State Impact:
Passage of this bill could result in a loss to the General Fund of $221,000 in FY 2002 and a loss of $250,000 in FY 2003. Local revenue losses would be approximately
$70,000 in FY 2002 and $79,000 in FY 2003. The Tax Commission would require an appropriation of $11,600 to implement the provisions of the bill.
Funding Source |
FY 02 Approp. |
FY 03 Approp. |
FY 02 Revenue |
FY 03 Revenue |
General Fund
Local Revenue
Individual and Business Impact:
A taxpayer would receive a $3.20 benefit on a $50 room,
Office of the Legislative Fiscal Analyst
1/19/2001 11:15:14 AM