8 General Description:
9 This bill modifies provisions related to professional licensing.
10 Highlighted Provisions:
11 This bill:
12 ▸ allows the Division of Professional Licensing (division), when considering an
13 applicant for licensure by endorsement for certain licenses, to:
14 • issue a license by endorsement to an applicant who does not possess an active
15 license;
16 • consider an applicant's previous licensure or certification when evaluating an
17 applicant;
18 • accept accreditation from an accrediting body the division approves by rule;
19 • consider the amount of time that has elapsed since an applicant last possessed an
20 active license;
21 • require an applicant to pass an examination before issuing a license; and
22 • issue a license by endorsement to an applicant as a pharmacist who has passed
23 the National Association of Boards of Pharmacy's North American Pharmacy
24 Licensing Examination;
25 ▸ extends the duration of a pharmacy intern license;
26 ▸ removes, for certain professions, the requirement that an applicant for licensure by
27 endorsement has been employed full-time before the application;
28 ▸ grants rulemaking authority to the division; and
29 ▸ makes technical and conforming changes.
30 Money Appropriated in this Bill:
31 None
32 Other Special Clauses:
33 None
34 Utah Code Sections Affected:
36 58-1-302, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2023, Chapter 222
37 58-3a-302, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2022, Chapter 415
38 58-9-302, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2022, Chapter 415
39 58-16a-302, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2022, Chapter 415
40 58-17b-303, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2020, Chapter 339
41 58-17b-308, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2020, Chapter 339
42 58-22-302, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2020, Chapters 339, 365
43 58-24b-302, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2020, Chapter 339
44 58-26a-102, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2017, Chapter 229
45 58-26a-302, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2020, Chapter 339
46 58-28-302, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2020, Chapter 339
47 58-31b-303, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2022, Chapters 277, 415
48 58-42a-302, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2022, Chapter 221
49 58-44a-302, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2022, Chapters 415, 438
50 58-49-4, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2023, Chapter 249
51 58-49-6, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2023, Chapter 249
52 58-57-4, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2020, Chapter 339
53 58-57-5, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2006, Chapter 106
54 58-60-115, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2020, Chapter 339
55 58-61-304, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2020, Chapter 339
56 58-69-302, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2020, Chapter 339
57 58-73-302, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2022, Chapter 415
58 58-74-302, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2020, Chapter 339
60 Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
61 Section 1. Section 58-1-302 is amended to read:
62 58-1-302. License by endorsement.
63 (1) As used in this section, "license" means an authorization that permits the holder to
64 engage in the practice of a profession regulated under this title.
65 (2) Subject to Subsections (4) through [
66 applicant who has been licensed in another state, district, or territory of the United States if:
67 (a) the division determines that the license issued in the other state, district, or territory
68 encompasses a similar scope of practice as the license sought in this state;
69 (b) the applicant has at least one year of experience practicing under the license issued
70 in the other state, district, or territory; and
71 (c) the applicant's license is in good standing in the other state, district, or territory
72 where the license was issued.
73 (3) Subject to Subsections (4) through [
74 applicant who:
75 (a) has been licensed in another state, district, or territory of the United States, or in a
76 jurisdiction outside of the United States, if:
77 (i) (A) the division determines that the applicant's education, experience, and skills
78 demonstrate competency in the profession for which the licensure is sought in this state; and
79 (B) the applicant has at least one year of experience practicing under the license issued
80 in the other state, district, territory, or jurisdiction; or
81 (ii) the division determines that the licensure requirements of the other state, district,
82 territory, or jurisdiction at the time the license was issued were substantially similar to the
83 current requirements for the license sought in this state; or
84 (b) has never been licensed in a state, district, or territory of the United States, or in a
85 jurisdiction outside of the United States, if:
86 (i) the applicant was educated in or obtained relevant experience in a state, district, or
87 territory of the United States, or a jurisdiction outside of the United States; and
88 (ii) the division determines that the education or experience was substantially similar to
89 the current education or experience requirements for the license sought in this state.
90 (4) The division may refuse to issue a license to an applicant under this section if:
91 (a) the division determines that there is reasonable cause to believe that the applicant is
92 not qualified to receive the license in this state; or
93 (b) the applicant has a previous or pending disciplinary action related to the applicant's
94 license.
95 (5) For an applicant who has been licensed in another state, district, or territory of the
96 United States, or in a jurisdiction outside the United States, and does not currently possess an
97 active license, when evaluating the applicant's application for licensure by endorsement, the
98 division may consider the time that has elapsed since the applicant last possessed an active
99 license.
100 (6) Before the division issues a license to an applicant under this section, the division
101 may require the applicant to pass an examination currently required for the license sought in
102 this state.
103 [
104 applicant shall:
105 (a) pay a fee determined by the department under Section 63J-1-504; and
106 (b) produce satisfactory evidence of the applicant's identity, qualifications, and good
107 standing in the profession for which licensure is sought in this state.
108 [
109 rules in accordance with Title 63G, Chapter 3, Utah Administrative Rulemaking Act,
110 prescribing the administration and requirements of this section.
111 [
112 section are subject to and may be supplemented or altered by licensure endorsement provisions
113 or multistate licensure compacts in specific chapters of this title.
114 Section 2. Section 58-3a-302 is amended to read:
115 58-3a-302. Qualifications for licensure.
116 (1) Except as provided in Subsection (2), each applicant for licensure as an architect
117 shall:
118 (a) submit an application in a form prescribed by the division;
119 (b) pay a fee determined by the department under Section 63J-1-504;
120 (c) have graduated and received an earned bachelors or masters degree from an
121 architecture program meeting criteria established by rule by the division in collaboration with
122 the board;
123 (d) have successfully completed a program of diversified practical experience
124 established by rule by the division in collaboration with the board;
125 (e) have successfully passed examinations established by rule by the division in
126 collaboration with the board; and
127 (f) meet with the board or representative of the division upon request for the purpose of
128 evaluating the applicant's qualifications for license.
129 (2) Each applicant for licensure as an architect by endorsement shall:
130 (a) submit an application in a form prescribed by the division;
131 (b) pay a fee determined by the department under Section 63J-1-504;
132 (c) submit satisfactory evidence of:
133 (i) (A) current or previous licensure in good standing in a jurisdiction recognized by
134 rule by the division in collaboration with the board; and
135 (B) current or previous certification from the National Council of Architectural
136 Registration Boards, or another certification, as provided by rule made by the division in
137 collaboration with the board; or
138 (ii) (A) current license in good standing in a jurisdiction recognized by rule by the
139 division in collaboration with the board; and
140 (B) full-time employment as a licensed architect as a principal for at least five of the
141 last seven years immediately preceding the date of the application;
142 (d) have successfully passed an examination established by rule by the division in
143 collaboration with the board; and
144 (e) meet with the board or representative of the division upon request for the purpose
145 of evaluating the applicant's qualifications for license.
146 Section 3. Section 58-9-302 is amended to read:
147 58-9-302. Qualifications for licensure.
