2015GS Bill Search Results

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Bill/Link Sponsor Floor Sponsor Short Title Calendar Status/Votes Co-Sponsor
HB0001 Grover, K. Urquhart, S. Higher EDUCATION Base Budget    House/ substituted by Rules - 2/9/2015  
HB0001S01 Grover, K. Urquhart, S. Higher EDUCATION Base Budget    Governor Signed - 2/25/2015  
HB0002 Sanpei, D. Hillyard, L. Public EDUCATION Budget Amendments    Governor Signed - 3/31/2015  
HB0008 Sanpei, D. Hillyard, L. State Agency and Higher EDUCATION Compensation Appropriations    Governor Signed - 3/27/2015  
HB0030 Edwards, R. Stephenson, H. Math Teacher Training Program Amendments    Governor Signed - 2/17/2015  
HB0033 Draxler, J. Van Tassell, K. American Indian-alaskan Native EDUCATION Amendments    Governor Signed - 3/23/2015  
HB0049 Handy, S.   Clean Fuel School Buses and Infrastructure Senate Tabled on Third - #3  House/ comm rpt/ substituted - 1/30/2015  
HB0049S01 Handy, S.   Clean Fuel School Buses and Infrastructure Senate Tabled on Third - #3  House/ substituted - 2/13/2015  
HB0049S02 Handy, S. Adams, J. S. Clean Fuel School Buses and Infrastructure Senate Tabled on Third - #3  Senate/ comm rpt/ substituted - 3/5/2015  
HB0049S03 Handy, S. Adams, J. S. Clean Fuel School Buses and Infrastructure Senate Tabled on Third - #3  House/ filed - 3/12/2015  
HB0054 Draxler, J.   Public EDUCATION Increased Funding Program    Bill Substituted by Standing Committee - 2/2/2015  
HB0054S01 Draxler, J.   Public EDUCATION Increased Funding Program    House/ filed - 3/12/2015  
HB0067 Anderegg, J.   Grants for Digital Learning    House/ filed - 3/12/2015  
HB0068 Anderegg, J. Stephenson, H. Student Privacy Act    Bill Substituted by Standing Committee - 2/4/2015  
HB0068S01 Anderegg, J. Stephenson, H. Student Privacy Act    House/ comm rpt/ substituted - 3/3/2015  
HB0068S02 Anderegg, J. Stephenson, H. Student Privacy Act    House/ substituted - 3/6/2015  
HB0068S03 Anderegg, J. Stephenson, H. Student Privacy Act    Senate/ substituted - 3/11/2015  
HB0068S04 Anderegg, J. Stephenson, H. Student Privacy Study    Governor Signed - 3/31/2015  
HB0069 Moss, C. Stephenson, H. English Language Arts Instructional Tool Senate Tabled on Third - #1  House/ comm rpt/ substituted - 1/29/2015  
HB0069S01 Moss, C. Stephenson, H. English Language Arts Instructional Tool Senate Tabled on Third - #1  House/ filed - 3/12/2015  
HB0081 Hall, C. Henderson, D. Local School Board Meetings Requirements    House/ comm rpt/ substituted - 1/29/2015  
HB0081S02 Hall, C. Henderson, D. Local School Board Meetings Requirements    Governor Signed - 3/23/2015  
HB0093 Hall, C.   School District Amendments Senate 2nd Reading Calendar - #11  House/ comm rpt/ substituted/ amended - 3/3/2015  
HB0093S01 Hall, C. Mayne, K. School District Amendments Senate 2nd Reading Calendar - #11  House/ filed - 3/12/2015  
HB0113 Sanpei, D.   Dual Enrollment Amendments    House/ filed - 3/12/2015  
HB0114 Last, B.   Test Preparation Resources    Bill Substituted by Standing Committee - 2/23/2015  
HB0114S01 Last, B.   Test Preparation Resources    House/ filed - 3/12/2015  
HB0118 Last, B.   Public EDUCATION Human Resource Management Act Revisions    House/ comm rpt/ substituted - 2/13/2015  
