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NOTE: You may notice textual errors throughout this document, many of which have been left intact from the original text. Should you want to investigate the integrity of the original report, please refer to the original two printed volumes containing the official report of the proceedings and debates.
SATURDAY, March 30, 1895.
Convention called to order at 10 a. m. President Smith in the chair.
Roll called, showing a quorum present.
Prayer was offered by Rev. A. Kinney Hall, of St. Mark's Cathedral.
The minutes of the twenty-sixth day's session were read and approved.
Petitions and memorials.
A petition was presented, signed by 1811 citizens of Logan, asking that the question of
prohibition be submitted to the people.
Referred to the committee on schedule, future amendments and miscellaneous.
Mr. Lewis presented a memorial signed by 3700 residents of Weber County, requesting that the
question of prohibition be submitted to the vote of the people.
Referred to the committee on schedule, future amendments and miscellaneous.
Mr. Miller presented a petition asking for the submitting of the question of prohibition to the
legal voters, signed by residents of Sevier County.
Referred to committee on schedule, future amendments and miscellaneous.
Mr. Peters presented a petition, signed by Rev. E. H. Snow and others, of Corinne, asking that
the question of prohibition be submitted to the people as a separate proposition.
Referred to the committee on schedule, future amendments and miscellaneous.
Unfinished business.
The PRESIDENT. I would state to the Convention that when we adjourned last night, we had
under consideration the preamble and bill of rights and had reached the tenth section, which was
referred to the committee on judiciary, with instructions to report this morning.
Mr. EVANS (Weber). Mr. President, I see the chairman is not here, and I should assume to say,
that we have had under consideration section 10 of the bill of rights, and a draft has been agreed
upon and has just been placed in the hands of committee clerks to be written out. I have a draft
here, which, if it is desired, can be presented now. I will offer it as the report of the committee on
judiciary, and ask that it be filed and taken up in its regular order.
Under the rules the report was ordered printed, and placed on the committee of the whole calendar.
Mr. HART. Mr. President, I move we now resolve ourselves into committee of the whole.
The motion was agreed to.
The Convention then went into committee of the whole, with Mr. Buys in the chair.
The CHAIRMAN. Gentlemen of the committee, when we adjourned yesterday, I believe we had
under consideration, the article on elections and right of suffrage.
Mr. ELDREDGE. Mr. Chairman, at first I did not intend to speak to the question which is before
us for consideration, but as it has taken such a wide range, and has circumscribed a vast field for
reflection, I feel that I cannot pass the opportunity of speaking and expressing a few words on
this subject. I have no set speech prepared and whatever I might say, will be drawn from the
resources of my soul at the moments the expressions receive utterance.
I realize fully that the condition confronting us is peculiar in itself, and opens a wide and broad
field for reflection. I realize, Mr. Chairman, and gentlemen of this Convention, that man and
woman's destiny is inseparably connected, and whatever pertains to the interest of one
circumscribes and involves the interests of the other. Whatever is of a nature detrimental to one
of a matter of necessity it is injurious to the other. We have heard doctrine enunciated here that in
many instances is somewhat different from my views of the subject. We have been told that
woman does not possess an inherent right to the suffrage, that suffrage does not lie upon that
basis, that it is the privilege granted by the government. If this be a fact, where does man possess
the inherent right of the exercise of that privilege?
If I mistake not, governments are framed by the consent of the governed, and whatever power or
authority there exists in governments, they acquire it from those who are governed.
This being the case, then is it reasonable that governments possess the right to give the privilege
of franchise without having first secured that right from the governed?
They only exercise such powers as the people see fit to confer upon the government, and,
therefore, if it is a power invested in the government, that government has derived it from the
people. Who are the people? It would be utterly impossible for a government to exist, with only
those who claim the right of suffrage in its narrow sense. Governments without a people would
be what we behold in many parts of this great country_extinct when the people become extinct.
Our forefathers must have had this under consideration_forefathers who were not mere ciphers; forefathers who were not indifferent to the interest of the children of men; forefathers who had no disregard for liberty and human rights, but forefathers who had interest in establishing a government; forefathers who had an interest in securing to themselves, to hand down to their posterity, liberty and the right to pursuit of happiness; forefathers who were unable to grant entire
conceptions of the human race; fore-fathers who were willing to bare their breasts to any steel
and any lead, that we might inherit the liberties that we now possess; that brought from the
mother country their freedom and their liberty, and they have thus provided that class of men in
England that has been handed down in the fundamental law that governs this grand nation. We
have this declaration in the Constitution of our country:
The United States shall guarantee to every state in the Union a republican form of government.
What is a republic? That which is common and general. That which pertains {497} to the general commonwealth, It makes no distinction so far as sex is concerned. It applies equally to the male as it does to the female, and vice versa, that they should have a republican form of government. Therefore, this very sentence expresses the view that it was not with a view of curtailing the franchise, but it was with a view of protecting the franchise, that they should guarantee this right.
If any state should assume to curtail the privilege, it would be the duty of the general government
to step in under this provision, and which we have accepted and adopted, and say that there
cannot be any invasion upon the rights of that sacred privilege of right.
Man has a voice in saying who shall make the laws that govern him. Man has a voice in saying
who shall execute those laws. Man has a voice in saying who shall place the valuation on his
property. Man has a voice in saying who shall expend the revenue that is collected by reason of
the assessed valuation of his property in conformity with law. Is there any more reason, in the
light of justice and equality, that man should exercise these rights than there is that that person,
who, as the eminent gentleman from Davis County said, was created for the express purpose of
walking side by side with man? Their feelings and their sentiments in a large degree are simply in
conformity with ours; if not, I had viewed the human family from a wrong standpoint.
We are confronted here with the idea that platforms are only made for expediency sake, such
logic has been advanced, and there is nothing sacred in such documents.
I cannot view it exactly in this light. I wish to briefly review the history which led up into the election of perhaps every gentleman in this Convention. When the republicans met in territorial convention in Utah County, and the question there was presented of woman suffrage, was it presented from one side of the people of this Territory? Let me say that in that convention was alike Mormon and non-Mormon. In that convention representatives from the ex-people's as well as from the ex-liberal party. I presume that there was no thought or distinction made when they were electing those delegates to that convention as to what their former political standing was, or as to whether they were Mormons or not Mormons. They had, as I supposed, buried the differences and the bitterness of the past. They had come out upon party lines; upon any grounds, they were children of the same Great Creator, their interests were identical with each other, the prosperity of one meant the prosperity of the other, and it was supposed they had agreed to lay old issues past, come forth unto the broad standard that had been laid down by the great parties of this nation, and walk hand in hand for a common purpose. And, perhaps, it will only be just for me to say, Mr. Chairman, that the gentleman who was the chairman of that committee upon platform was a non-Mormon, was a person that had come from the ranks of the ex-liberal party,
and upon that committee it was evenly divided, so far as I recollect, betwixt Mormon and non-
Mormon, and when that measure was proposed, I remember well the expression that I gave upon
that occasion. I was a member of that committee. I said, so far as the matter of right is
concerned, there is no question in my mind whatever, now; I believe that it is as much an
inalienable right upon the woman as it is upon the man, but I said, as for the wisdom of the
measure, I somewhat question it. And let me here state, Mr. Chairman, that I have had no
occasion to change my opinion, as for the matter of right there is not a doubt in my mind; as for
the wisdom it is a question. You may call it wisdom or you may call it expediency. Man has a
right to thrust his hand into the fire if he chooses,
but, in the language perhaps of one that
has preceded me on this floor, it will make an all-fired sore. But there is no question about that
right; man has his agency, to exercise it as he sees fit, subject to an accounting for that agency. If
this were not an immutable law, then the Author of our existence is a respecter, of persons. and
that which is immutable and eternal in its nature, man cannot change.
The complexion under which our souls are clothed, the difference of conditions under which we
came into this world, demonstrate that there must be merit_reward and punishment. If not, then
there must be in that all-giving Life a proper respecter of persons.