148 (1) Each applicant for licensure as a funeral service director shall:
149 (a) submit an application in a form prescribed by the division;
150 (b) pay a fee as determined by the department under Section 63J-1-504;
151 (c) have obtained a high school diploma or its equivalent or a higher education degree;
152 (d) have obtained an associate degree, or its equivalent, in mortuary science from a
153 school of funeral service accredited by:
154 (i) the American Board of Funeral Service Education [
155 (ii) an accrediting body recognized by the [
156 Education; or
157 (iii) an accrediting body the division approves by rule, in collaboration with the board;
158 (e) have completed not less than 2,000 hours and 50 embalmings, over a period of not
159 less than one year, of satisfactory performance in training as a licensed funeral service intern
160 under the supervision of a licensed funeral service director; and
161 (f) obtain a passing score on examinations approved by the division in collaboration
162 with the board.
163 (2) Each applicant for licensure as a funeral service intern shall:
164 (a) submit an application in a form prescribed by the division;
165 (b) pay a fee as determined by the department under Section 63J-1-504;
166 (c) have obtained a high school diploma or its equivalent or a higher education degree;
167 and
168 (d) obtain a passing score on an examination approved by the division in collaboration
169 with the board.
170 (3) Each applicant for licensure as a funeral service establishment and each funeral
171 service establishment licensee shall:
172 (a) submit an application in a form prescribed by the division;
173 (b) pay a fee as determined by the department under Section 63J-1-504;
174 (c) have in place:
175 (i) an embalming room for preparing dead human bodies for burial or final disposition,
176 which may serve one or more facilities operated by the applicant;
177 (ii) a refrigeration room that maintains a temperature of not more than 40 degrees
178 fahrenheit for preserving dead human bodies prior to burial or final disposition, which may
179 serve one or more facilities operated by the applicant; and
180 (iii) maintain at all times a licensed funeral service director who is responsible for the
181 day-to-day operation of the funeral service establishment and who is personally available to
182 perform the services for which the license is required;
183 (d) affiliate with a licensed preneed funeral arrangement sales agent or funeral service
184 director if the funeral service establishment sells preneed funeral arrangements;
185 (e) file with the completed application a copy of each form of contract or agreement the
186 applicant will use in the sale of preneed funeral arrangements;
187 (f) provide evidence of appropriate licensure with the Insurance Department if the
188 applicant intends to engage in the sale of any preneed funeral arrangements funded in whole or
189 in part by an insurance policy or product to be sold by the provider or the provider's sales
190 agent; and
191 (g) if the applicant intends to offer alkaline hydrolysis in a funeral service
192 establishment, provide evidence that in accordance with rules made by the division in
193 accordance with Title 63G, Chapter 3, Utah Administrative Rulemaking Act:
194 (i) the funeral service establishment meets the minimum standards for the handling,
195 holding, and processing of deceased human remains in a safe, clean, private, and respectful
196 manner; and
197 (ii) all operators of the alkaline hydrolysis equipment have received adequate training.
198 (4) Each applicant for licensure as a preneed funeral arrangement sales agent shall:
199 (a) submit an application in a form prescribed by the division;
200 (b) pay a fee as determined by the department under Section 63J-1-504;
201 (c) have obtained a high school diploma or its equivalent or a higher education degree;
202 (d) have obtained a passing score on an examination approved by the division in
203 collaboration with the board;
204 (e) affiliate with a licensed funeral service establishment; and
205 (f) provide evidence of appropriate licensure with the Insurance Department if the
206 applicant intends to engage in the sale of any preneed funeral arrangements funded in whole or
207 in part by an insurance policy or product.
208 Section 4. Section 58-16a-302 is amended to read:
209 58-16a-302. Qualifications for licensure.
210 An applicant for licensure as an optometrist shall:
211 (1) submit an application in a form prescribed by the division;
212 (2) pay a fee as determined by the division under Section 63J-1-504;
213 (3) (a) be a doctoral graduate of a recognized school of optometry accredited by:
214 (i) the American Optometric Association's Accreditation Council on Optometric
215 Education; or
216 (ii) an accrediting body the division approves by rule, in collaboration with the board;
217 or
218 (b) be a graduate of a school of optometry located outside the United States that meets
219 the criteria that would qualify the school for accreditation under Subsection (3)(a), as
220 demonstrated by the applicant for licensure;
221 (4) if the applicant graduated from a recognized school of optometry prior to July 1,
222 1996, have successfully completed a course of study satisfactory to the division, in consultation
223 with the board, in general and ocular pharmacology and emergency medical care;
224 (5) have passed examinations approved by the division in consultation with the board
225 that include:
226 (a) a standardized national optometry examination;
227 (b) a standardized clinical examination; and
228 (c) a standardized national therapeutics examination; and
229 (6) meet with the board and representatives of the division, if requested by either party,
230 for the purpose of evaluating the applicant's qualifications for licensure.
231 Section 5. Section 58-17b-303 is amended to read:
232 58-17b-303. Qualifications for licensure as a pharmacist.
233 (1) An applicant for licensure as a pharmacist shall:
234 (a) submit an application in a form prescribed by the division;
235 (b) pay a fee as determined by the department under Section 63J-1-504;
236 (c) complete a criminal background check and be free from criminal convictions as
237 described in Section 58-1-501;
238 (d) have no physical or mental condition of a nature which prevents the applicant from
239 engaging in the practice of pharmacy with reasonable skill, competency, and safety to the
240 public;
241 (e) have graduated and received a professional entry degree from a school or college of
242 pharmacy which is accredited by the Accreditation Council [
243 (f) have completed an internship meeting standards established by division rule made
244 in collaboration with the board; and
245 (g) have successfully passed examinations required by division rule made in
246 collaboration with the board.
247 (2) An applicant for licensure as a pharmacist whose pharmacy education was
248 completed at a foreign pharmacy school shall, in addition to the requirements under
249 Subsections (1)(a) through (d), (f), and (g), obtain a certification of equivalency from a
250 credentialing agency required by division rule made in collaboration with the board.
251 (3) An applicant for a license by endorsement as a pharmacist under this section shall:
252 (a) submit a written application in the form prescribed by the division;
253 (b) pay the fee determined by the department under Section 63J-1-504;
254 (c) complete a criminal background check and be free from criminal convictions as
255 described in Section 58-1-501;
256 (d) have no physical or mental condition of a nature which prevents the applicant from
257 engaging in the practice of pharmacy with reasonable skill, competency, and safety to the
258 public;
259 (e) have lawfully practiced as a licensed pharmacist a minimum of 2,000 hours in the
260 four years immediately preceding the date of application;
261 (f) produce satisfactory evidence of completing the professional education required
262 under Subsection (1) or (2);
263 (g) be currently or previously licensed in good standing as a pharmacist in another
264 state, [
265 in a jurisdiction outside of the United States;
266 (h) produce satisfactory evidence that:
267 (i) the examination requirements are or were at the time the license was issued, [
268 substantially similar to those of this state; [
269 (ii) the applicant has passed the National Association of Boards of Pharmacy's North
270 American Pharmacy Licensing Examination; and
271 (i) pass the jurisprudence examination prescribed by division rule made in
272 collaboration with the board.
273 Section 6. Section 58-17b-308 is amended to read:
274 58-17b-308. Term of license -- Expiration -- Renewal.
