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Utah Constitutional Revision Commission


TO:    Members of the Constitutional Revision Commission
FROM:    Jerry D. Howe, Research Analyst
DATE:    September 3, 1997

SUBJECT:    Meeting Date

    The regularly scheduled meeting of the Constitutional Revision Commission will be held as follows:

     DATE:    September 12, 1997
     TIME:    9:00 a.m.
     PLACE:    Room 403, State Capitol

    If you are unable to attend, please contact Wendy Bangerter at 538-1032.


1.     Joint Meeting Between the Utah Constitutional Revision Commission (CRC) and the Special Districts Subcommittee
        (The joint meeting will be held in Room 403.)
    .     Welcome - Gayle F. McKeachnie, CRC Chair
    .     Introductions of Commission and Subcommittee Members
    .     Where the subcommittee has been - Robert H. Rees, Subcommittee Staff Attorney
    .     Where the CRC has been - Jerry D. Howe, CRC Staff Research Analyst
    .     Members of the Special Districts Subcommittee and the CRC will discuss special district policy issues. (Found at page 12 of packet)

2.    Joint Meeting Ends - Constitutional Revision Commission Moves to Room 405.    

3.    Reconvene and Approval of Minutes
    *    August 15, 1997
4.     Commission discussion of policy and proposed changes on two resolutions amending the local government article: one based on the Hutchinson rule and one based on the model constitution

5.    Other business

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