Senator Curtis S. Bramble proposes the following substitute bill:





Chief Sponsor: Curtis S. Bramble

House Sponsor: Keven J. Stratton


9     General Description:
10          This bill addresses the study of Utah Lake.
11     Highlighted Provisions:
12          This bill:
13          ▸     requires the Division of Forestry, Fire, and State Lands (division) to conduct a study
14     meeting certain requirements;
15          ▸     requires reporting;
16          ▸     provides a sunset date; and
17          ▸     makes technical changes.
18     Money Appropriated in this Bill:
19          This bill appropriates in fiscal year 2024:
20          ▸     to Department of Natural Resources - Forestry, Fire, and State Lands - Project
21     Management as a one-time appropriation:
22               •     from the General Fund, One-time, $1,500,000
23          ▸     to Transfers to Unrestricted Funds - General Fund as a one-time appropriation:
24               •     from Nonlapsing Balances, $1,500,000
25     Other Special Clauses:

26          None
27     Utah Code Sections Affected:
28     AMENDS:
29          63I-1-265, as enacted by Laws of Utah 2020, Chapter 154
30     ENACTS:
31          65A-10-5, Utah Code Annotated 1953

33     Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
34          Section 1. Section 63I-1-265 is amended to read:
35          63I-1-265. Repeal dates: Title 65A.
36          (1) Section 65A-8-306, which creates the Heritage Trees Advisory Committee, is
37     repealed July 1, 2026.
38          (2) Section 65A-10-5, related to a Utah Lake study, is repealed July 1, 2027.
39          Section 2. Section 65A-10-5 is enacted to read:
40          65A-10-5. Utah Lake study.
41          (1) The division shall conduct a study to determine how to enhance the following
42     benefits associated with Utah Lake in a manner consistent with the division's management
43     authority over sovereign lands under Section 65A-10-1:
44          (a) improving the clarity and quality of the water in Utah Lake;
45          (b) conserving water resources in and around Utah Lake;
46          (c) removing invasive plant and animal species, including phragmites and carp, from
47     Utah Lake;
48          (d) restoring and improving littoral zone and other plant communities in and around
49     Utah Lake;
50          (e) restoring and conserving native fish and other aquatic species in Utah Lake,
51     including Bonneville cutthroat trout and June Sucker;
52          (f) increasing the suitability of Utah Lake and its surrounding areas for shore birds,
53     waterfowl, and other avian species;
54          (g) maximizing, enhancing, and ensuring recreational access and opportunities on Utah
55     Lake;
56          (h) otherwise improving the use of Utah Lake for residents and visitors;

57          (i) substantially accommodating an existing use on land in or around Utah Lake; and
58          (j) providing any other benefits identified by the division.
59          (2) To begin the study, the division shall review available information, literature, and
60     data concerning improving Utah Lake, and assess the scientific, technical, measurement, and
61     other informational needs for determining methods to enhance Utah Lake.
62          (3) (a) After complying with Subsection (2), the division shall study the needs
63     identified under Subsection (2) that help to inform and improve discussions about Utah Lake
64     and the enhancement of Utah Lake.
65          (b) As part of the study under this Subsection (3), the division shall:
66          (i) respect the need to preserve water rights and interests related to water collection,
67     storage, or delivery and projects for water collection, storage, or delivery associated with Utah
68     Lake; and
69          (ii) consult with the state engineer to identify conditions associated with Utah Lake that
70     may affect the state's ability to deliver water from Utah Lake to the Great Salt Lake under an
71     approved instream flow change application described in Subsection 73-3-30(2).
72          (4) The division shall consult with other state agencies and a wide range of
73     stakeholders with diverse interests to assist the division in conducting the study under this
74     section.
75          (5) The division shall complete the study under this section by no later than November
76     1, 2025.
77          (6) The division shall report the findings of the study and a proposed plan to implement
78     the findings to the Natural Resources, Agriculture, and Environment Interim Committee by no
79     later than the November 2025 interim meeting of that committee.
80          (7) This section may not be interpreted to override, supersede, or modify any water
81     right within the state, or the role and authority of the state engineer.
82          Section 3. FY 2024 Appropriation.
83          The following sums of money are appropriated for the fiscal year beginning July 1,
84     2023, and ending June 30, 2024. These are additions to amounts previously appropriated for
85     fiscal year 2024.
86          Subsection 3(a). Operating and Capital Budgets.
87          Under the terms and conditions of Title 63J, Chapter 1, Budgetary Procedures Act, the

88     Legislature appropriates the following sums of money from the funds or accounts indicated for
89     the use and support of the government of the state of Utah.
     To Department of Natural Resources - Forestry, Fire, and State Lands
91      From General Fund, One-time$1,500,000
92      Schedule of Programs:
93      Project Management$1,500,000
94     Under the terms of Section 63J-1-603, the Legislature intends that the $1,500,000 one-time
95     General Fund appropriation provided by this item for the studying of Utah Lake does not lapse
96     at the close of FY 2024.
97          Subsection 3(b). Transfers to Unrestricted Funds.
98          The Legislature authorizes the State Division of Finance to transfer the following
99     amounts to the unrestricted General Fund, Income Tax Fund, or Uniform School Fund, as
100     indicated, from the restricted funds or accounts indicated. Expenditures and outlays from the
101     General Fund, Income Tax Fund, or Uniform School Fund must be authorized by an
102     appropriation.
     To General Fund
104      From Nonlapsing Balances - Department of Natural Resources -
DNR Pass Through
105      Schedule of Programs:
106      General Fund, One-time$1,500,000

107          Section 4. Effective date.
108          This bill takes effect on May 1, 2024.