2014GS Bill Search Results
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Bill/Link | Sponsor | Short Title | Status/Votes |
HB0001 | Last, B. | Public EDUCATION Base Budget Amendments | House/ substituted - 2/4/2014 |
HB0001S02 | Last, B. | Public EDUCATION Base Budget Amendments | Governor Signed - 2/19/2014 |
HB0004 | Brown, M. | Current School Year Supplemental Public EDUCATION Budget Amendments | Governor Signed - 4/1/2014 |
HB0007 | Brown, M. | State Agency and Higher EDUCATION Compensation Appropriations | Governor Signed - 4/1/2014 |
HB0023 | Eliason, S. | Suicide Prevention Revisions | Governor Signed - 3/31/2014 |
HB0032 | Cosgrove, T. | College Credit for Veterans | Governor Signed - 3/31/2014 |
HB0036 | Lifferth, D. | Charter School Enrollment Amendments | Governor Signed - 4/1/2014 |
HB0041 | Handy, S. | Clean Fuel School Buses and Infrastructure | House/ filed - 3/13/2014 |
HB0043 | Hemingway, L. | Data Collection on Military Children in Public Schools | House/ filed - 3/13/2014 |
HB0045 | Oda, C. | In-state Tuition for Military Servicemembers and Veterans | Governor Signed - 3/31/2014 |
HB0064 | Draxler, J. | Utah History Day | House/ comm rpt/ substituted - 2/4/2014 |
HB0064S01 | Draxler, J. | Utah History Day | Governor Signed - 3/29/2014 |
HB0072 | Wheatley, M. | Higher EDUCATION Grievance Procedure Amendments | Governor Signed - 4/1/2014 |
HB0077 | Lifferth, D. | Tax Credit for Home-schooling Parent | House/ filed - 2/27/2014 |
HB0081 | Kennedy, M. | Parental Review of Statewide Summative Test Questions | House/ substituted - 2/21/2014 |
HB0081S01 | Kennedy, M. | Parental Review of Statewide Summative Test Questions | House/ filed - 3/13/2014 |
HB0084 | Hall, C. | School District Amendments | House/ comm rpt/ substituted/ amended - 2/14/2014 |
HB0084S01 | Hall, C. | School District Amendments | House/ filed - 3/11/2014 |
HB0087 | Kennedy, M. | Gender Amendments | House/ filed - 3/13/2014 |
HB0092 | Menlove, R. | Utah Telehealth and EDUCATION Network Amendments | House/ comm rpt/ substituted - 2/10/2014 |
HB0092S01 | Menlove, R. | Utah EDUCATION and Telehealth Network Amendments | Governor Signed - 3/27/2014 |
HB0095 | Ipson, D. | Applied Technology College Governance Amendments | Governor Signed - 3/29/2014 |
HB0096 | Hughes, G. | Utah School Readiness Initiative | Governor Signed - 4/1/2014 |
HB0104 | Cunningham, R. | School Planning and Zoning Compliance | House/ filed - 3/13/2014 |
HB0109 | Ivory, K. | Public EDUCATION Capital Funding Equalization | House/ comm rpt/ substituted - 2/21/2014 |
HB0109S01 | Ivory, K. | Public EDUCATION Capital Funding Equalization | House/ substituted - 3/5/2014 |
HB0109S02 | Ivory, K. | Public EDUCATION Capital Funding Equalization | House/ filed - 3/13/2014 |
HB0111 | Knotwell, J. | School Building Costs Reporting | Governor Signed - 3/27/2014 |
HB0116 | Cunningham, R. | School Construction Modifications | House/ comm rpt/ substituted - 2/21/2014 |
HB0116S01 | Cunningham, R. | School Construction Modifications | Governor Signed - 4/1/2014 |
HB0120 | Ivory, K. | Continuing EDUCATION on Federalism | House/ substituted - 2/28/2014 |
HB0120S01 | Ivory, K. | Continuing EDUCATION on Federalism | Governor Signed - 3/31/2014 |
HB0131 | Gibson, F. | Public EDUCATION Modernization Act | House/ comm rpt/ substituted - 2/26/2014 |
HB0131S02 | Gibson, F. | Public EDUCATION Modernization Act | House/ substituted - 3/6/2014 |
