H.B. 18 Kidnapping Offender Amendments

Bill Sponsor:

Rep. Cox, Fred C.
Floor Sponsor:
Sen. McAdams, Benjamin M.
  • Drafting Attorney: Susan Creager Allred

  • Information
    • Last Action: 22 Mar 2012, Governor Signed
    • Last Location: Lieutenant Governor's office for filing
    • Effective Date: 8 May 2012
    • Session Law Chapter: 249

H.B. 18

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H.B. 18 Enrolled





Chief Sponsor: Fred C. Cox

Senate Sponsor: Benjamin M. McAdams

             7      LONG TITLE
             8      General Description:
             9          This bill modifies the Code of Criminal Procedure regarding offenses on the Sex
             10      Offender and Kidnap Offender registry and a process for kidnapping and unlawful
             11      detention offenders to be removed from the registry.
             12      Highlighted Provisions:
             13          This bill:
             14          .    provides a judicial process by which an offender under Section 76-5-301 regarding
             15      kidnapping or an offender under Section 76-5-304 regarding unlawful detention
             16      may petition the court for removal from the registry;
             17          .    provides a process for the offender to obtain criminal records necessary for the
             18      judicial hearing; and
             19          .    removes the offense of kidnapping from the list of offenses required to be on the sex
             20      offender registry, but does not remove kidnapping offenses involving children or
             21      aggravating circumstances.
             22      Money Appropriated in this Bill:
             23          None
             24      Other Special Clauses:
             25          This bill coordinates with H.B. 17, Sex Offender Registry Chapter, by providing
             26      technical amendments.
             27      Utah Code Sections Affected:
             28      AMENDS:
             29          77-27-21.5, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2011, Chapters 48, 320 and last amended

             30      by Coordination Clause, Laws of Utah 2011, Chapter 48
             31      Utah Code Sections Affected by Coordination Clause:
             32          77-27-21.5, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2011, Chapters 48, 320 and last amended
             33      by Coordination Clause, Laws of Utah 2011, Chapter 48
             34          77-41-109, Utah Code Annotated 1953
             35          77-41-112, Utah Code Annotated 1953
             37      Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
             38          Section 1. Section 77-27-21.5 is amended to read:
             39           77-27-21.5. Sex and kidnap offenders -- Registration -- Information system --
             40      Law enforcement and courts to report -- Penalty -- Effect of expungement.
             41          (1) As used in this section:
             42          (a) "Business day" means a day on which state offices are open for regular business.
             43          (b) "Department" means the Department of Corrections.
             44          (c) "Division" means the Division of Juvenile Justice Services.
             45          (d) "Employed" or "carries on a vocation" includes employment that is full time or part
             46      time, whether financially compensated, volunteered, or for the purpose of government or
             47      educational benefit.
             48          (e) "Indian Country" means:
             49          (i) all land within the limits of any Indian reservation under the jurisdiction of the
             50      United States government, regardless of the issuance of any patent, and includes rights-of-way
             51      running through the reservation;
             52          (ii) all dependent Indian communities within the borders of the United States whether
             53      within the original or subsequently acquired territory, and whether or not within the limits of a
             54      state; and
             55          (iii) all Indian allotments, including the Indian allotments to which the Indian titles to
             56      have not been extinguished, including rights-of-way running through the allotments.
             57          (f) "Jurisdiction" means any state, Indian Country, United States Territory, or any

             58      property under the jurisdiction of the United States military, Canada, the United Kingdom,
             59      Australia, or New Zealand.
             60          (g) "Kidnap offender" means any person other than a natural parent of the victim who:
             61          (i) has been convicted in this state of a violation of:
             62          [(A) Section 76-5-301 , Subsection (1)(c) or (d), kidnapping;]
             63          [(B)] (A) Section 76-5-301.1 , child kidnapping;
             64          [(C)] (B) Section 76-5-302 , aggravated kidnapping;
             65          [(D)] (C) Section 76-5-310 , aggravated human trafficking, on or after May 10, 2011; or
             66          [(E)] (D) attempting, soliciting, or conspiring to commit any felony offense listed in
             67      Subsections (1)(g)(i)(A) through [(D)] (C);
             68          (ii) has been convicted of any crime, or an attempt, solicitation, or conspiracy to
             69      commit a crime in another jurisdiction, including any state, federal, or military court that is
             70      substantially equivalent to the offenses listed in Subsection (1)(g)(i) and who is:
             71          (A) a Utah resident; or
             72          (B) not a Utah resident, but who, in any 12 month period, is in this state for a total of
             73      10 or more days, regardless of whether or not the offender intends to permanently reside in this
             74      state;
             75          (iii) (A) is required to register as an offender in any other jurisdiction, or who is
             76      required to register as an offender by any state, federal, or military court; and
             77          (B) in any 12 month period, is in this state for a total of 10 or more days, regardless of
             78      whether or not the offender intends to permanently reside in this state;
             79          (iv) is a nonresident regularly employed or working in this state, or who is a student in
             80      this state, and was convicted of one or more offenses listed in Subsection (1)(g), or any
             81      substantially equivalent offense in another jurisdiction, or as a result of the conviction, is
             82      required to register in the person's state of residence;
             83          (v) is found not guilty by reason of insanity in this state or in any other jurisdiction of
             84      one or more offenses listed in Subsection (1)(g); or
             85          (vi) is adjudicated delinquent based on one or more offenses listed in Subsection

