


Chief Sponsor: Karen Kwan

House Sponsor: Marsha Judkins


8     General Description:
9          This bill amends provisions to modify gender-specific language.
10     Highlighted Provisions:
11          This bill:
12          ▸     amends provisions to modify gender-specific language;
13          ▸     enacts changes to conform with legislative drafting standards; and
14          ▸     makes other technical and conforming changes.
15     Money Appropriated in this Bill:
16          None
17     Other Special Clauses:
18          None
19     Utah Code Sections Affected:
20     AMENDS:
21          6-1-2, as enacted in Utah Code Annotated 1953
22          6-1-4, as enacted in Utah Code Annotated 1953
23          6-1-10, as enacted in Utah Code Annotated 1953
24          6-1-11, as enacted in Utah Code Annotated 1953
25          6-1-13, as enacted in Utah Code Annotated 1953
26          6-1-14, as enacted in Utah Code Annotated 1953
27          6-1-16, as enacted in Utah Code Annotated 1953

28          6-1-17, as enacted in Utah Code Annotated 1953
29          6-1-18, as enacted in Utah Code Annotated 1953
30          10-8-42, as enacted in Utah Code Annotated 1953
31          10-8-78, as enacted in Utah Code Annotated 1953
32          10-8-85, as enacted in Utah Code Annotated 1953
33          11-1-1, as enacted in Utah Code Annotated 1953
34          11-6-1, as enacted in Utah Code Annotated 1953
35          11-7-4, as enacted by Laws of Utah 1957, Chapter 19
36          15-2-2, as enacted in Utah Code Annotated 1953
37          15-2-3, as enacted in Utah Code Annotated 1953
38          15-2-4, as enacted in Utah Code Annotated 1953
39          15-3-1, as enacted in Utah Code Annotated 1953
40          15-4-5, as enacted in Utah Code Annotated 1953
41          15-4-6, as enacted in Utah Code Annotated 1953
42          16-7-6, as enacted in Utah Code Annotated 1953
43          17-3-9, as enacted in Utah Code Annotated 1953
44          17-16-12, as enacted in Utah Code Annotated 1953
45          17-22-10, as enacted in Utah Code Annotated 1953
46          17-22-11, as enacted in Utah Code Annotated 1953
47          17-22-13, as enacted in Utah Code Annotated 1953
48          17-22-14, as enacted in Utah Code Annotated 1953
49          17-22-15, as enacted in Utah Code Annotated 1953
50          17-22-16, as enacted in Utah Code Annotated 1953
51          17-22-17, as enacted in Utah Code Annotated 1953
52          17-22-18, as enacted in Utah Code Annotated 1953
53          17-22-19, as enacted in Utah Code Annotated 1953
54          17-22-20, as enacted in Utah Code Annotated 1953
55          17-22-24, as enacted in Utah Code Annotated 1953
56          17-22-25, as enacted in Utah Code Annotated 1953
57          17-30-10, as enacted by Initiative Measure, 1960
58          17-30-16, as enacted by Initiative Measure, 1960

59          17-30-17, as enacted by Initiative Measure, 1960
60          17-30-20, as enacted by Initiative Measure, 1960
61          22-1-4, as enacted in Utah Code Annotated 1953
62          22-1-5, as enacted in Utah Code Annotated 1953
63          22-1-6, as enacted in Utah Code Annotated 1953
64          22-1-7, as enacted in Utah Code Annotated 1953
65          22-1-8, as enacted in Utah Code Annotated 1953
66          22-1-9, as enacted in Utah Code Annotated 1953
67          22-2-1, as enacted in Utah Code Annotated 1953
68          25-5-1, as enacted in Utah Code Annotated 1953
69          25-5-3, as enacted in Utah Code Annotated 1953
70          25-5-6, as enacted in Utah Code Annotated 1953
71          25-5-7, as enacted in Utah Code Annotated 1953
72          29-1-1, as enacted in Utah Code Annotated 1953
73          34-19-8, as enacted by Laws of Utah 1969, Chapter 85
74          34-19-11, as enacted by Laws of Utah 1969, Chapter 85
75          34-20-1, as enacted by Laws of Utah 1969, Chapter 85
76          34-26-2, as enacted by Laws of Utah 1969, Chapter 85
77          34-26-3, as enacted by Laws of Utah 1969, Chapter 85
78          34-27-1, as enacted by Laws of Utah 1969, Chapter 85
79          34-29-9, as enacted by Laws of Utah 1969, Chapter 85
80          34-29-19, as enacted by Laws of Utah 1969, Chapter 85
81          34-30-8, as enacted by Laws of Utah 1969, Chapter 85
82          34-33-1, as enacted by Laws of Utah 1969, Chapter 85
83          34-34-13, as enacted by Laws of Utah 1969, Chapter 85
84          38-2-1, as enacted in Utah Code Annotated 1953
85          38-2-2, as last amended by Laws of Utah 1953, Chapter 61
86          38-2-3.1, as enacted by Laws of Utah 1953, Chapter 62
87          38-2-5, as enacted in Utah Code Annotated 1953
88          38-3-3, as enacted in Utah Code Annotated 1953
89          38-7-3, as enacted by Laws of Utah 1965, Chapter 75

90          40-1-2, as enacted in Utah Code Annotated 1953
91          40-1-12, as enacted in Utah Code Annotated 1953
92          41-4-2, as enacted in Utah Code Annotated 1953
93          41-4-3, as enacted in Utah Code Annotated 1953
94          41-4-12, as enacted in Utah Code Annotated 1953
95          41-19-1, as enacted by Laws of Utah 1967, Chapter 53
96          42-1-1, as enacted in Utah Code Annotated 1953
97          43-1-2, as enacted in Utah Code Annotated 1953
98          47-1-2, as enacted in Utah Code Annotated 1953
99          47-1-3, as enacted in Utah Code Annotated 1953
100          47-1-7, as enacted in Utah Code Annotated 1953
101          52-1-8, as enacted in Utah Code Annotated 1953
102          52-1-11, as enacted in Utah Code Annotated 1953
103          54-4-20, as enacted in Utah Code Annotated 1953
104          54-7-7, as enacted in Utah Code Annotated 1953
105          54-8-12, as enacted by Laws of Utah 1969, Chapter 157
106          56-1-19, as enacted in Utah Code Annotated 1953
107          56-1-20, as enacted in Utah Code Annotated 1953
108          57-1-4, as enacted in Utah Code Annotated 1953
109          57-1-11, as enacted in Utah Code Annotated 1953
110          57-2-12, as enacted in Utah Code Annotated 1953
111          57-2-15, as enacted in Utah Code Annotated 1953
112          57-2-16, as enacted in Utah Code Annotated 1953
113          57-2-17, as enacted in Utah Code Annotated 1953
114          57-6-2, as enacted in Utah Code Annotated 1953
115          57-6-3, as enacted in Utah Code Annotated 1953
116          57-6-7, as enacted in Utah Code Annotated 1953
117          57-6-8, as enacted in Utah Code Annotated 1953
118          57-8-19, as enacted by Laws of Utah 1963, Chapter 111
119          57-8-25, as enacted by Laws of Utah 1963, Chapter 111
120          57-8-26, as enacted by Laws of Utah 1963, Chapter 111

121          57-9-4, as enacted by Laws of Utah 1963, Chapter 109
122          57-9-8, as enacted by Laws of Utah 1963, Chapter 109
123          67-1-4, as enacted in Utah Code Annotated 1953
124          67-1-6, as enacted in Utah Code Annotated 1953
125          67-3-2, as enacted in Utah Code Annotated 1953
126          67-4-15, as enacted in Utah Code Annotated 1953
127          67-9-2, as enacted in Utah Code Annotated 1953
128          67-16-9, as enacted by Laws of Utah 1969, Chapter 128
129          69-1-4, as enacted in Utah Code Annotated 1953
130          73-1-9, as enacted in Utah Code Annotated 1953
131          73-1-12, as enacted in Utah Code Annotated 1953
132          73-2-1.2, as enacted by Laws of Utah 1967, Chapter 176
133          73-2-1.3, as enacted by Laws of Utah 1967, Chapter 176
134          73-2-11, as enacted in Utah Code Annotated 1953
135          73-3-11, as enacted in Utah Code Annotated 1953
136          73-3-19, as enacted in Utah Code Annotated 1953
137          73-4-2, as last amended by Laws of Utah 1969, Chapter 198
138          73-4-23, as enacted in Utah Code Annotated 1953

140     Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
141          Section 1. Section 6-1-2 is amended to read:
142          6-1-2. When assignment void.
143          An assignment for the benefit of creditors is void against any creditor of the assignor
144     not assenting thereto in the following cases:
145          (1) if it gives a preference dependent upon any condition or contingency, or with any
146     power of revocation reserved;
147          (2) if it tends to coerce any creditor to release or compromise [his] the creditor's
148     demand;
149          (3) if it provides for the payment of any claim known by the assignor to be false or
150     fraudulent, or for the payment of more upon any claim than is known to be justly due from the
151     assignor;

152          (4) if it reserves any interest in the assigned property or in any part thereof to the
153     assignor or for [his] the assignor's benefit before all [his] the assignor's existing debts are paid;
154     and
155          (5) if it confers upon the assignee any power which, if exercised, might prevent or
156     delay the immediate conversion of the assigned property to the purposes of the trust; provided,
157     that the assignment may provide reasonable terms and manner of sale to be carried out only so
158     far as practicable and not prejudicial to the interest of the estate in the discretion of the court.
159          Section 2. Section 6-1-4 is amended to read:
160          6-1-4. Inventory -- Bond.
161          The assignee shall forthwith file with the clerk of the district court of the county where
162     the property assigned is located a true and full inventory and valuation of said estate, under
163     oath, so far as the same has come to [his] the assignee's knowledge, and shall then enter into
164     bonds to the state for the use of the creditors in double the amount of the inventory and
165     valuation, with one or more sureties to be approved by said clerk, for the faithful performance
166     of said trust; and the assignee may thereupon proceed to perform any duty necessary to carry
167     into effect the purpose of said assignment.
168          Section 3. Section 6-1-10 is amended to read:
169          6-1-10. Dividends to creditors.
170          If no exception is made and filed to the claim of any creditor, or if the same has been
171     adjudicated, the court shall order the assignee to make from time to time fair and equal
172     dividends among the creditors of the assets in [his] the assignee's hands in proportion to [their]
173     the creditors' claims and according to the preferences or classes, if any, named in the
174     assignment, and as soon as may be to render a final account of [his] the assignee's trust to the
175     court. If upon making the final dividend to creditors the assignee shall be unable after
176     reasonable efforts to ascertain the place of residence of any creditor or the person who is
177     authorized to receive the dividend due any creditor, [he] the assignee shall report the same to
178     the court, with evidence showing diligent attempts to find such creditor or person authorized to
179     receive the dividend; whereupon the court may in its discretion order the distribution of the
180     unclaimed dividend among the other creditors.
181          Section 4. Section 6-1-11 is amended to read:
182          6-1-11. Court to supervise administration.

