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Fiscal Note

HB0048s2 - Creation of Schools Districts

State Impact:
It is estimated that the State will pay a minimum of $72,000 in ongoing Uniform School Funds annually for each new district. This will pay for district administration and applied technology administration. The Legislature will also consider funding of the State's guarantee to the local school districts. No limitations are placed on new district size (I.e., number of schools, number of students, geographic area, etc.) or location. The bill enables any number of new school districts to be created. Local district capital and operating costs could vary significantly throughout the State depending on new district size, location, and other factors.
Individual and Business Impact:
Property taxpayers in school districts which adopt higher voted and or board leeway rates will pay additional property taxes.

Office of the Legislative Fiscal Analyst
2/12/2001 6:17:00 PM

Last Revised: 30 August, 2000

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