accordance with Section 16-10a-830;
1481          (c) a general partner, as defined in Section 48-2e-102, of an alarm company; or
1482          (d) a partner, as defined in Section 48-1d-102, of an alarm company.
1483          (4) "Alarm company owner" means:
1484          (a) a shareholder, as defined in Section 16-10a-102, who owns directly, or indirectly
1485     through an entity controlled by the individual, 5% or more of the outstanding shares of an
1486     alarm company that:
1487          (i) is a corporation; and
1488          (ii) is not publicly listed or traded; or
1489          (b) an individual who owns directly, or indirectly through an entity controlled by the
1490     individual, 5% or more of the equity of an alarm company that is not a corporation.
1491          (5) "Alarm company proprietor" means the sole proprietor of an alarm company that is
1492     registered as a sole proprietorship with the Division of Corporations and Commercial Code.
1493          (6) "Alarm company trustee" means an individual with control of or power of
1494     administration over property held in trust.
1495          (7) (a) "Alarm system" means equipment and devices assembled for the purpose of:
1496          (i) detecting and signaling unauthorized intrusion or entry into or onto certain
1497     premises; or
1498          (ii) signaling a robbery or attempted robbery on protected premises.
1499          (b) "Alarm system" includes a battery-charged suspended-wire system or fence that is
1500     part of and interfaces with an alarm system for the purposes of detecting and deterring
1501     unauthorized intrusion or entry into or onto certain premises.
1502          (8) "Apprentice electrician" means a person licensed under this chapter as an
1503     apprentice electrician who is learning the electrical trade under the immediate supervision of a
1504     master electrician, residential master electrician, a journeyman electrician, or a residential

1505     journeyman electrician.
1506          (9) "Apprentice plumber" means a person licensed under this chapter as an apprentice
1507     plumber who is learning the plumbing trade under the immediate supervision of a master
1508     plumber, residential master plumber, journeyman plumber, or a residential journeyman
1509     plumber.
1510          (10) "Approved continuing education" means instruction provided through courses
1511     under a program established under Subsection 58-55-302.5(2).
1512          (11) (a) "Approved prelicensure course provider" means a provider that is the
1513     Associated General Contractors of Utah, the Utah Chapter of the Associated Builders and
1514     Contractors, or the Utah Home Builders Association, and that meets the requirements
1515     established by rule by the commission with the concurrence of the director, to teach the
1516     25-hour course described in Subsection 58-55-302(1)(e)(iii).
1517          (b) "Approved prelicensure course provider" may only include a provider that, in
1518     addition to any other locations, offers the 25-hour course described in Subsection
1519     58-55-302(1)(e)(iii) at least six times each year in one or more counties other than Salt Lake
1520     County, Utah County, Davis County, or Weber County.
1521          (12) "Board" means the Electrician Licensing Board, Alarm System Security and
1522     Licensing Board, or Plumbers Licensing Board created in Section 58-55-201.
1523          (13) "Combustion system" means an assembly consisting of:
1524          (a) piping and components with a means for conveying, either continuously or
1525     intermittently, natural gas from the outlet of the natural gas provider's meter to the burner of the
1526     appliance;
1527          (b) the electric control and combustion air supply and venting systems, including air
1528     ducts; and
1529          (c) components intended to achieve control of quantity, flow, and pressure.
1530          (14) "Commission" means the Construction Services Commission created under
1531     Section 58-55-103.
1532          (15) "Construction trade" means any trade or occupation involving:
1533          (a) (i) construction, alteration, remodeling, repairing, wrecking or demolition, addition
1534     to, or improvement of any building, highway, road, railroad, dam, bridge, structure, excavation
1535     or other project, development, or improvement to other than personal property; and