275 (1) Except as provided in Subsection (2), each license issued under this chapter shall be
276 issued in accordance with a two-year renewal cycle established by rule. A renewal period may
277 be extended or shortened by as much as one year to maintain established renewal cycles or to
278 change an established renewal cycle. Each license automatically expires on the expiration date
279 shown on the license unless renewed by the licensee in accordance with Section 58-1-308.
280 (2) The duration of a pharmacy intern license may be no longer than:
281 (a) [
282 (b) five years for a license issued under Subsection 58-17b-304(6)(a).
283 (3) A pharmacy intern license issued under this chapter may not be renewed, but may
284 be extended by the division in collaboration with the board.
285 (4) As a prerequisite for renewal of a class D pharmacy license of a pharmacy that
286 engages in compounding, a licensee shall submit the most recent inspection report:
287 (a) conducted within two years before the application for renewal; and
288 (b) (i) conducted as part of the National Association of Boards of Pharmacy Verified
289 Pharmacy Program; or
290 (ii) performed by the state licensing agency of the state in which the applicant is a
291 resident and in accordance with the National Association of Boards of Pharmacy multistate
292 inspection blueprint program.
293 Section 7. Section 58-22-302 is amended to read:
294 58-22-302. Qualifications for licensure.
295 (1) Each applicant for licensure as a professional engineer shall:
296 (a) submit an application in a form prescribed by the division;
297 (b) pay a fee determined by the department under Section 63J-1-504;
298 (c) (i) have graduated and received a bachelors or masters degree from an engineering
299 program meeting criteria established by rule by the division in collaboration with the board; or
300 (ii) have completed the Transportation Engineering Technology and Fundamental
301 Engineering College Program before July 1, 1998, under the direction of the Utah Department
302 of Transportation and as certified by the Utah Department of Transportation;
303 (d) have successfully completed a program of qualifying experience established by rule
304 by the division in collaboration with the board;
305 (e) have successfully passed examinations established by rule by the division in
306 collaboration with the board; and
307 (f) meet with the board or representative of the division upon request for the purpose of
308 evaluating the applicant's qualification for licensure.
309 (2) Each applicant for licensure as a professional structural engineer shall:
310 (a) submit an application in a form prescribed by the division;
311 (b) pay a fee determined by the department under Section 63J-1-504;
312 (c) have graduated and received an earned bachelors or masters degree from an
313 engineering program meeting criteria established by rule by the division in collaboration with
314 the board;
315 (d) have successfully completed three years of licensed professional engineering
316 experience established by rule by the division in collaboration with the board, except that prior
317 to January 1, 2009, an applicant for licensure may submit a signed affidavit in a form
318 prescribed by the division stating that the applicant is currently engaged in the practice of
319 structural engineering;
320 (e) have successfully passed examinations established by rule by the division in
321 collaboration with the board, except that prior to January 1, 2009, an applicant for licensure
322 may submit a signed affidavit in a form prescribed by the division stating that the applicant is
323 currently engaged in the practice of structural engineering; and
324 (f) meet with the board or representative of the division upon request for the purpose of
325 evaluating the applicant's qualification for licensure.
326 (3) Each applicant for licensure as a professional land surveyor shall:
327 (a) submit an application in a form prescribed by the division;
328 (b) pay a fee determined by the department under Section 63J-1-504;
329 (c) (i) have graduated and received an associates, bachelors, or masters degree from a
330 land surveying program, or an equivalent land surveying program, such as a program offered by
331 a technical college described in Section 53B-2a-105, as approved by the Utah Board of Higher
332 Education, established by rule by the division in collaboration with the board, and have
333 successfully completed a program of qualifying experience in land surveying established by
334 rule by the division in collaboration with the board; or
335 (ii) have successfully completed a program of qualifying experience in land surveying
336 prior to January 1, 2007, in accordance with rules established by the division in collaboration
337 with the board;
338 (d) have successfully passed examinations established by rule by the division in
339 collaboration with the board; and
340 (e) meet with the board or representative of the division upon request for the purpose
341 of evaluating the applicant's qualification for licensure.
342 (4) Each applicant for licensure by endorsement shall:
343 (a) submit an application in a form prescribed by the division;
344 (b) pay a fee determined by the department under Section 63J-1-504;
345 (c) submit satisfactory evidence of:
346 (i) current or previous licensure in good standing in a jurisdiction recognized by rule by
347 the division in collaboration with the board;
348 (ii) having successfully passed an examination established by rule by the division in
349 collaboration with the board; and
350 (iii) [
351 immediately preceding the date of the application as a:
352 (A) licensed professional engineer for licensure as a professional engineer;
353 (B) licensed professional structural engineer for licensure as a structural engineer; or
354 (C) licensed professional land surveyor for licensure as a professional land surveyor;
355 and
356 (d) meet with the board or representative of the division upon request for the purpose
357 of evaluating the applicant's qualifications for license.
358 (5) The rules made to implement this section shall be in accordance with Title 63G,
359 Chapter 3, Utah Administrative Rulemaking Act.
360 Section 8. Section 58-24b-302 is amended to read:
361 58-24b-302. Licensure.
362 (1) An applicant for a license as a physical therapist shall:
363 (a) complete the application process, including payment of fees;
364 (b) submit proof of graduation from a professional physical therapist education
365 program that is accredited by a recognized accreditation agency;
366 (c) pass a licensing examination:
367 (i) after complying with Subsection (1)(b); or
368 (ii) if the applicant is in the final term of a professional physical therapist education
369 program that is accredited by a recognized accreditation agency;
370 (d) be able to read, write, speak, understand, and be understood in the English language
371 and demonstrate proficiency to the satisfaction of the board if requested by the board;
372 (e) consent to a criminal background check in accordance with Section 58-24b-302.1
373 and any requirements established by rule made in accordance with Title 63G, Chapter 3, Utah
374 Administrative Rulemaking Act; and
375 (f) meet any other requirements [
376 establishes by rule made in accordance with Title 63G, Chapter 3, Utah Administrative
377 Rulemaking Act.
378 (2) An applicant for a license as a physical therapist assistant shall:
379 (a) complete the application process, including payment of fees set by the division, in
380 accordance with Section 63J-1-504, to recover the costs of administering the licensing
381 requirements relating to physical therapist assistants;
382 (b) submit proof of graduation from a physical therapist assistant education program
383 that is accredited by a recognized accreditation agency;
384 (c) pass a licensing examination approved by division rule made in collaboration with
385 the board and in accordance with Title 63G, Chapter 3, Utah Administrative Rulemaking Act:
386 (i) after the applicant complies with Subsection (2)(b); or
387 (ii) if the applicant is in the final term of a physical therapist assistant education
388 program that is accredited by a recognized accreditation agency;
389 (d) be able to read, write, speak, understand, and be understood in the English language
390 and demonstrate proficiency to the satisfaction of the board if requested by the board;
391 (e) submit to, and pass, a criminal background check, in accordance with Section
392 58-24b-302.1 and standards established by rule made in accordance with Title 63G, Chapter 3,
393 Utah Administrative Rulemaking Act; and
394 (f) meet any other requirements [
395 establishes by rule made in accordance with Title 63G, Chapter 3, Utah Administrative