183          The assignee shall at all times be subject to the order and supervision of the court or
184     judge and from time to time may be compelled, by citation or attachment, to file reports of [his]
185     the assignee's proceedings and of the situation and condition of the trust, and to proceed in the
186     execution of the duties required by this title.
187          Section 5. Section 6-1-13 is amended to read:
188          6-1-13. Failure to file inventory -- Examination of debtor.
189          No assignment shall be declared fraudulent or void for want of any list or inventory as
190     provided in this title. The court or judge may, upon application of the assignee or any creditor,
191     compel the appearance in person of the debtor before such court or judge, forthwith or at the
192     next term, to answer under oath such matters as may be inquired of [him] the debtor, and such
193     debtor may be fully examined under oath as to the amount and situation of [his] the debtor's
194     estate, and the names of the creditors and amounts due to each with their places of residence,
195     and may be compelled to deliver to the assignee any property or estate embraced in the
196     assignment.
197          Section 6. Section 6-1-14 is amended to read:
198          6-1-14. Subsequent inventory -- Additional bond.
199          The assignee shall from time to time file with the clerk of the court an inventory and
200     valuation of any additional property which may come into [his] the assignee's hands under the
201     assignment after the filing of the first inventory, and the clerk or the judge of the court may
202     thereupon require [him] the assignee to give additional security.
203          Section 7. Section 6-1-16 is amended to read:
204          6-1-16. Sales -- Confirmation.
205          The assignee may dispose of and sell all the estate assigned, real and personal, which
206     the debtor had at the time of the assignment, may sue for and recover in [his] the assignee's
207     own name everything belonging or appertaining to said estate, and generally do whatever the
208     debtor might have done in the premises; but no sale of real estate belonging to said trust shall
209     be made without notice published as in case of sales of real estate on execution, unless the
210     court or judge shall otherwise order, and no such sales shall be valid until approved by the
211     court or judge.
212          Section 8. Section 6-1-17 is amended to read:
213          6-1-17. Removal of assignee.

214          Upon a written application of a majority of the creditors in amount the court shall
215     remove the assignee and appoint in [his] the assignee's stead a person approved by the creditors
216     in the same number and amount, and the person so removed shall immediately turn over to the
217     clerk of the court, or any person appointed by the court, all money and property of the estate in
218     [his] the removed assignee's hands.
219          Section 9. Section 6-1-18 is amended to read:
220          6-1-18. Death or neglect of assignee.
221          If an assignee dies before the closing of [his] the assignee's trust, or shall fail or neglect
222     for the period of 20 days after making of any assignment to file an inventory and valuation and
223     give bond as required in this title, the district court or any judge thereof of the county where
224     such assignment may be recorded, on the application of any person interested, shall appoint
225     some person to execute the trust, who shall on giving bond have all the powers of the assignee
226     first appointed and be subject to all the duties hereby imposed. If it is shown to the court at any
227     time that an assignee is guilty of wasting or misapplying the trust fund, [he] that assignee may
228     be removed, and a successor appointed in the same manner.
229          Section 10. Section 10-8-42 is amended to read:
230          10-8-42. Intoxicating liquors -- Prohibitions on manufacture, sale, possession, etc.
231          They may prohibit, except as provided by law, any person from knowingly having in
232     [his] the person's possession any intoxicating liquor, and the manufacture, sale, keeping or
233     storing for sale, offering or exposing for sale, importing, carrying, transporting, advertising,
234     distributing, giving away, exchanging, dispensing or serving of intoxicating liquors.
235          Section 11. Section 10-8-78 is amended to read:
236          10-8-78. Official bonds and reports.
237          They may require all municipal officers and agents, elected or appointed, to give bond
238     and security for the faithful performance of their duties, and require from every officer of the
239     city at any time a report in detail of all transactions in [his] the officer of the city's office or any
240     matters connected therewith.
241          Section 12. Section 10-8-85 is amended to read:
242          10-8-85. Prison labor and fines.
243          They may provide by ordinance that any person committed to the county or municipal
244     jail or other place of incarceration as a punishment or in default of the payment of a fine, or

245     fine and costs, shall be required to work for the city at such labor as [his] the person's strength
246     will permit not exceeding eight hours in each working day; and that a judgment that the
247     defendant pay a fine or a fine and costs may also direct that [he] the defendant be imprisoned
248     until the amount thereof is satisfied, specifying the extent of imprisonment which cannot
249     exceed one day for each $2 of such amount.
250          Section 13. Section 11-1-1 is amended to read:
251          11-1-1. Auditor's certificate to show obligation within debt limit.
252          The county auditor of each county, the auditor of each city, and the clerk of each board
253     of education in this state shall endorse a certificate upon every bond, warrant or other evidence
254     of debt, issued pursuant to law by any such officer, that the same is within the lawful debt limit
255     of such county, city or school district, respectively, and is issued according to law. [He] The
256     officer shall sign such certificate in [his] the officer's official character.
257          Section 14. Section 11-6-1 is amended to read:
258          11-6-1. Records to be kept -- Availability to peace officers.
259          Pawnbrokers and dealers in secondhand goods shall keep records containing a
260     description of all articles received by them, the amounts paid therefor or advanced thereon, a
261     general description of the person from whom received, together with [his] the person's name
262     and address and the date of the transaction. Such records shall at all reasonable times be
263     accessible to any peace officer who demands an inspection thereof, and any further information
264     regarding such transaction that [he] the peace officer may require shall be given by
265     pawnbrokers and secondhand dealers to the best of their ability. In cities of the first and the
266     second class at the close of each day's business pawnbrokers shall mail a copy of such records
267     to the sheriff of the county in which they are located.
268          Section 15. Section 11-7-4 is amended to read:
269          11-7-4. Death or injury of firefighter while fighting fire outside territorial limits.
270          The effect of the death or injury of any [fireman] firefighter who is killed or injured
271     outside the territorial limits of the county or municipality where [he] the firefighter is a member
272     of the fire-fighting force or fire department and while that force or department is functioning
273     pursuant to any contract made under Section 11-7-1 shall be the same as if [he] the firefighter
274     were killed or injured while that force or department was functioning within its own territorial
275     limits, and [his] the firefighter's death shall be considered in the line of duty.

276          Section 16. Section 15-2-2 is amended to read:
277          15-2-2. Liability for necessaries and on contracts -- Disaffirmance.
278          A minor is bound not only for reasonable value of necessaries but also by [his] the
279     minor's contracts, unless [he] the minor disaffirms them before or within a reasonable time
280     after [he] the minor attains [his] majority and restores to the other party all money or property
281     received by [him] the minor by virtue of said contracts and remaining within [his] the minor's
282     control at any time after attaining [his] majority.
283          Section 17. Section 15-2-3 is amended to read:
284          15-2-3. Limitation on right to disaffirm.
285          No contract can be thus disaffirmed in cases where, on account of the minor's own
286     misrepresentations as to [his] the minor's majority or from [his] the minor having engaged in
287     business as adult, the other party had good reason to believe the minor capable of contracting.
288          Section 18. Section 15-2-4 is amended to read:
289          15-2-4. Payment for personal services.
290          When a contract for the personal services of a minor has been made with [him] the
291     minor alone, and those services are afterward performed, payment made therefor to such minor
292     in accordance with the terms of the contract is a full satisfaction for those services, and the
293     parent or guardian cannot recover therefor a second time.
294          Section 19. Section 15-3-1 is amended to read:
295          15-3-1. Conveyances, releases, sales by persons acting jointly.
296          A conveyance, release or sale may be made to or by two or more persons acting jointly
297     and one or more, but less than all, of these persons acting either [by himself or themselves]
298     alone or with other persons; and a contract may be made between such parties.
299          Section 20. Section 15-4-5 is amended to read:
300          15-4-5. Release of co-obligor -- Effect of knowledge of obligee.
301          (1) If an obligee releasing or discharging an obligor without express reservation of
302     rights against a co-obligor then knows or has reason to know that the obligor released or
303     discharged did not pay as much of the claim as [he] that obligor was bound by [his] that
304     obligor's contract or relation with that co-obligor to pay, the obligee's claim against that
305     co-obligor shall be satisfied to the amount which the obligee knew or had reason to know that
306     the released or discharged obligor was bound to such co-obligor to pay.

307          (2) If an obligee so releasing or discharging an obligor has not then such knowledge or
308     reason to know, the obligee's claim against the co-obligor shall be satisfied to the extent of the
309     lesser of two amounts, namely:
310          (a) the amount of the fractional share of the obligor released or discharged; or
311          (b) the amount that such obligor was bound by [his] that obligor's contract or relation
312     with the co-obligor to pay.
313          Section 21. Section 15-4-6 is amended to read:
314          15-4-6. Death of joint obligor -- Survivorship.
315          On the death of a joint obligor in contract [his] the joint obligor's executor or
316     administrator shall be bound as such jointly and severally with the surviving obligor or
317     obligors.
318          Section 22. Section 16-7-6 is amended to read:
319          16-7-6. Powers of corporations sole.
320          Upon making and filing articles of incorporation as herein provided the person
321     subscribing the same and [his] the person's successor in office, by the name or title specified in
322     the articles, shall thereafter be deemed and is hereby created a body politic and a corporation
323     sole, with perpetual succession, and shall have power:
324          (1) To acquire and possess, by donation, gift, bequest, devise or purchase, and to hold
325     and maintain, property, real, personal and mixed; and to grant, sell, convey, rent or otherwise
326     dispose of the same as may be necessary to carry on or promote the objects of the corporation.
327          (2) To borrow money and to give written obligations therefor, and to secure the
328     payment thereof by mortgage or other lien upon real or personal property, when necessary to
329     promote such objects.
330          (3) To contract and be contracted with.
331          (4) To sue and be sued.
332          (5) To plead and be impleaded in all courts of justice.
333          (6) To have and use a common seal by which all deeds and acts of such corporation
334     may be authenticated.
335          Section 23. Section 17-3-9 is amended to read:
336          17-3-9. Division of taxes.
337          Whenever a new county shall be created under the provisions of this chapter and the

338     officers thereof shall have duly qualified the county treasurer of the county from which territory
339     has been taken to create such new county shall furnish to the county treasurer of such new
340     county a certified list of all taxes collected by [him] the county treasurer of the county from
341     which territory has been taken for the preceding year upon the property located within such
342     portion of [his] that county as has become a part of such new county, together with the entire
343     amount of such county, district school or other special taxes [by him collected] collected by the
344     county treasurer of the county from which territory has been taken for such preceding year, less
345     the pro rata cost of assessing and collecting the same and the entire cost of making said
346     certified lists.
347          Section 24. Section 17-16-12 is amended to read:
348          17-16-12. Business to be finished before expiration of term.
349          It shall be the duty of all officers in this title named to complete the business of their
350     respective offices to the time of the expiration of their respective terms, and in case an officer
351     at the close of [his] the officer's term shall leave to [his] the officer's successor official labor to
352     be performed for which [he] the officer has received compensation or which it was [his] the
353     officer's duty to perform, [he] the officer shall be liable to pay [his] the officer's successor the
354     full value of such service.
355          Section 25. Section 17-22-10 is amended to read:
356          17-22-10. Prisoners under civil process.
357          Whenever a person is committed upon process in a civil action or proceeding, except
358     when the state is a party thereto, the sheriff is not bound to receive such person unless security
359     is given on the part of the party at whose instance the process is issued, by deposit of money, to
360     meet the expenses of necessary food, clothing and bedding for [him] the committed person, or
361     to detain such person any longer than the expenses are provided for. This section does not
362     apply to cases where a party is committed as a punishment for disobedience to the mandates,
363     process, writs or orders of court.
364          Section 26. Section 17-22-11 is amended to read:
365          17-22-11. Return of process.
366          When process or notice is returnable [he], the sheriff may enclose such process or
367     notice in an envelope addressed to the officer or person from whom the same emanated, and
368     deposit it in the post office, prepaying the postage.

