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Judicial Rules Review Committee


TO:            Members of the Judicial Rules Review Committee

FROM:        Jerry D. Howe, Research Analyst

DATE:        November 3, 1997

SUBJECT:        November 12 Judicial Rules Review Meeting

Sen. Robert F. Montgomery and Rep. John L. Valentine have scheduled a meeting of the Judicial Rules Review Committee as follows:

            DATE:      Wednesday, November 12, 1997                          TIME:      2:00 p.m.
PLACE:      Room 403 State Capitol

An agenda is included. If you are unable to attend, please contact me or Glenda Whitney at 538- 1032.


Sen. Robert F. Montgomery, Senate Chair

Rep. John L. Valentine, House Chair

            Sen. L. Steven Poulton    Rep. Perry L. Buckner
            Sen. Robert C. Steiner    Rep. Greg J. Curtis


Wednesday, November 12, 1997 - 2:00 p.m. - Room 403, State Capitol


        1.    Call to Order
- Sen. Robert Montgomery, Chair
                    -    Approval of Minutes of the November 7, 1996 Meeting
-    Approval of Minutes of the May 14, 1997 Meeting         
        2.    Report on Supreme Court Advisory Committees and Discussion of Proposed Modifications

             .     Civil Procedure
                     Proposed modifications to Rules 10, 17, 60, 64C, and Appendix of Forms have been published and are now subject to public comment, which expires on November 24, 1997. The committee will review these rules in addition to other items being studied by the advisory committee.

            .     Criminal Procedure
                             Modifications to Rules 9, 12, and 26 have been published and are now subject to public comment, which expires November 24, 1997. The committee will review these rules in addition to other items being studied by the advisory committee.

             .     Appellate Procedure
                                             Modifications to Rules 9, 11, 23B, and 24 have been published and are now subject to public comment, which expires November 24, 1997. The committee will review these rules in addition to other items being studied by the advisory committee.
             .     Juvenile Procedure
                     Modifications to Rules 7 are published and are now subject to public comment, which expires November 24, 1997. The committee will review these rules in addition to other items being studied by the advisory committee.

            .     Code of Judicial Administration
                                     Modifications to Rules 1-205, 3-104, 3-111, 3-414, 4-201, 4-510, 4-608, 4-803, 4- 906, 4-910, 4-913, 9-101 have been published and are now subject to public comment, which expires November 24, 1997. The committee will review these rules in addition to other items being studied by the advisory committee.

         3.        Adjourn

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