HB0131S03 | Gibson, F. | Public EDUCATION Modernization Act | House/ filed - 3/13/2014 |
HB0150 | Peterson, V. | Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics Amendments | House/ comm rpt/ substituted - 2/28/2014 |
HB0150S01 | Peterson, V. | Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics Amendments | House/ substituted - 3/6/2014 |
HB0150S02 | Peterson, V. | Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics Amendments | Senate/ substituted - 3/12/2014 |
HB0150S03 | Peterson, V. | Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics Amendments | Bill Substituted by Conference Committee - 3/13/2014 |
HB0150S04 | Peterson, V. | Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics Amendments | Governor Signed - 4/1/2014 |
HB0153 | Christofferson, K. | Study on Contribution and Credit for EDUCATION Funding | House/ filed - 3/13/2014 |
HB0159 | Hughes, G. | Regulation of Child Care Programs | Governor Signed - 4/1/2014 |
HB0168 | Brown, M. | School and Institutional Trust Lands and Funds Management Provisions | House/ comm rpt/ substituted/ amended - 3/5/2014 |
HB0168S01 | Brown, M. | School and Institutional Trust Lands and Funds Management Provisions | Senate/ substituted - 3/11/2014 |
HB0168S02 | Brown, M. | School and Institutional Trust Lands and Funds Management Provisions | Governor Signed - 4/2/2014 |
HB0169 | Anderegg, J. | Student Privacy Act | House/ filed - 3/13/2014 |
HB0170 | McCay, D. | Local School Board Bond Amendments | Governor Signed - 4/1/2014 |
HB0182 | Hutchings, E. | Immersion Enrollment Amendments | House/ filed - 3/13/2014 |
HB0213 | Christensen, L. | Criminal Penalties for Sexual Contact with a Student | House/ comm rpt/ substituted/ amended - 2/24/2014 |
HB0213S01 | Christensen, L. | Criminal Penalties for Sexual Contact with a Student | Governor Signed - 3/29/2014 |
HB0215 | Handy, S. | Public School Employee Background Checks | House/ substituted - 2/20/2014 |
HB0215S01 | Handy, S. | Public School Employee Background Checks | House/ filed - 3/13/2014 |
HB0221 | Cunningham, R. | School Community Council Revisions | Governor Signed - 4/1/2014 |
HB0223 | Nielson, J. | School Board Elections Provisions | House/ filed - 3/13/2014 |
HB0228 | Greene, B. | Utah State Board of EDUCATION Elections and Reporting Amendments | House/ substituted by Rules - 2/19/2014 |
HB0228S01 | Greene, B. | Utah State Board of EDUCATION Elections and Reporting Amendments | House/ filed - 3/7/2014 |
HB0234 | Bird, J. | School District Division Amendments | House/ filed - 3/13/2014 |
HB0236 | Powell, K. | State School Board Nomination Revisions | House/ filed - 3/13/2014 |
HB0239 | Nielson, J. | Front-line Teachers Data Program | House/ filed - 3/13/2014 |
HB0241 | Froerer, G. | School Records Amendments | House/ filed - 3/13/2014 |
HB0249 | Anderegg, J. | Grants for Digital Textbooks | House/ substituted - 2/21/2014 |
HB0249S01 | Anderegg, J. | Grants for Digital Textbooks | House/ filed - 3/13/2014 |
HB0250 | Draxler, J. | Local School Board Amendments | Governor Signed - 4/1/2014 |
HB0260 | Powell, K. | Local School Board Candidate Reporting Amendments | Governor Signed - 4/1/2014 |
HB0286 | Romero, A. | Child Sexual Abuse Prevention | House/ comm rpt/ substituted/ amended - 2/20/2014 |
HB0286S01 | Romero, A. | Child Sexual Abuse Prevention | House/ substituted - 2/27/2014 |
HB0286S02 | Romero, A. | Child Sexual Abuse Prevention | Governor Signed - 4/1/2014 |
