Room 445, State Capitol
February 15, 2013
Members Present: Sen. Wayne A. Harper, Co-Chair
Rep. Gage Froerer, Co-Chair
Rep. Jacob L. Anderegg, House Vice-Chair
Sen. Lyle W. Hillyard
Sen. David P. Hinkins
Sen. Scott K. Jenkins
Sen. Peter C. Knudson
Sen. Karen Mayne
Sen. Kevin T. Van Tassell
Sen. Evan Vickers
Rep. Johnny Anderson
Rep. Kay J. Christofferson
Rep. Lynn N. Hemingway
Rep. John Knotwell
Rep. Douglas V. Sagers
Rep. R. Curt Webb
Rep. John R. Westwood
Members Absent: Rep. Janice M. Fisher
Staff Present: Mr. Mark Bleazard, Legislative Fiscal Analyst
Mr. Gary Ricks, Legislative Fiscal Analyst
Ms. Cami Deavila, Secretary
Note: A list of visitors and a copy of handouts are filed with the Subcommittee minutes. A copy of related materials and an audio recording of the meeting can be found http://le.utah.gov/asp/interim/Commit.asp?Year=2013&Com=APPIGG
1. Call to Order/Minutes
Co-chair Harper called the meeting to order at 8:04 a.m.
MOTION: Sen. Hillyard moved to approve the minutes from the February 1, 2013
meeting. The motion passed unanimously.
2. Aeronautics
Mark Bleazard, Fiscal Analyst, Office of the Legislative Fiscal Analyst, stated the
responsibilities of the Aeronautics department. The base budget is recommended at
$27,296,100, including administration. The airport construction program estimated
budget is $23,536,000; the Federal government funds $20 million and the State matches
$3,536,000. The Civil Air Patrol is housed in this budget for $80,000. Aid to Local
Airports is responsible to distribute the aviation fuel tax collections. The base budget is
$2,240,000 but can vary based on the collection of the tax. Airplane operation’s budget is
$947,800. These budgets include $20 million in Federal funds, $383,000 in dedicated
credits, and $6,912,500 from the Aeronautics Restricted Fund. An issue brief shows 2013
and 2014 projects for local airports.
Sen. Hillyard stated the airplane property tax has been so high that airplanes are being
housed out of State. The gas tax is also high and planes fly over Utah and fill up in states
with cheaper gas prices. Sen. Hillyard asked if these problems are being solved for local
airports. Mr. Bleazard stated the aviation fuel tax has increased; ground hasn't been lost
but has not been gained either. John Njord, Executive Director, Utah Department of
Transportation (UDOT), stated no one knows the number of planes being housed out of
State. Co-chair Harper stated bills have been run in previous years to help with this
Sen. Van Tassell asked if the smaller airports charge landing and take off fees. Mr. Njord
is unaware of landing or take off fees, revenue generated comes from the fuel tax.
Co-chair Harper asked how many planes the State owns. Mr. Njord answered three State planes.
3. B&C Roads
Mr. Bleazard stated 30 percent of revenue collected in the transportation fund goes to the
B&C road account. The funds are distributed by a statutory formula. There is an
estimated budget of $129,243,000 for B&C roads. There is an issue brief for the
breakdown of distributions of the 2012 B&C funds. The committee action needed is to
approve the estimated budget.
Rep. Anderegg asked which taxes are included in the budget. Mr. Bleazard replied the
gas tax, permits, and registration fees. Mr. Njord added the local entities asked the
department to distribute funds every other month. There is a certain amount appropriated
but the distribution is based off what is actually collected.
Sen. Jenkins stated small communities live and die on these funds and asked how
information is received about new local roads. Mr. Njord stated local entities are required
to certify road mileage and submit any changes to UDOT.
Rep. Sagers asked if UDOT tracks how small cities expend the funds. Mr. Njord stated
the local government is required to follow the administrative rules and have an annual
Rep. Christofferson asked the difference between class B and class C roads. Mr. Njord
defined class B roads as county roads and class C roads are city streets.
4. Construction
Mr. Bleazard stated functions of the Construction Management line item is separated into
two programs. The base budget for the program is estimated at $222,737,700.
Rep. Anderegg stated the disproportionate amount of Federal money the State relies on is
daunting and asked if there is a way to wean the State from accepting Federal money.
