This document includes Senate 2nd Reading Floor Amendments incorporated into the bill on Mon, Feb 5, 2024 at 4:07 PM by lpoole.




Chief Sponsor: Michael S. Kennedy

House Sponsor: Trevor Lee


9     General Description:
10          This resolution condemns communism and socialism.
11     Highlighted Provisions:
12          This resolution:
13          ▸     exalts the principles of the United States Constitution;
14          ▸     reaffirms the principles of the free market; and
15          ▸     condemns the destructive nature of socialism and communism in society.
16     Special Clauses:
17          None

19     Be it resolved by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
20          WHEREAS, the state of Utah has a history of upholding the principles of liberty,
21     freedom, and individual rights enshrined in the United States Constitution;
22          WHEREAS, the Constitution of the United States serves as a beacon of democracy,
23     ensuring the individual rights and freedoms of all citizens, fostering economic freedom, and
24     promoting the general welfare of the American people;
25          WHEREAS, socialism and communism directly attack and conflict with the ennobling
26     principles of the United States Constitution and the Declaration of Independence;
27          WHEREAS, the free market system, grounded in principles of supply and demand,

28     private property rights, and voluntary exchange, is a cornerstone of the American economy;
29          WHEREAS, the free market system is upheld by the individual freedoms of this great
30     nation;
31          WHEREAS, we confront the enduring and recurring threat of communism to our
32     freedoms and rights;
33          WHEREAS, socialism and communism, when implemented in Venezuela, Cuba, North
34     Korea, Zimbabwe, and many other once-prosperous countries, have led to catastrophic
35     consequences, stifling individual freedoms, suppressing economic initiative, and resulting in
36     widespread poverty, human suffering, and the killing of over 100,000,000 people worldwide;
37          WHEREAS, socialism Ŝ→ , as a form of government, ←Ŝ is characterized by the
37a     collective ownership and control of the
38     means of production and distribution, excessive government intervention, central planning, and
39     suppression of personal liberties;
40          WHEREAS, communism Ŝ→ [
advocates for] establishes ←Ŝ a society where the state
40a     controls all aspects of
41     economic and social life, imposes totalitarian regimes resulting in a lack of incentives, and
42     erodes individual rights;
43          WHEREAS, history has unequivocally shown that individual freedoms, rights, Ŝ→
43a     accountability, ←Ŝ and
44     democracy cannot coexist with a socialist or communist government; and
45          WHEREAS, it is imperative to recognize the importance of preserving the principles of
46     the free market, limited government, and individual liberty, which have been instrumental in
47     shaping the prosperity and success of our great nation:
48          NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Legislature of the state of Utah
49     exalts and celebrates the enduring principles of the United States Constitution, reaffirms our
50     commitment to the free market system, and condemns the destructive and oppressive nature of
51     socialism and communism.
52          BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Legislature stands united in our dedication to
53     preserving the liberties and opportunities that have made the United States of America a
54     beacon of hope and prosperity for people around the world, and urges all citizens to remain
55     vigilant in the defense of these cherished principles.
56          BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that copies of this resolution be sent to the Governor of
57     the state of Utah, the Speaker of the House of Representatives, the President of the Senate, and
58     the members of the Utah Congressional Delegation as an expression of the strong and
59     unwavering commitment of the state of Utah to the principles of freedom, democracy, and the
60     free market.