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Utah Constitutional Revision Commission


TO:    Members of the Constitutional Revision Commission
FROM:    Lisa Watts Baskin, Executive Director
DATE:    March 28, 1997

SUBJECT:    Meeting Date

    The regularly scheduled meeting of the Constitutional Revision Commission will be held as follows:

     DATE:    Friday, April 11, 1997
     TIME:    9:00 a.m.
     PLACE:    Room 405, State Capitol

    If you are unable to attend, please contact Joy Miller at 538-1032.


1.    Call to Order and Approval of Minutes.
    *    February 3, 1997

2.    Discussion of the passed constitutional resolutions:
    *    S.J.R. 1, Resolution Amending Legislator Eligibility Standards
    *    H.J.R. 8, Resolution Repealing Marital Property Provisions
    *    H.J.R. 14, Acceptance of Trust Lands Resolution

3.    Discussion of proposed constitutional resolutions which failed and     CRC's February action:     *    H.J.R. 1, Resolution Allowing Property Tax Deferment for the         Elderly
    *    H.J.R 2, Resolution Requiring Supermajority Vote to Increase         Taxes, Fees, or Other Sources of Revenue
    *    H.J.R. 3, Resolution Restricting Property Tax Valuation on Primary Residences of the Elderly
    *    H.J.R. 10, Resolution Amending Tax Valuation
    *    H.J.R. 11, Resolution Amending Property Tax Valuation
    *    H.J.R. 18, Resolution Governing Public Education

4.    Discussion of 1997 meeting and study topic schedule
    *     Prioritizations
    *    Please use the enclosed tables

5.    Discussion of draft language, Resolution Amending the Local     Government Article, 1998 DRAFT

6.    Local Government Issues

7.    Charter Cities

8.    Special Service Districts

9.    Other business
    *    New members
    *    June meeting

10.    Adjourn


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