HB0118S01 Last, B. Osmond, A. Public EDUCATION Human Resource Management Act Revisions    Governor Signed - 3/26/2015  
HB0119 Last, B. Stephenson, H. Charter School Finance Amendments    Governor Signed - 3/23/2015  
HB0123 Peterson, V. Knudson, P. Tuition and Fees Assistance for Utah National Guard Members    Governor Signed - 3/23/2015  
HB0124 Handy, S.   EDUCATION Background Check Amendments    House/ substituted - 2/23/2015  
HB0124S01 Handy, S. Millner, A. EDUCATION Background Check Amendments    Governor Signed - 3/31/2015  
HB0128 Froerer, G. Millner, A. Maintenance of Student Records    Governor Signed - 3/27/2015  
HB0134 Lifferth, D.   Tax Credit for Home-schooling Parent    House Comm - Substitute Recommendation - 3/3/2015  
HB0134S01 Lifferth, D.   Tax Credit for Home-schooling Parent    House/ filed - 3/12/2015  
HB0162 Cox, F.   Construction Trades Continuing EDUCATION Amendments    House/ filed - 3/12/2015  
HB0163 Knotwell, J. Adams, J. S. Student Data Breach Requirements    Governor Signed - 3/24/2015  
HB0180 Edwards, R.   Teacher Salary Supplement Program    House/ filed - 3/12/2015  
HB0186 Gibson, F.   State School Board Membership and Election Amendments    House/ comm rpt/ substituted - 2/26/2015  
HB0193 Gibson, F. Adams, J. S. Continuing EDUCATION for General Contractor Licensing    Senate/ substituted - 3/11/2015  
HB0193S02 Gibson, F. Adams, J. S. Continuing EDUCATION for General Contractor Licensing    Governor Signed - 3/25/2015  
HB0197 Coleman, K. Adams, J. S. Educator Licensing Amendments    Senate/ comm rpt/ substituted - 3/5/2015  
HB0197S01 Coleman, K. Adams, J. S. Educator Licensing Amendments    Governor Vetoed - 4/1/2015  
HB0198 Arent, P. Urquhart, S. Strengthening College and Career Readiness    Governor Signed - 3/25/2015  
HB0203 Last, B.   Teacher Salary Supplement Program Amendments    House/ substituted - 2/23/2015  
HB0203S01 Last, B. Stephenson, H. Teacher Salary Supplement Program Amendments    Senate/ substituted - 3/10/2015  
HB0203S02 Last, B. Stephenson, H. Teacher Salary Supplement Program Amendments    Governor Signed - 3/24/2015  
HB0207 Eliason, S.   Educator Tax Credit    House/ substituted - 2/23/2015  
HB0207S01 Eliason, S. Millner, A. Educator Tax Credit and Related Study    Senate/ substituted - 3/5/2015  
HB0207S02 Eliason, S. Millner, A. Educator Tax Credit and Related Study    Senate/ substituted - 3/11/2015  
HB0207S03 Eliason, S. Millner, A. Educator Tax Credit Study    Governor Signed - 3/31/2015  
HB0208 Eliason, S. Bramble, C. School District Postemployment Health Insurance Benefits    Governor Signed - 3/31/2015  
HB0210 Peterson, V.   Early College High Schools Senate 2nd Reading Calendar - #4  Senate Comm - Returned to Rules - 3/10/2015  
HB0210S01 Peterson, V. Dayton, M. Early College High Schools Senate 2nd Reading Calendar - #4  House/ filed - 3/12/2015  
HB0213 Stratton, K.   Safe Technology Utilization and Digital Citizenship in Public Schools    House/ comm rpt/ substituted - 2/10/2015  
HB0213S01 Stratton, K.   Safe Technology Utilization and Digital Citizenship in Public Schools    House/ substituted - 2/19/2015  
HB0213S02 Stratton, K. Stephenson, H. Safe Technology Utilization and Digital Citizenship in Public Schools    Governor Signed - 3/25/2015  
