9 General Description:
10 This resolution recognizes the importance of cross-issue growth impacts.
11 Highlighted Provisions:
12 This resolution:
13 ▸ encourages local governments, private sector entities, and community partners to
14 consider cross-issue growth impacts in the decision-making process.
15 Special Clauses:
16 None
18 Be it resolved by the Legislature of the state of Utah, the Governor concurring therein:
19 WHEREAS, Utah was the fastest growing state in the United States between 2010 and
20 2020, and continues to grow rapidly;
21 WHEREAS, a growing population means an increased demand for housing,
22 transportation, water, energy, open space, and recreation;
23 WHEREAS, the Guiding Our Growth effort is a statewide conversation about growth,
24 guided by the Governor's Office of Planning and Budget and partners from all over the state,
25 both inside and outside of government;
26 WHEREAS, Guiding Our Growth has highlighted Utahns' desire to manage the state's
27 growth in a way that maintains and enhances quality of life for all Utahns;
28 WHEREAS, growth issues are interrelated, and decisions on one issue often affect
29 other growth-related issues;
30 WHEREAS, Utah decision-makers and stakeholders are known for doing business "The
31 Utah Way," which represents Utah's culture of collaborative problem-solving;
32 WHEREAS, many programs designed to support quality growth are already in place;
33 WHEREAS, multiple state agencies are currently working to address growth challenges
34 as topics overlap agency responsibilities;
35 WHEREAS, many local governments and regional entities are working to address
36 growth challenges across local departments and agencies; and
37 WHEREAS, there is no formal encouragement for the state or local governments,
38 community partners, or stakeholders to consider holistically the effects of programs or
39 decisions on all growth issues:
40 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Legislature of the state of Utah, the
41 Governor concurring therein, encourages its offices and agencies to include consideration of
42 cross-issue growth impacts in state funding, policy, and program design, development, and
43 evaluation.
44 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Legislature and the Governor encourage local
45 governments, private sector entities, and community partners to consider cross-issue growth
46 impacts in decision-making processes.