             86      (1)(g)(i) and who has been committed to the division for secure confinement and remains in the
             87      division's custody 30 days prior to the person's 21st birthday.
             88          (h) "Natural parent" means a minor's biological or adoptive parent, and includes the
             89      minor's noncustodial parent.
             90          (i) "Offender" means a kidnap offender as defined in Subsection (1)(g) or a sex
             91      offender as defined in Subsection (1)(n).
             92          (j) "Online identifier" or "Internet identifier":
             93          (i) means any electronic mail, chat, instant messenger, social networking, or similar
             94      name used for Internet communication; and
             95          (ii) does not include date of birth, Social Security number, PIN number, or Internet
             96      passwords.
             97          (k) "Primary residence" means the location where the offender regularly resides, even
             98      if the offender intends to move to another location or return to another location at any future
             99      date.
             100          (l) "Register" means to comply with the requirements of this section and administrative
             101      rules of the department made under this section.
             102          (m) "Secondary residence" means any real property that the offender owns or has a
             103      financial interest in, or any location where, in any 12 month period, the offender stays
             104      overnight a total of 10 or more nights when not staying at the offender's primary residence.
             105          (n) "Sex offender" means any person:
             106          (i) convicted in this state of:
             107          (A) a felony or class A misdemeanor violation of Section 76-4-401 , enticing a minor;
             108          (B) Section 76-5b-202 , sexual exploitation of a vulnerable adult, on or after May 10,
             109      2011;
             110          (C) a felony violation of Section 76-5-401 , unlawful sexual activity with a minor;
             111          (D) Section 76-5-401.1 , sexual abuse of a minor;
             112          (E) Section 76-5-401.2 , unlawful sexual conduct with a 16 or 17 year old;
             113          (F) Section 76-5-402 , rape;

             114          (G) Section 76-5-402.1 , rape of a child;
             115          (H) Section 76-5-402.2 , object rape;
             116          (I) Section 76-5-402.3 , object rape of a child;
             117          (J) a felony violation of Section 76-5-403 , forcible sodomy;
             118          (K) Section 76-5-403.1 , sodomy on a child;
             119          (L) Section 76-5-404 , forcible sexual abuse;
             120          (M) Section 76-5-404.1 , sexual abuse of a child or aggravated sexual abuse of a child;
             121          (N) Section 76-5-405 , aggravated sexual assault;
             122          (O) Section 76-5-412 , custodial sexual relations, when the person in custody is younger
             123      than 18 years of age, if the offense is committed on or after May 10, 2011;
             124          (P) Section 76-5b-201 , sexual exploitation of a minor;
             125          (Q) Section 76-7-102 , incest;
             126          (R) Subsection 76-9-702 (1), lewdness, if the person has been convicted of the offense
             127      four or more times;
             128          (S) Subsection 76-9-702 (3), sexual battery, if the person has been convicted of the
             129      offense four or more times;
             130          (T) any combination of convictions of Subsection 76-9-702 (1), lewdness, and of
             131      Subsection 76-9-702 (3), sexual battery, that total four or more convictions;
             132          (U) Section 76-9-702.5 , lewdness involving a child;
             133          (V) a felony or class A misdemeanor violation of Section 76-9-702.7 , voyeurism;
             134          (W) Section 76-10-1306 , aggravated exploitation of prostitution; or
             135          (X) attempting, soliciting, or conspiring to commit any felony offense listed in
             136      Subsection (1)(n)(i);
             137          (ii) who has been convicted of any crime, or an attempt, solicitation, or conspiracy to
             138      commit a crime in another jurisdiction, including any state, federal, or military court that is
             139      substantially equivalent to the offenses listed in Subsection (1)(n)(i) and who is:
             140          (A) a Utah resident; or
             141          (B) not a Utah resident, but who, in any 12 month period, is in this state for a total of