1536          (ii) constructing, remodeling, or repairing a manufactured home or mobile home as
1537     defined in Section 15A-1-302; or
1538          (b) installation or repair of a residential or commercial natural gas appliance or
1539     combustion system.
1540          (16) "Construction trades instructor" means a person licensed under this chapter to
1541     teach one or more construction trades in both a classroom and project environment, where a
1542     project is intended for sale to or use by the public and is completed under the direction of the
1543     instructor, who has no economic interest in the project.
1544          (17) (a) "Contractor" means any person who for compensation other than wages as an
1545     employee undertakes any work in the construction, plumbing, or electrical trade for which
1546     licensure is required under this chapter and includes:
1547          (i) a person who builds any structure on the person's own property for the purpose of
1548     sale or who builds any structure intended for public use on the person's own property;
1549          (ii) any person who represents that the person is a contractor, or will perform a service
1550     described in this Subsection (17)by advertising on a website or social media, or any other
1551     means;
1552          (iii) any person engaged as a maintenance person, other than an employee, who
1553     regularly engages in activities set forth under the definition of "construction trade";
1554          (iv) any person engaged in, or offering to engage in, any construction trade for which
1555     licensure is required under this chapter; or
1556          (v) a construction manager, construction consultant, construction assistant, or any other
1557     person who, for a fee:
1558          (A) performs or offers to perform construction consulting;
1559          (B) performs or offers to perform management of construction subcontractors;
1560          (C) provides or offers to provide a list of subcontractors or suppliers; or
1561          (D) provides or offers to provide management or counseling services on a construction
1562     project.
1563          (b) "Contractor" does not include:
1564          (i) an alarm company or alarm company agent; or
1565          (ii) a material supplier who provides consulting to customers regarding the design and
1566     installation of the material supplier's products.

1567          (18) (a) "Electrical trade" means the performance of any electrical work involved in the
1568     installation, construction, alteration, change, repair, removal, or maintenance of facilities,
1569     buildings, or appendages or appurtenances.
1570          (b) "Electrical trade" does not include:
1571          (i) transporting or handling electrical materials;
1572          (ii) preparing clearance for raceways for wiring;
1573          (iii) work commonly done by unskilled labor on any installations under the exclusive
1574     control of electrical utilities;
1575          (iv) work involving cable-type wiring that does not pose a shock or fire-initiation
1576     hazard; or
1577          (v) work involving class two or class three power-limited circuits as defined in the
1578     National Electrical Code.
1579          (19) "Elevator" means the same as that term is defined in Section 34A-7-202, except
1580     that for purposes of this chapter it does not mean a stair chair, a vertical platform lift, or an
1581     incline platform lift.
1582          (20) "Elevator contractor" means a sole proprietor, firm, or corporation licensed under
1583     this chapter that is engaged in the business of erecting, constructing, installing, altering,
1584     servicing, repairing, or maintaining an elevator.
1585          (21) "Elevator mechanic" means an individual who is licensed under this chapter as an
1586     elevator mechanic and who is engaged in erecting, constructing, installing, altering, servicing,
1587     repairing, or maintaining an elevator under the immediate supervision of an elevator contractor.
1588          (22) "Employee" means an individual as defined by the division by rule giving
1589     consideration to the definition adopted by the Internal Revenue Service and the Department of
1590     Workforce Services.
1591          (23) "Engage in a construction trade" means to:
1592          (a) engage in, represent oneself to be engaged in, or advertise oneself as being engaged
1593     in a construction trade; or
1594          (b) use the name "contractor" or "builder" or in any other way lead a reasonable person
1595     to believe one is or will act as a contractor.
1596          (24) (a) "Financial responsibility" means a demonstration of a current and expected
1597     future condition of financial solvency evidencing a reasonable expectation to the division and