And in that platform the plank of woman suffrage was placed. It was presented to the convention
and the convention received it with open arms, and with the greatest enthusiasm. Not a word was
expressed against it, and not a voice in it denouncing the doctrine. It passed. It went abroad. It
was telegraphed to every town and every city and every village, where telegraph communication
is in this Territory, that the republican party had placed within their platform a woman suffrage
plank. There was no mass meeting held in protest against such a measure. There were no
speakers who went upon the stump and denounced the principle. And in conformity with the
doctrines laid forth in that platform, primaries were held, delegates were elected to county
conventions, and county conventions were held, and men received nomination for delegates to
this Convention, upon that platform, and that platform was the plank for woman suffrage. As
with the republican party, so it was with the democratic party, they enunciated the same
principles concerning this particular item in their declaration of principles. We accepted the
nomination under those provisions, the election was had, we entered no protest against it, and we
were elected. I hold that at that point then we passed a transition of right that to exercise our own
judgment as the accepting a delegated authority, it was no longer your opinion or my opinion, it
was the opinion of the people universally upon that question. It came to us as a trust, that we
should see that, so far as that provision was concerned, it should be carried out.
I then had accepted it with full knowledge of the situation; I had accepted it also with the belief that it was a right that woman was entitled to; it was as much an inherent right in her as it was in man. But as I said, I had questioned the wisdom. When we come here then, do we come here to set aside the judgment that has been given before? Do we come here to ignore the trust that has been reposed in us? Do we come here with a view of overlooking all that has been said and done in this matter, and fall back upon our individual judgment? I hold, Mr. Chairman and gentlemen of this Convention, that there was a sacred trust entrusted to us, that we had a certain delegated authority which we were supposed to magnify, and though it put statehood in jeopardy, would that justify us in deviating from the course which we have marked out? I would say let
statehood_like the able gentleman from Utah County remarked, in regard to expediency_go to
the dogs rather than betray the trust that has been reposed in us.
Mr. MACKINTOSH. May I ask the gentleman a question?
Mr. ELDREDGE. Yes, sir.
Mr. MACKINTOSH. Is there any thing in the republican platform that says, put it in the
Constitution_in the republican platform?
Mr. ELDREDGE. I believe the platform answers the gentleman's question.
Mr. MACKINTOSH. I say, is there anything in the republican platform
which says that it
shall be engrafted in the Constitution?
Mr. ELDREDGE. Yes, that we favored the question of equal suffrage.
Mr. MACKINTOSH. We can do that through the people in the Legislature or in any other way.
The question is, is a man betraying any trust by not voting for it here, and adopting it in the
Mr. ELDREDGE. But, says one, statehood_don't you want statehood? Yes, I want statehood. I
appreciate the sparkling gem. I appreciate the privileges and blessings that are to be enjoyed
under statehood. I see it dazzling before my vision constantly. But do I want statehood at the
sacrifice of honor?
This brings me back to the sentiments expressed in the minority report, and I trust gentlemen will
excuse me for referring to them, because I think that if there is any question lurking under a
cover, that here, and here alone, it should be brought to the front, and that if we had not had a
common understanding in the past, it is high time that we understood one another now.
(Reads minority report as follows:)
A widespread fear prevails, that, with the privileges restored (that is the privilege of woman suffrage) the old overwhelming forces would destroy the present equality of purpose; it always leads to confusion, if not tyranny, and awakens a terrible temptation on the part of those that ruled before to assume their sway of working upon the generous impulses and religious instincts of woman, which would result in political if not social and business ostracism of the minority.
I wonder, gentlemen of this committee, how far that feeling is shared with the non-Mormon element of this Territory. It is a question which produces the profound thought in my mind, I wonder to what extent that feeling is shared by the non-Mormon element of this Territory.
I supposed that when we divided upon party lines, and agreed to bury the differences and bitterness in which we had come through, that those things should lay dormant, and that we would march hand in hand to a common purpose, looking to the interests of the citizens of our
Territory, with a desire constantly in view of placing that star of Utah upon the glorious banner,
made more so because it was designed by woman, to take its place in common with the balance
of the states of the Union. But if there is a general lurking fear of this nature, we should probe it
to the very quick, and if there is anything in it we should recognize it, and if there is not, it should
be set aside and let the past be the past.
I am familiar with the history of this people, with the colonizing of this inter-mountain region.
From the earliest period of my remembrance, those grand old mountains stand in my vision. My
education, if it may be called such, was not acquired in colleges and institutions of learning. It
was acquired in this inter-mountain region by the humble fireside after a hard day's work, or in
these mountains after the close of the day's rustling with the timber, there, by a fireside upon
those broad prairies, after a hard day's march, with only the open canopy of heaven for my
covering; the people's sufferings and privations have been my sufferings and privations; their
hunger, in early days, has been my hunger, and I know the integrity of their hearts and of their
purposes. I know that they have come up through trying scenes of many a nature and of diverse
character, until we have reached that point where I was in hopes that the glorious sunlight which
has been so long within our vision, sparkling across the horizon, was here at our door; and then
to be confronted with such circumstances as we have here, makes me wonder, and it makes me
hesitate, and it makes me say, if those things are general, that probation should still be continued.
Gentlemen, now I can afford to wait as long as you can afford to wait, until the differences
and bitterness of the past have been buried beneath our feet, and that we have confidence in each
other to a reasonable and a proper extent at least. I am willing to say this much, gentlemen of this
Convention, and I would be willing to pledge my life, or what is more sacred to me, my honor,
that those conditions will never rise, unless it is in the interests of defense. Never. Let me ask, in
making selections of delegates to represent the people, whether it be in county conventions, or in
territorial conventions, or in constitutional conventions, has there, in any instance, been any
inclination on the part of the Mormon people to discriminate in any way against the non-Mormon
people? Has it been manifested? You can all, perhaps, answer this yourselves.
Have the Mormon people not been willing to accord, and that cheerfully, a full representation to
their non-Mormon brethren. If they had not it has not come to my observation. Now, let me turn
the question over. Has there been any disposition, at any time, or anywhere since the division
upon party lines, in which our non-Mormon brethren have laid plots, schemes, or sought to
devise measures_
Mr. RALEIGH. I wish to ask a question. I would like to ask the gentleman what non-Mormon or
Mormon has to do with this question before this Convention? I thought we had come here as
democrats and republicans.
Mr. ELDREDGE. I thought so myself. I will answer the gentleman of Salt Lake, and in answer to his question, I will call his attention to the report made upon this question that we are now discussing, and in that is developed a question which I think we should reach a full understanding upon. Turn it over and ask the other element if we are going to so consider it, if there has been any thing on that side, and let them answer that. Let's all answer. Then if we are satisfied that these fears here expressed are not general_and let me say right here, Mr. Chairman, the reason
that I have attached more importance to it perhaps than I would on other occasions, is because I
take into consideration the standing and the ability and the character of the gentlemen that made
the report. I suppose they are in a position to know and to understand at least to a reasonable
extent, the sentiments of their associates in a political way. I know that I am in a position to
understand and to know, and I judge them from my standpoint, and I believe that it is a fair
criterion to be governed by. So that if there is nothing afloat to justify these fears and these
misgivings, then let us let the past be the past and go on working for a common interest and a
common purpose; if there is anything to justify it, let us bring it to the front and have an
understanding that we may know in the future where we do stand. I am in favor of statehood, first
and last and all the time; providing the conditions are ripe for such a step in advance, and that we
can acquire it without sacrificing any principle or any honor. But under no other circumstances,
am I in favor of such a measure. I say, let us keep our pledges faithfully, let us fulfill, according
to our own declarations, which we have agreed to, and if it is not wisdom, the future will develop
that, if it should be wise, then all the better for us; our steps are not like the Medes and Persians;
though it may be a constitution and that constitution may be accepted and ratified by the people,
it is not to endure for all time; it is subject to improvements and amendments. The power that
was in the people to delegate us to create it still remains to delegate people to amend it. And,
therefore, I am in favor of the committee's report, and shall vote against the amendment.
Mr. EVANS (Weber.) Mr. Chairman, and gentlemen of the committee: in the language of the
great statesman, somewhat
paraphrased, I will say, sink or swim, live or die, survive or
perish, I am for equal suffrage. During the days of debate upon this question, conflicting views
have arisen among our delegates, and it is well enough after the storm of discussion, to pause a
moment and understand where we are. As I understand the question before this committee, it is
this: first, is it expedient that at this time we should insert a clause in the Constitution of our new
State giving women an equal right with men in the civil affairs of our government; and second,
will it degrade women and unsex them?
