9 General Description:
10 This bill makes changes to the Veterinarian Education Loan Repayment Program.
11 Highlighted Provisions:
12 This bill:
13 ▸ modifies the Veterinarian Education Loan Repayment Program (program) to make
14 annual loan balance payments; and
15 ▸ expands the program to a veterinarian whose practice includes at least 30%
16 livestock medicine.
17 Money Appropriated in this Bill:
18 None
19 Other Special Clauses:
20 None
21 Utah Code Sections Affected:
23 4-2-901, as enacted by Laws of Utah 2023, Chapter 134
24 4-2-902, as enacted by Laws of Utah 2023, Chapter 134
26 Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
27 Section 1. Section 4-2-901 is amended to read:
28 4-2-901. Definitions.
29 As used in this part:
30 (1) "Animal shelter" means the same as that term is defined in Section 11-46-102.
31 (2) "Education loan" means a loan received for education at a domestic or foreign
32 institution of higher education, including a school or college of veterinary medicine.
33 (3) "Education loan balance" includes charges for paying off the balance of the loan.
34 (4) "Indian country" means the same as that term is defined in 18 U.S.C. Sec. 1151.
35 (5) "Livestock" means the same as that term is defined in Section 4-1-109.
36 [
37 a government program of:
38 (a) a state;
39 (b) the United States; or
40 (c) a foreign government.
41 [
42 (a) the sum of a qualified veterinarian's education loan balances; or
43 (b) [
44 [
45 created in Section 4-2-902.
46 [
47 veterinarian [
48 (a) in an area of the state[
49 [
51 [
52 (b) in an animal shelter within the state operated by:
53 (i) a county;
54 (ii) a municipality; or
55 (iii) an organization that is exempt from federal income taxation under Section
56 501(c)(3), Internal Revenue Code;
57 (c) in any area of the state as an employee of the department; [
58 (d) in any combination of the places described in Subsections [
59 (c)[
60 (e) with a practice that includes at least 30% livestock medicine.
61 [
62 Veterinary Practice Act.
63 Section 2. Section 4-2-902 is amended to read:
64 4-2-902. Veterinarian Education Loan Repayment Program.
65 (1) There is created within the department the Veterinarian Education Loan Repayment
66 Program.
67 (2) (a) Beginning July 1, [
68 basis make payments toward a qualified veterinarian's education loan balances.
69 (b) A veterinarian is eligible for payments under Subsection (2)(a) if the veterinarian:
70 (i) applies as a qualified veterinarian for payment from the program; and
71 (ii) registers with the program at least [
72 veterinarian applies under Subsection (2)(b)(i) for payment.
73 (c) Payments made under Subsection (2)(a) shall:
74 (i) be made directly to one or more of the qualified veterinarian's lenders; [
75 (ii) as funding for the program permits, [
76 payment value[
77 (iii) extend for a period no longer than five years for the qualified veterinarian.
78 (3) The department may use 2% or less of the amount appropriated for the program to
79 pay for actual costs of administering the program.
80 (4) On or before October 1 each year, the department shall submit a report of the
81 program's revenues, expenditures, and outcomes to the Natural Resources, Agriculture, and
82 Environment Interim Committee and the Natural Resources, Agriculture, and Environmental
83 Quality Appropriations Subcommittee.
84 (5) The department may make rules in accordance with Title 63G, Chapter 3, Utah
85 Administrative Rulemaking Act, to administer the program, including rules specifying how a
86 veterinarian may register intent to apply for payment from the program.
87 Section 3. Effective date.
88 This bill takes effect on May 1, 2024.