HB0292 | Menlove, R. | School Grading - Calculation of High School Graduation Rate | House/ filed - 3/13/2014 |
HB0307 | Bird, J. | Public EDUCATION Funding Task Force | House/ filed - 3/13/2014 |
HB0320 | Last, B. | Educators' Professional Learning | House/ substituted - 2/27/2014 |
HB0320S01 | Last, B. | Educators' Professional Learning | Governor Signed - 4/1/2014 |
HB0329 | Eliason, S. | Programs for Youth Protection | Governor Signed - 4/1/2014 |
HB0337 | Last, B. | Teacher Salary Supplement Program Amendments | Governor Signed - 4/1/2014 |
HB0342 | Layton, D. | Powers and Duties of the State Board of EDUCATION | House/ comm rpt/ substituted - 3/4/2014 |
HB0342S01 | Layton, D. | Powers and Duties of the State Board of EDUCATION | House/ substituted - 3/7/2014 |
HB0342S02 | Layton, D. | Powers and Duties of the State Board of EDUCATION | Governor Signed - 4/1/2014 |
HB0397 | Layton, D. | Student and Family Privacy Amendments | House/ filed - 3/13/2014 |
HB0399 | Gibson, F. | Truancy Amendments | Governor Signed - 4/1/2014 |
HB0403 | Briscoe, J. | Amendments Related to EDUCATION Funding | House/ filed - 3/13/2014 |
HB0405 | Dunnigan, J. | Postsecondary School State Authorization | House/ comm rpt/ substitute/ amended/ Consent Cal - 2/28/2014 |
HB0405S01 | Dunnigan, J. | Postsecondary School State Authorization | Governor Signed - 4/1/2014 |
HB0406 | Cosgrove, T. | School Bus Traffic Safety Amendments | House/ comm rpt/ sent to Rules/ substituted - 3/10/2014 |
HB0406S01 | Cosgrove, T. | School Bus Traffic Safety Amendments | House/ filed - 3/13/2014 |
HB0409 | Eliason, S. | Statewide EDUCATION Coordinating Committee | House/ filed - 3/13/2014 |
HB0417 | Moss, C. | English Language Arts Instructional Tool | House/ filed - 3/13/2014 |
HB0419 | Eliason, S. | Charter School Revisions | Governor Signed - 4/1/2014 |
HB0423 | Eliason, S. | School District Postemployment Health Insurance Benefit Amendments | House/ filed - 3/13/2014 |
HB0425 | Eliason, S. | State EDUCATIONal Sovereignty Act | House/ filed - 3/13/2014 |
HB0431 | Eliason, S. | Educator Tax Credit | House/ filed - 3/13/2014 |
HCR004 | Brown, M. | Concurrent Resolution Recognizing the 20th Anniversary of the School and Institutional Trust Lands Administration | Governor Signed - 3/27/2014 |
HCR006 | Poulson, M. | Concurrent Resolution Encouraging Employers to Extend Parental Leave to Certain School Activities | House/ filed - 3/13/2014 |
HCR010 | Noel, M. | Concurrent Resolution on School and Institutional Trust Lands Exchange Act | Governor Signed - 3/29/2014 |
HJR009 | Poulson, M. | Joint Resolution on Utah Epilepsy Public EDUCATION, Outreach, and Awareness | House/ to Lieutenant Governor - 3/17/2014 |
HJR024 | Dee, B. | Joint Resolution Recognizing Weber State University's 125th Anniversary | House/ to Lieutenant Governor - 3/17/2014 |
SB0001 | Urquhart, S. | Higher EDUCATION Base Budget | Governor Signed - 2/19/2014 |
SB0002 | Hillyard, L. | Public EDUCATION Budget Amendments | Governor Signed - 4/1/2014 |
SB0016 | Escamilla (Robles), L. | Veterans Tuition Gap Coverage | Governor Signed - 3/28/2014 |
SB0023 | Jenkins, S. | School Construction Amendments | Senate/ filed - 3/13/2014 |
SB0034 | Stephenson, H. | Governance of the Utah EDUCATION and Workforce Alliance | Senate/ comm rpt/ substituted - 3/3/2014 |
SB0034S01 | Stephenson, H. | Governance of the Utah EDUCATION and Workforce Alliance | Senate/ substituted - 3/10/2014 |