             142      10 or more days, regardless of whether the offender intends to permanently reside in this state;
             143          (iii) (A) who is required to register as an offender in any other jurisdiction, or who is
             144      required to register as an offender by any state, federal, or military court; and
             145          (B) who, in any 12 month period, is in the state for a total of 10 or more days,
             146      regardless of whether or not the offender intends to permanently reside in this state;
             147          (iv) who is a nonresident regularly employed or working in this state or who is a
             148      student in this state and was convicted of one or more offenses listed in Subsection (1)(n)(i), or
             149      any substantially equivalent offense in any jurisdiction, or as a result of the conviction, is
             150      required to register in the person's jurisdiction of residence;
             151          (v) who is found not guilty by reason of insanity in this state, or in any other
             152      jurisdiction of one or more offenses listed in Subsection (1)(n)(i); or
             153          (vi) who is adjudicated delinquent based on one or more offenses listed in Subsection
             154      (1)(n)(i) and who has been committed to the division for secure confinement and remains in the
             155      division's custody 30 days prior to the person's 21st birthday.
             156          (o) "Vehicle" means any motor vehicle, aircraft, or watercraft subject to registration in
             157      any jurisdiction.
             158          (2) The department, to assist in investigating kidnapping and sex-related crimes, and in
             159      apprehending offenders, shall:
             160          (a) develop and operate a system to collect, analyze, maintain, and disseminate
             161      information on offenders and sex and kidnap offenses;
             162          (b) make information listed in Subsection (27) available to the public; and
             163          (c) share information provided by an offender under this section that may not be made
             164      available to the public under Subsection (27), but only:
             165          (i) for the purposes under this Subsection (2); or
             166          (ii) in accordance with Section 63G-2-206 .
             167          (3) Any law enforcement agency shall, in the manner prescribed by the department,
             168      inform the department of:
             169          (a) the receipt of a report or complaint of an offense listed in Subsection (1)(g) or (n),

             170      within three business days; and
             171          (b) the arrest of a person suspected of any of the offenses listed in Subsection (1)(g) or
             172      (n), within five business days.
             173          (4) Upon convicting a person of any of the offenses listed in Subsection (1)(g) or (n),
             174      the convicting court shall within three business days forward a copy of the judgment and
             175      sentence to the department.
             176          (5) An offender in the custody of the department shall be registered by agents of the
             177      department upon:
             178          (a) placement on probation;
             179          (b) commitment to a secure correctional facility operated by or under contract to the
             180      department;
             181          (c) release from confinement to parole status, termination or expiration of sentence, or
             182      escape;
             183          (d) entrance to and release from any community-based residential program operated by
             184      or under contract to the department; or
             185          (e) termination of probation or parole.
             186          (6) An offender who is not in the custody of the department and who is confined in a
             187      correctional facility not operated by or under contract to the department shall be registered with
             188      the department by the sheriff of the county in which the offender is confined, upon:
             189          (a) commitment to the correctional facility; and
             190          (b) release from confinement.
             191          (7) An offender in the custody of the division shall be registered with the department
             192      by the division prior to release from custody.
             193          (8) An offender committed to a state mental hospital shall be registered with the
             194      department by the hospital upon admission and upon discharge.
             195          (9) (a) (i) A municipal or county law enforcement agency shall register an offender
             196      who resides within the agency's jurisdiction and is not under the supervision of the Division of
             197      Adult Probation and Parole within the department.

             198          (ii) In order to conduct offender registration under this section, the agency shall ensure
             199      the agency staff responsible for registration:
             200          (A) has received initial training by the department and has been certified by the
             201      department as qualified and authorized to conduct registrations and enter offender registration
             202      information into the registry database; and
             203          (B) certify annually with the department.
             204          (b) (i) When the department receives offender registration information regarding a
             205      change of an offender's primary residence location, the department shall within five days
             206      electronically notify the law enforcement agencies that have jurisdiction over the area where:
             207          (A) the residence that the offender is leaving is located; and
             208          (B) the residence to which the offender is moving is located.
             209          (ii) The department shall provide notification under this Subsection (9)(b) if the
             210      offender's change of address is between law enforcement agency jurisdictions, or is within one
             211      jurisdiction.
             212          (c) The department shall make available to offenders required to register under this
             213      section the name of the agency, whether it is a local law enforcement agency or the department,
             214      that the offender should contact to register, the location for registering, and the requirements of
             215      registration.
             216          (10) An offender convicted by any other jurisdiction is required to register under
             217      Subsection (1)(g) or (n) and Subsection (12) and shall register with the department within 10
             218      days of entering the state, regardless of the offender's length of stay.
             219          (11) (a) An offender required to register under Subsection (1)(g) or (n) who is under
             220      supervision by the department shall register with Division of Adult Probation and Parole.
             221          (b) An offender required to register under Subsection (1)(g) or (n) who is no longer
             222      under supervision by the department shall register with the police department or sheriff's office
             223      that has jurisdiction over the area where the offender resides.
             224          (12) (a) Except as provided in Subsections (12)(b), (c), and (d), an offender shall, for
             225      the duration of the sentence and for 10 years after termination of sentence or custody of the