369          Section 27. Section 17-22-13 is amended to read:
370          17-22-13. Failure or delay in making return on process -- Penalty.
371          If a sheriff does not return without delay a process or notice in [his] the sheriff's
372     possession with the necessary endorsement thereon, [he] the sheriff is liable to the party
373     aggrieved for all damages sustained by [him] the aggrieved party.
374          Section 28. Section 17-22-14 is amended to read:
375          17-22-14. Failure to levy execution -- Penalty.
376          If the sheriff to whom a writ of execution is delivered neglects or refuses, after being
377     required by the creditor or [his] the creditor's attorney, the fees having first been paid or
378     tendered, to levy upon or sell any property of the party charged in the writ which is liable to be
379     levied upon and sold, [he] the sheriff shall be liable to the creditor for the value of such
380     property.
381          Section 29. Section 17-22-15 is amended to read:
382          17-22-15. Neglect or refusal to pay over money -- Penalty.
383          If [he] the sheriff neglects or refuses to pay over on demand to the person entitled
384     thereto any money which may come into [his] the sheriff's hands by virtue of [his] the sheriff's
385     office, after deducting all legal fees, the amount thereof with 25% damages and interest at the
386     rate of 1% per month from the time of demand may be recovered by such person; provided,
387     that such sheriff may pay such money into the court or to the clerk thereof issuing the writ or
388     process upon which such money is collected or received and from the time of such payment the
389     sheriff shall be relieved of all liability therefor, unless the detention is shown to have been
390     wrongful.
391          Section 30. Section 17-22-16 is amended to read:
392          17-22-16. Declaring office vacant.
393          When the sheriff is committed for not paying over money received by [him] the sheriff
394     by virtue of [his] the sheriff's office and remains committed for 60 days [his] the sheriff's office
395     is vacant.
396          Section 31. Section 17-22-17 is amended to read:
397          17-22-17. Escapes -- Sheriff's liability.
398          A sheriff who suffers the escape of a person arrested in a civil action, without the
399     consent or connivance of the party in whose behalf the arrest or imprisonment is made, is liable

400     as follows:
401          (1) When the arrest is upon an order to hold to bail or upon a surrender in exoneration
402     of bail before judgment [he] the sheriff is liable to the plaintiff as bail.
403          (2) When the arrest is on an execution or commitment to enforce the payment of
404     money [he] the sheriff is liable for the amount expressed in the execution or commitment.
405          (3) When the arrest is on an execution or commitment other than to enforce the
406     payment of money [he] the sheriff is liable for the actual damages sustained.
407          (4) Upon being sued for damages for an escape or rescue [he] the sheriff may introduce
408     evidence in mitigation and exculpation.
409          Section 32. Section 17-22-18 is amended to read:
410          17-22-18. Rescues -- Sheriff's liability.
411          [He] The sheriff is liable for the rescue of a person arrested in a civil action equally as
412     for an escape.
413          Section 33. Section 17-22-19 is amended to read:
414          17-22-19. Action for escape or rescue -- Defenses.
415          An action cannot be maintained against the sheriff for a rescue or for an escape of a
416     person arrested upon an execution or commitment, if after [his] that person's rescue or escape
417     and before the commencement of the action the prisoner returns to the jail or is retaken by the
418     sheriff or by any other person.
419          Section 34. Section 17-22-20 is amended to read:
420          17-22-20. Only written directions to sheriff binding.
421          No direction or authority by a party or [his] the party's attorney to the sheriff in respect
422     to the execution of process or the return thereof or to any act or omission relating thereto is
423     available to discharge or excuse the sheriff from liability for neglect or misconduct, unless it is
424     contained in a writing, signed by the attorney of the party or by the party, if [he] the party has
425     no attorney.
426          Section 35. Section 17-22-24 is amended to read:
427          17-22-24. Service of papers, other than process, on sheriff -- Powers of successor.
428          Service upon the sheriff of a paper other than process may be made by delivering it or a
429     copy thereof to [him] the sheriff or to one of [his] the sheriff's deputies or to a person in charge
430     of [his] the sheriff's office during office hours, or, if no such person is there, by leaving it in a

431     conspicuous place in the office. When any process remains with the sheriff unexecuted, in
432     whole or in part, at the time of [his] the sheriff's death, resignation of office or at the expiration
433     of [his] the sheriff's office such process shall be executed by [his] the sheriff's successor in
434     office; and when the sheriff sells real estate under and by virtue of an execution or order of
435     court [he] the sheriff or [his] the sheriff's successor in office shall execute and deliver to the
436     purchaser all such deeds and conveyances as are required by law and necessary for that
437     purpose, and such deeds and conveyances shall be as valid in law as if they had been executed
438     by the sheriff who made the sale.
439          Section 36. Section 17-22-25 is amended to read:
440          17-22-25. Service of process on sheriff -- When constable to act.
441          In cases where it appears in any court of record that the sheriff is a party, or where an
442     affidavit is filed with the clerk of the court stating partiality, prejudice, consanguinity or
443     interest on the part of the sheriff, the clerk of the court shall direct process to any constable of
444     the county, whose duty it shall be to execute it in the same manner as if [he] the constable were
445     sheriff.
446          Section 37. Section 17-30-10 is amended to read:
447          17-30-10. Appointments from eligible register -- Failure to accept appointment.
448          (1) When a peace officer is to be appointed, the appointing authority shall request the
449     merit system commission to certify three eligible applicants for the position. The commission
450     shall thereupon certify to the appointing authority the names of the three applicants standing
451     highest on the eligible register. The appointing authority shall select and appoint one of the
452     persons so certified.
453          (2) In the event a certified person fails to accept a proffered appointment, [he] the
454     certified person may, at [his] the certified person's request, retain [his] the certified person's
455     place on the eligible register if [he] the certified person submits in writing reasons sufficient in
456     the judgment of the commission to justify such failure.
457          Section 38. Section 17-30-16 is amended to read:
458          17-30-16. Temporary layoffs -- Re-employment register.
459          When necessary because of lack of funds or work an officer may, with the approval of
460     the commission, be temporarily laid off. Such layoff shall be made according to the lowest
461     rating of the officers of the class of position affected, calculated upon seniority under a method

462     prescribed by the commission. A person serving under temporary or emergency appointment
463     shall be laid off before any merit system officer. A merit system officer who is laid off shall be
464     placed upon a re-employment register to be re-employed in the inverse order in which [he] the
465     merit system officer is laid off, which register shall take precedence over all eligible registers.
466          Section 39. Section 17-30-17 is amended to read:
467          17-30-17. Leave of absence -- Sick leaves and vacations.
468          (1) The appointing authority, with the approval of the commission, may grant an
469     officer a leave of absence without pay for a period not to exceed one year. In the event an
470     officer on leave takes a higher position in police work which does not come under the merit
471     system provisions of this act, the leave may, with the consent of the commission, be renewed.
472     In the event an officer is elected sheriff, or is appointed chief deputy, [he] the officer shall
473     automatically be placed on leave for the period of time [he] the officer remains sheriff or chief
474     deputy. Upon the termination of a leave of absence, the officer shall be returned to [his] the
475     officer's former position.
476          (2) Sick leaves and vacations with pay shall be as provided by law or ordinance.
477          Section 40. Section 17-30-20 is amended to read:
478          17-30-20. Appeal to district court -- Scope of review.
479          A person aggrieved by an act or failure to act of any merit system commission under
480     this act may appeal to the district court, if [he] the aggrieved person has exhausted [his] the
481     remedies of appeal to the commission. The courts may review questions of law and fact and
482     may affirm, set aside, or modify the ruling complained of.
483          Section 41. Section 22-1-4 is amended to read:
484          22-1-4. Transfer of negotiable instruments by fiduciaries.
485          If any negotiable instrument payable or indorsed to a fiduciary as such is endorsed by
486     the fiduciary, or if any negotiable instrument payable or endorsed to [his] the fiduciary's
487     principal is endorsed by a fiduciary empowered to endorse such instrument on behalf of [his]
488     the principal, the indorsee is not bound to inquire whether the fiduciary is committing a breach
489     of [his] the fiduciary's obligation as fiduciary in endorsing or delivering the instrument, and is
490     not chargeable with notice that the fiduciary is committing a breach of [his] the fiduciary's
491     obligation as fiduciary, unless [he] the fiduciary takes the instrument with actual knowledge of
492     such breach or with knowledge of such facts that [his] the fiduciary's action in taking the

493     instrument amounts to bad faith. If, however, such instrument is transferred by the fiduciary in
494     payment of, or as security for, a personal debt of the fiduciary to the actual knowledge of the
495     creditor, or is transferred in any transaction known by the transferee to be for the personal
496     benefit of the fiduciary, the creditor or other transferee is liable to the principal, if the fiduciary
497     in fact commits a breach of [his] the fiduciary's obligation as fiduciary in transferring the
498     instrument.
499          Section 42. Section 22-1-5 is amended to read:
500          22-1-5. Checks -- Drawn by fiduciaries, payable to third persons.
501          If a check or other bill of exchange is drawn by a fiduciary as such, or in the name of
502     [his] the fiduciary's principal by a fiduciary empowered to draw such instrument in the name of
503     [his] the fiduciary's principal, the payee is not bound to inquire whether the fiduciary is
504     committing a breach of [his] the fiduciary's obligation as fiduciary in drawing or delivering the
505     instrument, and is not chargeable with notice that the fiduciary is committing a breach of [his]
506     the fiduciary's obligation as fiduciary, unless [he] the fiduciary takes the instrument with actual
507     knowledge of such breach or with knowledge of such facts that [his] the fiduciary's action in
508     taking the instrument amounts to bad faith. If, however, such instrument is payable to a
509     personal creditor of the fiduciary and delivered to the creditor in payment of, or as security for,
510     a personal debt of the fiduciary to the actual knowledge of the creditor, or is drawn and
511     delivered in any transaction known by the payee to be for the personal benefit of the fiduciary,
512     the creditor or other payee is liable to the principal, if the fiduciary in fact commits a breach of
513     [his] the fiduciary's obligation as fiduciary in drawing or delivering the instrument.
514          Section 43. Section 22-1-6 is amended to read:
515          22-1-6. Checks drawn by or payable to fiduciary.
516          If a check or other bill of exchange is drawn by a fiduciary as such, or in the name of
517     [his] the fiduciary's principal by a fiduciary empowered to draw such instrument in the name of
518     [his] the principal, payable to the fiduciary personally, or payable to a third person and [by him
519     transferred] transferred by the third person to the fiduciary, and is thereafter transferred by the
520     fiduciary, whether in payment of a personal debt of the fiduciary or otherwise, the transferee is
521     not bound to inquire whether the fiduciary is committing a breach of [his] the fiduciary's
522     obligation as fiduciary in transferring the instrument, and is not chargeable with notice that the
523     fiduciary is committing a breach of [his] the fiduciary's obligation as fiduciary, unless [he] the