Sen. Hillyard stated some states are pushing congress to stop collecting the Federal gas
tax and leave the taxes in the states.
Mr. Bleazared continued that the State is currently receiving a dollar for a dollar from the
Federal government gas taxes collected. Some years the distribution has not been that
Sen. Hillyard stated Utah had highway projects ready to use Federal stimulus money for
where other states did not. Mr. Njord added that UDOT has more projects ready and if
the Federal government released a billion dollars it would be spent immediately.
Co-chair Harper stated that the Federal money is always quickly spent.
Mr. Bleazard stated that along with approval of the budget, there is intent language
authorizing UDOT to maximize Federal and State program.
5. Transportation Investment Capacity Program
Mr. Bleazard stated $504 million is collected into the Transportation Investment
Capacity Program (TICP.) Approximately $330 million is for debt service and
$172,722,100 for projects. There was an intent statement in the FY2013 appropriation
that $2 million be used for roads around the Utah State University campus in Tooele, it is
recommended the statement be discontinued.
Sen. Jenkins asked if legislation is needed to clean up the Centennial Highway Fund (CHF.) Mr. Bleazard stated legislation was run last year to change the flow of money going into the CHF, which now goes to the Transportation Investment Fund (TIF.)
Co-chair Harper stated the CHF changed the nature of transportation and construction.
Utah is the standard bearer of the nation.
Rep. Sagers reported on the completion of the Tooele City road projects.
Mr. Njord commented the intent language helps UDOT manage the actual revenues from
the unstable fuel tax. Co-chair Harper reiterated the motor fuel special fuel tax is
important but volatile.
Carlos Braceras, Deputy Director, Utah Department of Transportation, briefed the
committee on the process for choosing projects and how the funds are distributed.
Sen. Hillyard asked about the States major highway construction projects. Mr. Njord
gave an overview of progress on each project. Mr. Braceras added that UDOT’s website
gives daily updated information on each construction project around the State.
Sen. Mayne thanked UDOT for being flexible with 4100 on the Mountain View Corridor.
6. Engineering Services
Mr. Bleazard stated the responsibilities of the Engineering Department. There is a base
budget of $31,896,200 and an intent statement encouraging agencies to conserve money;
each agency can non-lapse a certain amount of money every year. Mr. Bleazard
presented the following budgets: Program Development, $10,912,000; Pre-construction
Administration, $1,880,500; the Environmental Group, $844,600; Structures Program,
$2,896,900; Materials Lab, $4,270,600; Engineering Service, $2,085,400; Right of Way
Division, $2,002,000; Research Program, $2,690,900; Construction Management
Program, $3,926,600; and the Civil Rights Program, $386,500. The committee action
needed is to adopt the total budget and the intent statement.
7. Equipment Management
Mr. Bleazard stated the program responsibilities, including managing $57 million worth
of equipment. The base budget is recommended at $27,659,500 and an intent statement
for non-lapsing funds to be used on employee training and incentives for $200,000. The
base budget recommendation is $5,544,300 for equipment purchases. Included in the
base budget is $25,000 for small shop tools and equipment; $90,000 for 800 megahertz
radio facilities, $32,900 for 150 megahertz radio facilities and $330,000 for fleet
upgrades for a total of $6,022,200. The shop’s base budget is $21,637,000. The
recommended budget has $1,043,900 of transportation funds and dedicated credits
revenue of $26,615,600. The total budget recommendation is $27,699,500. There is an
issue brief requesting a one time increase of $790,000 for equipment to take care of the I-15 Core through Utah County.
Rep. Christofferson asked if maintenance and shop work is subcontracted. Mr. Njord
replied that some repairs are sent to local shops when there is an influx of maintenance needs.
Mr. Njord stated the importance of the issue brief for additional equipment. I-15 changed
from four lanes each direction to seven lanes each direction. Mr. Njord spoke to the
different ways UDOT is maximizing equipment; however, there is still a need for
additional equipment.
Co-chair Froerer asked about the cost involved for each snowstorm. Mr. Njord replied
the average snowstorm costs about $1 million and the budget is funded for 25 storms.
The trend for this year is on track; the storms have been localized to the Wasatch Front.