             226      division, register every year during the month of the offender's birth, during the month that is
             227      the sixth month after the offender's birth month, and also within three business days of every
             228      change of the offender's primary residence, any secondary residences, place of employment,
             229      vehicle information, or educational information required to be submitted under Subsection
             230      (14).
             231          (b) Except as provided Subsections (12)(c) and (d), an offender who is convicted in
             232      another jurisdiction of an offense listed in Subsection (1)(g)(i) or (n)(i), a substantially similar
             233      offense, or any other offense that requires registration in the jurisdiction of conviction, shall:
             234          (i) register for the time period, and in the frequency, required by the jurisdiction where
             235      the offender was convicted if that jurisdiction's registration period or registration frequency
             236      requirement for the offense that the offender was convicted of is greater than the 10 years from
             237      completion of the sentence registration period that is required under Subsection (12)(a), or is
             238      more frequent than every six months; or
             239          (ii) register in accordance with the requirements of Subsection (12)(a), if the
             240      jurisdiction's registration period or frequency requirement for the offense that the offender was
             241      convicted of is less than the registration period required under Subsection (12)(a), or is less
             242      frequent than every six months.
             243          (c) (i) (A) An offender convicted as an adult of any of the offenses listed in Subsection
             244      (12)(c)(ii) shall, for the offender's lifetime, register every year during the month of the
             245      offender's birth, during the month that is the sixth month after the offender's birth month, and
             246      also within three business days of every change of the offender's primary residence, any
             247      secondary residences, place of employment, vehicle information, or educational information
             248      required to be submitted under Subsection (14).
             249          (B) This registration requirement is not subject to exemptions and may not be
             250      terminated or altered during the offender's lifetime.
             251          (ii) Offenses referred to in Subsection (12)(c)(i) are:
             252          (A) any offense listed in Subsection (1)(g) or (n) if, at the time of the conviction, the
             253      offender has previously been convicted of an offense listed in Subsection (1)(g) or (n) or has

             254      previously been required to register as a sex offender for an offense committed as a juvenile;
             255          (B) a conviction for any of the following offenses, including attempting, soliciting, or
             256      conspiring to commit any felony of:
             257          (I) Section 76-5-301.1 , child kidnapping, except if the offender is a natural parent of
             258      the victim;
             259          (II) Section 76-5-402 , rape;
             260          (III) Section 76-5-402.1 , rape of a child;
             261          (IV) Section 76-5-402.2 , object rape;
             262          (V) Section 76-5-402.3 , object rape of a child;
             263          (VI) Section 76-5-403.1 , sodomy on a child;
             264          (VII) Subsection 76-5-404.1 (4), aggravated sexual abuse of a child; or
             265          (VIII) Section 76-5-405 , aggravated sexual assault;
             266          (C) Section 76-4-401 , a felony violation of enticing a minor over the Internet;
             267          (D) Section 76-5-302 , aggravated kidnapping, except if the offender is a natural parent
             268      of the victim;
             269          (E) Section 76-5-403 , forcible sodomy;
             270          (F) Section 76-5-404.1 , sexual abuse of a child;
             271          (G) Section 76-5b-201 , sexual exploitation of a minor; or
             272          (H) Section 76-10-1306 , aggravated exploitation of prostitution, on or after May 10,
             273      2011.
             274          (d) Notwithstanding Subsections (12)(a), (b), and (c), an offender who is confined in a
             275      secure facility or in a state mental hospital is not required to register during the period of
             276      confinement.
             277          (e) An offender who is required to register under this Subsection (12) shall surrender
             278      the offender's license, certificate, or identification card as required under Subsection
             279      53-3-216 (3) or 53-3-807 (4) and may apply for a license certificate or identification card as
             280      provided under Section 53-3-205 or 53-3-804 .
             281          (f) A sex offender who violates Section 77-27-21.8 while required to register under this

             282      section shall register for an additional five years subsequent to the registration period otherwise
             283      required under this section.
             284          (13) An agency in the state that registers an offender on probation, an offender who has
             285      been released from confinement to parole status or termination, or an offender whose sentence
             286      has expired shall inform the offender of the duty to comply with:
             287          (a) the continuing registration requirements of this section during the period of
             288      registration required in Subsection (12), including:
             289          (i) notification to the state agencies in the states where the registrant presently resides
             290      and plans to reside when moving across state lines;
             291          (ii) verification of address at least every 60 days pursuant to a parole agreement for
             292      lifetime parolees; and
             293          (iii) notification to the out-of-state agency where the offender is living, whether or not
             294      the offender is a resident of that state; and
             295          (b) the driver license certificate or identification card surrender requirement under
             296      Subsection 53-3-216 (3) or 53-3-807 (4) and application provisions under Section 53-3-205 or
             297      53-3-804 .
             298          (14) An offender shall provide the department or the registering entity with the
             299      following information:
             300          (a) all names and aliases by which the offender is or has been known;
             301          (b) the addresses of the offender's primary and secondary residences;
             302          (c) a physical description, including the offender's date of birth, height, weight, eye and
             303      hair color;
             304          (d) the make, model, color, year, plate number, and vehicle identification number of
             305      any vehicle or vehicles the offender owns or regularly drives;
             306          (e) a current photograph of the offender;
             307          (f) a set of fingerprints, if one has not already been provided;
             308          (g) a DNA specimen, taken in accordance with Section 53-10-404 , if one has not
             309      already been provided;

