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Utah Constitutional Revision Commission


TO:    Members of the Constitutional Revision Commission
FROM:    Lisa Watts Baskin, Executive Director
DATE:    July 1, 1997

SUBJECT:    Meeting Date

    The regularly scheduled meeting of the Constitutional Revision Commission will be held as follows:

     DATE:    July 11, 1997
     TIME:    2:00 p.m.-5:00 p.m.
     PLACE:    Utah State University
            University Inn
            Sonne Room, Room 508

     DATE:    July 12, 1997
     TIME:    9:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m.
     PLACE:    Utah State University
University Inn
            Sonne Room, Room 508
         If you are unable to attend, please contact Wendy Bangerter at 538- 1032.

July 11, 1997

2:00 p.m.     1.    Call to Order and Approval of Minutes
            .     June 20, 1997

2:10 p.m.    2.     Farewell to Senator Lyle W. Hillyard
            Welcome to Professor Kevin Worthen

2:30 p.m.    3.    Special Districts
         *     Accountability--Auditing Standards for Special Districts
                            Mr. Eckhard Bauer, CPA, State Auditor--Local Government

3:00 p.m.            *    Duplication of services and government relations between counties, cities, and special districts:
        Example--White City Water Improvement District, Sandy City, and residents within the district
        Mr. Marc T. Wangsgard, Attorney

3:30 p.m.     *     Privatization: Remarks on a study to privatize local government functions
        Mr. Charles R. Batten, Editor, Innovative Government (1997)
        Mr. Matt Checketts, Volunteers and Local Government

4:00 p.m.     *     Constitutional history and case law
        Ms. Lisa Watts Baskin, Executive Director
4:15 p.m.    .     Special Districts in Utah
        Mr. Jerry Howe, Research Analyst

4:30 p.m.    4.    Commission discussion
    5.    Other business
    6.    Adjourn

Saturday, July 12, 1997

9:00 a.m.    1.    Call to order
        Light breakfast

9:15 a.m.    2.    Special Districts
        *     Discussion of policy concerns and response to draft language

10:15 a.m.     3.    Charter Cities (See April packet, p. 61)
                        .     Constitutional Powers and Limitations--national survey
            Ms. Lisa Watts Baskin, Executive Director
        .                 Statutory analysis--national survey
            Mr. Jerry Howe, Research analyst

10:45 a.m.    4.    Commission discussion of local government powers--counties, cities, towns, and special districts.

11:45 a.m.     5.    Proposed legislation
        Resolution Amending Qualifications of Voters, 1998FL-0015/004
        Discussion of Married Women's Property Exemption

12:00 p.m.    6.    Other business


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