524     transferee takes the instrument with actual knowledge of such breach or with knowledge of
525     such facts that [his] the transferee action in taking the instrument amounts to bad faith.
526          Section 44. Section 22-1-7 is amended to read:
527          22-1-7. Bank deposits in name of fiduciary.
528          If a deposit is made in a bank to the credit of a fiduciary as such, the bank is authorized
529     to pay the amount of the deposit or any part thereof upon the check of the fiduciary, signed
530     with the name in which such deposit is entered, without being liable to the principal, unless the
531     bank pays the check with actual knowledge that the fiduciary is committing a breach of [his]
532     the fiduciary's obligation as fiduciary in drawing the check, or with knowledge of such facts
533     that its action in paying the check amounts to bad faith. If, however, such a check is payable to
534     the drawee bank and is delivered to it in payment of, or as security for, a personal debt of the
535     fiduciary to it, the bank is liable to the principal, if the fiduciary in fact commits a breach of
536     [his] the fiduciary's obligation as fiduciary in drawing or delivering the check.
537          Section 45. Section 22-1-8 is amended to read:
538          22-1-8. Checks drawn in name of principal.
539          If a check is drawn upon the account of [his] a fiduciary's principal in a bank by a
540     fiduciary who is empowered to draw checks upon [his] the fiduciary's principal's account, the
541     bank is authorized to pay such check without being liable to the principal, unless the bank pays
542     the check with actual knowledge that the fiduciary is committing a breach of [his] the
543     fiduciary's obligation as fiduciary in drawing such check, or with knowledge of such facts that
544     its action in paying the check amounts to bad faith. If, however, such a check is payable to the
545     drawee bank and is delivered to it in payment of, or as security for, a personal debt of the
546     fiduciary to it, the bank is liable to the principal, if the fiduciary in fact commits a breach of
547     [his] the fiduciary's obligation as fiduciary in drawing or delivering the check.
548          Section 46. Section 22-1-9 is amended to read:
549          22-1-9. Deposits in fiduciary's personal account.
550          If a fiduciary makes a deposit in a bank to [his] the fiduciary's personal credit of checks
551     drawn by [him] the fiduciary upon an account in [his] the fiduciary's own name as fiduciary, or
552     of checks payable to [him] the fiduciary as fiduciary, or of checks drawn by [him] the fiduciary
553     upon an account in the name of [his] the fiduciary's principal, if [he] the fiduciary is
554     empowered to draw checks thereon, or of checks payable to [his] the fiduciary's principal and

555     indorsed by [him] the fiduciary, if [he] the fiduciary is empowered to indorse such checks, or if
556     [he] the fiduciary otherwise makes a deposit of funds held by [him] the fiduciary as fiduciary,
557     the bank receiving such deposit is not bound to inquire whether the fiduciary is committing
558     thereby a breach of [his] the fiduciary's obligation as fiduciary; and the bank is authorized to
559     pay the amount of the deposit or any part thereof upon the personal check of the fiduciary
560     without being liable to the principal, unless the bank receives the deposit or pays the check
561     with actual knowledge that the fiduciary is committing a breach of [his] the fiduciary's
562     obligation as fiduciary in making such deposit or in drawing such check, or with knowledge of
563     such facts that its action in receiving the deposit or paying the check amounts to bad faith.
564          Section 47. Section 22-2-1 is amended to read:
565          22-2-1. Death of trustee -- Trust estate vests in successor.
566          Upon the death of a sole or surviving trustee of an express trust the trust estate does not
567     descend to [his] the trustee's heirs or pass to [his] the trustee's personal representatives, but
568     shall by virtue hereof, upon the appointment and qualification of a successor to such trustee,
569     become immediately vested in such successor in trust.
570          Section 48. Section 25-5-1 is amended to read:
571          25-5-1. Estate or interest in real property.
572          No estate or interest in real property, other than leases for a term not exceeding one
573     year, nor any trust or power over or concerning real property or in any manner relating thereto,
574     shall be created, granted, assigned, surrendered or declared otherwise than by act or operation
575     of law, or by deed or conveyance in writing subscribed by the party creating, granting,
576     assigning, surrendering or declaring the same, or by [his] that party's lawful agent thereunto
577     authorized by writing.
578          Section 49. Section 25-5-3 is amended to read:
579          25-5-3. Leases and contracts for interest in lands.
580          Every contract for the leasing for a longer period than one year, or for the sale, of any
581     lands, or any interest in lands, shall be void unless the contract, or some note or memorandum
582     thereof, is in writing subscribed by the party by whom the lease or sale is to be made, or by
583     [his] that party's lawful agent thereunto authorized in writing.
584          Section 50. Section 25-5-6 is amended to read:
585          25-5-6. Promise to answer for obligation of another -- When not required to be in

586     writing.
587          A promise to answer for the obligation of another in any of the following cases is
588     deemed an original obligation of the promisor and need not be in writing:
589          (1) Where the promise is made by one who has received property of another upon an
590     undertaking to apply it pursuant to such promise, or by one who has received a discharge from
591     an obligation in whole or in part in consideration of such promise.
592          (2) Where the creditor parts with value or enters into an obligation in consideration of
593     the obligation in respect to which the promise is made in terms or under circumstances such as
594     to render the party making the promise the principal debtor and the person in whose behalf it is
595     made [his] the principal debtor's surety.
596          (3) Where the promise, being for an antecedent obligation of another, is made upon the
597     consideration that the party receiving it cancel the antecedent obligation, accepting the new
598     promise as a substitute therefor; or upon the consideration that the party receiving it releases
599     the property of another from a levy or [his] the other's person from imprisonment under an
600     execution on a judgment obtained upon the antecedent obligation; or upon a consideration
601     beneficial to the promisor, whether moving from either party to the antecedent obligation or
602     from another person.
603          (4) Where a factor undertakes for a commission to sell merchandise and to guarantee
604     the sale.
605          (5) When the holder of an instrument for the payment of money upon which a third
606     person is or may become liable to [him] the holder transfers it in payment of a precedent debt
607     of [his] the holder's own, or for a new consideration, and in connection with such transfer
608     enters into a promise respecting such instrument.
609          Section 51. Section 25-5-7 is amended to read:
610          25-5-7. Contracts by telegraph deemed written.
611          Contracts made by telegraph shall be deemed to be contracts in writing, and all
612     communications sent by telegraph and signed by the person sending the same, or by [his] that
613     person's authority, shall be deemed to be communications in writing.
614          Section 52. Section 29-1-1 is amended to read:
615          29-1-1. Fireproof safe for use of guests -- Limitation of liability.
616          If an innkeeper, hotel keeper, boarding house keeper, or lodging house keeper keeps on

617     [his] the premises a fireproof safe or vault, and gives notice to [his] guests, boarders or lodgers,
618     by posting a copy of this section in a prominent or conspicuous place in the office of the inn,
619     hotel, boarding house or lodging house and in the rooms occupied by the guests, boarders or
620     lodgers, that [he] the keeper keeps for their use a fireproof safe or vault and will not be liable
621     for money, jewelry, documents or other articles of unusual value and small compass, unless
622     placed therein, [he] the keeper is not liable, except so far as [his] the keeper's acts or the acts of
623     [his] the keeper's employees shall contribute thereto, for any loss of or injury to such articles, if
624     not deposited with [him] the keeper to be placed in such safe or vault, or in any case for more
625     than the sum of $250 for any such property, unless [he] the keeper shall have given a receipt in
626     writing therefor to the guest, boarder or lodger, and the value of the article so placed with [him]
627     the keeper for safekeeping shall have been declared by such guest, boarder or lodger.
628          Section 53. Section 34-19-8 is amended to read:
629          34-19-8. Injunctive relief -- Appeals.
630          Whenever any court, or judge or judges of it, shall issue or deny any temporary
631     injunction in a case involving or growing out of a labor dispute, the court shall, upon the
632     request of any party to the proceedings, and on [his] the party's filing the usual bond for costs,
633     forthwith certify the entire record of the case, including a transcript of the evidence taken, to
634     the appropriate appellate court for its review. Upon the filing of such record in the appropriate
635     appellate court the appeal shall be heard with the greatest possible expedition, giving the
636     proceeding precedence over all other matters except older matters of the same character.
637          Section 54. Section 34-19-11 is amended to read:
638          34-19-11. "Labor dispute" defined.
639          (1) The words "labor dispute" as used in this chapter include any controversy
640     concerning terms or conditions of employment, or concerning the association or representation
641     of persons in negotiating, fixing, maintaining, changing or seeking to arrange terms or
642     conditions of employment, or concerning employment relations, or any other controversy
643     arising out of the respective interests of employer and employee, regardless of whether or not
644     the disputants stand in the proximate relation of employer and employee.
645          (2) A person or association shall be held to be a person participating or interested in a
646     labor dispute if relief is sought against [him or it] the person or association and if [he or it] the
647     person or association is engaged in the industry, trade, craft, or occupation in which such

648     dispute occurs, or is a member, officer, or agent of any association of employers or employees
649     engaged in such industry, trade, craft, or occupation.
650          (3) A case shall be held to involve or grow out of a labor dispute when the case
651     involves persons who are engaged in a single industry, trade, craft, or occupation; or who are
652     employees of one employer; or who are members of the same or an affiliated organization of
653     employers or employees whether such dispute is:
654          (a) between one or more employers or associations of employers and one or more
655     employees or associations of employees;
656          (b) between one or more employers or associations of employers and one or more
657     employers or associations of employers; or
658          (c) between one or more employees or associations of employees and one or more
659     employees or associations of employees; or when the case involves any conflicting or
660     competing interests in a labor dispute of persons participating or interested in it.
661          Section 55. Section 34-20-1 is amended to read:
662          34-20-1. Declaration of policy.
663          The public policy of the state as to employment relations and collective bargaining in
664     the furtherance of which this chapter is enacted, is declared to be as follows:
665          (1) It recognizes that there are three major interests involved, namely: that of the
666     public, the employee, and the employer. These three interests are to a considerable extent
667     interrelated. It is the policy of the state to protect and promote each of these interests with due
668     regard to the situation and to the rights of the others.
669          (2) Industrial peace, regular and adequate income for the employee, and uninterrupted
670     production of goods and services are promotive of all of these interests. They are largely
671     dependent upon the maintenance of fair, friendly, and mutually satisfactory employment
672     relations and the availability of suitable machinery for the peaceful adjustment of whatever
673     controversies may arise. It is recognized that certain employers, including farmers and farmer
674     cooperatives, in addition to their general employer problems, face special problems arising
675     from perishable commodities and seasonal production which require adequate consideration. It
676     is also recognized that whatever may be the rights of disputants with respect to each other in
677     any controversy regarding employment relations, they should not be permitted in the conduct of
678     their controversy to intrude directly into the primary rights of third parties to earn a livelihood,

679     transact business, and engage in the ordinary affairs of life by any lawful means and free from
680     molestation, interference, restraint, or coercion.
681          (3) Negotiation of terms and conditions of work should result from voluntary
682     agreement between employer and employee. For the purpose of such negotiation an employee
683     has the right, if [he] the employee desires, to associate with others in organizing and bargaining
684     collectively through representatives of [his] the employee's own choosing, without intimidation
685     or coercion from any source.
686          (4) It is the policy of the state, in order to preserve and promote the interests of the
687     public, the employee, and the employer alike, to establish standards of fair conduct in
688     employment relations and to provide a convenient, expeditious and impartial tribunal by which
689     these interests may have their respective rights and obligations adjudicated.
690          Section 56. Section 34-26-2 is amended to read:
691          34-26-2. Claim -- Notice.
692          Any such employee, laborer or servant desiring to enforce [his] a claim for wages under
693     this chapter shall present a statement under oath to the officer, person or court charged with
694     such property within 10 days after the seizure of it on any process, or within 30 days after the
695     same may have been placed in the hands of any receiver, assignee or trustee, showing the
696     amount due after allowing all just credits and setoffs, the kind of work for which such wages
697     are due and when performed. Any person with whom any such claim shall have been filed shall
698     give immediate notice thereof by mail to all persons interested, and, if the claim is not
699     contested as provided in Section 34-26-3, it shall be the duty of the person or the court
700     receiving such statement to pay the amount of such claim or claims to the person or persons
701     entitled thereto, after first paying all costs occasioned by the seizure of such property, out of the
702     proceeds of the sale of the property seized.
703          Section 57. Section 34-26-3 is amended to read:
704          34-26-3. Claim -- Exceptions -- Contest.
705          Any person interested may within 10 days after the notice of presentment of said
706     statement contest such claims, or any part of them, by filing exceptions to them supported by
707     affidavit with the officer or court having the custody of such property, and thereupon the
708     claimant shall be required to reduce [his] the claimant's claim to judgment in some court
709     having jurisdiction before any part thereof shall be paid. The person contesting shall be made a