             310          (h) telephone numbers and any other designations used by the offender for routing or
             311      self-identification in telephonic communications from fixed locations or cellular telephones;
             312          (i) Internet identifiers and the addresses the offender uses for routing or
             313      self-identification in Internet communications or postings;
             314          (j) the name and Internet address of all websites on which the offender is registered
             315      using an online identifier, including all online identifiers used to access those websites;
             316          (k) a copy of the offender's passport, if a passport has been issued to the offender;
             317          (l) if the offender is an alien, all documents establishing the offender's immigration
             318      status;
             319          (m) all professional licenses that authorize the offender to engage in an occupation or
             320      carry out a trade or business, including any identifiers, such as numbers;
             321          (n) each educational institution in Utah at which the offender is employed, carries on a
             322      vocation, or is a student, and any change of enrollment or employment status of the offender at
             323      any educational institution;
             324          (o) the name and the address of any place where the offender is employed or will be
             325      employed;
             326          (p) the name and the address of any place where the offender works as a volunteer or
             327      will work as a volunteer; and
             328          (q) the offender's Social Security number.
             329          (15) The department shall:
             330          (a) provide the following additional information when available:
             331          (i) the crimes the offender has been convicted of or adjudicated delinquent for;
             332          (ii) a description of the offender's primary and secondary targets; and
             333          (iii) any other relevant identifying information as determined by the department;
             334          (b) maintain the Sex Offender and Kidnap Offender Notification and Registration
             335      website; and
             336          (c) ensure that the registration information collected regarding an offender's enrollment
             337      or employment at an educational institution is:

             338          (i) (A) promptly made available to any law enforcement agency that has jurisdiction
             339      where the institution is located if the educational institution is an institution of higher
             340      education; or
             341          (B) promptly made available to the district superintendent of the school district where
             342      the offender is enrolled if the educational institution is an institution of primary education; and
             343          (ii) entered into the appropriate state records or data system.
             344          (16) (a) An offender who knowingly fails to register under this section or provides
             345      false or incomplete information is guilty of:
             346          (i) a third degree felony and shall be sentenced to serve a term of incarceration for not
             347      less than 90 days and also at least one year of probation if:
             348          (A) the offender is required to register for a felony conviction or adjudicated delinquent
             349      for what would be a felony if the juvenile were an adult of an offense listed in Subsection
             350      (1)(g)(i) or (n)(i); or
             351          (B) the offender is required to register for the offender's lifetime under Subsection
             352      (12)(c); or
             353          (ii) a class A misdemeanor and shall be sentenced to serve a term of incarceration for
             354      not fewer than 90 days and also at least one year of probation if the offender is required to
             355      register for a misdemeanor conviction or is adjudicated delinquent for what would be a
             356      misdemeanor if the juvenile were an adult of an offense listed in Subsection (1)(g)(i) or (n)(i).
             357          (b) Neither the court nor the Board of Pardons and Parole may release a person who
             358      violates this section from serving the term required under Subsection (16)(a). This Subsection
             359      (16)(b) supersedes any other provision of the law contrary to this section.
             360          (c) The offender shall register for an additional year for every year in which the
             361      offender does not comply with the registration requirements of this section.
             362          (17) Notwithstanding Title 63G, Chapter 2, Government Records Access and
             363      Management Act, information under Subsection (15) that is collected and released under
             364      Subsection (27) is public information, unless otherwise restricted under Subsection (2)(c).
             365          (18) (a) If an offender is to be temporarily sent outside a secure facility in which the

             366      offender is confined on any assignment, including, without limitation, firefighting or disaster
             367      control, the official who has custody of the offender shall, within a reasonable time prior to
             368      removal from the secure facility, notify the local law enforcement agencies where the
             369      assignment is to be filled.
             370          (b) This Subsection (18) does not apply to any person temporarily released under guard
             371      from the institution in which the person is confined.
             372          (19) Notwithstanding Title 77, Chapter 40, Utah Expungement Act, a person convicted
             373      of any offense listed in Subsection (1)(g) or (n) is not relieved from the responsibility to
             374      register as required under this section, unless the offender is removed from the registry under
             375      Subsection (35).
             376          (20) Notwithstanding Section 42-1-1 , an offender:
             377          (a) may not change the offender's name:
             378          (i) while under the jurisdiction of the department; and
             379          (ii) until the registration requirements of this statute have expired; and
             380          (b) may not change the offender's name at any time, if registration is for life under
             381      Subsection (12)(c).
             382          (21) The department may make administrative rules necessary to implement this
             383      section, including:
             384          (a) the method for dissemination of the information; and
             385          (b) instructions to the public regarding the use of the information.
             386          (22) Any information regarding the identity or location of a victim shall be redacted by
             387      the department from information provided under Subsections (14) and (15).
             388          (23) This section does not create or impose any duty on any person to request or obtain
             389      information regarding any offender from the department.
             390          (24) The department shall maintain a Sex Offender and Kidnap Offender Notification
             391      and Registration website on the Internet, which shall contain a disclaimer informing the public:
             392          (a) the information contained on the site is obtained from offenders and the department
             393      does not guarantee its accuracy or completeness;

