From: Jack Gerard, API
To: Rep. Perry, L.,
Subject: Americans Support Energy Infrastructure Investment
Date: 2013-12-18T15:29:12Z
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  December 18, 2013 

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The United States now leads the world in production of oil and natural gas, and additional energy resources remain untapped in U.S. Atlantic Outer Continental Shelf (OCS). Click on the interactive map for details on the veritable gold mine of jobs and economic growth available through responsible development of offshore oil and natural gas:

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  Americans Support Energy Infrastructure Investment   

Dear Lee,

The American energy revolution has changed our energy outlook from scarcity to abundance, but our energy transportation infrastructure must keep pace with the new reality.

Our energy transportation network was designed largely to move imported crude oil inland from the Gulf Coast. Now that imports are down and production is surging in the Bakken region, Pennsylvania and neighboring areas, and Canada, new investments in pipelines, storage, processing, rail and marine components will be critical to ensure resources have access to high-value markets. Infrastructure constraints have forced some producers to sell at a discount, which has led to lost revenues for royalty owners as well as local, state and federal governments. For instance, each $1 discount for Bakken crude can lead to revenue losses of up to $3 million each month in North Dakota.

VIDEO:  The American people understand the importance of energy infrastructure, including the Keystone XL pipeline, to energy security, job creation and economic growth. According to a new Harris Interactive survey of registered voters:

  • 83% support increased development of the country’s energy infrastructure
  • 88% agree that increased development of energy infrastructure is good for American consumers
  • 93% agree that increased energy infrastructure development would help create jobs
  • 89% agree that energy infrastructure development would strengthen America’s energy security

After five years and four favorable State Department assessments, support remains strong for construction of the Keystone XL pipeline, which would transport 830,000 barrels of oil per day from Canada and North Dakota’s Bakken region to U.S. refineries:

  • 63% would like to import more oil from Canada than from other foreign countries
  • 69% support building the Keystone XL pipeline (KXL)
  • 72% agree that KXL is in the national interest

In order to fully capitalize on production gains and ensure crude oil and natural gas are transported efficiently to refineries, then on to businesses and consumers, our energy infrastructure system must be updated. With strong support from the American people and guaranteed gains in jobs and economic growth, investing in America’s energy infrastructure is smart energy policy and smart economic policy.


Jack Gerard
President and CEO

Energy Nation
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Energy Tomorrow is a project of the American Petroleum Institute – the only national trade association that represents all aspects of America’s oil and natural gas industry – speaking for the industry to the public, Congress and the Executive Branch, state governments and the media.Rapid growth in natural gas production, thanks to vast shale deposits and hydraulic fracturing, is reviving America’s manufacturing and other sectors while helping reduce U.S. carbon emissions to a 20-year low.U.S. crude oil production has reached its highest point since 1997, due to production from shale and other tight rock formations, while reducing imports to their lowest level in more than 20 years.
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Jack Gerard, API
1220 L Street, NW
Washington, DC 20005