8 General Description:
9 This resolution encourages Utah employers to post a notice of benefits for veterans.
10 Highlighted Provisions:
11 This resolution:
12 ▸ encourages public and private employers to post for their employees a list of
13 resources made available through the Utah Department of Veterans and Military
14 Affairs to active military members, veterans, and their spouses.
15 Special Clauses:
16 None
18 Be it resolved by the Legislature of the state of Utah, the Governor concurring therein:
19 WHEREAS, members of the U.S. Armed Forces make the affirmative decision to
20 serve, protect, and sacrifice for the security of the United States and its citizens;
21 WHEREAS, more than 125,000 Utah residents are veterans of the U.S. Armed Forces;
22 WHEREAS, the rate of disability for veterans is more than twice the rate of disability
23 for nonveterans, and the rate of suicide for veterans is 1.5 times the rate of suicide for
24 nonveterans;
25 WHEREAS, the stated vision of the Department of Veterans and Military Affairs
26 prioritizes Utah's status as a premier location of veterans, service members, and their families
27 to live and succeed;
28 WHEREAS, Utah law provides several benefits to veterans and their families,
29 including healthcare, employment assistance, business resources, legal assistance, tax benefits,
30 and homebuyer assistance;
31 WHEREAS, Utah and the Department of Veterans and Military Affairs have made
32 significant strides for Utah's veterans in reducing poverty, reducing unemployment, and
33 increasing incomes; and
34 WHEREAS, it is vital to the success of the efforts to assist veterans that they are aware
35 of and able to access the available support services:
36 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Legislature of the state of Utah, the
37 Governor concurring therein, that all employers, public and private, are encouraged to post for
38 their employees a list of resources made available through the Department of Veterans and
39 Military Affairs to active military members, veterans, and their spouses.