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Administrative Rules Review Committee


TO:    Administrative Rules Review Committee

FROM:    Arthur L. Hunsaker, Research Analyst

DATE:    October 28, 1997

SUBJECT:    November 3, 1997 Meeting

Sen. Howard A. Stephenson and Rep. Byron L. Harward have scheduled the next meeting of the Administrative Rules Review Committee as follows:    

                DATE:      November 3, 1997
TIME:     9:00 a.m.
PLACE:      Room 414 State Capitol
An agenda is included. If you are unable to attend, please call me or Barbara Teuscher at 538- 1032.


Sen. Howard A. Stephenson , Senate Chair

Rep. Byron L. Harward, House Chair

Sen. David L. Buhler    Sen. Robert C. Steiner     Rep. Martin R. Stephens     
Sen. Mike Dmitrich     Rep. John B. Arrington     Rep. David Ure
Sen. Craig A. Peterson    Rep. James R. Gowans




November 3, 1997 - 9:00 a.m. - Room 414 State Capitol

1.    Call to Order and Approval of Minutes of Meeting Held October 16, 1997

2.    Update: Current Status on R25-13 Payroll Deductions (Bulletin, July 1, 1997,
        p. 14), and Division of Finance Policies Slated for Rulemaking _
         *     Kim Thorne, Director, Division of Finance

3.    Report (Continued from October 16 Meeting) : Governor's Office _ Process Leading to Promulgation of
        R477-9-1(5) Governing State Employees Carrying Firearms While on
        State Business (Rep. Gowans) _

        *    Gary Doxey, General Counsel, Governor's Office    

4.    R81-1-18 Prohibition of Gambling Devices _ Bulletin, September 1, 1997, p. 9
        (Sen. Dmitrich) _

        *     Ken Wynn, Director, Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control

5.    Committee Business

        a.    Date of Next Meeting
        b.    Items for Next Meeting

6.    Adjourn





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