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Utah Constitutional Revision Commission


TO:    Members of the Constitutional Revision Commission
FROM:    Lisa Watts Baskin, Executive Director
DATE:    June 5, 1997

SUBJECT:    Meeting Date

    The regularly scheduled meeting of the Constitutional Revision Commission will be held as follows:

     DATE:    June 20, 1997
     TIME:    9:00 a.m.
     PLACE:    Room 405, State Capitol

    If you are unable to attend, please contact Wendy Bangerter at 538- 1032.

1.    Call to Order and Approval of Minutes.
    *    April 11, 1997 (Revised)
    *     May 16, 1997

2.     Townships (H.B. 363 (1997))
    *     Mr. Robert H. Rees, Associate General Counsel, will provide the legislative history and status on this legislation

3.     Special Districts
    *         Mr. Jan T. Furner, Exec. Dir., Utah Association of Special Districts
    *     Mr. Paul H. Ashton, Counsel to White City Water Improvement District
    *     Mr. Fred W. Finlinson, Chair, Utah Water Coalition, and Counsel to Utah Water Finance Agency and various water conservancy districts
    *     Mr. Richard J. Scott, Bond Counsel, Chapman & Cutler
    *     Mr. Jerry Howe and Ms. Lisa Watts Baskin, commission staff        

4.    Proposed legislation
    *     Resolution Amending Qualifications of Voters, 1998FL-0015/004

5.     Other business
    *     Subcommittee recommendation of new citizen member
    *     Commission notes on resolutions
    *     July 11-12, 1997 meeting in Logan
6.     Adjourn


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