This document includes House Committee Amendments incorporated into the bill on Thu, Feb 22, 2024 at 10:15 AM by housengrossing.
This document includes House Floor Amendments incorporated into the bill on Wed, Feb 28, 2024 at 11:29 AM by housengrossing.
This document includes House Floor Amendments incorporated into the bill on Wed, Feb 28, 2024 at 11:36 AM by housengrossing.
Representative Susan Pulsipher proposes the following substitute bill:




Chief Sponsor: Todd D. Weiler

House Sponsor: Susan Pulsipher


8     General Description:
9          This bill enacts the Children's Device Protection Act.
10     Highlighted Provisions:
11          This bill:
12          ▸     defines terms;
13          ▸     requires a tablet or a smartphone (a device) manufactured on or after January 1,
14     2025, to automatically enable a filter upon device activation by a minor;
15          ▸     requires the filter enabled for minors at activation to:
16               •     prevent a minor user of the device from accessing material that is obscene
17     through Internet browsers or search engines; and
18               •     provide non-minor users the option to deactivate and re-activate the filter with a
19     password;
20          ▸     permits the attorney general to bring civil actions against manufacturers of devices
21     that do not comply with this bill;
22          ▸     permits private civil actions by parents and guardians of minors against
23     manufacturers and others who violate provisions of this bill; and
24          ▸     makes it a criminal offense for any person, with the exception of a parent or legal
25     guardian, to enable the removal of the filter on a device in the possession of a

26     minor.
27     Money Appropriated in this Bill:
28          None
29     Other Special Clauses:
30          This bill provides a special effective date.
31     Utah Code Sections Affected:
32     AMENDS:
33          63I-2-278, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2023, Chapters 33, 250
34     ENACTS:
35          76-10-1238, Utah Code Annotated 1953
36          78B-6-2601, Utah Code Annotated 1953
37          78B-6-2602, Utah Code Annotated 1953
38          78B-6-2603, Utah Code Annotated 1953
39          78B-6-2604, Utah Code Annotated 1953
40          78B-6-2605, Utah Code Annotated 1953
41          78B-6-2606, Utah Code Annotated 1953
42     REPEALS:
43          78B-6-2202 (Contingently Effective), as enacted by Laws of Utah 2021, Chapter 416
44     and further amended by Revisor Instructions, Laws of Utah 2021, Chapter 416
45          78B-6-2203 (Contingently Effective), as enacted by Laws of Utah 2021, Chapter 416
46     and further amended by Revisor Instructions, Laws of Utah 2021, Chapter 416
47          78B-6-2204 (Contingently Effective), as enacted by Laws of Utah 2021, Chapter 416
48     and further amended by Revisor Instructions, Laws of Utah 2021, Chapter 416
49          78B-6-2205 (Contingently Effective), as enacted by Laws of Utah 2021, Chapter 416
50     and further amended by Revisor Instructions, Laws of Utah 2021, Chapter 416
51          78B-6-2206 (Contingently Effective), as enacted by Laws of Utah 2021, Chapter 416
52     and further amended by Revisor Instructions, Laws of Utah 2021, Chapter 416

54     Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
55          Section 1. Section 63I-2-278 is amended to read:
56          63I-2-278. Repeal dates: Title 78A and Title 78B.

57          (1) Section 78A-2-804 is repealed on July 1, 2024.
58          (2) Title 78A, Chapter 10, Judicial Selection Act, is repealed on July 1, 2023.
59          [(3) If Title 78B, Chapter 6, Part 22, Cause of Action to Protect Minors from
60     Unfiltered Devices, is not in effect before January 1, 2031, Title 78B, Chapter 6, Part 22, Cause
61     of Action to Protect Minors from Unfiltered Devices, is repealed January 1, 2031.]
62          [(4)] (3) Sections 78B-12-301 and 78B-12-302 are repealed on January 1, 2025.
63          Section 2. Section 76-10-1238 is enacted to read:
64          76-10-1238. Deactivation of a device filter.
65          (1) (a) An adult individual, other than the parent or legal guardian of the minor in
66     possession of a device, who intentionally disables the filter required under Section 78B-6-2602
67     on a device in possession of a minor for the purpose of disseminating pornography to the
68     minor, commits a class A misdemeanor.
69          (b) For each offense of Subsection (1)(a), the violator is subject to a fine in an amount
70     not to exceed $2,500.
71          (2) A person who has a prior conviction under this section, who commits a subsequent
72     violation of Subsection (1)(a), is guilty of a third degree felony and shall, for each separate
73     offense, be fined in an amount not to exceed $5,000 and may be imprisoned for zero to five
74     years.
75          Section 3. Section 78B-6-2601 is enacted to read:
Part 26. Children's Device Protection Act