I will discuss the first briefly, somewhat in a line in reply to the distinguished gentleman from Davis County. He has expressed many admirable thoughts, but, gentlemen, to my mind, although he has discussed the question of logic, we shall see whether, in the light of the facts, it be logical or illogical. Some six or seven points have been made in their turn, all of which are expressive of a fear of endangering statehood for Utah. Woman suffrage is one, the fear of taxation another, the subject of prohibition another. The fear of an element in this Territory which exists in their midst, with respect to the old condition of affairs, is another. And so it is. What is it all when it is summed up together? It is a fear that Utah's statehood may be defeated. Gentlemen in eloquent terms declare that it is courageous to stand single handed and alone, an admirable and eloquent thought indeed; but gentlemen, is it true? I maintain that the courage in the discussion of this question is upon the part of those who are here insisting upon the right of woman to take her part in the political concerns of the government. Holland, Sweden, and Australia and Austria, and three of our states, give women suffrage either in whole or in part. In the nations first named, property classification alone is required, and in some thirteen other states, I believe, partial woman suffrage is given. Aside from these cases and localities, women have never exercised the right of franchise equal with men. The prejudices of the human race are against it and have been for ages past. Since the time that it was written in holy writ, that the desires of the wife should be
to her husband and he should rule over her_from that time to this that scriptural command has
been used against woman in the exercise of her rights of suffrage, in the civil affairs of
government. Does that mean that which gentlemen claim for it, that man shall rule over woman
in a political sense? Does it mean that man shall tyrannize over woman? Does it mean that she
shall not have equal rights with man in administering the government to whose laws she is as
amenable as men? I contend that no such construction can be placed upon it. Gentlemen of the
committee, the cause of these prejudices, ages after ages, has been transmitted to us, and
naturally we have prejudices against extending this right to woman.
Free thought better than the throne? Certainly it is; but, gentlemen, in our system of republican
government the voters at the polls are the kings, and the people who occupy the throne, and the
officer, is the servant of the people. If, then, it be true that in republican government and in
theory, men are the kings and the officers are their servants, why not also elevate woman in the
same sense to the throne to which she is entitled? I would rather give a free expression of thought
upon this question, although it be unpopular, than to occupy a throne. It is the unpopular side of
the question we are taking, gentlemen, and the distinguished gentleman is shrewd enough to
know it. Get outside of particular localities where we are_the particular circle in which we move,
and the sentiment is against the progress we are about to take in this Convention. But
gentlemen say it will imperil the Constitution. Imperil the Constitution, will it? How can it
imperil it? The intimation is thrown out that the President of the United States will withhold his
signature, or rather his proclamation. What right or power has the executive of this nation to
withhold the proclamation, the result of the vote upon the Constitution? The Enabling Act, under
which we are here assembled and organized, expressly provides that when the Constitution shall
have been submitted to the people, and if it be ratified by their votes, it shall be the duty of the
President of the United States to declare the result. It is merely a perfunctory duty upon his part.
It would be that of tyranny and oppression, were he to withhold the proclamation. And whatever
else may be said of Grover Cleveland, he is one of those men, gentlemen, who has the courage to
do that which is right, and I would therefore dispel the idea which seems to be prevailing among
the people that it might endanger statehood to insert the section proposed by the committee. I
join, however, my views with those who say that if it be right that woman should occupy her
place in the government of the new State, I would have the courage to stand by my pledges and
by my principles and would relegate myself with the balance of the people of Utah back into a
territorial vassalage. Talk about fears when we are doing right! Suppose at the time that we were
struggling for independence against the great powers of Europe that Washington would have
said, I fear some danger if we take this important step for liberty? What did Patrick Henry do
when he hurled his slogan at the head of George the Third, Give me liberty or give me death?
Why not, then, stand in his place and say to the suffering colonies pleading and demanding their rights of representation in a free government: I fear that if we demand it that the gallows might be our lot. Gentlemen, suppose at the time that the colonies were in Valley Forge, that their leaders, they had feared the greatest nation on earth, England, the mistress of the seas and pride of the world, with munitions of war and trained soldiers_suppose we had in those days men standing in holy fear of the great power which they were contending against, to-day, we would have been in a position of dependency; but men did not take that course at that time; they were courageous, patriotic and fearless, as men ought to be in this Convention.
Why, gentlemen of the committee, the only question to consider, is it right? The gentleman from Davis says that the franchise is not right. In legal contemplation it is not. He is right with respect to that matter. He is right when he says that legal writers have laid it down as an indisputable principle that franchise is a privilege; but, gentlemen, that is with respect to the execution of the laws. We are here in a different capacity. We are collected together here for the purpose of laying the foundation of the fundamental law. Cooley says:
These rights cannot be demanded as a right_neither inalienable or naturally; they cannot be made so without constitutional provision.
That is what we are here for; to lay the foundation and to insert in the fundamental law of the land a provision by which woman has the right_the inalienable and indefeasible right to occupy a place in the civil affairs of our government. We are now making the fundamental law upon which all other laws must revolve as mere satellites and limitation upon others, and, if this be inserted in the Constitution, it is as much the right of a woman then to vote as it is the right of any individual to have a jury of his peers when charged with crime. It is as much a right then as any right which was ever taken from the golden casket of liberty. It will {503} then be one of the jewels set in the coronet of the new State, and she can say, like man, It is my right and I will exercise it.
But, gentlemen, the distinguished gentleman was very fair_extremely fair; he says whether this
provision be inserted in the Constitution or not, he will be found upon the stump, everywhere
advocating its adoption. He is so very fair about it, that it seems to me that there can be no
objection at all to that. It reminds me about a little story of a jovial fellow once, who had been
out a little late; he had taken a little too much spirits for his moral or physical welfare. On the
way home it became necessary to hold to the railings of the fence as he staggered along; he came
to a gate which opened into a graveyard; swinging around by the gate he soon fell behind an old
fashioned tombstone, and fell into a deep sleep. In the morning a funeral procession came into
the graveyard, headed by the clergyman reading from the ritual, Even as in Adam all shall die,
so in Christ shall all be made alive.
The fellow roused up and says, Well, that's a fair enough proposition, sure enough.
Gentlemen, if it is fair_if it is fair to work for this provision in the Constitution, whether it be
inserted there or not, it resolves itself back to the same question, is it fair? Is it fair that women
should exercise this right which we propose to give them? I might quote another passage of
scripture, although I am not much of a divine, which might be applicable somewhat to the
gentleman from Davis, and probably one of the things which he might fear. I believe that Isaiah
once prophesied that, as to my people their children shall be their oppressors, and women shall
rule over them. [Laughter.]
I wonder if it is that fear that exists in the mind of my esteemed friend that he opposes so strenuously this proposition. But, gentlemen, let me proceed a little further. Is not it true that this is a reform which we propose to here adopt? If it be a reform, then is not it also true that every reform which has ever been practised or carried on in the history of the world, was carried on by
those shining lights of courage? Courage is what is wanted here, and I doubt not but the
committee will take the step when the time shall arrive.
I will leave the question of expediency now just for a moment, and I will go into the question of
the right of woman to exercise the franchise as well as the man. Gentlemen, as I understand the
argument, it is this: that if woman be given this right it will drag her down from the exalted
pinnacle of admiration where she is placed in the estimation of man; that it will drag her into the
mire of politics; that it will unsex her. If those were true, then I would oppose woman suffrage,
and so would every other man. The only trouble about it, gentlemen, is, is the premise itself
right? That is the question to consider. I care not now whether you consider the question of
platform or not; for my own individual part, I would absolve every man from any party pledge he
has made, I would not begrudgingly extend the right of franchise to the opposite sex if it is not
right that she should have it, and if I believed it was not right that she should have it, I would cast
my vote against it irrespective of platforms. It was once said by Senator Hill, I believe, that
political platforms were like the platforms of a car, made to get in on and not to ride on. Some
men regard platforms of parties in that light. My distinguished friend says, they are like the
shifting clouds in the sky, shifting here and there and everywhere, for the purpose of political
gain and advantage. For my own part, so far as our platform is concerned, upon which we stand, I
believed it was right when it was passed; I participated in its formation, and voted for its
adoption. I
believed then that it was right; I believe that it was right before; I believe that it
is right now. But, so far as those platforms are concerned individually, I would absolve any man
from them upon this important question. But there is one thing, gentlemen, that we ought to do to
be consistent with ourselves, being members of a political party where the representatives of the
parties come together, and, in the same convention declare for an important principle. I think that
if any gentleman in that party does not believe in the platform, that he ought to make it known. I
believe in honesty to his constituents and the people; he should say he cannot stand on it. Not
made an issue, so my distinguished friend says. Not made an issue? Of course it was not, simply
because both political parties declared in favor of it. There was no chance to join an issue on this
question. My republican friends, I give you my right hand of fellowship, and for one I stand here
not only for the honor of myself, but for the honor of my party and for the people of Utah. Will it
drag woman into the mire of politics? Can it do it? Why, the report of the minority committee is
to the effect that women in intellectual attainments are the equals of men. Indeed, their report
goes on to say that they are better; but they do not want to drag them into the mire of politics. Let
us put the proposition this way, gentlemen, you should oppose woman suffrage, and let us see
whether it is logical or not to oppose it. If women are the equal of men in intellectual attainments,
and are better in point of morality, why not logically disfranchise men and give women the right
to carry on the affairs of this government?