HB0231 Powell, K.   School Board Levy Amendments    House/ filed - 3/12/2015  
HB0233 Oda, C. Knudson, P. Military EDUCATION Amendments    Governor Signed - 3/24/2015  
HB0237 Brown, M.   Vision Screening Amendments    House/ substituted - 2/24/2015  
HB0237S01 Brown, M. Christensen, A. Vision Screening Amendments    Governor Signed - 3/24/2015  
HB0257 Thurston, N. Knudson, P. Educator Licensing Modifications    House/ filed - 3/12/2015  
HB0263 Thurston, N. Adams, J. S. State School Board Powers Modifications    House/ filed - 3/3/2015  
HB0264 Lifferth, D.   Competency Licensing for Educators    House/ filed - 3/12/2015  
HB0282 Daw, B. Stephenson, H. Online EDUCATION Program Amendments    House/ comm rpt/ substituted - 2/19/2015  
HB0282S01 Daw, B. Stephenson, H. Online EDUCATION Program Amendments    Governor Signed - 3/31/2015  
HB0293 Peterson, V. Urquhart, S. Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics EDUCATION Program Amendments    House/ filed - 3/12/2015  
HB0294 Ipson, D.   School Transportation Amendments    House/ filed - 3/12/2015  
HB0297 Thurston, N.   State School Board Elections Amendments    House/ filed - 3/12/2015  
HB0301 King, Brian S.   Pesticide Application Notification Amendments    House/ comm rpt/ substituted/ amended - 2/18/2015  
HB0301S01 King, Brian S.   Pesticide Application Notification Amendments    House/ filed - 2/25/2015  
HB0305 McCay, D.   State Board of EDUCATION Membership Amendments    House/ filed - 3/12/2015  
HB0331 Last, B. Millner, A. Professional Learning Grant Program    House/ filed - 3/12/2015  
HB0335 Stanard, J. Vickers, E. Stem Action Center Amendments    House/ comm rpt/ substituted - 3/3/2015  
HB0335S01 Stanard, J. Vickers, E. Southern Utah Stem Initiative    House/ filed - 3/12/2015  
HB0337 Cunningham, R. Urquhart, S. Career and Technical EDUCATION Comprehensive Study    House/ comm rpt/ substituted/ amended - 3/4/2015  
HB0337S01 Cunningham, R. Urquhart, S. Career and Technical EDUCATION Comprehensive Study    Senate/ substituted - 3/12/2015  
HB0337S02 Cunningham, R. Urquhart, S. Career and Technical EDUCATION Comprehensive Study    Governor Signed - 3/27/2015  
HB0342 Powell, K.   Amendments to State School Board Election Process    House/ filed - 3/12/2015  
HB0345 McCay, D.   Abuse Policy for Educators    House/ comm rpt/ substituted - 2/25/2015  
HB0345S01 McCay, D.   EDUCATION Abuse Policy    House/ substituted - 3/2/2015  
HB0345S02 McCay, D. Osmond, A. EDUCATION Abuse Policy    Governor Signed - 3/30/2015  
HB0346 Knotwell, J. Dayton, M. School Building Costs Reporting Amendments    Governor Signed - 3/26/2015  
HB0358 Briscoe, J.   Voted and Board Levy Amendments    House/ filed - 3/12/2015  
HB0360 Christensen, L.   Utah EDUCATION Amendments    House/ comm rpt/ substituted/ amended - 3/4/2015  
HB0360S01 Christensen, L. Dayton, M. Utah EDUCATION Amendments    Governor Signed - 3/31/2015  
HB0363 Cunningham, R. Urquhart, S. School Land Trust Program Amendments    Governor Signed - 3/27/2015  
HB0367 Briscoe, J. Shiozawa, B. EDUCATION Ethics Training Requirement Senate 2nd Reading Calendar - #8  House/ filed - 3/12/2015  
HB0392 Daw, B.   Requirements for Career and Technical EDUCATION Teachers    House/ filed - 3/12/2015  