77          78B-6-2601. Definitions.
78          As used in this part:
79          (1) "Activate" means the process of powering on a device and associating the device
80     with a user account.
81          (2) "Device" means a tablet or a smart phone manufactured on or after January 1, 2025.
82          (3) "Filter" means Ĥ→ generally accepted and commercially reasonable ←Ĥ software
82a     used on a device that is Ĥ→ [
reasonably] ←Ĥ capable of preventing
83     the device from accessing or displaying obscene material through Internet browsers or search
84     engines Ĥ→ owned or controlled by the manufacturer ←Ĥ in accordance with prevailing
84a     industry standards Ĥ→ including blocking known
84b     websites linked to obscene content ←Ĥ via mobile data networks, wired
85     Internet networks, and wireless Internet networks.
86          (4) "Internet" means the same as that term is defined in Section 13-40-102.
87          (5) "Manufacturer" means a person that:
88          (a) Ĥ→ (i) ←Ĥ is engaged in the business of manufacturing a device;
89          Ĥ→ [
(b)] (ii) ←Ĥ holds the patents for the device the person manufactures; Ĥ→ [and] or
89a               (iii) holds the patents for the operating system on a device; and ←Ĥ
90          Ĥ→ [
(c)] (b) ←Ĥ has a commercial registered agent as that term is defined in Section
90a     16-17-102.
91          (6) "Minor" means an individual under the age of 18 who is not emancipated, married,
92     or a member of the armed forces of the United States.
93          (7) "Obscenity" means the same as that term is defined in Section 32B-1-504.
93a     Ĥ→ (8) "Operating system" means software that manages all of the other application
93b     programs on a device. ←Ĥ
94          Ĥ→ [
(8)] (9) ←Ĥ "Password" means a string of characters or other secure method used to
94a     enable,
95     deactivate, modify, or uninstall a filter on a device.
96          Ĥ→ [
(9)] (10) ←Ĥ (a) "Retailer" means a person, that is not a manufacturer, that sells a
96a     device directly
97     to consumers.
98          (b) "Retailer" includes an employee of a retailer acting in the course and scope of the
99     employee's employment.
100          Ĥ→ [
(10)] (11) ←Ĥ "Smart phone" means the same as that term is defined in Section
100a     63A-2-101.5.
101          Ĥ→ [
(11)] (12) ←Ĥ "Tablet" means a mobile device that:
102          (a) is equipped with a mobile operating system, touchscreen display, and rechargeable
103     battery; and
104          (b) has the ability to support access to a cellular network.
105          Ĥ→ [
(12)] (13) ←Ĥ "Video game console" means a discrete computing system, including
105a     the system's
106     components and peripherals, primarily used for playing video games, but does not include a
107     smartphone or tablet.
108          Section 4. Section 78B-6-2602 is enacted to read:
109          78B-6-2602. Filter required.
110          All devices activated in the state shall:
111          (1) contain a filter;
112          (2) Ĥ→ [
determine the age of a user] ask the user to provide the user's age ←Ĥ during
112a     activation and account set-up;☆
113          ☆(3) automatically enable the filter when the user is a minor based on the Ĥ→
113a     [
determination] age provided by the user as described ←Ĥ
114     in Subsection (2);
115          (4) allow a password to be established for the filter;
116          (5) notify the user of the device when the filter blocks the device from accessing a
117     website; and
118          (6) allow a non-minor user that has a password the option to deactivate and re-activate

119     the filter.
120          Section 5. Section 78B-6-2603 is enacted to read:
121          78B-6-2603. Manufacturer liability.
122          (1) A manufacturer of a device is subject to civil liability if:
123          (a) a device is activated in the state;
124          (b) the device does not, upon activation in the state, enable a filter that complies with
125     the requirements described in Section 78B-6-2602; and
126          (c) the minor accesses material that is obscene on the device.
127          (2) Notwithstanding Subsection (1), this section does not apply to a manufacturer that
128     makes a good faith effort to provide a device that, upon activation of the device in the state Ĥ→ [