Is it to be argued that the worst element of society is to carry on this government? That is the logical conclusion; but, gentlemen, neither is the case. There are good men, there are bad women; there are bad men and there are good women; in my opinion, it is a question of what they are by right entitled to have. If they are entitled to this right of franchise, it makes no difference whether a portion of them be good and a portion of them be bad, or whether they all be good or better than men. Will any gentleman say to me that it is degrading for me to walk side by side with my mother to the polls to cast my ballot with her? Would any gentleman insist that it would be
demoralizing that I should go with my sister or my wife; that we should consult with each other
with respect to the administration of the affairs of government, and make up our minds to vote?
Why, gentlemen, think of it, slavery was the real cause of the civil war; it was so stated by
General Grant in his memoirs.
This country was racked from center to circumference in the preservation of the Union, and for
the purpose of liberating millions of people from bondage and from slavery. A constitutional
guaranty was given these people concerning the elective franchise; even the Enabling Act under
which we are assembled here to-day gives that class of people the right of the elective franchise.
It gives the Indian_aborigines of this country_the right when he severs his tribal relations and is
taxed. Under our institution and form of government, the drunken bum in the rut can walk
proudly to the polls and cast his ballot whether it be venial or honest. Men charged and convicted
of crime have the right to vote, and yet, in the midst of all this, even in this enlightened age and
period of time, we say that woman shall not have the right. Gentlemen, is there any consistency
in this?
My position is that it will purify politics, that it will not degrade women, it will elevate them,
cause them to think and reflect upon the institutions of our
country that we will march on
to a higher civilization and a better government.
But, gentlemen, upon this question, when it comes to discussing it upon its merits, I believe that
no reason has yet been given why woman should not have the suffrage. If any reason has been
given it does not appeal to my mind. Some men say it would endanger the question of
prohibition, if women have it, and that is one of the arguments, I believe, used in the minority
report. While I am not in favor of prohibition, if women have the right to vote, and if they desire
prohibition, why should not they have it? I see that amuses my friend on my left.
Mr. ROBERTS. Excuse me, it was not I who laughed.
Mr. EVANS (Weber). Oh, it is a government of the people. If the people desire to put better
restrictions upon that traffic, have not they the right to do it? Would it be in the interest of
morality and a better form of government, and a better state of society? Gentlemen, talk about
selfish purposes, and about political aspirations. I care nothing about it, but other gentlemen have
selfish purposes for opposing the right of women to vote. Gentlemen, upon this question, I
believe, upon my honor, that the people of Utah would dishonor themselves were they to deny
this right under the circumstances. I vote for the proposition as inserted in the majority report, I
would vote until the last vote expired. I would vote for our homes and our futures, I would vote
for equal suffrage and in our native land.
Mr. WHITNEY. Mr. Chairman, I have listened with no common interest to what I consider one of the greatest debates which it has fallen to my lot to hear; and I do not rise to contribute my quota of argument because I deem it necessary that I should speak in order to decide this question. It is not so much from a desire to be heard, as it is to respect the wishes and respond to the requests of certain of my friends, that I now take part in this discussion. To me it is battle of destiny that is in progress, and the battles of destiny are won before they are fought. The success
of the movement for woman suffrage is a foregone conclusion; and were it not that gentlemen
may wish, as I do, to respond to the requests of their friends and place themselves on record in
this connection, I opine that not many more would impose on the patience of the Convention.
I have listened enraptured to the eloquent periods that have rolled forth from the lips of the gifted
men who have preceded me, and have spoken upon either side of this question. I was particularly
charmed with the eloquent remarks of the gentleman from Davis County, Mr. Roberts, whom I
not only admire as a gifted man, but esteem as a personal friend_sincere, I believe, in the position
he has assumed, and anxious only to defend the right as he sees it. I could not but admire the
courage with which he faced a frowning multitude, and withstood the onslaughts of a
multitudinous foe. While he was speaking my mind scanned the pages of history in quest of some
hero with whom to compare him. I thought of Horatius at the Roman bridge, standing single-
handed and alone, beating back the Tuscan legions advancing to attack the Eternal City; and I
fain would have compared my friend to that hero of antiquity. But I could not; because Horatius
was fighting for freedom, and in my opinion my eloquent but mistaken friend was fighting
against it. [Applause].
I went back farther into the past. I thought of Leonidas and his three hundred Spartans, defending
the pass of Thermopylae against the overwhelming hordes of Persians, sweeping down like an
avalanche upon his native land. I wanted to compare him to that hero_one of the noblest in
history_but again I was met by the reflection that
Leonidas fought and fell in a battle for
liberty, and I was convinced that my friend from Davis County was taking part in no such
engagement. [Applause.]
Then I remembered a little anecdote_one that is doubtless trite and common-place to you all. A
bull was feeding in a pasture through which a railway track extended, along which an express
train was advancing at lightning speed. The bull got upon the track and tried to prevent the train
from passing. He did not seem to know what was coming, and preferring his free thought to a
throne [laughter], planted himself squarely in the way of the invincible power that came rushing
and roaring on. The bull, I say, did not seem to know what was coming, but the farmer, his
owner, did [laughter], and with a gasp of astonishment, mingled with admiration he exclaimed:
Well I admire your courage, but d--n your judgment. [Laughter and applause.]
But I did not like to compare my friend to a dumb animal; he had given convincing proof that he
was not dumb; and though there was once an animal that spake [laughter], the property of one
Balaam [renewed laughter], it spake by inspiration from on high, so that I could not compare it to
the gentleman from Davis County. [Laughter and applause.]
Finally my mind, coming down to modern times, rested upon a scene made memorable in history, and I thought I had at last found the object of my search_a proper subject for comparison. Imagination pictured that eventful day_June 18, 1815_when the allied armies, the representatives of banded nations, stood facing upon the field of Waterloo one bold, independent, desperate man, embodying in his person the imperial despotism from which Europe struggled to be free. During the first day's discussion of this question, I thought I saw enacted before my eyes the scenes of that memorable occasion. I heard the thunder of the cannon, belching death and destruction
across the narrow valley from mountain to mountain. I saw the French march up the slope and
attack the English squares. There were charges and counter-charges. I heard the Prussian trumpet
blow, and the patter of their bullets as they fell in the midst of the fray. I saw the Old Guard make
its last charge and foam itself away. Then the Wellingtons and Bluchers arose; the cry was,
Up guards and at them! and down the slopes pell-mell rushed the overwhelming, irresistible
force of victors flinging themselves upon the vanquished. I had thought of taking part in the
action, but remembering what history has to say of those who pursued the flying French,
slaughtering for the mere love of slaughter, I could not convince myself that it was my duty to
pursue, Blucher-like, with sword in hand, an already defeated enemy. I supposed that the battle
was over, that the issue involved was decided; but it seems that I was mistaken. I had not been
witnessing Waterloo at all. It was the defeat at Leipsic that I beheld, and the fleeing Napoleon
was but banished to Elba, and not to St. Helena. He returned, insisting that he had not been
conquered, and entered upon another campaign. Then we had a Waterloo indeed, and all these
scenes were re-enacted.
Standing here to-day, not as a participant in the strife, but rather as some wandering Childe
Harold, musing upon the battlefield, treading this place of skulls, the grave of ambitious hopes
and desires, I feel more like moralizing than fightfng the battle over again.
There was one thing in the eloquent oration of the gentleman from Davis County that I did not
much admire. He may not have meant it, and if he disclaims it, I shall accept his disclaimer. But
running all through his remarks was the seeming imputation that all who opposed him and stood
with the majority upon this question, in favor of woman suffrage, were actuated
motives less noble and honorable than his own. He alone stood for principle, towering like a
colossus in the midst of the debris surrounding him, while we who differed from him were
merely indulging in maudlin sentiment, seeking for women's smiles, reaching after laurel
wreaths with which, it was intimated, fair hands were waiting to bedeck our brows. I have seen
no laurel wreaths distributed. I saw a bouquet of roses yesterday [laughter] standing upon the
table at my left (Mr. Roberts' place). I presume it was put there for Mr. Thurman (Mr. Roberts'
near neighbor), since he is one of those who have been reaching after such things [laughter], but I
noticed that it was Mr. Roberts who walked away with it after adjournment. [Renewed laughter
and applause].