1598     the board that an applicant or licensee can successfully engage in business as a contractor
1599     without jeopardy to the public health, safety, and welfare.
1600          (b) Financial responsibility may be determined by an evaluation of the total history
1601     concerning the licensee or applicant including past, present, and expected condition and record
1602     of financial solvency and business conduct.
1603          (25) "Gas appliance" means any device that uses natural gas to produce light, heat,
1604     power, steam, hot water, refrigeration, or air conditioning.
1605          (26) (a) "General building contractor" means a person licensed under this chapter as a
1606     general building contractor qualified by education, training, experience, and knowledge to
1607     perform or superintend construction of structures for the support, shelter, and enclosure of
1608     persons, animals, chattels, or movable property of any kind or any of the components of that
1609     construction except plumbing, electrical work, mechanical work, work related to the operating
1610     integrity of an elevator, and manufactured housing installation, for which the general building
1611     contractor shall employ the services of a contractor licensed in the particular specialty, except
1612     that a general building contractor engaged in the construction of single-family and multifamily
1613     residences up to four units may perform the mechanical work and hire a licensed plumber or
1614     electrician as an employee.
1615          (b) The division may by rule exclude general building contractors from engaging in the
1616     performance of other construction specialties in which there is represented a substantial risk to
1617     the public health, safety, and welfare, and for which a license is required unless that general
1618     building contractor holds a valid license in that specialty classification.
1619          (27) (a) "General electrical contractor" means a person licensed under this chapter as a
1620     general electrical contractor qualified by education, training, experience, and knowledge to
1621     perform the fabrication, construction, and installation of generators, transformers, conduits,
1622     raceways, panels, switch gear, electrical wires, fixtures, appliances, or apparatus that uses
1623     electrical energy.
1624          (b) The scope of work of a general electrical contractor may be further defined by rules
1625     made by the commission, with the concurrence of the director, in accordance with Title 63G,
1626     Chapter 3, Utah Administrative Rulemaking Act.
1627          (28) (a) "General engineering contractor" means a person licensed under this chapter as
1628     a general engineering contractor qualified by education, training, experience, and knowledge to

1629     perform or superintend construction of fixed works or components of fixed works requiring
1630     specialized engineering knowledge and skill in any of the following:
1631          (i) irrigation;
1632          (ii) drainage;
1633          (iii) water power;
1634          (iv) water supply;
1635          (v) flood control;
1636          (vi) an inland waterway;
1637          (vii) a harbor;
1638          (viii) a railroad;
1639          (ix) a highway;
1640          (x) a tunnel;
1641          (xi) an airport;
1642          (xii) an airport runway;
1643          (xiii) a sewer;
1644          (xiv) a bridge;
1645          (xv) a refinery;
1646          (xvi) a pipeline;
1647          (xvii) a chemical plant;
1648          (xviii) an industrial plant;
1649          (xix) a pier;
1650          (xx) a foundation;
1651          (xxi) a power plant; [or]
1652          (xxii) a utility plant or installation[.]; or
1653          (xxiii) underground electric utility conduit.
1654          (b) A general engineering contractor may not perform or superintend:
1655          (i) construction of a structure built primarily for the support, shelter, and enclosure of
1656     persons, animals, and chattels; or
1657          (ii) performance of:
1658          (A) plumbing work;
1659          (B) electrical work beyond underground electric utility conduit; or

1660          (C) mechanical work.
1661          (29) (a) "General plumbing contractor" means a person licensed under this chapter as a
1662     general plumbing contractor qualified by education, training, experience, and knowledge to
1663     perform the fabrication or installation of material and fixtures to create and maintain sanitary
1664     conditions in a building by providing permanent means for a supply of safe and pure water, a
1665     means for the timely and complete removal from the premises of all used or contaminated
1666     water, fluid and semi-fluid organic wastes and other impurities incidental to life and the
1667     occupation of such premises, and a safe and adequate supply of gases for lighting, heating, and
1668     industrial purposes.
1669          (b) The scope of work of a general plumbing contractor may be further defined by rules
1670     made by the commission, with the concurrence of the director, in accordance with Title 63G,
1671     Chapter 3, Utah Administrative Rulemaking Act.
1672          (30) "Immediate supervision" means reasonable direction, oversight, inspection, and
1673     evaluation of the work of a person:
1674          (a) as the division specifies in rule;
1675          (b) by, as applicable, a qualified electrician or plumber;
1676          (c) as part of a planned program of training; and
1677          (d) to ensure that the end result complies with applicable standards.
1678          (31) "Individual" means a natural person.
1679          (32) "Journeyman electrician" means a person licensed under this chapter as a
1680     journeyman electrician having the qualifications, training, experience, and knowledge to wire,
1681     install, and repair electrical apparatus and equipment for light, heat, power, and other purposes.
1682          (33) "Journeyman plumber" means a person licensed under this chapter as a
1683     journeyman plumber having the qualifications, training, experience, and technical knowledge
1684     to engage in the plumbing trade.
1685          (34) "Master electrician" means a person licensed under this chapter as a master
1686     electrician having the qualifications, training, experience, and knowledge to properly plan,
1687     layout, and supervise the wiring, installation, and repair of electrical apparatus and equipment
1688     for light, heat, power, and other purposes.
1689          (35) "Master plumber" means a person licensed under this chapter as a master plumber
1690     having the qualifications, training, experience, and knowledge to properly plan and layout