             394          (b) members of the public are not allowed to use the information to harass or threaten
             395      offenders or members of their families; and
             396          (c) harassment, stalking, or threats against offenders or their families are prohibited and
             397      doing so may violate Utah criminal laws.
             398          (25) The Sex Offender and Kidnap Offender Notification and Registration website
             399      shall be indexed by both the surname of the offender and by postal codes.
             400          (26) The department shall construct the Sex Offender Notification and Registration
             401      website so that users, before accessing registry information, must indicate that they have read
             402      the disclaimer, understand it, and agree to comply with its terms.
             403          (27) The Sex Offender and Kidnap Offender Notification and Registration website
             404      shall include the following registry information:
             405          (a) all names and aliases by which the offender is or has been known, but not including
             406      any online or Internet identifiers;
             407          (b) the addresses of the offender's primary, secondary, and temporary residences;
             408          (c) a physical description, including the offender's date of birth, height, weight, and eye
             409      and hair color;
             410          (d) the make, model, color, year, and plate number of any vehicle or vehicles the
             411      offender owns or regularly drives;
             412          (e) a current photograph of the offender;
             413          (f) a list of all professional licenses that authorize the offender to engage in an
             414      occupation or carry out a trade or business;
             415          (g) each educational institution in Utah at which the offender is employed, carries on a
             416      vocation, or is a student;
             417          (h) a list of places where the offender works as a volunteer; and
             418          (i) the crimes listed in Subsections (1)(g) and(n) that the offender has been convicted of
             419      or for which the offender has been adjudicated delinquent in juvenile court.
             420          (28) The department, its personnel, and any individual or entity acting at the request or
             421      upon the direction of the department are immune from civil liability for damages for good faith

             422      compliance with this section and will be presumed to have acted in good faith by reporting
             423      information.
             424          (29) The department shall redact information that, if disclosed, could reasonably
             425      identify a victim.
             426          (30) (a) Each offender required to register under Subsection (12) shall, in the month of
             427      the offender's birth:
             428          (i) pay to the department an annual fee of $100 each year the offender is subject to the
             429      registration requirements of this section; and
             430          (ii) pay to the registering agency, if it is an agency other than the Department of
             431      Corrections, an annual fee of not more than $25, which may be assessed by that agency for
             432      providing registration.
             433          (b) Notwithstanding Subsection (30)(a), an offender who is confined in a secure facility
             434      or in a state mental hospital is not required to pay the annual fee.
             435          (c) The department shall deposit fees under this Subsection (30) in the General Fund as
             436      a dedicated credit, to be used by the department for maintaining the offender registry under this
             437      section and monitoring offender registration compliance, including the costs of:
             438          (i) data entry;
             439          (ii) processing registration packets;
             440          (iii) updating registry information;
             441          (iv) ensuring offender compliance with registration requirements under this section;
             442      and
             443          (v) apprehending offenders who are in violation of the offender registration
             444      requirements under this section.
             445          (31) Notwithstanding Subsections (2)(c) and (14)(i) and (j), an offender is not required
             446      to provide the department with:
             447          (a) the offender's online identifier and password used exclusively for the offender's
             448      employment on equipment provided by an employer and used to access the employer's private
             449      network; or

             450          (b) online identifiers for the offender's financial accounts, including any bank,
             451      retirement, or investment accounts.
             452          (32) An offender may petition the court where the offender was convicted of the
             453      offense requiring registration for an order requiring that the offender be removed from the Sex
             454      Offender and Kidnap Offender Registry if:
             455          (a) (i) the offender was convicted of violating Section 76-5-301 , Kidnapping, and the
             456      conviction of violating Section 76-5-301 is the only conviction for which the offender is
             457      required to register;
             458          (ii) the offender was convicted of violating Section 76-5-304 , Unlawful Detention, and
             459      the conviction of violating Section 76-5-304 is the only conviction for which the offender is
             460      required to register; or
             461          (iii) the offender was convicted of an offense substantially equivalent to an offense
             462      listed in Subsection (32)(a)(i) or (ii) and is required to register under Subsection (1)(g)(ii), or
             463      (1)(g)(v);
             464          (b) the offender has successfully completed all treatment ordered by the court or the
             465      Board of Pardons relating to the conviction;
             466          (c) (i) the offender has not been convicted of any other crime, excluding traffic
             467      offenses, subsequent to the commission of the offense in violation of Section 76-5-301 or
             468      Section 76-5-304 , as evidenced by a certificate of eligibility issued by the bureau; and
             469          (ii) as used in this Subsection (32)(c), "traffic offense" does not include a violation of
             470      Title 41, Chapter 6a, Part 5, Driving Under The Influence And Reckless Driving;
             471          (d) the offender has complied with all the registration requirements at all times as
             472      required in this section, as evidenced by a document obtained by the offender from the Utah
             473      Department of Corrections, which confirms compliance;
             474          (e) the offender has completed probation or parole, or if the offender was not granted
             475      probation or parole, the offender has completed the terms of the sentence for the offense under
             476      this Subsection (32); and
             477          (f) the office of the prosecutor who prosecuted the offender, and the victim or the

