State Impact:
If this bill passes it will impact premiums even though there is no mechanism to raise rates. Therefore, Risk Management will need an additional $1,200,000 in FY 2001
to cover the increased risk to the state and to local governments covered by Risk Management.
The expected premium increase for FY 2002 would be $1,150,000 - shown as General Fund because there would be no mechanism to change rates after the session. It is
possible that a supplmental rate change could be passed during the 2002 General Session, but the change would only redistribute funding, it would not change the impact.
Funding Source |
FY 02 Approp. |
FY 03 Approp. |
FY 02 Revenue |
FY 03 Revenue |
General Fund
Uniform School Fund
Transportation Fund
Federal Funds
Dedicated Credits Revenue
Restricted Funds
Individual and Business Impact:
Individuals who have claims against the state for liability could see larger rewards as a result of this bill.
Office of the Legislative Fiscal Analyst
2/13/2001 12:28:05 PM