8. Maintenance/Operations Management
Mr. Bleazard stated 17,000 lane miles are maintained by the Department of
Transportation in the State. The base budget recommendation is $144,782,700. The
concern of the analyst is that secondary roads are deteriorating and lacking proper
maintenance. Funding is approximately $800 million behind in keeping highways to a
high standard. About $40-$80 million a year is needed to keep state highways up to
standards. There is an intent statement to maintain non-lapsing funds of $1.3 million for
equipment and supplies; environmental clean up, $200,000; and land purchases,
$500,000. There is a maintenance administration program where funding is placed in a
holding account for unforeseen issues; the recommendation is $5,333,700. The money is
reprogrammed throughout the regions if there are no emergencies. Mr. Bleazard briefed
the committee on the following regional maintenance budgets: Region One, $20,296,200;
Region Two, $28,456,200; Region Three, $19,409,300; Region Four, $39,744,700. There
is also funding for the following budgets: Seasonal Employee Pool, $919,700; Land and
Buildings Program, $5,524,000; Field Crews, $11,079,000; Traffic Safety Program,
$3,528,000; Traffic Operations Center, $8,696,500; Maintenance Planning Group,
$1,795,400. There is an intent statement that all revenue from land and building sales be
lapsed into the transportation fund. Another intent statement allowing adjustment to the
number of full time equivalent field crews with the increase or decrease in the Federal
Construction Program. An issue brief requesting a transportation fund increase of
$2,263,000 in ongoing funds for increased maintenance. The analyst recommends
transferring $2,300,000 from the TIF to assist with the program. The committee could
also consider moving $6 million from the capacity program to the maintenance program.
Mr. Njord stated this part of the budget enables UDOT to take care of the roads.
Co-chair Harper stated it is more important to maintain roads than construct new ones.
9. Mineral Lease
Mr. Bleazard stated mineral leases collect money from the extraction of minerals or
natural resources on State lands. 40 percent of the funds from the Federal lease account
are distributed to counties that have extractions. The anticipated FY14 budget is
$73,349,000. The mineral lease program is estimated at $70,880,000 and the in lieu
payment program is anticipated to be $2,469,000. An intent statement stating the funds
from the mineral lease program should be used for improvement or repair of highways or
roads that are heavily impacted by energy development.
Rep. Hemmingway asked if that included all the lease money the State receives. Mr.
Bleazard stated it was 40 percent of the total.
10. Region Management
Mr. Bleazard stated the base budget recommendation is $27,214,500. There is an intent
statement to distribute non-lapsing funds for continued region management of $200,000.
Mr. Bleazard presented the following budgets: Region One, $5,469,500; Region Two,
$9,867,900; Region Three, $4,778,600; Region Four, $6,407,900. $22,480,200 comes
from transportation funds, $3,502,100 from Federal funds, and $1,233,200 million from
dedicated credits.
Sen. Van Tassell noted that lane miles have increased, but the amount of staff remains
the same.
Sen. Jenkins commented on the updated equipment.
Mr. Njord stated UDOT accomplished much of its work through the private sector. Last
year there were16,000 private sector employees working on UDOT projects and only a
few hundred UDOT employees.
11. Sidewalk Construction
Mr. Bleazard stated funding for sidewalk construction is recommended at $500,000 from
the Transportation Fund. Mr. Bleazard presented the formula for how sidewalk projects
are determined. There are two intent statements, using the funds on State highways and
participating in a 25/75 percent match.
Mr. Njord stated the program is a great opportunity to provide students a safe way to school.
Rep. Westwood asked about the process for matching funds with local communities. Mr.
Njord replied 75 percent of funding comes from the State and 25 percent from the local
government. Very often the local government provides the 25 percent match in materials
and labor.
12. Support Services
Mr. Bleazard stated the recommended base budget is $29,384,000. There is an intent
statement to use non-lapsing funds for computer equipment and software. The support
services budget includes the following budgets: Administrative Program, $2,469,400;
Risk Management, $2,680,300; Buildings and Grounds, $987,500; Human Resource is a
contracted group, $1,268,000; Procurement, $1,193,700; Data Processing, $9,494,000;
Comptrollers Office, $2,570,000; Internal Audit, $811,000; and Community Relations,
$598,400; Ports of entry, $7,309,600.
Mr. Njord stated two of the line items are a pass through of UDOT.
MOTION: Rep. Knotwell moved to adjourn. The motion passed unanimously.
The meeting adjourned at 9:45 a.m.
Minutes were reported by Cami Deavila, Senate Secretary.