SB0034S02 | Stephenson, H. | Governance of the Utah EDUCATION and Workforce Alliance | House/ substituted - 3/13/2014 |
SB0034S03 | Stephenson, H. | Statewide Data Alliance and Utah Futures | Governor Signed - 4/1/2014 |
SB0037 | Thatcher, D. | Statewide Online EDUCATION Program Revisions | Senate/ filed - 3/11/2014 |
SB0038 | Okerlund, R. | Rural Superintendent Concurrent EDUCATION Program | Senate/ comm rpt/ substituted - 2/7/2014 |
SB0038S01 | Okerlund, R. | Snow College Concurrent EDUCATION Program | Governor Signed - 3/27/2014 |
SB0039 | Osmond, A. | Home School Amendments | Senate/ comm rpt/ substituted - 2/19/2014 |
SB0039S01 | Osmond, A. | Home School Amendments | Governor Signed - 4/1/2014 |
SB0040 | Jones, P. | Financial and Economic Literacy Amendments | Senate/ comm rpt/ substituted - 2/13/2014 |
SB0040S01 | Jones, P. | Financial and Economic Literacy Amendments | Governor Signed - 3/27/2014 |
SB0042 | Osmond, A. | Early Childhood EDUCATION | Senate/ filed - 3/13/2014 |
SB0043 | Reid, S. | Intergenerational Poverty Interventions in Public Schools | Governor Signed - 4/1/2014 |
SB0049 | Valentine, J. | Parental Permission to Release Student Information | Senate/ filed - 3/13/2014 |
SB0056 | Bramble, C. | Risk Management Amendments | Senate/ substituted - 2/25/2014 |
SB0056S01 | Bramble, C. | Risk Management Amendments | Governor Signed - 3/27/2014 |
SB0058 | Dabakis, J. | Carbon Monoxide Detection Amendments | Governor Signed - 3/27/2014 |
SB0062 | Shiozawa, B. | Utah Science Technology and Research Governing Authority Amendments | Senate/ comm rpt/ substituted - 2/20/2014 |
SB0062S01 | Shiozawa, B. | Utah Science Technology and Research Governing Authority Amendments | Governor Signed - 3/29/2014 |
SB0068 | Knudson, P. | Veterans Centers | Governor Signed - 3/28/2014 |
SB0074 | Adams, J. S. | Career and Technical EDUCATION Funding for Charter Schools | Senate/ filed - 3/13/2014 |
SB0080 | Stephenson, H. | Statewide Online EDUCATION Amendments | Senate/ comm rpt/ substituted - 3/6/2014 |
SB0080S01 | Stephenson, H. | Statewide Online EDUCATION Amendments | Senate/ filed - 3/13/2014 |
SB0091 | Harper, W. | School District Modifications | Senate/ filed - 3/13/2014 |
SB0098 | Mayne, K. | Paraeducator Funding | Senate/ filed - 3/13/2014 |
SB0101 | Osmond, A. | Public EDUCATION Human Resource Management Amendments | Governor Signed - 3/31/2014 |
SB0103 | Osmond, A. | Local Control of Classroom Time Requirements | Senate/ comm rpt/ substituted - 2/5/2014 |
SB0103S01 | Osmond, A. | Local Control of Classroom Time Requirements | Governor Signed - 4/1/2014 |
SB0104 | Osmond, A. | Improvement of Reading Instruction | Governor Signed - 4/1/2014 |
SB0107 | Urquhart, S. | Math Literacy - Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics Initiative | Senate/ filed - 3/13/2014 |
SB0111 | Osmond, A. | EDUCATION Funding Equalization | Senate/ comm rpt/ substituted/ amended - 2/11/2014 |
SB0111S02 | Osmond, A. | EDUCATION Funding Equalization | Senate/ substituted - 3/4/2014 |
SB0111S03 | Osmond, A. | EDUCATION Funding Equalization | Senate/ filed - 3/13/2014 |
SB0118 | Jones, P. | School Funding Through Income Tax Revisions | Senate/ comm rpt/ substituted - 2/11/2014 |
SB0118S01 | Jones, P. | School Funding Through Income Tax Revisions | Senate/ filed - 3/13/2014 |
SB0122 | Osmond, A. | Parental Rights and Accountability in Public EDUCATION | Senate/ comm rpt/ substituted/ amended - 2/28/2014 |
