Senator Heidi Balderree proposes the following substitute bill:





Chief Sponsor: Heidi Balderree

House Sponsor: Jefferson S. Burton


9     General Description:
10          This bill addresses professional or occupational license requirements for service
11     members.
12     Highlighted Provisions:
13          This bill:
14          ▸     provides for the waiver of fees and penalties associated with the reactivation of an
15     expired professional or occupational license of a deployed service member.
16     Money Appropriated in this Bill:
17          None
18     Other Special Clauses:
19          This bill provides a special effective date.
20     Utah Code Sections Affected:
21     AMENDS:
22          58-1-308, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2016, Chapter 238
23          71A-8-103 (Superseded 07/01/24), as last amended by Laws of Utah 2023, Chapter
24     328 and renumbered and amended by Laws of Utah 2023, Chapter 44
25          71A-8-103 (Effective 07/01/24), as last amended by Laws of Utah 2023, Chapters 310,

26     328 and renumbered and amended by Laws of Utah 2023, Chapter 44

28     Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
29          Section 1. Section 58-1-308 is amended to read:
30          58-1-308. Term of license -- Expiration of license -- Renewal of license --
31     Reinstatement of license -- Application procedures.
32          (1) (a) Each license issued under this title shall be issued in accordance with a two-year
33     renewal cycle established by rule.
34          (b) A renewal period may be extended or shortened by as much as one year to maintain
35     established renewal cycles or to change an established renewal cycle.
36          (2) (a) The expiration date of a license shall be shown on the license.
37          (b) A license that is not renewed prior to the expiration date shown on the license
38     automatically expires.
39          (c) A license automatically expires prior to the expiration date shown on the license
40     upon the death of a licensee who is a natural person, or upon the dissolution of a licensee that is
41     a partnership, corporation, or other business entity.
42          (d) If the existence of a dissolved partnership, corporation, or other business entity is
43     reinstated prior to the expiration date shown upon the entity's expired license issued by the
44     division, the division shall, upon written application, reinstate the applicant's license, unless it
45     finds that the applicant no longer meets the qualifications for licensure.
46          (e) Expiration of licensure is not an adjudicative proceeding under Title 63G, Chapter
47     4, Administrative Procedures Act.
48          (3) (a) The division shall notify each licensee in accordance with procedures
49     established by rule that the licensee's license is due for renewal and that unless an application
50     for renewal is received by the division by the expiration date shown on the license, together
51     with the appropriate renewal fee and documentation showing completion of or compliance with
52     renewal qualifications, the license will not be renewed.
53          (b) Examples of renewal qualifications which by statute or rule the division may
54     require the licensee to document completion of or compliance with include:
55          (i) continuing education;
56          (ii) continuing competency;

57          (iii) quality assurance;
58          (iv) utilization plan and protocol;
59          (v) financial responsibility;
60          (vi) certification renewal; and
61          (vii) calibration of equipment.
62          (4) (a) (i) An application for renewal that complies with Subsection (3) is complete.
63          (ii) A renewed license shall be issued to applicants who submit a complete application,
64     unless it is apparent to the division that the applicant no longer meets the qualifications for
65     continued licensure.
66          (b) (i) The division may evaluate or verify documentation showing completion of or
67     compliance with renewal requirements on an entire population or a random sample basis, and
68     may be assisted by advisory peer committees.
69          (ii) If necessary, the division may complete its evaluation or verification subsequent to
70     renewal and, if appropriate, pursue action to suspend or revoke the license of a licensee who no
71     longer meets the qualifications for continued licensure.
72          (c) The application procedures specified in Subsection 58-1-301(2), apply to renewal
73     applications to the extent they are not in conflict with this section.
74          (5) (a) Any license that is not renewed may be reinstated:
75          (i) upon submission of an application for reinstatement, payment of the renewal fee
76     together with a reinstatement fee determined by the department under Section 63J-1-504, and
77     upon submission of documentation showing completion of or compliance with renewal
78     qualifications; and
79          (ii) (A) at any time within two years after nonrenewal; or
80          (B) between two years and five years after nonrenewal, if established by rule made by
81     the division in consultation with the applicable licensing board in accordance with Title 63G,
82     Chapter 3, Utah Administrative Rulemaking Act.
83          (b) The application procedures specified in Subsection 58-1-301(2) apply to the
84     reinstatement applications to the extent they are not in conflict with this section.
85          (c) Except as otherwise provided by rule, a license that is reinstated no later than 120
86     days after it expires shall be retroactively reinstated to the date it expired.
87          (6) (a) Except as provided in Subsection (5)(a), if not reinstated within two years, the