396 Rulemaking Act.
397 (3) An applicant for a license as a physical therapist who is educated outside of the
398 United States shall:
399 (a) complete the application process, including payment of fees;
400 (b) (i) provide satisfactory evidence that the applicant graduated from a professional
401 physical therapist education program that is accredited by a recognized accreditation agency; or
402 (ii) (A) provide satisfactory evidence that the applicant graduated from a physical
403 therapist education program that prepares the applicant to engage in the practice of physical
404 therapy, without restriction;
405 (B) provide satisfactory evidence that the education program described in Subsection
406 (3)(b)(ii)(A) is recognized by the government entity responsible for recognizing a physical
407 therapist education program in the country where the program is located; and
408 (C) pass a credential evaluation to ensure that the applicant has satisfied uniform
409 educational requirements;
410 (c) after complying with Subsection (3)(b), pass a licensing examination;
411 (d) be able to read, write, speak, understand, and be understood in the English language
412 and demonstrate proficiency to the satisfaction of the board if requested by the board;
413 (e) consent to a criminal background check in accordance with Section 58-24b-302.1
414 and any requirements established by rule made in accordance with Title 63G, Chapter 3, Utah
415 Administrative Rulemaking Act; and
416 (f) meet any other requirements [
417 establishes by rule made in accordance with Title 63G, Chapter 3, Utah Administrative
418 Rulemaking Act.
419 (4) The division [
422 physical therapist or physical therapist assistant who meets the requirements for licensure by
423 endorsement under Section 58-1-302 if the applicant for licensure by endorsement:
424 (a) completes the application process, including payment of fees;
425 (b) is able to read, write, speak, understand, and be understood in the English language
426 and demonstrate proficiency to the satisfaction of the board if requested by the board;
427 (c) consents to a criminal background check in accordance with Section 58-24b-302.1
428 and any requirements established by rule made in accordance with Title 63G, Chapter 3, Utah
429 Administrative Rulemaking Act; and
430 (d) meets any other requirements [
431 division establishes by rule made in accordance with Title 63G, Chapter 3, Utah
432 Administrative Rulemaking Act.
433 (5) (a) Notwithstanding Subsection 58-1-307(1)(c), an individual may not engage in an
434 internship in physical therapy, unless the person is:
435 (i) certified by the division; or
436 (ii) exempt from licensure under Section 58-24b-304.
437 (b) The provisions of Subsection (5)(a) apply, regardless of whether the individual is
438 participating in the supervised clinical training program for the purpose of becoming a physical
439 therapist or a physical therapist assistant.
440 Section 9. Section 58-26a-102 is amended to read:
441 58-26a-102. Definitions.
442 In addition to the definitions in Section 58-1-102, as used in this chapter:
443 (1) "Accounting experience" means applying accounting and auditing skills and
444 principles that are taught as a part of the professional education qualifying a person for
445 licensure under this chapter and generally accepted by the profession, under the supervision of
446 a licensed certified public accountant.
447 (2) "AICPA" means the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants.
448 (3) (a) "Attest and attestation engagement" means providing any or all of the following
449 financial statement services:
450 (i) an audit or other engagement to be performed in accordance with the Statements on
451 Auditing Standards (SAS);
452 (ii) a review of a financial statement to be performed in accordance with the Statements
453 on Standards for Accounting and Review Services (SSARS);
454 (iii) an examination of prospective financial information to be performed in accordance
455 with the Statements on Standards for Attestation Engagements (SSAE);
456 (iv) an examination, review, or agreed upon procedures engagement to be performed in
457 accordance with the Statements on Standards for Attestation Engagements (SSAE), other than
458 an examination described in Subsection (3)(a)(iii); or
459 (v) an engagement to be performed in accordance with the standards of the PCAOB.
460 (b) The standards specified in this definition shall be adopted by reference by the
461 division under its rulemaking authority in accordance with Title 63G, Chapter 3, Utah
462 Administrative Rulemaking Act, and shall be those developed for general application by
463 recognized national accountancy organizations such as the AICPA and the PCAOB.
464 (4) "Board" means the Utah Board of Accountancy created in Section 58-26a-201.
465 (5) "Certified Public Accountant" or "CPA" means an individual currently licensed by
466 this state or any other state, district, or territory of the United States of America to practice
467 public accountancy or who has been granted a license as a certified public accountant under
468 prior law or this chapter.
469 (6) "Certified Public Accountant firm" or "CPA firm" means a qualified business entity
470 holding a valid registration as a Certified Public Accountant firm under this chapter.
471 (7) "Client" means the person who retains a licensee for the performance of one or
472 more of the services included in the definition of the practice of public accountancy. "Client"
473 does not include a CPA's employer when the licensee works in a salaried or hourly rate
474 position.
475 (8) "Compilation" means providing a service to be performed in accordance with
476 Statements on Standards for Accounting and Review Services (SSARS) that is presenting, in
477 the form of financial statements, information that is the representation of management or
478 owners, without undertaking to express any assurance on the statements.
479 (9) "Experience" means:
480 (a) accounting experience; or
481 (b) professional experience.
482 (10) "Licensee" means the holder of a current valid license issued under this chapter.
483 (11) "NASBA" means the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy.
484 (12) "PCAOB" means the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board.
485 (13) "Practice of public accounting" means, while holding oneself out as a certified
486 public accountant, offering to perform or performing one or more kinds of services involving
487 the use of auditing or accounting skills, including issuing reports or opinions on financial
488 statements, performing attestation engagements, performing one or more kinds of advisory or
489 consulting services, preparing tax returns, or furnishing advice on tax matters for a client.
490 (14) "Peer review" means a board approved study, appraisal, or review of one or more
491 aspects of the attest and compilation services rendered by a licensee in the practice of public
492 accounting, performed by a licensee holding an active license in this or another state who is not
493 affiliated with the licensee being reviewed.
494 (15) "Principal place of business" means the office location designated by the licensee
495 for purposes of substantial equivalency and licensure by endorsement.
496 (16) "Professional experience" means experience lawfully obtained while licensed as a
497 certified public accountant in another state, recognized by rule, in the practice of public
498 accountancy performed for a client, which includes expression of assurance or opinion.
499 (17) "Qualified business entity" means a sole proprietorship, corporation, limited
500 liability company, or partnership engaged in the practice of public accountancy.
501 (18) "Qualified continuing professional education" means a formal program of
502 education that contributes directly to the professional competence of a certified public
503 accountant.
504 (19) "Qualifying examinations" means:
505 (a) the AICPA Uniform CPA Examination;
506 (b) the AICPA Examination of Professional Ethics for CPAs;
507 (c) the Utah Laws and Rules Examination; and
508 (d) any other examination approved by the board and adopted by the division by rule in
509 accordance with Title 63G, Chapter 3, Utah Administrative Rulemaking Act.
510 (20) (a) "Report," when used with reference to financial statements, means:
511 (i) an opinion, report, or other form of language that:
512 (A) states or implies assurance as to the reliability of the attested information or
513 compiled financial statements; or
514 (B) implies that the person or firm issuing the report has special knowledge or
515 competence in accounting or auditing and specifically includes compilations and reviews; such
516 an implication of special knowledge or competence may arise from use by the issuer of the
517 report of names or titles indicating that the person or firm is a public accountant or auditor, or
518 from the language of the report itself; or
519 (ii) any disclaimer of opinion when it is conventionally understood to imply any
520 positive assurance as to the reliability of the attested information or compiled financial
521 statements referred to or language suggesting special competence on the part of the person or
522 firm issuing such language; and the report includes any other form of language that is
523 conventionally understood to imply such assurance or such special knowledge or competence.