SB0122S01 | Osmond, A. | Parental Rights in Public EDUCATION | Senate/ substituted - 3/7/2014 |
SB0122S02 | Osmond, A. | Parental Rights in Public EDUCATION | Governor Signed - 4/1/2014 |
SB0131 | Osmond, A. | Student Leadership Grant | Senate/ comm rpt/ substituted/ amended - 2/19/2014 |
SB0131S01 | Osmond, A. | Student Leadership Grant | Governor Signed - 4/1/2014 |
SB0140 | Mayne, K. | Advanced Placement Test Funding | Governor Signed - 3/29/2014 |
SB0148 | Adams, J. S. | Upstart Program Amendments | House/ substituted - 2/26/2014 |
SB0148S01 | Adams, J. S. | Upstart Program Amendments | Governor Signed - 3/28/2014 |
SB0150 | Reid, S. | EDUCATION Task Force Reauthorization | Governor Signed - 3/28/2014 |
SB0151 | Reid, S. | Religious Freedom Instruction Requirements | Senate/ filed - 3/13/2014 |
SB0157 | Stephenson, H. | School-based Budgeting Amendments | Senate/ filed - 3/13/2014 |
SB0170 | Knudson, P. | EDUCATION Loan Amendments | Senate/ comm rpt/ substituted - 3/5/2014 |
SB0170S01 | Knudson, P. | EDUCATION Loan Amendments | Governor Signed - 3/27/2014 |
SB0171 | Stephenson, H. | Student-centered Learning Pilot Program | Senate/ filed - 3/13/2014 |
SB0172 | Harper, W. | Capital Improvement and Capital Development Project Amendments | Governor Signed - 3/29/2014 |
SB0181 | Stephenson, H. | Online Course Reporting Requirements | Senate/ filed - 3/13/2014 |
SB0183 | Stephenson, H. | Proficiency Levels of Statewide Assessments | Senate/ filed - 3/13/2014 |
SB0186 | Harper, W. | Contractor Licensing and Continuing EDUCATION Amendments | Senate/ substituted - 2/28/2014 |
SB0186S02 | Harper, W. | Contractor Licensing and Continuing EDUCATION Amendments | Governor Signed - 4/1/2014 |
SB0202 | Stephenson, H. | Charter School Funding Amendments | Senate/ filed - 3/13/2014 |
SB0209 | Adams, J. S. | School Grading Revisions | Governor Signed - 4/1/2014 |
SB0215 | Osmond, A. | Public School Comprehensive Emergency Response Plan Amendments | Governor Signed - 3/29/2014 |
SB0218 | Stephenson, H. | Charter School Amendments | Governor Signed - 4/1/2014 |
SB0219 | Henderson, D. | Public EDUCATION Utah Professional Practices Advisory Commission | Senate/ filed - 3/13/2014 |
SB0232 | Thatcher, D. | School Safety Tip Line | Senate/ substituted - 3/7/2014 |
SB0232S01 | Thatcher, D. | School Safety Tip Line | Governor Signed - 4/1/2014 |
SB0236 | Osmond, A. | Higher EDUCATION Admission Amendments | Senate/ filed - 3/13/2014 |
SB0240 | Adams, J. S. | Carson Smith Scholarship Amendments | Governor Signed - 3/31/2014 |
SB0254 | Hillyard, L. | Repeal of Certified Nurse Midwife EDUCATION and Enforcement Account | Governor Signed - 3/29/2014 |
SB0257 | Stephenson, H. | Parent Review of Instructional Materials and Curriculum | Governor Vetoed - 4/2/2014 |
SB0258 | Stevenson, J. | Educator Licensure Amendments | Governor Signed - 4/1/2014 |
SB0260 | Thatcher, D. | Sex Offender and Kidnap Offender Registration Amendments | Senate/ filed - 3/13/2014 |
SB0262 | Henderson, D. | Student Enrollment Requirements | Senate/ filed - 3/13/2014 |
SB0263 | Stevenson, J. | Small Business Innovation Research | Senate/ comm rpt/ substituted - 3/6/2014 |
SB0263S02 | Stevenson, J. | Small Business Innovation Research | Governor Signed - 4/1/2014 |
SCR003 | Jones, P. | Concurrent Resolution on the School of Dentistry Serving Underprivileged Children | Governor Signed - 3/25/2014 |