HB0397 Thurston, N.   Local School Funding Options    House/ filed - 3/12/2015  
HB0403 Eliason, S. Osmond, A. Online EDUCATION Survey Program Amendments    Governor Signed - 3/31/2015  
HB0424 Sagers, D.   Epilepsy Training in Public Schools    House/ comm rpt/ substituted - 3/6/2015  
HB0424S01 Sagers, D.   Epilepsy Training in Public Schools    House/ filed - 3/12/2015  
HB0434 McKell, M.   Student User Privacy in EDUCATION Rights Act    House/ filed - 3/12/2015  
HB0438 Brown, M.   Amendments to the Nominating Committee for the School and Institutional Trust Lands Board of Trustees    House/ filed - 3/12/2015  
HB0444 Gibson, F. Millner, A. Charter School Funding Task Force    Governor Signed - 3/26/2015  
HB0447 Dee, B.   Protections on Parental Guidance in Public Schools    Bill Substituted in Rules Committee - 3/9/2015  
HB0447S01 Dee, B.   Protections on Parental Guidance in Public Schools    House/ substituted - 3/11/2015  
HB0447S02 Dee, B. Adams, J. S. Protections on Parental Guidance in Public Schools    Governor Signed - 3/23/2015  
HB0458 Powell, K.   Charter School Property Tax Funding    LFA/ fiscal note publicly available - 4/3/2015  
HCR007 Poulson, M. Osmond, A. Concurrent Resolution Urging Development of Methods to Minimize Excessive Testing and its Negative Impacts on the Schoolchildren of Utah    House/ to Governor - 3/20/2015  
HCR009 Eliason, S. Millner, A. Concurrent Resolution on the Elementary and Secondary EDUCATION Act    House/ comm rpt/ substituted - 3/6/2015  
HCR009S01 Eliason, S. Millner, A. Concurrent Resolution on the Elementary and Secondary EDUCATION Act    House/ filed - 3/12/2015  
HJR016 McCay, D.   Proposal to Amend Utah Constitution -- Governance of Public EDUCATION    House/ filed - 3/3/2015  
HJR018 Anderegg, J.   Joint Resolution on Parental Rights Regarding the EDUCATION of Their Children    House/ filed - 3/12/2015  
HR0005 Eliason, S.   House Resolution Regarding Mathematics Proficiency among High School Students    House/ to Lieutenant Governor - 3/20/2015  
SB0001 Stephenson, H. Eliason, S. Public EDUCATION Base Budget Amendments    Senate/ substituted - 2/9/2015  
SB0001S01 Stephenson, H. Eliason, S. Public EDUCATION Base Budget Amendments    Became Law w/o Governor Signature - 2/25/2015  
SB0004 Hillyard, L. Sanpei, D. Current School Year Supplemental Public EDUCATION Budget Adjustments    Governor Signed - 3/27/2015  
SB0029 Vickers, E. Cunningham, R. School Planning and Zoning Process    Governor Signed - 3/23/2015  
SB0033 Osmond, A.   Public School Early Graduation Amendments    Senate/ comm rpt/ substituted - 1/29/2015  
SB0033S01 Osmond, A. McCay, D. Public School Graduation Amendments    Senate/ filed - 3/10/2015  
SB0034 Osmond, A.   Charter School Authorization Amendments    Senate/ comm rpt/ sent to Rules/ substituted - 3/10/2015  
SB0034S01 Osmond, A.   Charter School Authorization Amendments    Senate/ filed - 3/12/2015  
SB0037 Osmond, A. Christensen, L. Data Reporting Regarding Front-line Teachers    Senate/ filed - 3/12/2015  
SB0038 Osmond, A. Gibson, F. Behavioral Testing and Tracking Restrictions    Governor Signed - 3/26/2015  