710     party defendant in any such action and shall have the right to contest such claim, and the
711     prevailing party shall recover proper costs.
712          Section 58. Section 34-27-1 is amended to read:
713          34-27-1. Reasonable amount -- Taxed as costs.
714          Whenever a mechanic, artisan, miner, laborer, servant, or other employee shall have
715     cause to bring suit for wages earned and due according to the terms of [his] that individual's
716     employment and shall establish by the decision of the court that the amount for which [he] the
717     plaintiff has brought suit is justly due, and that a demand has been made in writing at least 15
718     days before suit was brought for a sum not to exceed the amount so found due, then it shall be
719     the duty of the court before which the case shall be tried to allow to the plaintiff a reasonable
720     attorneys' fee in addition to the amount found due for wages, to be taxed as costs of suit.
721          Section 59. Section 34-29-9 is amended to read:
722          34-29-9. Commission to be returned if employment not secured.
723          It shall be unlawful for an employment agent to retain, directly or indirectly, any money
724     or other valuable consideration received for any information or assistance described in Section
725     34-29-1, if the person for whom such information or assistance is furnished fails through no
726     neglect or fault of [his] the person's own to secure the employment regarding which such
727     information or assistance is furnished; and the money or consideration shall be by the agent
728     forthwith returned to the payer of the same upon demand.
729          Section 60. Section 34-29-19 is amended to read:
730          34-29-19. Deceptive or duplicate orders for employees -- Liability to applicants.
731          Any person who places with an employment agent an order for more employees than
732     [he] the person placing the order actually desires, or who places with employment agents
733     duplicate orders for employees, or who permits a standing order for employees to remain
734     uncanceled at a time when [he] the person placing the order does not need such employees,
735     shall be liable to persons who, in good faith, accept and act upon information furnished in good
736     faith by employment agents under such excess, duplicate or standing order for the amount
737     actually expended in traveling from the location of such employment agency to the place of
738     such proposed employment and return.
739          Section 61. Section 34-30-8 is amended to read:
740          34-30-8. Forty-hour work week -- Overtime at one and one-half regular rate.

741          Forty hours shall constitute a working week on all works and undertakings carried on
742     by the state, county, or municipal governments, or by any officer of the state or of any county
743     or municipal government. Any persons, corporation, firm, contractor, agent, manager, or
744     foreman, who shall require or contract with any person to work upon such works or
745     undertakings longer than 40 hours in one week shall pay such employees at a rate not less than
746     one and one-half times the regular rate at which [he] the employee is employed.
747          Section 62. Section 34-33-1 is amended to read:
748          34-33-1. Unlawful for employer to charge employee medical examination fee.
749          It shall be unlawful for any person, firm, corporation or partnership to charge any
750     person a medical fee for the physical examination of any applicant for employment with such
751     person, firm, corporation or partnership, or to deduct the cost of such physical examination
752     from the money earned by such employee or to make any charge for or to deduct from the
753     earnings of such employee any medical fee for any physical examination upon the
754     re-employment of any employee who may have discontinued such employment, or who may
755     have been discharged or [his] whose employment has otherwise been terminated; nor shall any
756     employer, as a condition of pre-employment, employment, or continued employment, require
757     any employee or person applying for employment to submit to or obtain a physical
758     examination, unless such employer shall pay all costs of such physical examination.
759          Section 63. Section 34-34-13 is amended to read:
760          34-34-13. Damages for denial or deprivation of continuation of employment.
761          Any person who may be denied employment or be deprived of continuation of [his]
762     employment in violation of this chapter shall be entitled to recover from such employer and
763     from any other person, firm, corporation or association acting in concert with [him] the
764     employer by appropriate action in the courts of this state such damages as [he] the person may
765     have sustained by reason of such denial or deprivation of employment.
766          Section 64. Section 38-2-1 is amended to read:
767          38-2-1. Lien on livestock -- For feed and care.
768          Every [ranchman] rancher, farmer, agistor, herder of cattle, tavern keeper or livery
769     stable keeper to whom any domestic animals shall be entrusted for the purpose of feeding,
770     herding or pasturing shall have a lien upon such animals for the amount that may be due [him]
771     for such feeding, herding or pasturing, and is authorized to retain possession of such animals

772     until such amount is paid.
773          Section 65. Section 38-2-2 is amended to read:
774          38-2-2. Liens of hotels and boardinghouse keepers.
775          Every innkeeper, hotel keeper, boardinghouse keeper, or lodginghouse keeper shall
776     have a lien on the baggage and other property in and about such inn belonging to or under
777     control of [his] guests or boarders for the proper charges due [him] for their accommodation,
778     board and lodging, for money paid for or advanced to them, and for such other extras as are
779     furnished at their request. The innkeeper, hotel keeper, boardinghouse keeper, or lodginghouse
780     keeper may detain such baggage and other property until the amount of such charge is paid, and
781     the baggage and other property shall not be exempt from attachment or execution until the
782     hotel or boardinghouse keeper's lien and the costs of enforcing it are satisfied.
783          Section 66. Section 38-2-3.1 is amended to read:
784          38-2-3.1. Special lien on personal property for services rendered -- General lien
785     of dry cleaning establishments, laundries, and shoe repair shops.
786          Every person who, while lawfully in possession of an article of personal property,
787     renders any service to the owner or owners thereof, by labor or skill performed upon said
788     personal property at the request or order of said owner, has a special lien thereon, dependent on
789     possession, for the compensation, if any, which is due to [him] the person from the owner or
790     owners for such service; and every laundry proprietor, person conducting a laundry business,
791     dry cleaning establishment, proprietor and person conducting a dry cleaning establishment,
792     shoe repair establishment proprietor and person conducting a shoe repair establishment has a
793     general lien, dependent on possession, upon all personal property in [his] their hands belonging
794     to a customer, for the balance due [him] from such customer for laundry work, and for the
795     balance due [him] for dry cleaning work, and for the balance due [him] for shoe repair work;
796     but nothing in this section shall be construed to confer a lien in favor of a wholesale dry cleaner
797     on materials received from a dry cleaning establishment proprietor or a person conducting a dry
798     cleaning establishment. The terms "person" and "proprietor" as used in this section shall
799     include an individual, firm, partnership, association, corporation and company.
800          Section 67. Section 38-2-5 is amended to read:
801          38-2-5. Action for deficiency.
802          Nothing in this chapter shall take away the right of action of the party to whom such

803     lien is given for [his] that party's charges, or for any residue thereof, after such sale of the
804     property.
805          Section 68. Section 38-3-3 is amended to read:
806          38-3-3. Attachment in aid of lien.
807          Whenever any rent shall be due and unpaid under a lease, or the lessee shall be about to
808     remove [his] the lessee's property from the leased premises, the lessor may have the personal
809     property of the lessee which is upon the leased premises and subject to such lien attached
810     without other ground for such attachment.
811          Section 69. Section 38-7-3 is amended to read:
812          38-7-3. Parties or insurance carrier making payment liable for satisfaction of lien
813     -- Enforcement of lien.
814          (1) Any person, firm or corporation, including an insurance carrier, making any
815     payment to a patient or to [his] the patient's attorney, heirs or legal representative as
816     compensation for the injuries and/or damages sustained, after the filing and, if applicable,
817     receipt of written notice of the lien, as aforesaid, and without paying the hospital asserting the
818     lien the amount of its lien or that portion of the lien which can be satisfied out of the money
819     due under any final judgment or contract of compromise or settlement, less payment of the
820     amount of any prior liens, shall be liable to the hospital for the amount that the hospital was
821     entitled to receive.
822          (2) Liability of the person, firm or corporation for the satisfaction of the hospital lien
823     shall continue for a period of one year from and after the date of any payment of any money to
824     the patient, [his] the patient's heirs or legal representatives as damages or under a contract of
825     compromise or settlement. Any hospital may enforce its lien by a suit at law against the person,
826     firm or corporation making the payment. In the event of a suit to enforce a lien the hospital may
827     recover a reasonable attorney's fee and the costs of filing and recording the lien.
828          Section 70. Section 40-1-2 is amended to read:
829          40-1-2. Discovery monument -- Notice of location -- Contents.
830          The locator at the time of making the discovery of such vein or lode must erect a
831     monument at the place of discovery, and post thereon [his] the locator's notice of location
832     which shall contain:
833          (1) The name of the claim.

834          (2) The name of the locator or locators.
835          (3) The date of the location.
836          (4) If a lode claim, the number of linear feet claimed in length along the course of the
837     vein each way from the point of discovery, with the width claimed on each side of the center of
838     the vein, and the general course of the vein or lode as near as may be, and such a description of
839     the claim, located by reference to some natural object or permanent monument, as will identify
840     the claim.
841          (5) If a placer or mill site claim, the number of acres or superficial feet claimed, and
842     such a description of the claim or mill site, located by reference to some natural object or
843     permanent monument, as will identify the claim or mill site.
844          Section 71. Section 40-1-12 is amended to read:
845          40-1-12. Damages for wrongful removal of ores.
846          When damages are claimed for the extraction or selling of ore from any mine or mining
847     claim and the defendant, or those under whom [he] the defendant claims, holds, under color of
848     title adverse to the claims of the plaintiff, in good faith, then the reasonable value of all labor
849     bestowed or expenses incurred in necessary developing, mining, transporting, concentrating,
850     selling or preparing said ore, or its mineral content, for market, must be allowed as an offset
851     against such damages; provided, however, that any person who, wrongfully entering upon any
852     mine or mining claim and carrying away ores therefrom, or wrongfully extracting and selling
853     ores from any mine, having knowledge of the existence of adverse claimants in any mine or
854     mining claim, and without notice to them, knowingly and willfully trespasses in or upon such
855     mine or mining claim and extracts or sells ore therefrom shall be liable to the owners of such
856     ore for three times the value thereof without any deductions either for labor bestowed or
857     expenses incurred in removing, transporting, selling or preparing said ore, or its mineral
858     content for market.
859          Section 72. Section 41-4-2 is amended to read:
860          41-4-2. Threat to discontinue sales to retail seller prima facie evidence of
861     violation.
862          Any threat, expressed or implied, made directly or indirectly to any person engaged in
863     the business of selling motor vehicles at retail in this state by any person engaged, either
864     directly or indirectly, in the manufacture or distribution of motor vehicles, that such person will

