State Impact:
This bill will increase retirement rates for State and education employees by 0.15 percent. The cost of this increase is estiamted at $2,960,000, from the funding
sources listed and spread throughout state agencies.
The bill also affects local governments whose retirement rates will increase 0.37 percent, at a cost of approximately $1.87 million, to be paid from local revenues.
Funding Source |
FY 02 Approp. |
FY 03 Approp. |
FY 02 Revenue |
FY 03 Revenue |
General Fund
Uniform School Fund
Transportation Fund
Federal Funds
Dedicated Credits Revenue
Restricted Funds
Individual and Business Impact:
This bill may provide a higher retriement benefit for individuals who convert from the contributory to the noncontributory retirement system.
Office of the Legislative Fiscal Analyst
2/16/2001 10:54:17 AM