I know not what reasons the gentleman has for thinking that his opponents are actuated by selfish
and sordid motives. But I wish to say to him, and to all, that because a man stands alone, in the
midst of the wreck of matter and the crash of worlds, that of itself is no sure sign that he is
right, or more sincere and honest than his fellows. I grant you that in most of the great crises of
history the minority have been right and the majority wrong. The grandest heroes are generally
found among the few. One of our American poets has said:
Count me o'er earth's chosen heroes,_
They were souls who stood alone,
While the men they agonized for
Hurled the contumelious stone,
Stood serene, and down the future
Saw the golden beam incline
To the side of perfect justice,
Mastered by their faith divine,
By one man's plain truth to manhood
And to God's supreme design.
But it is not always so. Majorities are sometimes right, and their voice is then the voice of God. When Sumter was fired on, and the shots discharged at that devoted fortresse choed round the world, it was the minority that spoke, and that minority was in the wrong. But when the great North arose in its might, and buckling on its armor burst like a whirlwind of conquering wrath upon the advocates and supporters of secession, it was the voice of the majority_the voice of Omnipotence that declared: The Union must and shall be preserved. [Applause.]
And when it became necessary, after ninety years of waiting, to make good the promise virtually
pledged by the patriot founders of the nation, and the edict went forth that struck from the wrists
of millions of slaves the fetters which bound them, and which had not been removed,
notwithstanding the great declaration of freedom, it was the fiat of the Almighty that blazed from
the lips of Lincoln, and it was the voice of the majority of the people that said Amen.
The heroes of romance are always in the minority. The hero of the great epic, Paradise Lost, is
not the Eternal Father, sitting upon His throne surrounded by numberless concourses of angels;
not the Only Begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth; not the archangel, Michael, invincible
in battle, with two-thirds of the hosts of heaven at his back. Neither of these is the hero of
Paradise Lost. It is Lucifer, the fallen, that bold, brave, independent spirit who dared look the
omnipotent tyrant in his everlasting face and tell him that his evil was not good. He is the hero
of the poem, the one toward whom the current of romantic sentiment naturally tends. But was he
right? Because he stood alone, or with the minority, because he dug his own grave and went
down into the depths with the heavens weeping over his fall, was he right or any more sincere
than those who opposed him?
Were Lee, Jackson and Beauregard right because they fought upon the weaker side, and, in the
eyes of the romancist, are the heroes of our great civil strife? No; let the current of generous
sympathy go out to them as it will, let the romancist choose his heroes where he may, the
fact remains that they were wrong, and the Grants, Shermans and Sheridans were the instruments
of Providence to put them down. It was the voice of the minority that spoke at Sumter, but it was
the voice of the majority that thundered at Shiloh, Gettysburg and Appomattox.
Majorities, I repeat, are sometimes right, and I believe the majority upon this floor are right when
they say, we will put woman suffrage in the Constitution; we will strike the fetters from the
wrists of our wives, mothers, sisters and daughters; we will grant them the boon already granted
to the black man under the pledge of the declaration that all men are created equal and that
governments derive their just powers from the consent of the governed; we will take one more
step in the mighty march of human liberty, which has been sweeping down the ages from the
dawn of time even until now.
All the arguments against woman suffrage, however plausible, however sincere they may be, are simply pleas for non-progression. The eloquent notes that have been sounded here, while they
please the ear and charm the senses, are not harmonious with the morning stars. They are not in
tune with the march of human advancement. I stand for progress and not for stagnation. I believe
that politics can be and will be something more than a filthy pool in which depraved men love to
wallow. It is a noble science the_science of government_and it has a glorious future. And I
believe in a future for woman, commensurate with the progress thereby indicated. I do not
believe that she was made merely for a wife, a mother, a cook, and a housekeeper. These
callings, however honorable_and no one doubts that they are so_are not the sum of her
capabilities. While I agree with all that is true and beautiful in the portrayals that have been made
of woman's domestic virtues and the home sphere, and would be as loath as anyone to have her
lose that delicacy and refinement, that femininity which has been so deservedly lauded, I do not
agree that this would necessarily follow, that she could not engage in politics and still retain
those lovable traits which we so much admire. I believe the day will come when through that
very refinement, the elevating and ennobling influence which woman exerts, in conjunction with
other agencies that are at work for the betterment of the world, all that is base and unclean in
politics_which when properly understood and practised is as high above the chicanery of the
political trickster as heaven is above hades_will be burnt and purged away, and the great result
will justify woman's present participation in the cause of reform. It is not a sufficient answer to
sneeringly inquire, how all this wonderful improvement is to be brought about? Even folly may
ask questions that wisdom cannot answer. Reformers always build better than they know. It is
Providence that directs their labors and guides them to their result. It is woman's destiny to have
a voice in the affairs of government. She was designed for it. She has a right to it. This great
social upheaval, this woman's movement that is making itself heard and felt, means something
more than that certain women are ambitious to vote and hold office. I regard it as one of the great
levers by which the Almighty is lifting up this fallen world, lifting it nearer to the throne of its
Creator. What matters it if in the process some corrupt institutions perish, some antiquated errors
are set aside, some narrow notions destroyed that are held by those who assume to know already
what is the acme of woman's civilization and refinement? Let the fittest survive, What have we
to fear? Let truth and falsehood grapple.
We will crown the brows of the victor and say:
You were worthy to survive.
Much has been said of the subversion of the domestic empire if woman takes part in politics. She cannot tamper with its filth and not befoul herself_she will not lift it up, but it will drag her down, we are told. My eloquent friend, in one of his most beautiful similes, spoke of two rivers, the Mississippi and the Missouri, one clear and sparkling mingling its pure waters with the turbid tide of the other, and in answer to the hypothetical argument that the muddy stream was never so muddy afterwards, he replied: No, but neither was the clear and sparkling stream ever clear again. And there he left it. He did not tell you that those streams, those blended rivers were on their way to the ocean, where all that was muddy and unclean would sink to the bottom where it belongs, while all that was sparkling and clear would mingle with the limpid tide of the self- purifying, unpolluted sea_the image of eternity, the throne of the invisible. [Applause.] Who pretends_not I_that man of himself, or that woman of herself, is conducting this great march of progress? There are some men who recognize an overruling Providence, a divine plan and purpose, as broad and as pure as the ocean, and into which all the rivers of human thought and action run. Whatever they may be before, they ultimately blend with and subserve that divine purpose, swelling the success of the perfect plan into which they flow. Having passed through
that, rest assured they will be made pure.
When Stephenson built his first railroad, inaugurating the great improvement that has since
revolutionized the world, he was compelled to cross a miry marsh, an almost bottomless pit, into
which tons upon tons of solid matter were thrown before the roadbed at that point could be
constructed and the track laid thereon. But that roadbed to-day is as solid as the eternal hills, and
along that track, covering that once miry marsh, now speed triumphantly the trains that bear the
commerce of a nation. So shall it be with the work of political reform. Politics is down in the
mire, where great reforms are ofttimes obliged to begin their work, but the future shall see arise
upon the sunken foundation walls of beauty and towers of splendor that shall glitter with the
glory of the skies. It is only by descending below all things that we can hope to rise above all
I take the ground_notwithstanding all that has been said upon this floor and elsewhere_that the
elective franchise, or the underlying principle thereof, is a right, an inherent, God-given right. It
existed before governments were formed, before constitutions were heard of. It does not depend
upon ink and parchment. The doctrine that governments derive their just powers from the
consent of the governed, was true before the immortal Jefferson blazoned it with pen of flame. It
was true ere the morning stars sang together, ere the sons of God_ay, and the daughters of
God_shouted for joy over the birth of the infant world. Men are more than constitutions.
Before man made us citizens, great Nature made us men and women, with rights inherent,
God-given, which governments cannot confer, especially a government which possesses no
power but what it derives from the people. The right to consent to be governed is such a right,
and it is the right embodied in the elective franchise.
It has been claimed that the declaration in Genesis concerning woman, that her desire should be
unto her husband, and he should rule over her, is no part of the curse pronounced upon her, but
simply the divine arrangement respecting the mutual relations of the sexes. Grant it; what then?
Man rules over
woman, but it is her desire that he should do so. Hence she consents to the
arrangement, and exercises her inherent right in so doing. Is it unreasonable to suppose that she
was consulted before that arrangement was made?