865     discontinue or cease to sell, or refuse to enter into a contract to sell, or will terminate a contract
866     to sell motor vehicles, whether patented or unpatented, to such person who is so engaged in the
867     business of selling motor vehicles at retail, unless such person finances the purchase or sale of
868     any one or number of motor vehicles only with or through a designated person or class of
869     persons or sells and assigns the conditional sales contracts, chattel mortgages or leases arising
870     from [his] the retail sales of motor vehicles or any one or number thereof only to a designated
871     person or class of persons shall be prima facie evidence of the fact that such person so engaged
872     in the manufacture or distribution of motor vehicles has sold or intends to sell the same on the
873     condition or with the agreement or understanding prohibited in Section 41-4-1.
874          Section 73. Section 41-4-3 is amended to read:
875          41-4-3. Threat to discontinue sales to person engaged in business of financing
876     who is affiliated with manufacturer or distributor.
877          Any threat, expressed or implied, made directly or indirectly, to any person engaged in
878     the business of selling motor vehicles at retail in this state by any person, or any agent of any
879     such person, who is engaged in the business of financing the purchase or sale of motor vehicles
880     or of buying conditional sales contracts, chattel mortgages or leases on motor vehicles in this
881     state and is affiliated with or controlled by any person engaged, directly or indirectly, in the
882     manufacture or distribution of motor vehicles, that such person so engaged in such manufacture
883     or distribution shall terminate [his] a contract with or cease to sell motor vehicles to such
884     person engaged in the sale of motor vehicles at retail in this state unless such person finances
885     the purchase or sale of any one or number of motor vehicles only or through a designated
886     person or class of persons or sells and assigns the conditional sales contracts, chattel
887     mortgages, or leases arising from [his] the retail sale of motor vehicles or any one or any
888     number thereof only to such person so engaged in financing the purchase or sale of motor
889     vehicles or in buying conditional sales contracts, chattel mortgages or leases on motor vehicles,
890     shall be presumed to be made at the direction of and with the authority of such person so
891     engaged in such manufacture or distribution of motor vehicles, and shall be prima facie
892     evidence of the fact that such person so engaged in the manufacture or distribution of motor
893     vehicles has sold or intends to sell the same on the condition or with the agreement or
894     understanding prohibited in Section 41-4-1.
895          Section 74. Section 41-4-12 is amended to read:

896          41-4-12. Actions for damages.
897          In addition to the criminal and civil penalties herein provided, any person who is
898     injured in [his] the person's business or property by any other person or corporation or
899     association or partnership, by reason of anything forbidden or declared to be unlawful by this
900     act, may sue therefor in any court having jurisdiction thereof in the county where the defendant
901     resides or is found, or any agent resides or is found, or where service may be obtained, without
902     respect to the amount in controversy, and to recover twofold the damages [by him] sustained,
903     and the costs of suit. Whenever it shall appear to the court before which any proceeding under
904     this act is pending, that the ends of justice require that other parties shall be brought before the
905     court, the court may cause them to be made parties defendant and summoned, whether they
906     reside in the county where such action is pending, or not.
907          Section 75. Section 41-19-1 is amended to read:
908          41-19-1. Powers and duties of governor.
909          The governor, in addition to other duties and responsibilities conferred upon [him] the
910     governor by the Constitution and laws of the state of Utah is hereby empowered to contract and
911     to do all other things necessary in behalf of the state to secure the full benefits available to this
912     state under the federal Highway Safety Act of 1966, and any amendments thereto, and in so
913     doing, to cooperate with the federal and state agencies, agencies private and public, interested
914     organizations, and with individuals, to effectuate the purposes of that enactment, and any and
915     all subsequent amendments thereto. The governor shall be the official having the ultimate
916     responsibility for dealing with the United States Government with respect to programs and
917     activities pursuant to the federal Highway Safety Act of 1966, and any amendments thereto. To
918     that end [he] the governor shall be responsible for activities of any and all departments and
919     agencies of this state and its subdivisions, relating thereto. [He] The governor may designate an
920     appropriate person, commission or board to assist [him] the governor in coordinating the
921     activities and programs contemplated under this section.
922          Section 76. Section 42-1-1 is amended to read:
923          42-1-1. By petition to district court -- Contents.
924          Any natural person, desiring to change [his] the natural person's name, may file a
925     petition therefor in the district court of the county where [he] the natural person resides, setting
926     forth:

927          (1) The cause for which the change of name is sought.
928          (2) The name proposed.
929          (3) That [he] the natural person has been a bona fide resident of the county for the year
930     immediately prior to the filing of the petition.
931          Section 77. Section 43-1-2 is amended to read:
932          43-1-2. Transfer -- By delivery -- By endorsement -- Rights of transferee.
933          Title to any security receipt, or equipment trust certificate, which by its terms entitles
934     the bearer to the benefits thereof, may be transferred by delivery by any person in possession of
935     the same, howsoever such possession may have been acquired.
936          Title to any security receipt, or equipment trust certificate, which by its terms entitles
937     the person named therein to the benefits thereof, and which provides in substance that title
938     thereto is transferable with the same effect as in the case of a negotiable instrument, may be
939     transferred by delivery by any person in possession of the same, howsoever such possession
940     may have been acquired, if endorsed in blank or, if it is endorsed to a specified person, by
941     delivery by such other person.
942          A person to whom title is so transferred, who takes any such instrument for present or
943     antecedent value, without notice of prior defenses, equities or claims of ownership enforceable
944     against the transferor, shall have absolute title thereto free of any defenses enforceable against,
945     or claims of ownership of, the signer or any prior holder. The holder of any such security
946     receipt, or equipment trust certificate, unless the same has been endorsed in blank by such
947     specified person, shall be deemed prima facie to have title thereto as aforesaid; but when it is
948     shown that the title of any person who has negotiated such instrument is defective, the burden
949     is on the holder to prove that [he] the holder, or some person under whom [he] the holder
950     claims, acquired title as a holder for value and without notice as aforesaid.
951          The provisions of this section shall not be applicable to the transfer of any security
952     receipt, or equipment trust certificate, when it is shown that such transfer was made after the
953     date fixed therein for performance by the signer of [his] the signer's obligations thereunder, or,
954     if no date is so fixed, after the expiration of a reasonable time after the happening of the
955     contingency upon which the signer became obligated to perform.
956          Section 78. Section 47-1-2 is amended to read:
957          47-1-2. Injunction -- Notice to owner of premises.

958          Whenever a nuisance as defined in this chapter is kept or maintained, or exists, the
959     county attorney or any citizen of the county may maintain an action in equity in the name of the
960     state of Utah, upon the relation of such county attorney or citizen, to perpetually enjoin such
961     nuisance, the person or persons conducting or maintaining the same and the owner or agent of
962     the building or ground upon which it exists; provided, that when the owner or agent is not in
963     the actual possession of the premises [he] the owner or agent shall have, before an action is
964     brought under this chapter against [him] the owner or agent or affecting [his] the owner's or
965     agent's real estate, notice in writing of the existence and nature of the nuisance, and [he] the
966     owner or agent shall have a reasonable time after service of such notice in which to abate the
967     nuisance. In such action the court, or a judge thereof, shall upon the presentation of a complaint
968     therefor alleging that the nuisance complained of exists, allow a temporary writ of injunction
969     without bond, if it shall be made to appear to the satisfaction of the court or judge that such
970     nuisance exists, by evidence in the form of affidavits, depositions, oral testimony or otherwise,
971     as the complainant may elect, unless the court or judge, by previous order, shall have directed
972     the form and manner in which it shall be presented. Three days' notice in writing shall be given
973     the defendant of the hearing of the application, and if then continued at [his] the defendant's
974     instance, the writ as prayed for shall be granted as a matter of course. When an injunction has
975     been granted it shall be binding on the defendant throughout the judicial district in which it was
976     issued, and any violation of the provisions of the injunction herein provided for shall be a
977     contempt as hereinafter provided.
978          Section 79. Section 47-1-3 is amended to read:
979          47-1-3. Evidence -- Dismissal of action -- Costs.
980          In such action evidence of the general reputation of the place shall be admissible for the
981     purpose of proving the existence of the nuisance. If the complaint is filed by a citizen, it shall
982     not be dismissed except upon a sworn statement made by the relator and [his] the relator's
983     attorney setting forth the reasons why the action should be dismissed, and the dismissal
984     approved by the county attorney in writing or in open court. If the court is of the opinion that
985     the action ought not to be dismissed, it may direct the county attorney to prosecute the action to
986     judgment, and, if the action is continued for more than one term of court, any citizen of the
987     county or the county attorney may be substituted for the relator and prosecute the action to
988     judgment. If the action is brought by a citizen and the court finds there was no reasonable

989     ground or cause therefor, the costs may be taxed to such citizen.
990          Section 80. Section 47-1-7 is amended to read:
991          47-1-7. Bond to secure abatement -- Procedure.
992          If the owner appears and pays all costs of the proceeding and files a bond, with sureties
993     to be approved by the clerk, in the full value of the property, to be ascertained by the court, or
994     in vacation by the clerk, auditor and treasurer of the county, conditioned that [he] the owner
995     will immediately abate the nuisance and prevent the same from being established or kept
996     therein within a period of one year thereafter, the court or the judge may, if satisfied of [his] the
997     owner's good faith, order the premises that have been closed under the order of abatement to be
998     delivered to the owner, and the order of abatement may be canceled so far as the same may
999     relate to said property; and, if the proceeding is an action in equity and such bond is given and
1000     costs therein paid before judgment and order of abatement, the action shall be thereby abated as
1001     to the building only. The release of the property under the provisions of this section shall not
1002     release it from any judgment, lien, penalty or liability to which it may be subject by law.
1003          Section 81. Section 52-1-8 is amended to read:
1004          52-1-8. Official bonds -- Actions on -- Parties.
1005          When a public officer by official misconduct or neglect of duty shall forfeit [his] the
1006     officer's official bond or render [his] the officer's sureties liable thereon, any person injured by
1007     such misconduct or neglect, or who is by law entitled to the benefit of the security, may
1008     maintain an action thereon in [his] the injured party's own name against the officer and [his] the
1009     officer's sureties to recover the amount to which [he] the injured party may by reason thereof be
1010     entitled.
1011          Section 82. Section 52-1-11 is amended to read:
1012          52-1-11. Bonds to cover special penalties and liabilities.
1013          Whenever, except in criminal prosecutions, any special penalty, forfeiture or liability is
1014     imposed upon any officer for nonperformance or malperformance of [his] the officer's official
1015     duties, the liability therefor attaches to the official bond of such officer.
1016          Section 83. Section 54-4-20 is amended to read:
1017          54-4-20. Consumer may have meter tested upon paying fee.
1018          Any consumer or user of any product, commodity or service of a public utility may
1019     have any appliance used in the measurement thereof tested, upon paying the fees fixed by the

1020     commission. The commission shall establish and fix reasonable fees to be paid for testing such
1021     appliances on the request of the consumer or user; the fee to be paid by the consumer or user at
1022     the time of [his] the consumer's or user's request, but to be paid by the public utility and repaid
1023     to the consumer or user under such rules and regulations as may be prescribed by the
1024     commission, if the appliance is found defective or incorrect to the disadvantage of the
1025     consumer or user.
1026          Section 84. Section 54-7-7 is amended to read:
1027          54-7-7. Books and records of utilities subject to inspection.
1028          The commission, each commissioner and each officer and person employed by the
1029     commission shall have the right at any and all times to inspect the accounts, books, papers and
1030     documents of any public utility, and the commission, each commissioner and any officer of the
1031     commission or any employee authorized to administer oaths shall have power to examine under
1032     oath any officer, agent or employee of any public utility in relation to the business and affairs
1033     of said public utility; provided, that any person other than a commissioner or an officer of the
1034     commission demanding such inspection shall produce under the hand and seal of the
1035     commission [his] that person's authority to make such inspection; and provided further, that
1036     written record of the testimony or statement so given under oath shall be made and filed with
1037     the commission.
1038          Section 85. Section 54-8-12 is amended to read:
1039          54-8-12. Property owners failing to appear at hearings -- Waiver of rights.
1040          Every person who has real property within the boundaries of the district and who fails
1041     to appear before the governing body at the hearing and make any objection [he] the property
1042     owner may have to the creation of the district, the making of the improvements and the
1043     inclusion of [his] the owner's real property in the district, shall be deemed to have waived every
1044     such objection. Such waiver shall not, however, preclude [his] the property owner's right to
1045     object to the amount of the assessment at the hearing for which provision is made in Section
1046     54-8-17.
1047          Section 86. Section 56-1-19 is amended to read:
1048          56-1-19. Right to eject passenger.
1049          If any passenger refuses to pay [his] the fare or exhibit or surrender [his] a ticket when
1050     requested so to do, or if [he] the passenger behaves in a disorderly manner, the conductor and