1691     projects and supervise persons in the plumbing trade.
1692          (36) "Person" means a natural person, sole proprietorship, joint venture, corporation,
1693     limited liability company, association, or organization of any type.
1694          (37) (a) "Plumbing trade" means the performance of any mechanical work pertaining to
1695     the installation, alteration, change, repair, removal, maintenance, or use in buildings, or within
1696     three feet beyond the outside walls of buildings, of pipes, fixtures, and fittings for the:
1697          (i) delivery of the water supply;
1698          (ii) discharge of liquid and water carried waste;
1699          (iii) building drainage system within the walls of the building; and
1700          (iv) delivery of gases for lighting, heating, and industrial purposes.
1701          (b) "Plumbing trade" includes work pertaining to the water supply, distribution pipes,
1702     fixtures and fixture traps, soil, waste and vent pipes, the building drain and roof drains, and the
1703     safe and adequate supply of gases, together with their devices, appurtenances, and connections
1704     where installed within the outside walls of the building.
1705          (38) "Ratio of apprentices" means the number of licensed plumber apprentices or
1706     licensed electrician apprentices that are allowed to be under the immediate supervision of a
1707     licensed supervisor as established by the provisions of this chapter and by rules made by the
1708     commission, with the concurrence of the director, in accordance with Title 63G, Chapter 3,
1709     Utah Administrative Rulemaking Act.
1710          (39) "Residential and small commercial contractor" means a person licensed under this
1711     chapter as a residential and small commercial contractor qualified by education, training,
1712     experience, and knowledge to perform or superintend the construction of single-family
1713     residences, multifamily residences up to four units, and commercial construction of not more
1714     than three stories above ground and not more than 20,000 square feet, or any of the components
1715     of that construction except plumbing, electrical work, mechanical work, and manufactured
1716     housing installation, for which the residential and small commercial contractor shall employ
1717     the services of a contractor licensed in the particular specialty, except that a residential and
1718     small commercial contractor engaged in the construction of single-family and multifamily
1719     residences up to four units may perform the mechanical work and hire a licensed plumber or
1720     electrician as an employee.
1721          (40) "Residential building," as it relates to the license classification of residential

1722     journeyman plumber and residential master plumber, means a single or multiple family
1723     dwelling of up to four units.
1724          (41) (a) "Residential electrical contractor" means a person licensed under this chapter
1725     as a residential electrical contractor qualified by education, training, experience, and
1726     knowledge to perform the fabrication, construction, and installation of services, disconnecting
1727     means, grounding devices, panels, conductors, load centers, lighting and plug circuits,
1728     appliances, and fixtures in a residential unit.
1729          (b) The scope of work of a residential electrical contractor may be further defined by
1730     rules made by the commission, with the concurrence of the director, in accordance with Title
1731     63G, Chapter 3, Utah Administrative Rulemaking Act.
1732          (42) "Residential journeyman electrician" means a person licensed under this chapter
1733     as a residential journeyman electrician having the qualifications, training, experience, and
1734     knowledge to wire, install, and repair electrical apparatus and equipment for light, heat, power,
1735     and other purposes on buildings using primarily nonmetallic sheath cable.
1736          (43) "Residential journeyman plumber" means a person licensed under this chapter as a
1737     residential journeyman plumber having the qualifications, training, experience, and knowledge
1738     to engage in the plumbing trade as limited to the plumbing of residential buildings.
1739          (44) "Residential master electrician" means a person licensed under this chapter as a
1740     residential master electrician having the qualifications, training, experience, and knowledge to
1741     properly plan, layout, and supervise the wiring, installation, and repair of electrical apparatus
1742     and equipment for light, heat, power, and other purposes on residential projects.
1743          (45) "Residential master plumber" means a person licensed under this chapter as a
1744     residential master plumber having the qualifications, training, experience, and knowledge to
1745     properly plan and layout projects and supervise persons in the plumbing trade as limited to the
1746     plumbing of residential buildings.
1747          (46) (a) "Residential plumbing contractor" means a person licensed under this chapter
1748     as a residential plumbing contractor qualified by education, training, experience, and
1749     knowledge to perform the fabrication or installation of material and fixtures to create and
1750     maintain sanitary conditions in residential buildings by providing permanent means for a
1751     supply of safe and pure water, a means for the timely and complete removal from the premises
1752     of all used or contaminated water, fluid and semi-fluid organic wastes and other impurities