524 (b) "Report" does not include a financial statement prepared by an unlicensed person if:
525 (i) that financial statement has a cover page which includes essentially the following
526 language: "I (we) have prepared the accompanying financial statements of (name of entity) as
527 of (time period) for the (period) then ended. This presentation is limited to preparing, in the
528 form of financial statements, information that is the representation of management (owners). I
529 (we) have not audited or reviewed the accompanying financial statements and accordingly do
530 not express an opinion or any other form of assurance on them."; and
531 (ii) the cover page and any related footnotes do not use the terms "compilation,"
532 "review," "audit," "generally accepted auditing standards," "generally accepted accounting
533 principles," or other similar terms.
534 (21) "Review of financial statements" means providing a service in accordance with
535 the Statements on Standards for Accounting and Review Services (SSARS) in which the
536 accountant obtains limited assurance as a basis for reporting whether the accountant is aware of
537 any material modifications that should be made to the financial statements for them to be in
538 accordance with the applicable financial reporting framework, primarily through the
539 performance of inquiry and analytical procedures.
540 (22) (a) "Substantial equivalency" means a determination by the division in
541 collaboration with the board or the board's designee that:
542 (i) the education, examination, and experience requirements set forth in the statutes and
543 administrative rules of another [
544 examination, and experience requirements set forth in the Uniform Accountancy Act; or
545 (ii) an individual CPA's education, examination, and experience qualifications are
546 comparable to or exceed the education, examination, and experience requirements set forth in
547 the Uniform Accountancy Act.
548 (b) In ascertaining whether an individual's qualifications are substantially equivalent as
549 used in this chapter, the division in collaboration with the board shall take into account the
550 qualifications without regard to the sequence in which the education, examination, and
551 experience requirements were attained.
552 (23) "Uniform Accountancy Act" means the model public accountancy legislation
553 developed and promulgated by national accounting and regulatory associations that contains
554 standardized definitions and regulations for the practice of public accounting as recognized by
555 the division in collaboration with the board.
556 (24) "Unlawful conduct" is as defined in Sections 58-1-501 and 58-26a-501.
557 (25) "Unprofessional conduct" is as defined in Sections 58-1-501 and 58-26a-502 and
558 as may be further defined by rule.
559 (26) "Year of experience" means 2,000 hours of experience:
560 (a) generally accepted by the profession; and
561 (b) under the supervision of a licensed certified public accountant.
562 Section 10. Section 58-26a-302 is amended to read:
563 58-26a-302. Qualifications for licensure and registration -- Licensure by
564 endorsement.
565 (1) Each applicant for licensure under this chapter as a certified public accountant
566 shall:
567 (a) submit an application in a form prescribed by the division;
568 (b) pay a fee determined by the department under Section 63J-1-504;
569 (c) submit a certified transcript of credits from an accredited institution acceptable to
570 the board showing:
571 (i) successful completion of a total of 150 semester hours or 225 quarter hours of
572 collegiate level education with a concentration in accounting, auditing, and business;
573 (ii) a baccalaureate degree or its equivalent at a college or university approved by the
574 board; and
575 (iii) compliance with any other education requirements established by rule by the
576 division in collaboration with the board in accordance with Title 63G, Chapter 3, Utah
577 Administrative Rulemaking Act;
578 (d) submit evidence of one year of accounting experience in a form prescribed by the
579 division;
580 (e) submit evidence of having successfully completed the qualifying examinations in
581 accordance with Section 58-26a-306; and
582 (f) submit to an interview by the board, if requested, for the purpose of examining the
583 applicant's competence and qualifications for licensure.
584 (2) (a) The division may issue a license under this chapter to a person who holds a
585 license as a certified public accountant or substantially equivalent designation issued by any
586 other state, district, or territory of the United States [
587 the United States, if the applicant for licensure by endorsement:
588 (i) submits an application in a form prescribed by the division;
589 (ii) pays a fee determined by the department under Section 63J-1-504;
590 (iii) submits to an interview by the board, if requested, for the purpose of examining
591 the applicant's competence and qualifications for licensure; and
592 (iv) (A) (I) shows evidence of having passed the qualifying examinations; and
593 (II) (Aa) meets the requirements for licensure which were applicable in this state at the
594 time of the issuance of the applicant's license by the state from which the original licensure by
595 satisfactorily passing the AICPA Uniform CPA Examination was issued; or
596 (Bb) had four years of professional experience after passing the AICPA Uniform CPA
597 Examination upon which the original license was based, within the 10 years immediately
598 preceding the application for licensure by endorsement; or
599 (B) shows evidence that the applicant's education, examination record, and experience
600 are substantially equivalent to the requirements of Subsection (1), as provided by rule.
601 (b) This Subsection (2) applies only to a person seeking to obtain a license issued by
602 this state and does not apply to a person practicing as a certified public accountant in the state
603 under Subsection 58-26a-305(1).
604 (3) (a) Each applicant for registration as a Certified Public Accountant firm shall:
605 (i) submit an application in a form prescribed by the division;
606 (ii) pay a fee determined by the department under Section 63J-1-504;
607 (iii) have, notwithstanding any other provision of law, a simple majority of the
608 ownership of the Certified Public Accountant firm, in terms of financial interests and voting
609 rights of all partners, officers, shareholders, members, or managers, held by individuals who
610 are certified public accountants, licensed under this chapter or another state of the United States
611 of America, and the partners, officers, shareholders, members, or managers, whose principal
612 place of business is in this state, and who perform professional services in this state hold a
613 valid license issued under Subsection 58-26a-301(2) or the corresponding provisions of prior
614 law; and
615 (iv) meet any other requirements established by rule by the division in collaboration
616 with the board in accordance with Title 63G, Chapter 3, Utah Administrative Rulemaking Act.
617 (b) Each separate location of a qualified business entity within the state seeking
618 registration as a Certified Public Accountant firm shall register separately.
619 (c) A Certified Public Accountant firm may include owners who are not licensed under
620 this chapter as outlined in Subsection (3)(a)(iii), provided that:
621 (i) the firm designates a licensee of this state who is responsible for the proper
622 registration of the Certified Public Accountant firm and identifies that individual to the
623 division; and
624 (ii) all nonlicensed owners are active individual participants in the CPA firm.
625 Section 11. Section 58-28-302 is amended to read:
626 58-28-302. License qualifications.
