H.B. 145
    Youth Development Organization Restricted Account and Income Tax Contribution -- Eliason, S.

      Senate Floor Sponsor: Bramble, C.

        Drafting Attorney: Rebecca L. Rockwell
        Fiscal Analyst: Andrea Wilko
        Similar To: H.B. 177    2011GS

Bill List | Bills by Representative, Senator, or Subject
Similar Bills: Income Tax Revenue and Taxation
This bill has been substituted. The substitute is H.B. 145 Substitute

Bill Status/Votes
    Last Action: 08 March 2013, Senate/ comm rpt/ substituted
    Last Location: Senate Substituted Bill
    Bill Status/Votes  Last Updated: 14 May 2013, 3:42 PM

Video and Audio Recordings of Debates (Software to view or listen to recordings can be found at real.com.  Questions about audio/video streaming.)
    Floor Debate Video and Audio Files
    House Revenue and Taxation Committee 2/25 (Audio Only)
    Senate Revenue and Taxation Committee 3/5 (Audio Only)
    Senate Revenue and Taxation Committee 3/7 (Audio Only)

Bill Text (If you are having trouble viewing PDF files, Install Latest Adobe Reader)
    Introduced HTML | PDF | WP Zipped 27K  Last Updated: 28 February 2013, 6:08 PM

Committee Reports
    House # 1 HTML | PDF | WP Zipped
    Senate # 1 HTML | PDF | WP Zipped

Transmittal Letters
    House # 1 HTML | PDF | WP Zipped
    House # 2 HTML | PDF | WP Zipped
    Senate # 1 HTML | PDF | WP Zipped
    Senate # 2 HTML | PDF | WP Zipped

Standing Committee Information
     House Revenue and Taxation Committee - 25 February 2013, 8:00 AM   HTML | PDF | WP Zip

     Senate Revenue and Taxation Committee - 4 March 2013, 8:00 AM   HTML | PDF | WP Zip

     Senate Revenue and Taxation Committee - 5 March 2013, 4:00 PM   HTML | PDF | WP Zip

     Senate Revenue and Taxation Committee - 7 March 2013, 4:00 PM   HTML | PDF | WP Zip

Fiscal Note
    Fiscal Note HTML | PDF Last Updated: 19 February 2013, 3:35 PM

Last Revised: 14 May 2013, 3:49 PM