             478      victim's parent or guardian, if the victim is a minor, are notified by the court and are provided
             479      with an opportunity to respond in accordance with Subsection (34).
             480          (33) (a) (i) An offender seeking removal from the Sex Offender or Kidnap Offender
             481      Registry under Subsection (32) shall apply for a certificate of eligibility from the Bureau of
             482      Criminal Identification.
             483          (ii) An offender who intentionally or knowingly provides any false or misleading
             484      information to the bureau when applying for a certificate of eligibility is guilty of a class B
             485      misdemeanor and subject to prosecution under Section 76-8-504.6 , which concerns providing
             486      false or misleading information.
             487          (iii) Regardless of whether the offender is prosecuted, the bureau may deny a certificate
             488      of eligibility to anyone providing false information on an application.
             489          (b) (i) The bureau shall perform a check of records of governmental agencies,
             490      including national criminal databases, to determine whether an offender is eligible to receive a
             491      certificate of eligibility under this Subsection (33).
             492          (ii) If the offender meets all of the criteria under Subsections (32)(a) and (c), the bureau
             493      shall issue a certificate of eligibility to the offender, which is valid for 90 days from the date
             494      the certificate is issued.
             495          (c) (i) The bureau shall charge application and issuance fees for a certificate of
             496      eligibility in accordance with the process in Section 63J-1-504 .
             497          (ii) The application fee shall be paid at the time the offender submits an application for
             498      a certificate of eligibility to the bureau.
             499          (iii) If the bureau determines that the issuance of a certificate of eligibility is
             500      appropriate, the offender will be charged an additional fee for the issuance of a certificate of
             501      eligibility.
             502          (d) Funds generated under this Subsection (33) shall be deposited in the General Fund
             503      as a dedicated credit by the department to cover the costs incurred in determining eligibility.
             504          (34) (a) The offender under Subsection (32) shall deliver a copy of the petition to the
             505      office of the prosecuting attorney.

             506          (b) (i) Upon receipt of a petition for removal from the Sex Offender and Kidnap
             507      Offender Registry, the prosecuting attorney shall provide notice of the petition by first-class
             508      mail to the victim, or the victim's parent or guardian, if the victim is a minor, at the most recent
             509      address on file.
             510          (ii) The notice shall include a copy of the petition, state that the victim has a right to
             511      object to the removal of the offender from the registry, and provide instructions for submitting
             512      an objection to the court.
             513          (c) The office of the prosecutor, and the victim if applicable, may respond to the
             514      petition by filing a recommendation or objection regarding the offender's removal from the
             515      registry with the court within 45 days after the date that the petition is mailed to the victim, or
             516      to the victim's parent or guardian, if the victim is a minor.
             517          (35) (a) The court shall review the petition and all documents submitted regarding the
             518      petition and may hold a hearing.
             519          (b) If the court determines, based on the information provided under Subsection
             520      (35)(a), that it is in the public's interest, it may grant the petition and order removal of the
             521      offender from the registry.
             522          (c) If the court grants the petition, it shall forward a copy of the order to the department
             523      directing the removal of the offender from the registry.
             524          Section 2. Coordinating H.B. 18 with H.B. 17 -- Merging technical amendments --
             525      Creating new section.
             526          If this H.B. 18 and H.B. 17, Sex Offender Registry Chapter, both pass and become law,
             527      the Legislature intends that:
             528          (1) Subsections 77-27-21.5 (32) through (35) in this bill be created as a new Section
             529      77-41-112 , that the subsections be renumbered, and that the internal cross references be
             530      changed accordingly;
             531          (2) Subsection 77-41-109 (2) in H.B. 17 be amended to read:
             532          "(2) Notwithstanding Title 77, Chapter 40, Utah Expungement Act, a person convicted
             533      of any offense listed in Subsection 77-41-102 (7) or (14) is not relieved from the responsibility

             534      to register as required under this section, unless the offender is removed from the registry under
             535      Section 77-41-112." ; and
             536          (3) the Office of Legislative Research and General Counsel make these changes when
             537      preparing the Utah Code database for publication.