She votes yes or no upon the proposition as to who shall rule her in the household, when she
accepts or rejects an offer of marriage.
The gentleman from Sanpete (Mr. Lund) would find that a woman could say no, and mean it, if
he were to take the advice of the gentleman from Utah County (Mr. Boyer) and propose, with all
his anti-suffrage notions, to one of that gentleman's daughters. [Laughter.]
Woman exercises this right in the family. Why should she not exercise it in the state? Is not the
family the type of the state? Man is truly the head of the woman, as Christ is the head of the
church, but not without her consent. Even the church has the right to consent as to who shall
preside over it.
I am not sure but the gentleman from Davis County believes as much as I do in the right of
women to vote under certain circumstances. On the 6th of April, 1830, a little band of disciples
assembled at a farm house in Fayette, Seneca County, New York, and organized the church to
which many of the gentlemen surrounding me, and I myself, belong. It is a popular idea that only
six were present when that church was organized. This is a mistake. The laws of the state of New
York required that at least six persons should compose a religious society, and six men were
known and named in this organization; but they were not the only ones who took part in the
proceedings. Forty or fifty persons were present, including a number of women, and before the
first thing was done, before the founder of the church took his place at its head, he asked that
little congregation if they were willing to accept him as their spiritual leader, and if they were
willing to be organized as a religious body. The record says: Unanimous consent being given,
the purpose of the meeting was effected. Women voted there as well as men.
Many years later, on the banks of the Mississippi, the founder of this church called together the
women of his people and said that the time had come_for he had turned the key_when woman
should take her place beside her brother man and participate more fully in the affairs of the
church government. The object of the meeting was to organize the women of the church. They
were to have their presidents, secretaries, and separate though subordinate organizations, over
which women were to preside, as President Smith and his counselors presided over the entire
body. From that time until the present, these institutions have existed, and the doctrine of
common consent has prevailed among this people. Twice a year they meet in their conferences
and vote upon the various propositions laid before them, vote with the uplifted hand, and the
women vote as well as the men. I bear in mind a certain occasion when I held up my hand with
peculiar pleasure to signify my assent to the selection for a high ecclesiastical office of my
esteemed friend from Davis County, and I noticed, as I looked over the vast sea of faces
composing that congregation, that probably two-thirds of them were women_holding up their
hands to elect a man who, upon the floor of this Convention, says that women ought not to be
permitted to vote. He declares them incapable of independent action, and thinks they ought to be
satisfied with being represented at the polls and in public life by their husbands who vote and
hold office.
Our friend is not only an accomplished orator, he is a talented author as well. He has written
books, the object of which was to show_what I have also heard him thunder from the pulpit with
as much earnestness and eloquence as
he has here displayed_that it is the right and
privilege of every soul, man or woman, to answer for itself before the bar of God. I never heard
him proclaim, till now, that woman, be she wife or maid, was not in a position to act
independently, either in church or in state. Why, the very genius of his religion teaches to the
contrary. Women are free, as they ought to be, and no man by plunging into hell, can drag down
with him the faithful and pure wife who stands at his side. She is a free moral agent, and can
either ascend to heights of glory or descend into abysses of despair, let him take what course he
A word here in explanation, lest some one should say that I am advocating a union of church and state, the blending of religious and political functions. I am not. I advocate no such idea, though I believe that politics owes much to religion. What of the Mosaic law, for instance, the foundation of modern jurisprudence? All down the ages the church has taught the state good and correct
principles, and it has adopted them. Whence came our idea of republican government? Was it not
suggested, in part at least, by the Calvinistic principle of church government_the right of the
congregation to elect its own ministers, instead of having them appointed by the pope of Rome or
by kings and emperors? That idea sprang from Calvinism, permeated Switzerland, France,
Holland, Great Britain, and was brought by the pilgrim fathers to the shores of the New World.
There is little doubt that it helped to give form and color to the institutions of the American
My argument is that we can afford to follow a good example, and accept truth from whatever
source it comes. If the church can afford to be liberal, and not only recognize but permit the
exercise of woman's inherent right to a voice in the election of those who rule her, why cannot
the state afford to be equally liberal? Why deny to her in the state what she enjoys in the
family_which, I repeat, is the type of the state_and what the church, the elder sister of the state, is
willing she should enjoy?
I am speaking, not to democrats, not to republicans; I am not speaking as a partisan for party
ends. I am speaking as an American to Americans; not to that class who, it is said, fled from the
tyranny of the old world that they might worship God according to the dictates of their
consciences and compel everybody else to do likewise; but to descendants of those who fought
and bled for freedom and bequeathed it as a sacred legacy to mankind; being willing that others
should enjoy the same rights that they secured for themselves. I hope I am speaking to lovers of
liberty, to champions of progress, who comprehend and appreciate the divine mission and destiny
of their country_America.
_A land of liberty,
A home of peace and human brotherhood,
Where men should equal stand, a sovereign host,
Nor owe to haughty birth their high degree;
Where merit's star o'er mammon's might ascend,
Where brain and brawn should blood and birth outweigh,
Where law should liberty and life defend,
And tyranny be traitor to the realm;
Where right, not might, should mon-arch rise and reign
O'er all that breathed or blossomed 'neath the sun;
Where, linked in chain of loving unity_
The only chain that freedom's land could bind_
A sisterhood of empires, hand in hand
Timing their steps to truth's triumphal tread,
Might march to music of Millennial strains;
Glad harbinger of still more glorious state_
The welding of the nations' world-wide chain,
With freedom's ensign waving over all.
This land, which God gave to our forefathers, was, as I believe, the predestined site of a government that was expected to set an example to all the {512} world; standing as a goddess in the midst of the earth, holding aloft the torch of truth to kindle and illumine the nations. It was founded for the many, not merely for a few, and no class should have a monopoly of its
Is true freedom but to break
Fetters for our own dear sake,
And with leathern hearts forget
That we owe mankind a debt?
No; true freedom is to share
All the chains our brothers wear,
And with heart and hand to be
Earnest to make others free.
This was written for the black man; but why not apply it to the white woman, and the black woman? [Applause].
America, the champion and exemplar of freedom! How can she go forth to evangelize the
nations, to liberate the world, with gyves upon her wrists, with half of her own children in
And now a word, which I do not mean to be offensive, in relation to a remark made by my friend,
which I was somewhat shocked to hear. It shows to what desperate straits he was reduced, that he
must use an argument which he himself was compelled to discredit and cast into the waste-
basket. He only gave it time to be noted down in the hearts and minds of those whom he wished
to convert, and then he discarded it, for he felt ashamed of it; and I must add that his shame did
him more credit than his argument. He said, in reference to what he termed an invasion of
ladies, who came into the Convention in response to the hearty and wholesouled invitation of its
members, extending to them that courtesy; that if they could have heard the gibes and jeers that
he had heard concerning them, they would have hung their heads in shame. Some one had said to
him, quoting:
They are neither man nor woman,
They are neither brute nor human,
They are ghouls.
Let me emphasize what I have already stated, that the gentleman only repeated what had been quoted and applied by another, and that he himself discredited the application. He avowed_and I believe him_that he has the highest respect for these same ladies. But it seems to me that he could have shown his respect for them far better by refraining from the repetition of the slanderous saying, than by giving it utterance upon this floor.
Who are these ladies that have presented their petitions here, who have listened with the greatest
respect to the remarks made by the honorable gentleman and by others who have spoken? They
are intelligent, high-minded women, Mormon and Gentile, among the purest, noblest and best of
the land. [Applause.] They are here to listen to this debate because it affects them to the heart's
core. They are interested in the discussion of a question fraught with so much for woman and her
I do not ask for their smiles, their laurel wreaths, their bouquets of roses. I ask only to be considered sincere. I speak from a heart where the conviction of truth sits enthroned as regards this question, and I thank you for bearing with me so long and permitting me to voice the sentiments of my soul.
I believe in woman suffrage. I have always believed in it. I look upon it as another step, another
impulse of humanity toward perfection. Its success is assured. Victory, anticipating the
inevitable, has always perched upon its banners. Its course cannot be staid. As well try to check
the mountain torrent, or the mighty waters of the Mississippi, thundering onward to the sea. Its
triumph is decreed. Its destiny is fixed. It is the march of human liberty, the pageant of eternal
progress; and those who will not join it must stand aside and see the great procession sweep on
without them. [Applause.] And if this Convention fails to act favorably
upon this
proposition, some future Convention will so act, and gazing upon our record with reproach, will
crown her brows with the glory we have denied. [Applause.]