SB0058 Harper, W. Cunningham, R. Municipal and County Officials Attendance At School District Board Meetings    House/ comm rpt/ substituted - 2/19/2015  
SB0058S01 Harper, W. Cunningham, R. Municipal and County Officials Attendance At School District Board Meetings    House/ substituted - 2/25/2015  
SB0058S02 Harper, W. Cunningham, R. Municipal and County Officials Attendance At School District Board Meetings    Governor Signed - 3/27/2015  
SB0060 Stephenson, H. Eliason, S. American Civics EDUCATION Initiative    House/ comm rpt/ substituted - 2/23/2015  
SB0060S02 Stephenson, H. Eliason, S. American Civics EDUCATION Initiative    Governor Signed - 3/30/2015  
SB0064 Weiler, T.   Utah EDUCATIONal Savings Plan Amendments    Senate/ comm rpt/ substituted - 1/30/2015  
SB0064S01 Weiler, T. Hutchings, E. Utah EDUCATIONal Savings Plan Amendments    Senate/ substituted - 2/13/2015  
SB0064S02 Weiler, T. Hutchings, E. Utah EDUCATIONal Savings Plan Amendments    Governor Signed - 3/23/2015  
SB0065 Bramble, C. McKell, M. In-state Tuition for Families of Fallen Public Safety Officers Amendments    Senate/ substituted - 2/5/2015  
SB0065S01 Bramble, C. McKell, M. In-state Tuition for Families of Fallen Public Safety Officers Amendments    Governor Signed - 3/26/2015  
SB0075 Bramble, C. Peterson, V. Elementary Arts Learning Program Amendments    Governor Signed - 3/2/2015  
SB0078 Stephenson, H. Lifferth, D. School District Property Tax Amendments    Governor Signed - 3/31/2015  
SB0084 Osmond, A.   Federal Nutrition Standards Exemptions    Senate/ comm rpt/ sent to Rules/ substituted/amend - 3/10/2015  
SB0084S01 Osmond, A.   State Control of School Nutrition Standards    Senate/ filed - 3/12/2015  
SB0097 Osmond, A.   Property Tax Equalization Amendments    Senate/ comm rpt/ substituted - 2/11/2015  
SB0097S01 Osmond, A.   Property Tax Equalization Amendments    Senate/ substituted - 2/17/2015  
SB0097S03 Osmond, A. Last, B. Property Tax Equalization Amendments    Governor Signed - 3/27/2015  
SB0104 Jackson, A.   EDUCATION Elections and Reporting Amendments    Senate/ comm rpt/ substituted - 2/4/2015  
SB0104S01 Jackson, A.   EDUCATION Elections and Reporting Amendments    Senate/ substituted - 2/17/2015  
SB0104S02 Jackson, A.   EDUCATION Elections and Reporting Amendments    Senate/ substituted - 2/18/2015  
SB0104S03 Jackson, A. Stratton, K. EDUCATION Elections and Reporting Amendments    House/ comm rpt/ substituted - 2/26/2015  
SB0104S05 Jackson, A. Stratton, K. EDUCATION Elections and Reporting Amendments    Senate/ filed - 3/5/2015  
SB0106 Harper, W. Edwards, R. Class Size Reduction Program Amendments    Senate/ filed - 3/12/2015  
SB0107 Stephenson, H. Last, B. Computer Science Initiative for Public Schools    Senate/ filed - 3/12/2015  
SB0114 Osmond, A. Hall, C. Board of EDUCATION Compensation Amendments    House/ substituted - 3/10/2015  
SB0114S01 Osmond, A. Hall, C. Board of EDUCATION Compensation Amendments    Governor Signed - 3/27/2015  
SB0116 Osmond, A.   Public School Dropout Recovery    Senate/ comm rpt/ substituted - 2/17/2015  
SB0116S01 Osmond, A.   Public School Dropout Recovery    Senate/ substituted - 2/27/2015  
SB0116S02 Osmond, A. Gibson, F. Public School Dropout Recovery    House/ comm rpt/ substituted - 3/6/2015  
