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Fiscal Note

HB0003S1 - Minimum School Program Act Amendments

State Impact:
This bill appropriates $1,963,187,346 for the Minimum School Program of which $1,606,728,986 is from the Uniform School Fund, and an estimated $356,458,360 from Local property tax collections. The bill also appropriates $39,785,000 in one time funding from the Uniform School Fund for FY 2002. It also appropriates $38,358,000 in Uniform School Funds for the School Building Programs. The bill contains an increase in the value of the Weighted Pupil Unit from $2,006 to $2,128 for a WPU increase of 6.0 percent. It also appropriates $15,000,000 in one time Uniform School Funds for extra teacher days. The increases for the Minimum School Program for Fiscal Year 2002 over the current 2001 Fiscal Year estimated base appropriations are $137,293,440 in Uniform School Funds and $24,745,694 in Local Funds for a total increase of $162,039,134. The Uniform School Fund increase represents an increase of 9.1 percent over Fiscal Year 2001 and the Local Funding is a 7.5 percent increase for a total program increase of 8.8 percent. The appropriations provide increased funding for a number of programs among which are: Teacher Extended days, Math/Science Teacher Recruitment, Education Technology Initiative, UPASS(Assessment/Accountability program), Library Media, Staff Development, Pre-school special education, Transportation, Voted and Board Leeway programs, and new block granting with hold harmless funding. The basic tax rate for local district participation in the State Supported Minimum School program has been adjusted to .001768.

Funding Source FY 02
FY 03
FY 02
FY 03
Uniform School Fund $1,646,513,986 $0 $0 $0
Local Revenue $356,458,360 $0 $0 $0





Individual and Business Impact:

Office of the Legislative Fiscal Analyst
2/26/2001 3:29:19 PM

Last Revised: 30 August, 2000

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