SJR012 | Reid, S. | Joint Resolution on State Superintendent of Public Instruction | Senate/ filed - 3/13/2014 |
Weiler, T. | Religious Freedom for Students | Abandoned | |
Brown, D. | Private EDUCATION Data Protection Amendments | Abandoned | |
Hutchings, E. | Protection of Student Data | Abandoned | |
Powell, K. | Student EDUCATIONal Data Release Amendments | Abandoned | |
Osmond, A. | Minimum Proficiency Requirements for Fourth Grade | Abandoned | |
Weiler, T. | Privacy of Student Records | Abandoned | |
Stephenson, H. | Data Access Amendments | Abandoned | |
Stephenson, H. | Standards for Teachers Colleges | Abandoned | |
Stephenson, H. | Statewide Assessment and School Grading Programs Amendments | Abandoned | |
Stephenson, H. | Establishment of Utah Data Alliance | Abandoned | |
Osmond, A. | Local Board of EDUCATION Authority Amendments | Abandoned | |
Redd, E. | Reutilization of Assistive Technology Devices | Abandoned | |
Hutchings, E. | Public School Grading Accountability Amendments | Abandoned | |
Stephenson, H. | Guidance Counseling Amendments | Abandoned | |
Arent, P. | Trust Lands Amendments | Abandoned | |
Stephenson, H. | Competency Based EDUCATION Amendments | Abandoned | |
Stephenson, H. | Truth in Higher EDUCATION | Abandoned | |
Cunningham, R. | School AED Device Funding Revisions | Abandoned | |
Gibson, F. | High Quality Instruction for Junior High Math | Abandoned | |
Weiler, T. | Drivers EDUCATION Amendments | Abandoned | |
Wilson, B. | Joint Resolution Recognizing the 100 year Anniversary of Davis High School | Abandoned | |
Romero, A. | Professional Development in Public Schools | Abandoned | |
Nielson, J. | Public EDUCATION Funding Amendments | Abandoned | |
Stephenson, H. | Student Technology Access | Abandoned | |
Dabakis, J. | Legislators in Public School Classrooms | Abandoned | |
Edwards, R. | School Zoning Amendments | Abandoned | |
Edwards, R. | Students with Disabilities in Higher EDUCATION | Abandoned | |
Grover, K. | Applied Technology College Funding Formulas | Abandoned | |
Grover, K. | Applied Technology College Amendments | Abandoned | |
Stephenson, H. | Grant-Funded Professional Development | Abandoned | |
Stephenson, H. | Interventions for Low-performing Schools | Abandoned | |
Stephenson, H. | Research-Based Strategic Plan | Abandoned | |
Cosgrove, T. | EDUCATION Funding Amendments | Abandoned | |
Stephenson, H. | Competency Based Funding for Higher EDUCATION | Abandoned | |
Stephenson, H. | Use of Student Fees for Political Purposes | Abandoned | |
Hutchings, E. | Special Needs Students Amendments | Abandoned | |
Knotwell, J. | Dyslexia Screening in Public Schools | Abandoned | |
Spendlove, R. | EDUCATION Curriculum Amendments | Abandoned | |
Hughes, G. | School Lands Trust Equal and Fair Student Distribution | Abandoned | |
Grover, K. | EDUCATION Savings Account Amendments | Abandoned | |
Urquhart, S. | EDUCATION Amendments | Abandoned | |
Hughes, G. | EDUCATIONal Funding for County Officials | Abandoned | |
Briscoe, J. | Student Opportunities Amendments | Abandoned | |
Dayton, M. | EDUCATION Modifications | Abandoned | |
Christofferson, K. | Public School Amendments | Abandoned | |
Osmond, A. | Mathematics Textbooks Amendments | Abandoned | |
Spendlove, R. | Drivers EDUCATION Revision | Abandoned | |
Hughes, G. | School Accreditation Amendments | Abandoned | |
Last, B. | Computer Privacy in Schools | Abandoned | |
Brown, M. | Public EDUCATION Budget Revisions | Abandoned |