SB0116S03 Osmond, A. Gibson, F. Public School Dropout Recovery    House/ substituted - 3/12/2015  
SB0116S05 Osmond, A. Gibson, F. Public School Dropout Recovery    Became Law w/o Governor Signature - 4/1/2015  
SB0117 Osmond, A. Gibson, F. Interventions for Reading Difficulties Pilot Program    Governor Signed - 3/31/2015  
SB0145 Stephenson, H.   Physics EDUCATION Pilot Program    Senate/ comm rpt/ substituted - 2/23/2015  
SB0145S01 Stephenson, H. Eliason, S. Physics EDUCATION Proposal    Governor Signed - 3/27/2015  
SB0151 Osmond, A.   National Board Certification Scholarships for Teachers    Senate/ comm rpt/ substituted - 3/4/2015  
SB0151S01 Osmond, A.   National Board Certification Scholarships for Teachers    Senate/ filed - 3/12/2015  
SB0166 Urquhart, S. Last, B. Dixie State University Media Center Name Change    Governor Signed - 3/30/2015  
SB0168 Bramble, C. McCay, D. Civic Center Amendments    Governor Signed - 3/26/2015  
SB0175 Thatcher, D. Eliason, S. School Safety and Crisis Line    Senate/ substituted - 2/27/2015  
SB0175S02 Thatcher, D. Eliason, S. School Safety and Crisis Line    Governor Signed - 3/31/2015  
SB0186 Knudson, P. Perry, L. Construction Trades Licensing Continuing EDUCATION    Senate/ filed - 3/12/2015  
SB0195 Millner, A. McCay, D. Amendments to State Board of EDUCATION    Senate/ filed - 3/12/2015  
SB0196 Millner, A.   Math Competency Initiative    Senate/ substituted - 2/26/2015  
SB0196S01 Millner, A. Gibson, F. Math Competency Initiative    House/ comm rpt/ substituted - 3/4/2015  
SB0196S02 Millner, A. Gibson, F. Math Competency Initiative    Governor Signed - 3/31/2015  
SB0204 Osmond, A.   Parental Rights in Public EDUCATION Amendments    Senate/ comm rpt/ substituted - 2/24/2015  
SB0204S01 Osmond, A. Cunningham, R. Parental Rights in Public EDUCATION Amendments    House/ substituted - 3/11/2015  
SB0204S02 Osmond, A. Cunningham, R. Parental Rights in Public EDUCATION Amendments    Governor Signed - 3/31/2015  
SB0210 Jackson, A.   EDUCATION Testing Amendments    Senate/ filed - 3/12/2015  
SB0219 Stephenson, H.   World Language Proficiency Recognition    Senate/ received fiscal note from Fiscal Analyst - 3/2/2015  
SB0219S01 Stephenson, H. Hutchings, E. World Language Proficiency Recognition    Senate/ filed - 3/12/2015  
SB0222 Stephenson, H. Gibson, F. Digital Teaching and Learning Program    Senate/ substituted - 3/9/2015  
SB0222S01 Stephenson, H. Gibson, F. Digital Teaching and Learning Program Proposal    House/ substituted - 3/12/2015  
SB0222S02 Stephenson, H. Gibson, F. Digital Teaching and Learning Program Proposal    LFA/ fiscal note publicly available - 4/3/2015  
SB0223 Osmond, A. Edwards, R. USTAR Governance Amendments    Senate/ substituted - 3/3/2015  
SB0223S01 Osmond, A. Edwards, R. Ustar Governance Amendments    Governor Signed - 3/30/2015  
SB0227 Henderson, D.   Charter School Revisions    Senate/ comm rpt/ substituted - 2/24/2015  
SB0227S01 Henderson, D. Stanard, J. Charter School Revisions    Senate/ substituted - 3/3/2015  
SB0227S02 Henderson, D. Stanard, J. Charter School Revisions    Governor Signed - 3/27/2015  
SB0232 Urquhart, S. Grover, K. Higher EDUCATION Performance Funding    Governor Signed - 3/30/2015  