627 (1) Every applicant for a license to practice veterinary medicine, surgery, and dentistry
628 shall:
629 (a) pass an examination approved by the board on the theory and practice of the science
630 of veterinary medicine, surgery, dentistry, and other subjects determined by the board,
631 knowledge of which is generally required of veterinarians;
632 (b) (i) graduate from a veterinary college accredited by the AVMA; [
633 (ii) obtain a certificate issued by the Educational Commission for Foreign Veterinary
634 Graduates issued by the AVMA; or
635 (iii) obtain a certificate issued by a certification program the division approves by rule
636 in collaboration with the board;
637 (c) (i) have practiced under the supervision of a veterinarian licensed to practice in this
638 state for a period of at least six months;
639 (ii) have participated in veterinary investigational, educational, or sanitary control work
640 of a nature and duration as to be the equivalent of the experience of Subsection (1)(c)(i);
641 (iii) have practiced as a licensed veterinarian outside Utah for a period of at least six
642 months; or
643 (iv) have practiced as a veterinarian while employed by the United States government,
644 its agencies, or the state or its political subdivisions for a period of at least six months; and
645 (d) pay a fee to the Department of Commerce determined in accordance with Section
646 63J-1-504 for the examination, for an initial license, and for a renewal license.
647 (2) (a) An applicant for licensure as a veterinary intern shall comply with the
648 provisions of Subsection (1)(b).
649 (b) An applicant's license as a veterinary intern is limited to the period of time
650 necessary to complete clinical training as described in Subsection (1)(c) and extends not more
651 than one year from the date the minimum requirement for training is completed, unless the
652 individual presents satisfactory evidence to the division and the board that the individual is
653 making reasonable progress toward passing the qualifying examination or is otherwise on a
654 course reasonably expected to lead to licensure as a veterinarian, but the period of time under
655 this Subsection (2)(b) may not exceed two years past the date the minimum supervised clinical
656 training has been completed.
657 Section 12. Section 58-31b-303 is amended to read:
658 58-31b-303. Qualifications for licensure -- Graduates of nonapproved nursing
659 programs.
660 An applicant for licensure as a practical nurse or registered nurse who is a graduate of a
661 nursing education program not approved by the division in collaboration with the board must
662 comply with the requirements of this section.
663 (1) An applicant for licensure as a licensed practical nurse shall:
664 (a) meet all requirements of Subsection 58-31b-302(2), except Subsection
665 58-31b-302(2)(e); and
666 (b) produce evidence acceptable to the division and the board that the nursing
667 education program completed by the applicant is equivalent to the minimum standards
668 [
669 an approved licensed practical nursing education program.
670 (2) An applicant for licensure as a registered nurse shall:
671 (a) meet all requirements of Subsection 58-31b-302(4), except Subsection
672 58-31b-302(4)(e); and
673 (b) [
674 Examination[
675 [
679 (3) The division may issue a license to an applicant for licensure as a registered nurse
680 who meets the requirements for licensure by endorsement under Section 58-1-302 if the
681 applicant for licensure by endorsement:
682 (a) meets each requirement of Subsection 58-31b-302(4), except Subsection
683 58-31b-302(4)(e); and
684 (b) produces evidence acceptable to the division and the board that the applicant for
685 licensure by endorsement:
686 (i) is currently licensed as a registered nurse in another state, district or territory of the
687 United States, or in Canada; and
688 (ii) has passed the NCLEX-RN examination in English.
689 Section 13. Section 58-42a-302 is amended to read:
690 58-42a-302. Qualifications for licensure.
691 (1) An applicant for licensure as an occupational therapist shall:
692 (a) submit an application in a form as prescribed by the division;
693 (b) pay a fee as determined by the department under Section 63J-1-504;
694 (c) graduate with a bachelor's or graduate degree for the practice of occupational
695 therapy from an education program accredited by:
696 (i) the American Occupational Therapy Association's Accreditation Council for
697 Occupational Therapy Education[
698 (ii) a predecessor organization[
699 (iii) [
701 (d) if applying for licensure on or after July 1, 2015, complete a minimum of 24 weeks
702 of supervised fieldwork experience;
703 (e) pass an examination approved by the division in consultation with the board and
704 administered by the National Board for Certification in Occupational Therapy, or by another
705 [
706 knowledge of the practice, skills, theory, and professional ethics related to occupational
707 therapy; and
708 (f) if the applicant is applying to participate in the Occupational Therapy Licensure
709 Compact under Chapter 42b, Occupational Therapy Licensure Compact, consent to a criminal
710 background check in accordance with Section 58-42a-302.1 and any requirements established
711 by rule made in accordance with Title 63G, Chapter 3, Utah Administrative Rulemaking Act.
712 (2) All applicants for licensure as an occupational therapy assistant shall:
713 (a) submit an application in a form as prescribed by the division;
714 (b) pay a fee as determined by the department under Section 63J-1-504;
715 (c) graduate from an educational program for the practice of occupational therapy as an
716 occupational therapy assistant that is accredited by:
717 (i) the American Occupational Therapy Association's Accreditation Council for
718 Occupational Therapy Education[
719 (ii) a predecessor organization[
720 (iii) [
722 (d) if applying for licensure on or after July 1, 2015, complete a minimum of 16 weeks
723 of supervised fieldwork experience;
724 (e) pass an examination approved by the division in consultation with the board and
725 administered by the National Board for Certification in Occupational Therapy, or by another
726 [
727 knowledge of the practice, skills, theory, and professional ethics related to occupational
728 therapy; and
729 (f) if the applicant is applying to participate in the Occupational Therapy Licensure
730 Compact under Chapter 42b, Occupational Therapy Licensure Compact, consent to a criminal
731 background check in accordance with Section 58-42a-302.1 and any requirements established
732 by rule made in accordance with Title 63G, Chapter 3, Utah Administrative Rulemaking Act.
733 (3) Notwithstanding the other requirements of this section, the division may issue a
734 license as an occupational therapist or as an occupational therapy assistant to an applicant who:
735 (a) consents to a criminal background check in accordance with Section 58-42a-302
736 and any requirements established by rule made in accordance with Title 63G, Chapter 3, Utah
737 Administrative Rulemaking Act; and
738 (b) (i) meets the requirements of receiving a license by endorsement under Section
739 58-1-302; or
740 (ii) has been licensed in a state, district, or territory of the United States, or in a
741 [
742 examination requirements are not substantially [
743 if the applicant passes the applicable examination described in Subsection (1)(e) or (2)(e).
744 Section 14. Section 58-44a-302 is amended to read:
745 58-44a-302. Qualifications for licensure.
746 (1) An applicant for licensure as a nurse midwife shall:
747 (a) submit an application in a form as prescribed by the division;
748 (b) pay a fee as determined by the department under Section 63J-1-504;
749 (c) at the time of application for licensure hold a license in good standing as a
750 registered nurse in Utah, or be at that time qualified for a license as a registered nurse under
751 Title 58, Chapter 31b, Nurse Practice Act;
752 (d) have completed:
753 (i) a certified nurse midwifery education program accredited by the Accreditation
754 Commission for Midwifery Education and approved by the division; or
755 (ii) a nurse midwifery education program located outside of the United States which is
756 approved by the division and is [
757 the Accreditation Commission for Midwifery Education, [
758 graduate's being accepted to sit for the national certifying examination administered by the
759 Accreditation Commission for Midwifery Education or its designee;
760 (e) have passed examinations [
761 by rule in collaboration with the board [
762 education program required under Subsection (1)(d); and
763 (f) complete and pass a criminal background check in accordance with Section
764 58-44a-302.1.
765 (2) For purposes of Subsection (1)(d), as of January 1, 2010, an applicant shall have
766 completed a graduate degree, including post-master's certificate, in nurse midwifery from the
767 accredited education program or the accredited education program's equivalent[
768 Section 15. Section 58-49-4 is amended to read:
769 58-49-4. Qualifications for certification -- Fee.