Mr. BOYER. Mr. Chairman, I now move that the committee rise and report progress.
Mr. BUTTON. Mr. Chairman, I move that we take a recess until 2:30.
Mr. BOYER. Mr. Chairman, I do not desire to insist on this matter; the object I have is this, to
rise and report and then take an adjournment until Monday. I desire to move for an adjournment
until Monday at 10 o'clock. I will not insist. I will withdraw the motion.
The committee then took a recess until 2:30 o'clock p. m.
Afternoon session.
Mr. SQUIRES. I had not expected, Mr. Chairman and gentlemen of the committee, to take up
any of your time in discussing the subject now before the Convention. I believe with the
distinguished gentleman from Davis County, that the matter was fixed before any debate was had
upon this floor, and in the interest of economy of time, I should have been glad if we could have
gone to a vote without this display of oratory which has charmed every member of the
Convention. But I have noticed that in the debate thus far, there are very few who come from the
anti-Mormon side of the community of Utah, that have been heard upon this subject, and it is for
that reason that I want a little of the time of the Convention, representing that side of the house.
There is another reason why I deem it useless to make any remarks here; the reason given by the
gentleman from Davis in his speech of the first day, that it was useless to reason with men who
were already convinced and who had already reached a conclusion. From the pertinacity with
which the minority of this Convention have pushed the debate upon this subject, it is evident to
my mind that they are as absolutely convinced and have their minds as well made up as have the
majority of the Convention, and therefore, I believe that arguments addressed to those gentlemen
will be as useless as they deem their arguments are on the majority of the Convention.
I had supposed, Mr. Chairman, that after the eloquent speech of the gentleman from Davis, (Mr. Roberts,) on yesterday in which he magnified and glorified the women of Utah, pointing out to
them what their proper sphere of usefulness in society should be; that the representatives of that
womanhood who were present in this Convention would join hands and say, Gentlemen, we
relieve you of your obligation, we withdraw the petition which we have sent to this Convention,
we are all convinced that the suffrage should not be extended to woman, and we would not
embarrass the great question which is now before the Territory, the question of statehood, by
cumbering up the Constitution with an article of this sort. But, to my surprise, sir, the ladies
universally and unanimously disclaim that they have been converted by the eloquent speech of
the gentleman from Davis. I therefore hold myself just as much bound as though the magnificent
argument had never been uttered. I do not agree, Mr. Chairman, with some of the gentlemen who
have spoken on this floor in regard to the duty which we owe, the obligations we are under to
party platforms. For my part a party platform is not to me what the distinguished gentleman from
New York City said, something to get in on but not to ride on. I believe, sir, that the platforms
at least of the republican party mean what they say. There is no useless timber in the platforms
which that party constructs. I was a member of the convention at Provo, although I was not on
committee on resolutions, and had no hand
or voice in framing that declaration of
principles. I gave my hearty adhesion, and during all the campaign that followed, wherever I
went through this county, speaking in behalf of the republican party, I took that platform for my
text, and for my guide, and I did promise the women of this county that if the republican party
should be in a majority in this Convention the women of Utah would be honored by that
Constitution, and suffrage would be granted to them as we had promised. I am not in a position
sir, to take the back track, I cannot reverse myself, I stand on record for, and however much I
desire or might desire to waver or to weaken upon this proposition, after it has been reinforced as
it has been in this Convention, by petition after petition coming from county after county,
petitions from those who are to be benefitted by this proposition I cannot withdraw. I believe that
these women know what they want, and if they are as our minority committee tell us in this
report upon this proposition_if they are better than men, if their instincts are truer, if they are
intellectually superior, as gentlemen on this floor have been willing to say, then, sir, I am willing
to believe that the intelligence which they possess has taught them that the very best thing that
the womanhood of Utah can have is the ballot, and I am ready to accord it to them.
I remember, sir, that after the convention was held at Provo, and after this plank had been written
in the republican platform, that the gentlemen who represent the other political party in this
Territory pointed out to us how utterly meaningless it was. Gentlemen have told me these two
days, upon the floor of this Convention, that I ought to know that the party did not mean anything
when they wrote that plank in their platform. I do know this, sir, that the democratic party were
so much afraid of that platform that when they met in Salt Lake City a few days afterward and
wrote out their own declaration of principles that should be a guide for their speakers during the
campaign, they attempted to improve upon that plank.
I was present in that convention as an interested spectator, and I remember the scene that was enacted there. I remember that the ladies who belonged as members of that convention were so eager in support of this proposition, that they, themselves, went upon the stage and thanked the convention, pointing out the difference in the meaningless plank in the Provo platform, and this broad and just proposition which had just been adopted by that convention; and all through that campaign, sir, from the beginning to the end, in every part of this Territory, the effort was put
forth by the democratic speakers to show the people that the one meant everything and the other
meant nothing. Well, my republican friends in this Convention, are you ready to tell the people of
this Territory that our democratic friends were right? Are you ready to tell them that you did
mean nothing when you put this plank in your platform? If you are, then vote that way. Myself, I
believed in it from the time it was put in the platform until the election was over. Let me ask you,
gentlemen, supposing at Provo you had not indorsed equal suffrage for women; and suppose that
this same scene had been enacted in Salt Lake City, do you believe that the republicans would
have been a majority of this Convention? I do not believe that there is a man within the sound of
my voice that believes it. Why not? Because the people of this Territory wanted woman suffrage,
and if the members of my own political party who are to-day criticising and finding fault with
those who stand upon this floor in defense of this proposition, who change their mind upon the
subject_there have been twenty-six legislative
days here in which they could have
presented petitions to that effect, but up to the present time, so far as I know, not a single petition
or remonstrance has reached this Convention. Therefore, gentlemen, I feel just as much bound to
that platform to-day as I did when it was adopted.
Gentlemen have said that we are starting off in this Territory upon new lines, we are just
beginning to teach the people politics. Well, shall we teach them as the first lesson, that it is wise
and prudent to be dishonest in politics? The distinguished gentleman from Davis County told us
the other day he was not bound by the platform upon which he stood. As I understand, he was
nominated while he was absent from the Territory, and that at no meetings held within in his own
district was a single word uttered upon this subject.
Mr. ROBERTS. That I attended.
Mr. SQUIRES. That is as I understood it, and that he continued to be the standard bearer of the
democratic party, from the southern line of the Territory to Idaho, and that in no meeting was this
question discussed in any manner. If I am wrong, the gentleman will correct me.
Mr. ROBERTS. Your are right in that.
Mr. SQUIRES. What wonder, then my friends, what wonder that the democratic party is sitting to-day in sackcloth and ashes, and that Frank J. Cannon is the delegate in Congress from Utah. Such a violation of the known will of the people was sufficient to account for the majority which our candidate received. I tell you, gentlemen, it pays to be honest in politics as it does in business. For one, I am not content that the democratic side of the house shall receive all the credit which may come to the men of Utah for conferring this inestimable blessing upon woman. I am not content that all the influences that are brought to bear upon this subject in this Convention shall come from the distinguished speakers of the other side, and I remind you, gentlemen, that the majority of this Convention is composed of republicans; I remind you that without the votes of those gentlemen from the republican side of the house, this proposition cannot pass. I call attention to it now because there is a coming campaign in which the credit of this proposed action will be discussed. I am willing to give to the opposition all the credit that they deserve, and I was only sorry while petitions were coming in here daily, from the women of this Territory, they chose as means of introducing them, in almost every instance, gentlemen
from the minority. It looked as though they had some expectations of the good faith of the men of
the other side of the house, and I assure the ladies who are present, and who are representing the
woman suffragists of this Territory, that they have almost to a unity prevailed on the republican
membership of this Convention, as you will discover when you come to a vote.
The fear is expressed, Mr. Chairman, that it is a dangerous thing to give to these women, who are
so intelligent and so far superior to men, this right of suffrage, because it may take us back to the
old contentions. I say to you, gentlemen, do not stir up these smouldering embers; let the dead
past bury its dead. Let us put behind us all that is in the past. Let us as we start in for statehood
remember that we are citizens of great State of Utah, with its best interest at heart, and stop all
this talk about a denomination of any body in this Territory. I have not been so long a resident as
some of the gentlemen here; I came to the Territory just as you were reaching the crisis of this
great question that had divided the people. I never could work up a great deal of enthusiasm for
the liberal party. I had not been here long enough for that, but I tell you that I believe solemnly
that when the division came between the republican and democratic
parties and men who
had formerly belonged to the people's party, and who had formerly belonged to the liberal party,
finally divided upon those national lines, I believed in the interest and the integrity of that
movement, and I believe it still. If there had ever been fetters of any sort placed upon the minds,
upon the hearts or upon the consciences of men in this Territory, I believed that that manifesto
and the proceedings which followed it after they released those men from bondage, and when a
man who had been a slave had once been made free, there is no power on earth that can put the
fetters upon him, and if those men are free, if they are politically free, if they are politically
honest, as I believe them to be, will they stand quietly by and see the dominant church or any
other authority interfere with ultimate freedom_the absolute freedom of the female members of
their household? I believe not.