[Bill Documents][Bills Directory]

Bill Status / Votes
• Senate Actions • House Actions • Fiscal Actions • Other Actions
12/15/2011 Bill Numbered but not DistributedLegislative Research and General Counsel
12/19/2011 Numbered Bill Publicly DistributedLegislative Research and General Counsel
1/20/2012 House/ received bill from Legislative ResearchClerk of the House
1/23/2012 House/ 1st reading (Introduced)House Rules Committee
1/23/2012 House/ to standing committeeHouse Judiciary Committee
1/23/2012 House/ received fiscal note from Fiscal AnalystHouse Judiciary Committee
1/24/2012 House Comm - Favorable RecommendationHouse Judiciary Committee11 1 1
1/26/2012 (10:37:30 AM)House/ committee report favorableHouse Judiciary Committee
1/26/2012 (10:37:31 AM)House/ 2nd readingHouse 3rd Reading Calendar for House bills
1/31/2012 (10:35:32 AM)House/ 3rd readingHouse 3rd Reading Calendar for House bills
1/31/2012 (10:41:18 AM)House/ passed 3rd readingSenate Secretary72 0 3
1/31/2012 (10:41:20 AM)House/ to SenateSenate Secretary
1/31/2012 Senate/ received from HouseWaiting for Introduction in the Senate
2/1/2012 Senate/ 1st reading (Introduced)Senate Rules Committee
2/7/2012 Senate/ to standing committeeSenate Judiciary, Law Enforcement, and Criminal Justice Committee
2/9/2012 Senate Comm - Amendment RecommendationSenate Judiciary, Law Enforcement, and Criminal Justice Committee
2/9/2012 Senate Comm - Favorable RecommendationSenate Judiciary, Law Enforcement, and Criminal Justice Committee7 0 0
2/10/2012 (10:25:42 AM)Senate/ comm rpt/ amendedSenate Judiciary, Law Enforcement, and Criminal Justice Committee
2/10/2012 (10:25:43 AM)Senate/ placed on 2nd Reading CalendarSenate 2nd Reading Calendar
2/15/2012 (3:01:06 PM)Senate/ 2nd readingSenate 2nd Reading Calendar
2/15/2012 (3:04:37 PM)Senate/ passed 2nd readingSenate 3rd Reading Calendar22 0 7
2/16/2012 (10:37:33 AM)Senate/ 3rd readingSenate 3rd Reading Calendar
2/16/2012 (10:39:24 AM)Senate/ passed 3rd readingClerk of the House28 0 1
2/16/2012 (10:39:25 AM)Senate/ to House with amendmentsClerk of the House
2/16/2012 (12:31:20 PM)House/ received from SenateClerk of the House
2/16/2012 (12:31:21 PM)House/ placed on Concurrence CalendarHouse Concurrence Calendar
2/17/2012 (10:31:55 AM)House/ concurs with Senate amendmentSenate President70 0 5
2/17/2012 (10:31:56 AM)House/ to SenateSenate President
2/21/2012 Senate/ received from HouseSenate President
2/21/2012 Senate/ signed by President/ returned to HouseHouse Speaker
2/21/2012 Senate/ to HouseHouse Speaker
2/21/2012 House/ received from SenateHouse Speaker
2/21/2012 House/ signed by Speaker/ sent for enrollingLegislative Research and General Counsel / Enrolling
2/23/2012 Senate/ recalled by SenateClerk of the House
2/23/2012 LFA/ bill sent to agencies for fiscal inputClerk of the House
2/23/2012 House/ to SenateSenate Secretary
2/23/2012 Senate/ received from HouseSenate Secretary
2/23/2012 Senate/ motion to reconsiderSenate Secretary
2/23/2012 Senate/ motion to reconsider passedSenate Secretary
2/23/2012 Senate/ placed back on 3rd Reading CalendarSenate 3rd Reading Calendar
2/23/2012 (3:44:00 PM)Senate/ substituted from # 0 to # 1Senate 3rd Reading CalendarVoice vote
2/23/2012 (3:47:09 PM)Senate/ passed 3rd readingClerk of the House20 7 2
2/23/2012 (3:47:10 PM)Senate/ to House with amendmentsClerk of the House
2/23/2012 House/ received from SenateClerk of the House
2/23/2012 House/ placed on Concurrence CalendarHouse Concurrence Calendar
2/24/2012 House/ received fiscal note from Fiscal AnalystHouse Concurrence Calendar
2/24/2012 (10:41:36 AM)House/ concurs with Senate amendmentSenate President70 0 5
2/24/2012 (10:41:37 AM)House/ to SenateSenate President
2/24/2012 Senate/ received from HouseSenate President
2/24/2012 Senate/ signed by President/ returned to HouseHouse Speaker
2/24/2012 Senate/ to HouseHouse Speaker
2/24/2012 LFA/ fiscal note publicly availableHouse Speaker
2/24/2012 House/ received from SenateHouse Speaker
2/24/2012 House/ signed by Speaker/ sent for enrollingLegislative Research and General Counsel / Enrolling
2/24/2012 LFA/ fiscal note sent to sponsorLegislative Research and General Counsel / Enrolling
2/24/2012 Bill Received from House for EnrollingLegislative Research and General Counsel / Enrolling
3/13/2012 Draft of Enrolled Bill PreparedLegislative Research and General Counsel / Enrolling
3/16/2012 Enrolled Bill Returned to House or SenateClerk of the House
3/16/2012 House/ enrolled bill to PrintingClerk of the House
3/16/2012 House/ received enrolled bill from PrintingClerk of the House
3/16/2012 House/ to GovernorExecutive Branch - Governor
3/22/2012 Governor SignedLieutenant Governor's office for filing