770 Each applicant for certification under this chapter shall provide proof satisfactory to the
771 division that the applicant:
772 (1) holds at least a baccalaureate or post-baccalaureate degree conferred by a college or
773 university approved by the division at the time the degree was conferred with a major course of
774 study in the sciences of food, dietetics, food systems management, or an equivalent major
775 course of study;
776 (2) has completed an internship or preplanned professional baccalaureate or
777 post-baccalaureate experience in a dietetic program under the supervision of a certified
778 dietitian who is certified under this chapter or certified, registered, or licensed under the laws of
779 another state [
780 another jurisdiction outside of the United States;
781 (3) has satisfactorily passed a competency examination, approved by or given at the
782 direction of the division; and
783 (4) has paid the appropriate fees determined by the Department of Commerce. The fee
784 assessed by the Department of Commerce shall be fair and reasonable and shall reflect the cost
785 of services provided.
786 Section 16. Section 58-49-6 is amended to read:
787 58-49-6. Certification of persons qualified in other jurisdictions.
788 Upon receipt of an application and application fee the division may [
790 (1) [
792 requirements for licensure by endorsement under Section 58-1-302; or
793 (2) is registered by the Commission on Dietetic Registration.
794 Section 17. Section 58-57-4 is amended to read:
795 58-57-4. Qualifications for a license.
796 (1) The division shall issue a respiratory care practitioner license to an applicant who
797 meets the requirements specified in this section.
798 (2) An applicant seeking licensure as a respiratory care practitioner shall:
799 (a) submit an application on a form prescribed by the division;
800 (b) pay a fee as determined by the department pursuant to Section 63J-1-504;
801 (c) possess a high school education or its equivalent, as determined by the division in
802 collaboration with the board;
803 (d) have completed a respiratory care practitioner educational program that is
804 accredited by [
806 (e) pass an examination approved by the division in collaboration with the board.
807 Section 18. Section 58-57-5 is amended to read:
808 58-57-5. Licensure by endorsement.
809 [
810 58-1-301, if the applicant has completed a respiratory care practitioner education program that
811 is [
812 [
816 collaboration with the board.
817 Section 19. Section 58-60-115 is amended to read:
818 58-60-115. License by endorsement.
819 The division shall issue a license by endorsement under this chapter to a person who:
820 (1) submits an application on a form provided by the division;
821 (2) pays a fee determined by the department under Section 63J-1-504;
822 (3) provides documentation of current or previous licensure in good standing in a state,
823 district, or territory of the United States, or in a jurisdiction outside of the United States that the
824 division approves by rule in collaboration with the board to practice in the profession for which
825 licensure is being sought;
826 (4) except as provided in Subsection (5), provides documentation that the person has
827 engaged in the lawful practice of the profession for which licensure is sought for at least
828 [
829 (5) if applying for a license to practice as a licensed substance use disorder counselor,
830 provides documentation that the person:
831 (a) has engaged in the lawful practice of the profession for at least [
832 and
833 (b) has passed an examination [
834 approves by rule to establish proficiency in the profession;
835 (6) has passed the profession specific jurisprudence examination if required of a new
836 applicant; and
837 (7) is of good professional standing, and has no disciplinary action pending or in effect
838 against the applicant's license in any jurisdiction.
839 Section 20. Section 58-61-304 is amended to read:
840 58-61-304. Qualifications for licensure by examination or endorsement.
841 (1) An applicant for licensure as a psychologist based upon education, clinical training,
842 and examination shall:
843 (a) submit an application on a form provided by the division;
844 (b) pay a fee determined by the department under Section 63J-1-504;
845 (c) produce certified transcripts of credit verifying satisfactory completion of a doctoral
846 degree in psychology that includes specific core course work established by division rule under
847 Section 58-1-203, from an institution of higher education whose doctoral program, at the time
848 the applicant received the doctoral degree, met approval criteria established by division rule
849 made in consultation with the board;
850 (d) have completed a minimum of 4,000 hours of psychology training as defined by
851 division rule under Section 58-1-203 in not less than two years and under the supervision of a
852 psychologist supervisor approved by the division in collaboration with the board;
853 (e) to be qualified to engage in mental health therapy, document successful completion
854 of not less than 1,000 hours of supervised training in mental health therapy obtained after
855 completion of a master's level of education in psychology, which training may be included as
856 part of the 4,000 hours of training required in Subsection (1)(d), and for which documented
857 evidence demonstrates not less than one hour of supervision for each 40 hours of supervised
858 training was obtained under the direct supervision of a psychologist, as defined by rule;
859 (f) pass the examination requirement established by division rule under Section
860 58-1-203;
861 (g) consent to a criminal background check in accordance with Section 58-61-304.1
862 and any requirements established by rule made in accordance with Title 63G, Chapter 3, Utah
863 Administrative Rulemaking Act; and
864 (h) meet with the board, upon request for good cause, for the purpose of evaluating the
865 applicant's qualifications for licensure.
866 (2) An applicant for licensure as a psychologist by endorsement based upon licensure
867 in another [
868 (a) submit an application on a form provided by the division;
869 (b) pay a fee determined by the department under Section 63J-1-504;
870 (c) not have any disciplinary action pending or in effect against the applicant's
871 psychologist license in any jurisdiction;
872 (d) have passed the Utah Psychologist Law and Ethics Examination established by
873 division rule;
874 (e) provide satisfactory evidence [
875 previous licensure in another state, district, or territory of the United States, or in any other
876 jurisdiction outside of the United States, approved by the division in collaboration with the
877 board;
878 (f) provide satisfactory evidence the applicant has actively practiced psychology in that
879 jurisdiction for not less than 2,000 hours or one year, whichever is greater;
880 (g) provide satisfactory evidence that:
881 (i) the education, supervised experience, examination, and all other requirements for
882 licensure in that jurisdiction at the time the applicant obtained licensure were substantially
883 equivalent to the licensure requirements for a psychologist in Utah at the time the applicant
884 obtained licensure in the other jurisdiction; or
885 (ii) the applicant is:
886 (A) a current holder of Board Certified Specialist status in good standing from the
887 American Board of Professional Psychology;
888 (B) currently credentialed as a health service provider in psychology by the National
889 Register of Health Service Providers in Psychology; or
890 (C) currently holds a Certificate of Professional Qualification (CPQ) granted by the
891 Association of State and Provincial Psychology Boards;
892 (h) consent to a criminal background check in accordance with Section 58-61-304.1
893 and any requirements established by rule made in accordance with Title 63G, Chapter 3, Utah
894 Administrative Rulemaking Act; and
895 (i) meet with the board, upon request for good cause, for the purpose of evaluating the
896 applicant's qualifications for licensure.
897 (3) (a) An applicant for certification as a psychology resident shall comply with the
898 provisions of Subsections (1)(a), (b), (c), (g), and (h).