128a     and
129     using the age provided by the user, automatically enables a generally accepted and
130     commercially reasonable filter that blocks obscene content on all Internet browsers or search
131     engines accessed on the device in accordance with this section
] , automatically enables a filter in
131a     accordance with Section 78B-6-2602 ←Ĥ .
132          (3) Nothing in this part:
132a     Ĥ→ (a) applies to a device manufactured before January 1, 2025; ←Ĥ
133          Ĥ→ [
(a)] (b) ←Ĥ applies to a video game console; or
134          Ĥ→ [
(b)] (c) ←Ĥ creates a cause of action against a retailer of a device.
135          Section 6. Section 78B-6-2604 is enacted to read:
136          78B-6-2604. Individual liability.
137          With the exception of a minor's parent or legal guardian, a person may be liable in a
138     civil and criminal action for intentionally enabling the password to remove the filter on a
139     device in the possession of a minor if the minor accesses content that is obscene on the device.
140          Section 7. Section 78B-6-2605 is enacted to read:
141          78B-6-2605. Proceedings by the attorney general.
142          (1) The attorney general may bring an action in court against a person for a violation of
143     this chapter:
144          (a) to enjoin any action that constitutes a violation of this chapter by the issuance of a
145     temporary restraining order or preliminary or permanent injunction;
146          (b) to recover from a violator a civil penalty not to exceed $5,000 per violation, and not
147     to exceed a total of $50,000 in aggregate, as determined by the court;
148          (c) to recover from a violator the attorney general's reasonable expenses, investigative
149     costs, and attorney fees; and

150          (d) to obtain other appropriate relief as provided for under this chapter.
151          (2) The attorney general may seek revocation of any license or certificate authorizing a
152     manufacturer to engage in business in this state if, after the manufacturer is found to have
153     violated provisions of this part, the manufacturer demonstrates a repeated pattern of violations
154     of the provisions of this part.
155          (3) For purposes of assessing a penalty under this section, a manufacturer is considered
156     to have committed a separate violation for each device manufactured on or after January 1,
157     2025, that violates the provisions of Section 78B-6-2602.
158          Section 8. Section 78B-6-2606 is enacted to read:
159          78B-6-2606. Civil action by parent or legal guardian.
160          (1) A parent or legal guardian of a minor that accesses obscene content on a device as a
161     result of a manufacturer's failure to comply with of Section 78B-6-2602 may bring a private
162     cause of action in court against the manufacturer.
163          (2) A person bringing an action under Subsection (1) may recover:
164          (a) (i) actual damages; or
165          (ii) where actual damages are difficult to ascertain due to the nature of the injury,
166     $50,000 for each violation;
167          (b) if a violation is found to be knowing and willful, punitive damages in an amount
168     determined by the court;
169          (c) nominal damages;
170          (d) attorney fees; and
171          (e) such other relief as the court deems appropriate, including court costs and expenses.
172          (3) Nothing herein shall preclude the bringing of a class action lawsuit against a
173     manufacturer where its conduct in violation of Section 78B-6-2602 is knowing and willful.
174          (4) A parent or legal guardian of a minor may bring an action in against any person
175     who is not the parent or legal guardian of the child and who disables the filter from a device in
176     the possession of the child which results in the minor's exposure to obscene content.
177          (5) A person bringing an action under Subsection (4) may recover:
178          (a) (i) actual damages; or
179          (ii) where actual damages are difficult to ascertain due to the nature of the injury,
180     $1,000 for each violation; and

181          (b) such other relief as the court deems appropriate.
182          Section 9. Repealer.
183          This bill repeals:
184          Section 78B-6-2202 (Contingently Effective), Definitions.
185          Section 78B-6-2203 (Contingently Effective), Filter required.
186          Section 78B-6-2204 (Contingently Effective), Liability.
187          Section 78B-6-2205 (Contingently Effective), Damages -- Class action.
188          Section 78B-6-2206 (Contingently Effective), Civil action for enforcement --
189     Penalties.
190          Section 10. Effective date.
191          (1) Except as provided in Subsection (2), this bill takes effect on January 1, 2025.
192          (2) The actions affecting Section 63I-2-278 (effective 05/01/24) take effect on May 1,
193     2024.