88     holder may obtain a license only if the holder meets requirements provided by the division by
89     rule or by statute for a new license.
90          (b) Each licensee under this title who has been active in the licensed occupation or
91     profession while in the full-time employ of the United States government or under license to
92     practice that occupation or profession in any other state or territory of the United States may
93     reinstate the licensee's license without taking an examination by submitting an application for
94     reinstatement, paying the current annual renewal fee and the reinstatement fee, and submitting
95     documentation showing completion of or compliance with any renewal qualifications at any
96     time within six months after reestablishing domicile within Utah or terminating full-time
97     government service.
98          (7) A service member may reactivate an expired professional or occupational license as
99     described in 71A-8-103.
100          Section 2. Section 71A-8-103 (Superseded 07/01/24) is amended to read:
101          71A-8-103 (Superseded 07/01/24). Employees in military service -- Extension of
102     licenses for deployed service members and members of National Guard and reservists
103     ordered to active duty.
104          (1) As used in this section, "license" means any license issued under:
105          (a) Title 58, Occupations and Professions; and
106          (b) Section 26B-4-116.
107          (2) [Any] A license held by a member of the National Guard or reserve component of
108     the armed forces that expires while the member is on state or federal active duty [shall be] is
109     extended until 90 days after the member is discharged from active duty status.
110          (3) A license held by a service member that expires while the member is deployed is
111     extended for 90 days after the last date of the deployment listed on the service member's
112     deployment order.
113          (4) The licensing agency shall renew a license extended under Subsection (2) or (3)
114     until the next date that the license expires or for the period that the license is normally issued,
115     at no cost to the service member, member of the National Guard, or reserve component of the
116     armed forces if all of the following conditions are met:
117          (a) the service member, National Guard member, or reservist requests renewal of the
118     license within 90 days [after being discharged;] after the termination date of the activation or

119     deployment orders;
120          (b) the service member, National Guard member, or reservist provides the licensing
121     agency with a copy of the [member's or reservist's] individual's official orders calling the
122     member or reservist to active duty or deployment, and official orders discharging the member
123     or reservist from active duty or deployment; and
124          (c) the service member, the National Guard member, or reservist meets all the
125     requirements necessary for the renewal of the license, except the member or reservist need not
126     meet the requirements, if any, that relate to continuing education or training.
127          [(4)] (5) The provisions of this section do not apply to:
128          (a) regularly scheduled annual training;
129          (b) in-state active National Guard and reserve orders; or
130          (c) orders that do not require the service member to relocate outside of this state.
131          Section 3. Section 71A-8-103 (Effective 07/01/24) is amended to read:
132          71A-8-103 (Effective 07/01/24). Extension of licenses for members of National
133     Guard and reservists ordered to active duty .
134          (1) As used in this section, "license" means any license issued under:
135          (a) Title 58, Occupations and Professions; and
136          (b) Section 53-2d-402.
137          (2) [Any] A license held by a member of the National Guard or reserve component of
138     the armed forces that expires while the member is on state or federal active duty [shall be] is
139     extended until 90 days after the member is discharged from active duty status.
140          (3) A license held by a service member that expires while the member is deployed is
141     extended for 90 days after the last date of the deployment listed on the service member's
142     deployment order.
143          [(3)] (4) The licensing agency shall renew a license extended under Subsection (2) or
144     (3) until the next date that the license expires or for the period that the license is normally
145     issued, at no cost to the service member, member of the National Guard, or reserve component
146     of the armed forces if all of the following conditions are met:
147          (a) the service member, National Guard member, or reservist requests renewal of the
148     license within [90 days after being discharged;] after the termination date of the activation or
149     deployment orders;

150          (b) the service member, National Guard member, or reservist provides the licensing
151     agency with a copy of the [member's or reservist's] individual's official orders calling the
152     member or reservist to active duty or deployment, and official orders discharging the member
153     or reservist from active duty or deployment; and
154          (c) the service member, the National Guard member or reservist meets all the
155     requirements necessary for the renewal of the license, except the member or reservist need not
156     meet the requirements, if any, that relate to continuing education or training.
157          [(4)] (5) The provisions of this section do not apply:
158          (a) to regularly scheduled annual training;
159          (b) in-state active National Guard and reserve orders; or
160          (c) orders that do not require the service member to relocate outside of this state.
161          Section 4. Effective date.
162          (1) Except as provided in Subsection (2), this bill takes effect on May 1, 2024.
163          (2) The changes affecting Section 71A-8-103 take effect on July 1, 2024.