1753     incidental to life and the occupation of such premises, and a safe and adequate supply of gases
1754     for lighting, heating, and residential purposes.
1755          (b) The scope of work of a residential plumbing contractor may be further defined by
1756     rules made by the commission, with the concurrence of the director, in accordance with Title
1757     63G, Chapter 3, Utah Administrative Rulemaking Act.
1758          (47) "Residential project," as it relates to an electrician or electrical contractor, means
1759     buildings primarily wired with nonmetallic sheathed cable, in accordance with standard rules
1760     and regulations governing this work, including the National Electrical Code, and in which the
1761     voltage does not exceed 250 volts line to line and 125 volts to ground.
1762          (48) "Responsible management personnel" means:
1763          (a) a qualifying agent;
1764          (b) an operations manager; or
1765          (c) a site manager.
1766          (49) "Sensitive alarm system information" means:
1767          (a) a pass code or other code used in the operation of an alarm system;
1768          (b) information on the location of alarm system components at the premises of a
1769     customer of the alarm business providing the alarm system;
1770          (c) information that would allow the circumvention, bypass, deactivation, or other
1771     compromise of an alarm system of a customer of the alarm business providing the alarm
1772     system; and
1773          (d) any other similar information that the division by rule determines to be information
1774     that an individual employed by an alarm business should use or have access to only if the
1775     individual is licensed as provided in this chapter.
1776          (50) (a) "Specialty contractor" means a person licensed under this chapter under a
1777     specialty contractor classification established by rule, who is qualified by education, training,
1778     experience, and knowledge to perform those construction trades and crafts requiring
1779     specialized skill, the regulation of which are determined by the division to be in the best
1780     interest of the public health, safety, and welfare.
1781          (b) A specialty contractor may perform work in crafts or trades other than those in
1782     which the specialty contractor is licensed if they are incidental to the performance of the
1783     specialty contractor's licensed craft or trade.

1784          (51) "Unincorporated entity" means an entity that is not:
1785          (a) an individual;
1786          (b) a corporation; or
1787          (c) publicly traded.
1788          (52) "Unlawful conduct" means the same as that term is defined in Sections 58-1-501
1789     and 58-55-501.
1790          (53) "Unprofessional conduct" means the same as that term is defined in Sections
1791     58-1-501 and 58-55-502 and as may be further defined by rule.
1792          (54) "Wages" means amounts due to an employee for labor or services whether the
1793     amount is fixed or ascertained on a time, task, piece, commission, or other basis for calculating
1794     the amount.
1795          Section 14. Effective date.
1796          This bill takes effect on July 1, 2024.
1797          Section 15. Coordinating H.B. 518 with H.B. 64.
1798          If H.B. 518, State Construction Code Modifications, and H.B. 64, State Construction
1799     and Fire Codes Amendments, both pass and become law, the Legislature intends that, on July
1800     1, 2024, the amendments to:
1801          (1) Section 15A-3-203 in H.B. 518 supersede the amendments to Section 15A-3-203 in
1802     H.B. 64;
1803          (2) Section 15A-3-205 in H.B. 518 supersede the amendments to Section 15A-3-205 in
1804     H.B. 64; and
1805          (3) Section 15A-5-103 in H.B. 518 supersede the amendments to Section 15A-5-103 in
1806     H.B. 64.