SB0235 Niederhauser, W. Last, B. School Turnaround and Leadership Development Act    Senate/ substituted - 3/9/2015  
SB0235S01 Niederhauser, W. Last, B. School Turnaround and Leadership Development Act    House/ substituted - 3/11/2015  
SB0235S02 Niederhauser, W. Last, B. EDUCATION Modifications    Governor Signed - 3/31/2015  
SB0240 Adams, J. S. Eliason, S. School Districts - Transportation Policies    Senate/ substituted - 3/9/2015  
SB0240S02 Adams, J. S. Eliason, S. School Districts - Transportation Policies    Governor Signed - 3/27/2015  
SB0243S04 Weiler, T. Edwards, R. Utah Futures Participation Amendments    Governor Signed - 3/30/2015  
SB0245 Millner, A. Last, B. School Grading Amendments    Senate/ comm rpt/ substituted - 3/5/2015  
SB0245S01 Millner, A. Last, B. School Grading Amendments    Governor Signed - 3/31/2015  
SB0253 Jenkins, S. Dee, B. Exceptions for Privately Funded Scholarships    Governor Signed - 3/30/2015  
SB0260 Stephenson, H.   Teacher Termination Procedures    Senate/ comm rpt/ substituted - 3/5/2015  
SB0260S02 Stephenson, H. Eliason, S. Public EDUCATION Human Resource Management Act Modifications    Senate/ filed - 3/12/2015  
SB0262 Osmond, A. Hutchings, E. Intergenerational Poverty EDUCATION Amendments    Senate/ substituted - 3/9/2015  
SB0262S02 Osmond, A. Hutchings, E. Intergenerational Poverty EDUCATION Amendments    Senate/ filed - 3/12/2015  
SB0263 Urquhart, S. Last, B. Early Reading Amendments    Senate/ substituted - 3/9/2015  
SB0263S01 Urquhart, S. Last, B. Early Reading Amendments    Governor Signed - 3/30/2015  
SB0268 Osmond, A. Eliason, S. Student Leadership Skills Grant    Governor Signed - 3/31/2015  
SB0270 Adams, J. S. Eliason, S. Carson Smith Scholarship Amendments    Governor Signed - 3/30/2015  
SB0273 Dabakis, J.   Higher EDUCATION Tax Credits    LFA/ fiscal note publicly available - 3/4/2015  
SB0273S01 Dabakis, J.   Higher EDUCATION Tax Credits    Senate/ filed - 3/12/2015  
SB0275 Stevenson, J. Last, B. Educator Licensure Amendments    Senate/ substituted - 3/9/2015  
SB0275S01 Stevenson, J. Last, B. Educator Licensure Amendments    Senate/ filed - 3/12/2015  
SB0276 Weiler, T. Perry, L. Firearm Safety and Violence Prevention in Public Schools    Senate/ filed - 3/12/2015  
SB0279 Stephenson, H. Gibson, F. Student Assessment Task Force    Senate/ filed - 3/12/2015  
SB0283 Stephenson, H.   Post-secondary Career and EDUCATIONal Choice Amendments    Senate/ substituted - 3/9/2015  
SB0283S01 Stephenson, H. Last, B. Postsecondary Career and EDUCATIONal Choice Amendments    Senate/ filed - 3/12/2015  
SB0284 Stephenson, H.   Charter School Funding Revisions    Senate/ filed - 3/12/2015  
SB0285 Stephenson, H.   Student-centered Learning Pilot Program    Senate/ substituted - 3/9/2015  
SB0285S01 Stephenson, H.   Student-centered Learning Pilot Program    Senate/ filed - 3/12/2015  
SB0295 Jackson, A.   EDUCATION Revisions    Senate/ filed - 3/12/2015  
SB0299 Madsen, M.   Classroom Instruction Time    Senate/ filed - 3/12/2015  
SCR005 Harper, W. Hutchings, E. Concurrent Resolution Regarding Western Governors University    House/ comm rpt/ substituted - 3/6/2015  
SCR005S01 Harper, W. Hutchings, E. Concurrent Resolution Regarding Western Governors University    Senate/ filed - 3/12/2015  
