



Chief Sponsor: Tyler Clancy


8     General Description:
9          This resolution urges the United States Congress to take actions to enact trade policy
10     that supports United States' businesses and workers while penalizing global polluters.
11     Highlighted Provisions:
12          This resolution:
13          ▸     identifies threats posed to the United States by supply chain dependence on China;
14          ▸     recognizes the environmental threat of China to the global pollution crisis;
15          ▸     recognizes how policies that promote domestic extraction and production instead of
16     reliance on China could benefit Utah's rural communities; and
17          ▸     urges the United States Congress to support trade policies that hold high polluting
18     countries like China and Russia accountable for pollution and bolster cleaner,
19     United States-based extraction and production.
20     Special Clauses:
21          None

23     Be it resolved by the House of Representatives of the state of Utah:
24          WHEREAS, Chinese government-owned industry is an arm of the Communist Party
25     and strives to increase its influence over the global economy by pursuing predatory, unfair
26     trade practices designed to steal intellectual property and destroy competition from the United
27     States;

28          WHEREAS, China's dominance of key components of the global supply chain,
29     including those related to critical minerals, represents a threat to United States economic
30     security and economic and social development;
31          WHEREAS, China is the greatest immediate obstacle to reducing global pollution and
32     accounts for one third of global greenhouse gas emissions, more than the rest of the developed
33     world combined, while it subsidizes its exports by not imposing or enforcing environmental
34     and labor standards comparable to those in other developed nations;
35          WHEREAS, private sector innovation and American resources have led the United
36     States to eliminate more carbon emissions than any other country in the last fifteen years, and
37     the United States' economy is 44% more carbon efficient than the world average;
38          WHEREAS, United States' companies are more efficient in nearly every industry and
39     yet are forced to compete with subsidized imports from China and elsewhere that face few
40     limits on how much they pollute;
41          WHEREAS, environmental policies have blocked resource development on public
42     lands in Utah, inadvertently enriching China by making the United States reliant on China for
43     the development of minerals that could be mined domestically;
44          WHEREAS, these federal environmental policies have left rural Utahns with fewer
45     opportunities for healthcare, education, and jobs, preventing them from building communities
46     in which their children and families can thrive; and
47          WHEREAS, holding foreign polluters to the same standards as domestic producers
48     would provide a plethora of benefits to the state of Utah, including:
49               •      diversifying supply chains by reducing the United States' dependence on
50     imports from high emitting producers like Russia and China;
51               •      decreasing global pollution by holding the biggest polluters accountable
52     to western environmental standards;
53               •      boosting steel production in Utah, increasing United States steelmakers'
54     sales by as much as nine percent, grow steelmakers' profitability by as
55     much as 41%, and dropping steel imports by about 50%; and
56               •      bolstering domestic manufacturing and generate good paying jobs in
57     rural areas:
58          NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the House of Representatives of the

59     state of Utah urges the United States Congress to support trade policies that hold high polluting
60     countries like China and Russia accountable for pollution and bolster domestic extraction and
61     production.
62          BE FURTHER RESOLVED that the House of Representatives promotes American
63     economic development and the rebuilding of United States supply chains, particularly in rural
64     communities, including by enacting policies that reward American businesses and workers for
65     their superior environmental performance.