1051     employees of a railroad company may, on stopping the train, put [him] the passenger and [his]
1052     the passenger's baggage out of the cars, using no unnecessary force, at any usual stopping place
1053     or in sight of a dwelling.
1054          Section 87. Section 56-1-20 is amended to read:
1055          56-1-20. Operating employees to wear insignia.
1056          Every conductor, baggage master, engineer, brakeman or other employee of a railroad
1057     company, employed in a passenger train or at the stations for passengers, shall wear upon [his]
1058     the employee's hat or cap or in some conspicuous place on the breast of [his] the employee's
1059     coat a badge indicating [his] the employee's office or station, and, by its initial letters, the name
1060     of the company by which [he] the employee is employed; and no collector or conductor without
1061     such badge shall demand or be entitled to receive from any passenger any fare or ticket or
1062     exercise any of the powers of [his] the collector's or conductor's office or station or interfere
1063     with any passenger or [his] the passenger's property.
1064          Section 88. Section 57-1-4 is amended to read:
1065          57-1-4. Attempted conveyance of more than grantor owns -- Effect.
1066          A conveyance made by an owner of an estate for life or years, purporting to convey a
1067     greater estate than [he] the owner could lawfully transfer, does not work a forfeiture of [his] the
1068     estate, but passes to the grantee all the estate which the grantor could lawfully transfer.
1069          Section 89. Section 57-1-11 is amended to read:
1070          57-1-11. Claimant out of possession may convey.
1071          Any person claiming title to any real estate may, notwithstanding there may be an
1072     adverse possession thereof, sell and convey [his] the claimant's interest therein in the same
1073     manner and with the same effect as if [he] the claimant were in the actual possession thereof.
1074          Section 90. Section 57-2-12 is amended to read:
1075          57-2-12. Certificate of proof by subscribing witness.
1076          No certificate of such proof shall be made unless such subscribing witness shall prove
1077     that the person whose name is subscribed thereto as a party is the person described in, and who
1078     executed, the same; that such person executed the conveyance, and that such person
1079     [subscribed his name] signed thereto as a witness thereof at the request of the maker of such
1080     instrument.
1081          Section 91. Section 57-2-15 is amended to read:

1082          57-2-15. Evidence required for certificate of proof.
1083          No certificate of any such proof shall be made unless a competent and credible witness
1084     shall state on oath or affirmation that [he] the competent and credible witness personally knew
1085     the person whose name is subscribed thereto as a party, well knows [his] the subscribing party's
1086     signature, stating [his] the competent and credible witness's means of knowledge, and believes
1087     the name of the party subscribed thereto as a party was subscribed by such person; nor unless a
1088     competent and credible witness shall in like manner state that [he] the competent and credible
1089     witness personally knew the person whose name is subscribed to such conveyance as a witness,
1090     well knows [his] the subscribing witness's signature, stating [his] the competent and credible
1091     witness's means of knowledge, and believes the name subscribed thereto as a witness was
1092     thereto subscribed by such person.
1093          Section 92. Section 57-2-16 is amended to read:
1094          57-2-16. Subpoena to subscribing witness.
1095          Upon the application of any grantee in any conveyance required by law to be recorded,
1096     or of any person claiming under such grantee, verified under the oath of the applicant, that any
1097     witness to such conveyance residing in the county where such application is made refuses to
1098     appear and testify touching the execution thereof, and that such conveyance cannot be proved
1099     without [his] the subscribing witness's evidence, any officer authorized to take the
1100     acknowledgment or proof of such conveyance may issue a subpoena requiring such witness to
1101     appear before such officer and testify touching the execution thereof.
1102          Section 93. Section 57-2-17 is amended to read:
1103          57-2-17. Disobedience of subpoenaed witness -- Contempt -- Proof aliunde.
1104          Every person who, being served with a subpoena, shall without reasonable cause refuse
1105     or neglect to appear, or, appearing, shall refuse to answer upon oath touching the matters
1106     aforesaid, shall be liable to the party injured for such damages as may be sustained by [him] the
1107     injured party on account of such neglect or refusal, and may also be dealt with for contempt as
1108     provided by law; but no person shall be required to attend who resides out of the county in
1109     which the proof is to be taken, nor unless [his] the subscribing witness's reasonable expenses
1110     shall have first been tendered to [him] the subscribing witness; provided, that if it shall appear
1111     to the satisfaction of the officer so authorized to take such acknowledgment that such
1112     subscribing witness purposely [conceals himself] hides, or keeps out of the way, so that [he]

1113     the subscribing witness cannot be served with a subpoena or taken on attachment after the use
1114     of due diligence to that end, or in case of [his] the subscribing witness's continued failure or
1115     refusal to testify for the space of one hour after [his] the subscribing witness's appearance shall
1116     have been compelled by process, then said conveyance or other instrument may be proved and
1117     admitted to record in the same manner as if such subscribing witness thereto were dead.
1118          Section 94. Section 57-6-2 is amended to read:
1119          57-6-2. Claimant to commence action -- Complaint -- Trial of issues.
1120          Such complaint must set forth the grounds on which the defendant seeks relief, stating
1121     as accurately as practicable the value of the real estate, exclusive of the improvements thereon
1122     made by the claimant or [his] the claimant's grantors, and the value of such improvements. The
1123     issues joined thereon must be tried as in law actions, and the value of the real estate and of such
1124     improvements must be separately ascertained on the trial.
1125          Section 95. Section 57-6-3 is amended to read:
1126          57-6-3. Rights of parties -- Acquiring other's interest or holding as tenants in
1127     common.
1128          The plaintiff in the main action may thereupon pay the appraised value of the
1129     improvements and take the property, but should [he] the plaintiff fail to do so after a reasonable
1130     time, to be fixed by the court, the defendant may take the property upon paying its value,
1131     exclusive of the improvements. If this is not done within a reasonable time, to be fixed by the
1132     court, the parties will be held to be tenants in common of all the real estate, including the
1133     improvements, each holding an interest proportionate to the values ascertained on the trial.
1134          Section 96. Section 57-6-7 is amended to read:
1135          57-6-7. When execution on judgment of possession may issue.
1136          The plaintiff in the main action is entitled to an execution to put [him] the plaintiff in
1137     possession of [his] the plaintiff's property in accordance with the provisions of this chapter, but
1138     not otherwise.
1139          Section 97. Section 57-6-8 is amended to read:
1140          57-6-8. Improvements made by occupants of land granted to state.
1141          Any person having improvements on any real estate granted to the state in aid of any
1142     work of internal improvement, whose title thereto is questioned by another, may remove such
1143     improvements without injury otherwise to such real estate, at any time before [he] the person is

1144     evicted therefrom, or [he] the person may claim and have the benefit of this chapter by
1145     proceeding as herein directed.
1146          Section 98. Section 57-8-19 is amended to read:
1147          57-8-19. Liens against units -- Removal from lien -- Effect of part payment.
1148          (1) Subsequent to recording the declaration as provided in this act, and while the
1149     property remains subject to this act, no lien shall thereafter arise or be effective against the
1150     property. During such period liens or encumbrances shall arise or be created only against each
1151     unit and the percentage of undivided interest in the common areas and facilities appurtenant to
1152     such unit in the same manner and under the same conditions in every respect as liens or
1153     encumbrances may arise or be created upon or against any other separate parcel of real property
1154     subject to individual ownership; provided that no labor performed or materials furnished with
1155     the consent or at the request of a unit owner or [his] the unit owner's agent or [his] the unit
1156     owner's contractor or subcontractor shall be the basis for the filing of a lien pursuant to the lien
1157     law against the unit of any other unit owner not expressly consenting to or requesting the same,
1158     except that such express consent shall be deemed to be given by the owner of any unit in the
1159     case of emergency repairs. Labor performed or materials furnished for the common areas and
1160     facilities, if authorized by the unit owners, the manager or management committee in
1161     accordance with this act, the declaration or bylaws or the house rules, shall be deemed to be
1162     performed or furnished with the express consent of each unit owner and shall be the basis for
1163     the filing of a lien pursuant to the lien law against each of the units.
1164          (2) In the event a lien against two or more units becomes effective, the unit owners of
1165     the separate units may remove their units and the percentage of undivided interest in the
1166     common areas and facilities appurtenant to such units from the lien by payment of the
1167     fractional or proportional amount attributable to each of the units affected. Such individual
1168     payment shall be computed by reference to the percentages appearing in the declaration.
1169     Subsequent to any payment, discharge or other satisfaction, the unit and the percentage of
1170     undivided interest in the common areas and facilities appurtenant thereto shall be free and clear
1171     of the lien so paid, satisfied or discharged. Partial payment, satisfaction or discharge shall not
1172     prevent the lienor from proceeding to enforce [his] the lienor's rights against any unit and the
1173     percentage of undivided interest in the common areas and facilities appurtenant thereto not so
1174     paid, satisfied or discharged.

1175          Section 99. Section 57-8-25 is amended to read:
1176          57-8-25. Joint and several liability of grantor and grantee for unpaid common
1177     expenses.
1178          In a voluntary conveyance, the grantee of a unit shall be jointly and severally liable with
1179     the grantor for all unpaid assessments against the latter for [his] the grantor's share of the
1180     common expenses up to the time of the grant or conveyance, without prejudice to the grantee's
1181     rights to recover from the grantor the amounts paid by the grantee. However, any such grantee
1182     shall be entitled to a statement from the manager or management committee setting forth the
1183     amounts of the unpaid assessments against the grantor, and such grantee shall not be liable for,
1184     nor shall the unit conveyed be subject to a lien for, any unpaid assessments against the grantor
1185     in excess of the amount set forth.
1186          Section 100. Section 57-8-26 is amended to read:
1187          57-8-26. Waiver of use of common areas and facilities -- Abandonment of unit.
1188          No unit owner may be exempt [himself] from liability for [his] the unit owner's
1189     contribution towards the common expenses by waiver of the use or enjoyment of any of the
1190     common areas and facilities or by abandonment of [his] the owner's unit.
1191          Section 101. Section 57-9-4 is amended to read:
1192          57-9-4. Filing of notice of claim of interest authorized -- Effect of possession of
1193     land by record owner of possessory interest.
1194          (1) Any person claiming an interest in land may preserve and keep effective such
1195     interest by filing for record during the forty-year period immediately following the effective
1196     date of the root of title of the person whose record title would otherwise be marketable, a notice
1197     in writing, duly verified by oath, setting forth the nature of the claim. No disability or lack of
1198     knowledge of any kind on the part of anyone shall suspend the running of the forty-year period.
1199     The notice may be filed for record by the claimant or by any other person acting in behalf of
1200     any claimant who is:
1201          (a) under a disability[,];
1202          (b) unable to assert a claim on [his own] the claimant's own behalf[,]; or
1203          (c) one of a class, but whose identity cannot be established or is uncertain at the time of
1204     filing the notice of claim for record.
1205          (2) If the same record owner of any possessory interest in land has been in possession