SJR005 Millner, A. Gibson, F. Proposal to Amend Utah Constitution -- State Board of EDUCATION Changes    Senate/ filed - 3/12/2015  
Stephenson, H.   Charter School Funding Amendments    Abandoned  
Stephenson, H.   School District Budget Amendments    Abandoned  
Stephenson, H.   Professional Development and Turnaround Plans for Low Performing Schools    Abandoned  
Osmond, A.   Charter School Access Equity Amendments    Abandoned  
Osmond, A.   School Accountability Amendments    Abandoned  
Powell, K.   EDUCATIONal Data Privacy Amendments    Abandoned  
Thatcher, D.   Statewide Online EDUCATION Revisions    Abandoned  
Greene, B.   EDUCATION Savings Account Pilot Program    Abandoned  
Last, B.   Special EDUCATION Students Participation in Online EDUCATION Program    Abandoned  
Harper, W.   EDUCATION Capital Funding Equalization    Abandoned  
Stephenson, H.   Charter School Funding    Abandoned  
Madsen, M.   Public School Collective Bargaining Amendments    Abandoned  
Stephenson, H.   Public EDUCATION Human Resource Management Act Amendments    Abandoned  
Moss, C.   EDUCATION Standards and Curriculum Amendments    Abandoned  
Ivory, K.   Educator Licensing and Professional Practices Act Amendments    Abandoned  
Romero, A.   Postsecondary School Amendments    Abandoned  
Osmond, A.   School Performance Reporting Amendments    Abandoned  
Adams, J. S.   EDUCATION Savings Accounts Program    Abandoned  
Peterson, V.   Tuition and Fees for National Guard Members    Abandoned  
Fawson, J.   Suicide Prevention Program Modifications    Abandoned  
Cox, J.   Classifications for High School Athletics    Abandoned  
Ivory, K.   Model Sexual Harassment Policy for Schools    Abandoned  
Osmond, A.   Voted Leeway Guarantee Program Amendments    Abandoned  
Stephenson, H.   Postsecondary Institution Ombudsman    Abandoned  
Cox, J.   High School Athletic Classifications    Abandoned  
Cutler, B. R.   Clean Air EDUCATION Amendments    Abandoned  
Stephenson, H.   Standards Based Grading    Abandoned  
Poulson, M.   Joint Resolution Urging Development of Methods to Minimize Excessive Testing and its Negative Effects on Utah's School Children    Abandoned  
Peterson, V.   Concurrent Enrollment Amendments    Abandoned  
Hutchings, E.   EDUCATION Appropriation Amendments    Abandoned  
Madsen, M.   Charter School Governance    Abandoned  
Madsen, M.   Alternative Routes to Licensure Amendments    Abandoned  
Stephenson, H.   Revisions To EDUCATION Technology Programs    Abandoned  
Snow, V. L.   EDUCATION Funding Task Force    Abandoned  
Stephenson, H.   State Charter School Board Amendments    Abandoned  
Froerer, G.   Operations and Maintenance Payments Amendments    Abandoned  
Stephenson, H.   State Board of EDUCATION Compensation    Abandoned  
Hawkes, T.   School Construction Public Bid Process    Abandoned  
Briscoe, J.   Information Transparency for Public and Charter Schools    Abandoned  
Stevenson, J.   Engineering Workforce Initiative    Abandoned  
Moss, C.   Public EDUCATION Amendments    Abandoned  
Adams, J. S.   EDUCATION Amendments    Abandoned  
Noel, M.   School and Institutional Trust Lands Amendments    Abandoned  
Henderson, D.   Senate Resolution Regarding Schools and Legislators    Abandoned