Advanced Law Search

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Search Tips

  • Search for word variations - Check the "Include word variations" checkbox. This will cause your search to include different versions of the words you are searching for. (Example: A search for "fire" will return "fire","fires","fired",etc...)
  • Use boolean opperators - Space - When two words are separated by a space that is an implied 'AND'. Example: swimming pool
    && AND - Requires both terms on either side of the Boolean operator to be present for a match. Example: swimming AND pool
    || OR - Requires that either term (or both terms) be present for a match. Example: swimming || pool
    + - Requires that the following term be present. Example: +swimming +pool
    - - Prohibits a term from being present. Example: swimming -pool
  • ( ) - Allows you to form groups within your query. Example: (fire truck) || (fire marshal)
  • Wildcards -
    ? - Single character wildcard. Example: Fire????
    * - multiple character wildcard. Example: Fire*
  • Search for a phrase - Wrap your words with quotes

    Note: This search will return anything with "Farm" or "domestic dog". Those words reversed "dog domestic" would not show in the results.
  • Only search in a specific category - Type the category name in the category filter text box.

    Valid categories are "Title[number]" or Chapter[number]
  • Exclude a word from your search - precede the word with a minus sign (Example: "Department of Corrections" -drugs)
  • Exclude a Title or Chapter - In the category filter text box precede the Title or Chapter with a minus sign (Example: -Title3 -Chapter7)
  • Only search in a specific bill or code section - In the blue filter textbox type the bill number or section number (Example: HB0011 or 3-1-1)
  • Search only in two categories - Add another category filter textbox by clicking on the green button.

    The results will be in Textbox A or Text box B
  • Search word proximity - Add a tilda followed by a number of words away that your words should be. Word order is not important.

    Note: In this example you would get results showing "Soccer team" OR the words "donations" and "grant" just have to be within 3 words from eachother.