



Chief Sponsor: Jerry W Stevenson

House Sponsor: Candice B. Pierucci


9     General Description:
10          This resolution expresses support for the continued friendship between Utah and
11     Taiwan.
12     Highlighted Provisions:
13          This resolution:
14          ▸     highlights the long-standing friendship between Utah and Taiwan;
15          ▸     supports a continuation of the Utah and Taiwan friendship;
16          ▸     supports deepening the religious, economic, educational, and cultural partnership
17     between Utah and Taiwan; and
18          ▸     encourages global organizations to admit Taiwan into their membership.
19     Special Clauses:
20          None

22     Be it resolved by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
23          WHEREAS, the state of Utah has developed a strong relationship with Taiwan based
24     on shared values including a commitment to religious freedom, democracy, human rights, the
25     rule of law, and a free market economy;
26          WHEREAS, this relationship began in 1956 when the Church of Jesus Christ of
27     Latter-day Saints, which is headquartered in Utah, dispatched the first four missionaries as a

28     friendly exchange between the Taiwanese people and Utahns;
29          WHEREAS, by 2024, more than 43,000 Latter-day Saint missionaries have served in
30     Taiwan;
31          WHEREAS, in 1980, Utah and Taiwan established a formal sister-state relationship,
32     deepening the cultural exchanges between Utah and Taiwan;
33          WHEREAS, today, approximately 1,200 foreign-born Taiwanese people live and work
34     in Utah, lending their support to Utah communities;
35          WHEREAS, Taiwan is Utah's fifth-largest trading partner and sixth-largest export
36     destination, with Utah exporting more than $650 million in goods to Taiwan in 2020, including
37     electronics, food, chemicals, and machinery;
38          WHEREAS, Taiwan is the first country to enter into the Driver License Reciprocity
39     Agreement with Utah;
40          WHEREAS, because of the Driver License Reciprocity Agreement, people with a
41     driver license from Utah can now drive when visiting Taiwan and people with a driver license
42     from Taiwan can drive when visiting Utah;
43          WHEREAS, the Driver License Reciprocity Agreement will benefit both Utah and
44     Taiwan, resulting in a stronger relationship, politically and economically, while increasing the
45     ease of foreign citizens doing business in Utah;
46          WHEREAS, during the 2020 General Session, the Legislature passed a law
47     incentivizing public universities to work with industry leaders, in creating multi-disciplinary
48     programs;
49          WHEREAS, these multi-disciplinary programs prepare the workforce for scientific
50     discoveries and engineering innovations;
51          WHEREAS, Taiwan's participation in these programs mutually benefit the people of
52     Utah and Taiwan;
53          WHEREAS, Taiwan's participation and contributions in international organizations and
54     agreements such as the bilateral trade agreement between the United States and Taiwan, the
55     Indo-Pacific Economic Framework for Prosperity, the World Health Assembly, the
56     International Civil Aviation Organization, and other organizations greatly benefit Utahns and
57     all Americans; and
58          WHEREAS, 2024 marks the 45th anniversary of the Taiwan Relations Act, a

59     foundation upon which the United States and particularly Utah, has maintained and
60     strengthened its economic and cultural ties with Taiwan:
61          NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Legislature of the state of Utah
62     supports strengthening the existing friendship with Taiwan on religious, economic, and cultural
63     grounds.
64          BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Legislature emphasizes the importance of the
65     collaborative relationship between the United States, Utah, and Taiwan in the technology
66     sector, higher education, and elsewhere.
67          BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Legislature encourages Utah's federal
68     delegation to continue strengthening Utah and the United States' relationship with Taiwan, and
69     continue supporting Taiwan's meaningful participation in international organizations and
70     agreements.
71          BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy of this resolution be sent to the Utah
72     congressional delegation and the Taipei Economic Cultural Office in San Francisco.