899 (b) (i) An individual's certification as a psychology resident is limited to the period of
900 time necessary to complete clinical training as described in Subsections (1)(d) and (e) and
901 extends not more than one year from the date the minimum requirement for training is
902 completed, unless the individual presents satisfactory evidence to the division and the
903 Psychologist Licensing Board that the individual is making reasonable progress toward passing
904 the qualifying examination or is otherwise on a course reasonably expected to lead to licensure
905 as a psychologist.
906 (ii) The period of time under Subsection (3)(b)(i) may not exceed two years past the
907 date the minimum supervised clinical training requirement has been completed.
908 Section 21. Section 58-69-302 is amended to read:
909 58-69-302. Qualifications -- Licensure as a dentist -- Licensure as a dental
910 hygienist.
911 (1) An applicant for licensure as a dentist, except as provided in Subsection (2), shall:
912 (a) submit an application in a form as prescribed by the division;
913 (b) pay a fee as determined by the department under Section 63J-1-504;
914 (c) provide satisfactory documentation of having successfully completed a program of
915 professional education preparing an individual as a dentist as evidenced by having received an
916 earned doctor's degree in dentistry from a dental school accredited by the Commission on
917 Dental Accreditation of the American Dental Association;
918 (d) pass the National Board Dental Examinations as administered by the Joint
919 Commission on National Dental Examinations of the American Dental Association;
920 (e) pass any regional dental clinical licensure examination approved by division rule
921 made in collaboration with the board and in accordance with Title 63G, Chapter 3, Utah
922 Administrative Rulemaking Act;
923 (f) pass any other examinations regarding applicable law, rules, or ethics as established
924 by division rule made in collaboration with the board and in accordance with Title 63G,
925 Chapter 3, Utah Administrative Rulemaking Act;
926 (g) be able to read, write, speak, understand, and be understood in the English language
927 and demonstrate proficiency to the satisfaction of the board if requested by the board; and
928 (h) meet with the board if requested by the board or division for the purpose of
929 examining the applicant's qualifications for licensure.
930 (2) An applicant for licensure as a dentist qualifying under the endorsement provision
931 of Section 58-1-302 shall provide satisfactory evidence of:
932 (a) [
933 unrestricted license in another [
934 another jurisdiction outside of the United States, described in Section 58-1-302;
935 (b) [
936 Subsection (1) except Subsection (1)(c); and
937 (c) [
938 practice as a dentist for not less than 6,000 hours in the five years immediately preceding the
939 date of application for licensure.
940 (3) An applicant for licensure as a dental hygienist, except as set forth in Subsection
941 (4), shall:
942 (a) submit an application in a form as prescribed by the division;
943 (b) pay a fee as determined by the department pursuant to Section 63J-1-504;
944 (c) be a graduate holding a certificate or degree in dental hygiene from a school
945 accredited by the Commission on Dental Accreditation of the American Dental Association;
946 (d) pass the National Board Dental Hygiene Examination as administered by the Joint
947 Commission on National Dental Examinations of the American Dental Association;
948 (e) pass an examination consisting of practical demonstrations in the practice of dental
949 hygiene and written or oral examination in the theory and practice of dental hygiene as
950 established by division rule made in collaboration with the board;
951 (f) pass any other examinations regarding applicable law, rules, and ethics as
952 established by rule by division rule made in collaboration with the board;
953 (g) be able to read, write, speak, understand, and be understood in the English language
954 and demonstrate proficiency to the satisfaction of the board if requested by the board; and
955 (h) meet with the board if requested by the board or division for the purpose of
956 examining the applicant's qualifications for licensure.
957 (4) An applicant for licensure as a dental hygienist qualifying under the endorsement
958 provision of Section 58-1-302 shall provide satisfactory evidence of:
959 (a) [
960 district, or territory of the United States set forth in Section 58-1-302;
961 (b) (i) [
962 Subsection (3) except, an applicant having received licensure in another state or jurisdiction
963 prior to 1962, the year when the National Board Dental Hygiene Examinations were first
964 administered, shall document having passed a state administered examination acceptable to the
965 division in collaboration with the board; or
966 (ii) [
967 jurisdiction upon which licensure by endorsement is based by meeting requirements which
968 were [
969 obtained licensure in the other state or jurisdiction; and
970 (c) [
971 a dental hygienist for not less than 2,000 hours in the two years immediately preceding the date
972 of application for licensure.
973 Section 22. Section 58-73-302 is amended to read:
974 58-73-302. Qualifications for licensure.
975 (1) Each applicant for licensure as a chiropractic physician, other than those applying
976 for a license based on licensure as a chiropractor or chiropractic physician in another
977 [
978 the United States, shall:
979 (a) submit an application in a form prescribed by the division;
980 (b) pay a fee determined by the department under Section 63J-1-504;
981 (c) demonstrate satisfactory completion of at least two years of general study in a
982 college or university;
983 (d) demonstrate having earned a degree of doctor of chiropractic from a chiropractic
984 college or university that at the time the degree was conferred was accredited by the Council on
985 Chiropractic Education, Inc., or an equivalent chiropractic accrediting body recognized by the
986 United States Department of Education and by the division rule made in collaboration with the
987 board;
988 (e) demonstrate successful completion of:
989 (i) the National Chiropractic Boards:
990 (A) Parts I and II;
991 (B) Written Clinical Competency Examination; and
992 (C) Physiotherapy;
993 (ii) the Utah Chiropractic Law and Rules Examination; and
994 (iii) a practical examination approved by the division in collaboration with the board;
995 and
996 (f) meet with the board, if requested, for the purpose of reviewing the applicant's
997 qualifications for licensure.
998 (2) Each applicant for licensure as a chiropractic physician based on licensure as a
999 chiropractor or chiropractic physician in another [
1000 United States, or another jurisdiction outside of the United States, shall:
1001 (a) submit an application in the form prescribed by the division;
1002 (b) pay a fee determined by the department under Section 63J-1-504;
1003 (c) demonstrate having obtained licensure as a chiropractor or chiropractic physician in
1004 another [
1005 similar to the education requirements in this state to obtain a chiropractor or chiropractic
1006 physician license at the time the applicant obtained the license in the other [
1007 (d) demonstrate successful completion of[
1008 Examination;
1009 [
1010 [
1012 (e) have been actively engaged in the practice of chiropractic for not less than one year
1013 in the two years immediately preceding application for licensure in this state; and
1014 (f) meet with the board, if requested, for the purpose of reviewing the applicant's
1015 qualifications for licensure.
1016 Section 23. Section 58-74-302 is amended to read:
1017 58-74-302. Qualifications for state certification.
1018 (1) Each applicant for state certification as a state certified court reporter under this
1019 chapter shall:
1020 (a) be at least 18 [
1021 (b) be a [
1022 (c) submit an application in a form prescribed by the division;
1023 (d) pay a fee determined by the department under Section 63J-1-504;
1024 (e) possess a high degree of skill and ability in the art of court reporting; and
1025 (f) submit evidence that the applicant has completed and passed the Registered
1026 Professional Reporter Examination of the National Court Reporters Association or the
1027 Certified Verbatim Reporter Examination of the National Verbatim Reporters Association.
1028 (2) A person granted a certificate to practice as a state certified court reporter may use
1029 the abbreviation "C.C.R." or "C.V.R." as long as the person's certificate is current and valid.
1030 Section 24. Effective date.
1031 This bill takes effect on May 1, 2024.