1206     of such land continuously for a period of 40 years or more, during which period no title
1207     transaction with respect to such interest appears of record in [his] the record owner's chain of
1208     title, and no notice has been filed by [him] the record owner or on [his] the record owner's
1209     behalf as provided in Subsection (1), and such possession continues to the time when
1210     marketability is being determined, such period of possession shall be deemed equivalent to the
1211     filing of the notice immediately preceding the termination of the forty-year period described in
1212     Subsection (1).
1213          Section 102. Section 57-9-8 is amended to read:
1214          57-9-8. Definitions.
1215          As used in this act:
1216          (1) The words "marketable record title" mean a title of record as indicated in Section
1217     57-9-1, which operates to extinguish such interests and claims, existing prior to the effective
1218     date of the root of title, as are stated in Section 57-9-3.
1219          (2) The word "records" includes probate and other official public records, as well as
1220     records in the registry of deeds.
1221          (3) The word "recording," when applied to the official public records of a probate or
1222     other court, includes filing.
1223          (4) The words "person dealing with land" include a purchaser of any estate or interest
1224     therein, a mortgagee, a levying or attaching creditor, a land contract vendee, or any other
1225     person seeking to acquire an estate or interest therein, or impose a lien thereon.
1226          (5) The words "root of title" mean that conveyance or other title transaction in the
1227     chain of title of a person, purporting to create the interest claimed by such person, upon which
1228     [he] such person relies as a basis for the marketability of [his] that person's title, and which was
1229     the most recent to be recorded as of a date 40 years prior to the time when marketability is
1230     being determined. The effective date of the "root of title" is the date on which it is recorded.
1231          (6) The words "title transaction" mean any transaction affecting title to any interest in
1232     land, including title by will or descent, title by tax deed, or by trustee's, referee's, guardian's,
1233     executor's, administrator's, master in chancery's, or sheriff's deed, or decree of any court, as
1234     well as warranty deed, quitclaim deed, or mortgage.
1235          Section 103. Section 67-1-4 is amended to read:
1236          67-1-4. Records to be kept.

1237          The governor must cause to be kept the following records:
1238          (1) An account of all [his] the governor's official expenses and disbursements,
1239     including the incidental expenses of [his] the governor's department, and an account of all
1240     rewards offered by [him] the governor for the apprehension of criminals and persons charged
1241     with crime.
1242          (2) A register of all appointments made by [him] the governor, with dates of
1243     commissions and names of appointees and predecessors.
1244          Section 104. Section 67-1-6 is amended to read:
1245          67-1-6. Acting governor -- Powers and duties.
1246          Every provision of law relating to the powers and duties of the governor, and relating to
1247     acts and duties to be performed by others toward [him] the governor, extends to the person
1248     performing, for the time being, the duties of governor.
1249          Section 105. Section 67-3-2 is amended to read:
1250          67-3-2. Right to compel accounting by, and state accounts with, all collectors of
1251     state money -- Escheats.
1252          Whenever any person has received money, or has money or other personal property
1253     which belongs to the state by escheat or otherwise, or has been entrusted with the collection,
1254     management or disbursement of any money, bonds, or interest accruing thereon, belonging to
1255     or held in trust by the state, and fails to render an account thereof to and make settlement with
1256     the state auditor within the time prescribed by law, or, when no particular time is specified,
1257     fails to render such account and make settlement, or who fails to pay into the state treasury any
1258     money belonging to the state, upon being required so to do by the state auditor, within 20 days
1259     after such requisition, the state auditor must state an account with such person, charging 25%
1260     damages, and interest at the rate of 10% per annum from the time of failure; a copy of such
1261     account in any suit thereon shall be prima facie evidence of the things therein stated. In case the
1262     state auditor cannot, for want of information, state such an account, [he] the state auditor may
1263     in any action brought by [him] the state auditor aver the fact, and allege generally the amount
1264     of money or other property which is due to or which belongs to the state.
1265          Section 106. Section 67-4-15 is amended to read:
1266          67-4-15. Insurance protection for funds, warrants and securities.
1267          The state treasurer shall procure such insurance protecting the funds, warrants and

1268     securities in [his] the state treasurer's custody against loss from such causes and in such
1269     amounts as the Commission of Finance may from time to time determine. The cost of such
1270     insurance shall be paid out of the fund for the protection of which it is carried.
1271          Section 107. Section 67-9-2 is amended to read:
1272          67-9-2. Official bonds.
1273          Where a deputy of any state officer is required to give a bond to the state [he], the
1274     deputy shall give a surety-company bond, and the premium therefor shall be paid by the state.
1275          Section 108. Section 67-16-9 is amended to read:
1276          67-16-9. Conflict of interests prohibited.
1277          No public officer or public employee shall have personal investments in any business
1278     entity which will create a substantial conflict between [his] the public officer's or public
1279     employee's private interests and [his] the public officer's or public employee's public duties.
1280          Section 109. Section 69-1-4 is amended to read:
1281          69-1-4. Transmitting certified instruments -- Burden of proof.
1282          Except as hereinbefore otherwise provided, any instrument in writing[,] that is duly
1283     certified under [his hand and official seal by a notary public,] the hand of the commissioner of
1284     deeds or clerk of a court of record to be genuine to the personal knowledge of such officer and
1285     that is certified under official seal by a notary public, may, together with such certificate, be
1286     sent by telegraph or telephone. The telegraphic or telephonic copy thereof shall, prima facie
1287     only, have the same force, effect and validity in all respects as the original, and the burden of
1288     proof shall be on the party denying the genuineness or due execution of the original.
1289          Section 110. Section 73-1-9 is amended to read:
1290          73-1-9. Contribution between joint owners of ditch or reservoir.
1291          When two or more persons are associated in the use of any dam, canal, reservoir, ditch,
1292     lateral, flume or other means for conserving or conveying water for the irrigation of land or for
1293     other purposes, each of them shall be liable to the other for the reasonable expenses of
1294     maintaining, operating and controlling the same, in proportion to the share in the use or
1295     ownership of the water to which [he] the user or owner is entitled.
1296          Section 111. Section 73-1-12 is amended to read:
1297          73-1-12. Failure to record -- Effect.
1298          Every deed of a water right which shall not be recorded as provided in this title shall be

1299     void as against any subsequent purchaser, in good faith and for a valuable consideration, of the
1300     same water right, or any portion thereof, where [his own] the water right owner's deed shall be
1301     first duly recorded.
1302          Section 112. Section 73-2-1.2 is amended to read:
1303          73-2-1.2. Director of Division of Water Rights -- Appointment of state engineer.
1304          The Division of Water Rights shall be administered by the state engineer who shall act
1305     as the director of the Division of Water Rights and who shall be appointed as provided by
1306     Section 73-2-1. Nothing contained in this act shall modify, repeal or impair the powers or
1307     duties of the state engineer relating to the administration, appropriation, adjudication and
1308     distribution of the waters of the state of Utah as are conferred upon [him] the state engineer
1309     pursuant to Title 73, Water and Irrigation, or the provisions of any other laws.
1310          Section 113. Section 73-2-1.3 is amended to read:
1311          73-2-1.3. Report to executive director of natural resources.
1312          The state engineer shall report to the executive director of natural resources at such
1313     times and on such administrative matters concerning [his] the state engineer's office as the
1314     executive director may require.
1315          Section 114. Section 73-2-11 is amended to read:
1316          73-2-11. Records -- Certified copies -- Evidence.
1317          [He] The state engineer shall keep on file in [his] the state engineer's office full and
1318     proper records of [his] the state engineer's work, including all field notes, computations and
1319     facts made or collected by [him] the state engineer, all of which shall be part of the records of
1320     [his] the state engineer's office and the property of the state. All records, maps and papers
1321     recorded or filed in the office of the state engineer shall be open to the public during business
1322     hours. The office of the state engineer is hereby declared to be an office of public record, and
1323     none of the files, records or documents shall be removed therefrom, except in the custody of
1324     the state engineer or one of [his] the state engineer's deputies. Certified copies of any record or
1325     document shall be furnished by the state engineer on demand, upon payment of the reasonable
1326     cost of making the same, together with the legal fee for certification. Such copies shall be
1327     competent evidence, and shall have the same force and effect as the originals.
1328          Section 115. Section 73-3-11 is amended to read:
1329          73-3-11. Statement of financial ability of applicants.

1330          Before either approving or rejecting an application the state engineer may require such
1331     additional information as will enable [him] the state engineer properly to guard the public
1332     interests, and may require a statement of the following facts: In case of an incorporated
1333     company, [he] the state engineer may require the submission of the articles of incorporation,
1334     the names and places of residence of its directors and officers, and the amount of its authorized
1335     and its paid-up capital. If the applicant is not a corporation, [he] the state engineer may require
1336     a showing as to the names of the persons proposing to make the appropriation and a showing of
1337     facts necessary to enable [him] the state engineer to determine whether or not they are qualified
1338     appropriators and have the financial ability to carry out the proposed work, and whether or not
1339     the application has been made in good faith.
1340          Section 116. Section 73-3-19 is amended to read:
1341          73-3-19. Right of entry on private property -- By applicant -- Bond -- Priority.
1342          Whenever any applicant for the use of water from any stream or water source must
1343     necessarily enter upon private property in order to make a survey to secure the required
1344     information for making a water filing and is refused by the owner or possessor of such property
1345     such right of entry, [he] the applicant may petition the district court for an order granting such
1346     right, and after notice and hearing, such court may grant such permission, on security being
1347     given to pay all damage caused thereby to the owner of such property. In such case the priority
1348     of such application shall date from the filing of such petition with the district court as
1349     aforesaid.
1350          Section 117. Section 73-4-2 is amended to read:
1351          73-4-2. Interstate streams.
1352          For the purpose of co-operating with the state engineers of adjoining states in the
1353     determination and administration of rights to interstate waters and for such other purposes as
1354     [he] the state engineer may deem expedient, the state engineer, with the approval of the
1355     executive director and the governor, is authorized to initiate and to join in suits for the
1356     adjudication of such rights in the federal courts and in the courts of other states without
1357     requiring a petition of water users as provided by Section 73-4-1. The state engineer, with the
1358     approval of the executive director and the governor, may also commence, prosecute and defend
1359     suits to adjudicate interstate waters on behalf of this state or its citizens in the courts of other
1360     states, in federal courts, and in the Supreme Court of the United States.

1361          Section 118. Section 73-4-23 is amended to read:
1362          73-4-23. Effective date of amendatory act -- Application to pending suits -- State
1363     engineer's certificate.
1364          This act shall be effective 60 days from its enactment and shall apply to all suits now
1365     pending under Title 73, Chapter 4, Determination of Water Rights, Utah Code Annotated 1953,
1366     except those proceedings under which the state engineer has by the effective date hereof
1367     completed [his] the state engineer's survey, and it is expressly provided that those actions
1368     where the state engineer has by the effective date of this act completed [his] the state engineer's
1369     survey may proceed to completion under the procedure prescribed by the statutes heretofore
1370     existing. The state engineer shall within 10 days after the effective date of this act file with the
1371     clerk of the court in each action then pending under Title 73, Chapter 4, Determination of
1372     Water Rights, Utah Code Annotated 1953, a certificate under the seal of [his] the state
1373     engineer's office stating whether or not [he] the state engineer has completed the survey so that
1374     all persons will have notice and can know whether or not this act is applicable to such existing
1375     suit.
1376          Section 119. Effective date.
1377          This bill takes effect on May 1, 2024.