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Fiscal Note

HB0050 - Amendments To Hate Crimes

State Impact:
Hate crimes are most often associated with crimes of violence and as such the offender is already chargeable. The additional enhancement will upgrade the penalties. As a result at least one additional sentence to prison is expected. An additional sentence to the state prison (or added term due to enhancement) is estimated to cost the Department of Corrections $20,000 in General Fund.

Funding Source FY 02
FY 03
FY 02
FY 03
General Fund $20,000 $40,000 $0 $0





Individual and Business Impact:
The enhancement of sentencing and consideration by the board that such crimes are an aggrevating circumstance will extend the length of stay for hate crime offenders who go to prison.

Office of the Legislative Fiscal Analyst
1/16/2001 1:21:39 PM

Last Revised: 30 August, 2000

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