I noticed the other day that in the Wisconsin legislature, the question of equal suffrage for
women was being discussed.
On the 27th of this month, in the senate, after a two hours debate, a bill was laid upon the table
by a vote of 18 to 14. I just call your attention to that for two reasons: first, to show you the
growth of the sentiment in those old states upon this very question; and secondly, to remind this
Convention that very likely the legislature of Wisconsin is waiting to see what Utah will do. This
matter has been laid upon the table. I have no doubt, sir, that when it shall have been wired
across the country that the Utah State Constitution has adopted an article giving the suffrage to
women, that immediately that matter will be brought from the table in Wisconsin and passed. I
believe it is our duty to set that example to our fellows at Madison.
There is another reason, Mr. Chairman, why I want to vote upon this measure. There has been some reference made to a caucus that was held the other night by our side of the house. I was president at that caucus, and as has been said there was nothing in it that was binding upon any gentleman present. Every man was absolutely free to vote as he pleased when he left the caucus; no vote was taken upon any matter pertaining to this subject, but there were several gentlemen from some of the southern counties who made the alarming statement to us that unless this was put into the Constitution, they would be absolutely afraid to go home. [Laughter.] Now,
gentlemen, I don't want to send anybody adrift, an outcast upon the face of the earth, for doing
his duty, and if there were no other reason why I should vote for this proposition, it would be that
my friends from Garfield County and from these other counties might safely return home at the
close of this Convention.
My distinguished friend from Summit, this morning, making a speech against this proposition,
assured us that he represented, as I understood it, 1200 families in Summit County, where there
were no woman suffragists. Well, if he represents that kind of a county, I don't wonder that he
spoke the way he did, and I do not wonder that he is going to vote the way that he indicates that
he will vote. I do not come from such a county. I do not come from such a district. The district
which I represent is the county outside of Salt Lake, right here at home, and I am afraid from the
experiences that I had during the campaign, that if I had said a word in the campaign against the
equal right of women to vote, some other gentleman would be occupying my seat in this
Convention. I must, therefore, be consistent.
But, the proposition is made that it would be wise and perhaps fairer than what we are doing, if
we submit this matter again to the Legislature. Give them an opportunity to pass upon it. While,
at first thought, gentlemen, one
might think that that would be wise, I point the gentleman
to the condition of affairs that would then confront us. Two great parties in the field, each
seeking for preferment, each seeking for the votes of the people; would there be any changed
condition from what we had last fall? Would the republican party go into a convention and admit
a clause giving women the suffrage? Would the democratic party do it? We should just simply be
back in the conditions that we found ourselves during the last campaign. We fight to fight over
again? No gentleman, unless it be my friend from Davis County, would have the temerity I
believe to stump this Territory against this proposition. Indignant womanhood of the Territory
would rise and protest, and for my part, if that was going to be an issue in the campaign, I, and if
the party that I represent did not put it in the platform, I should have to stay at home.
I see nothing to be gained, therefore, by relegating this thing back again to the people. I believe
that we come here clothed with the full power. I believe that we come here with almost the
unanimous wish of the people of this Territory to put this very article into the Constitution, and
for that very reason, Mr. Chairman, it will receive my vote.
Mr. ROBERTS. It is not my purpose, sir, at this stage of the discussion to again enter into a
discussion of the main proposition, but simply to ask a privilege of the house. I think, sir, that it
was conceded that in consequence of my relationship to this discussion that I ought to have the
privilege of closing the debate, and, therefore, I wish to ask that when all the members who
desire to speak upon the proposition have spoken, that the remaining time that was given to me,
or so much of it as I may think necessary to use, shall be devoted in drawing to a close this
debate. There is a circumstance, sir, that will perhaps justify the request that I am going to make,
or do make now to this committee. The courtesy that has been accorded me on this floor, and the
patience with which I have been listened to through two rather long speeches_unless modesty
would require that the look upon that is sufficient_but there is a great probability, sir, that this
next speech of mine will be the last that I shall make upon the floor of this Convention.
I have received a dispatch signed by the democratic committee of Davis County this morning, saying, We must ask you to cease opposing woman suffrage or resign. Party pledges are sacred and must be kept. I presume, sir, that will be a grain of comfort to the democrats upon this floor, for the reason that they have thought that my position on this subject has endangered their party integrity.
To this dispatch I have this after-noon sent the following reply, You must do what you think
proper, I shall not change my course. As soon as it can be made known to me through the
agencies of the democratic party in Davis County, that my constituents make this request, and
they will point out the method by which I can make my resignation, I shall very cheerfully do so
and bow to their wishes. It is for this reason, Mr. Chairman, that I shall ask this committee the
privilege of speaking in the close of this debate.
Mr. KIMBALL (Weber). Mr. Roberts of Davis County has already exhausted his time; it is only
by the unanimous consent of this committee that he can speak. I now move that it be the sense of
the committee that the gentleman from Davis County, Mr. Roberts, shall close this debate, and
that he be limited to one-half hour in the close.
Mr. HEYBOURNE. I desire to make an amendment to the gentleman's motion, that Mr. Roberts
be accorded one hour in closing the debate.
Mr. KIESEL. I move that he may have all the time he wants. [Laughter.]
Mr. KIMBALL (Weber). I accept the amendment of Mr. Heybourne, that it be limited to one
Mr. DRIVER. Mr. Chairman, my friend Mr. Kiesel, from Weber County, moves that Mr. Roberts
be accorded all the time lie wants. I want to make a motion that all the time Mr. Roberts
occupies, over one hour, of this Convention, be paid for out of the pocket of Mr. Kiesel.
Mr. KIESEL. Mr. Chairman, I will most cheerfully pay for all that time.
Mr. CREER. As a question of personal privilege, I wish to say this: While I accord the gentleman
all the courtesy that he can ask for, at the same time, I believe that at least one party ought to
have the opportunity upon the affirmative side of this question, that is my colleague from Utah
County. But there is another thing that I wish to refer to and that is this: That quite a number of
the members of this committee desire to return this afternoon, some of them have already gone
home, and it seems to me that the time of those speakers, with due respect to the eloquent
gentleman, should be so measured out that we may reach a vote this afternoon. Now is the
opportune time; therefore, I would, as an amendment to that, move after the half hour that is
taken by the gentleman from Davis County, that Mr. Thurman, my colleague, also have the
privilege of occupying a few moments.
Mr. VAN HORNE. Mr. Chairman, I shall not detain this Convention more than one moment_only long enough to say that I agree with the minority report in principle, that I agree
also with that report as to expediency or lack of expediency of presenting this question in the
Constitution where it will probably require, in case a change should be necessary, a vote much
larger than would be required to insert it into that document. For that reason, whatever the
political fates may be that will overtake those who vote according to their real convictions on the
question that is before this committee, I expect to vote for the minority report; with that
statement I will give all of my time to Mr. Roberts.
Mr. JAMES. I want the amendment read and then I want the privilege of making a remark.
Mr. THURMAN. Mr. Chairman, permit me to say a word, not on the question, but rather in the
way of personal privilege.
Mr. JAMES. That is what I arose to, but if you do not intend to take up the time so but what I can
make a little explanation, I will give way.
Mr. THURMAN. I will only take about two minutes; and in this particular, Mr. Chairman, I
speak in behalf of the democratic party on this floor_the first time that I have thought there was
any necessity for bringing in party politics. I do not know why my friend from Davis County has
thought it necessary to state here before this Convention that the democrats on this floor will be
glad to know that he is called upon to resign. He has never heard that from any democrat, in my
opinion. We regret that his convictions have been such that he has been unable to go with the
body of democrats upon this question, but I will say to him we will be more loath than he can
imagine to part with him. He is and has been a pillar of strength in the democratic party, and if he
leaves the party, he will go because he wants to go, not because the democrats want to get rid of
The CHAIRMAN. The question is now on the amendment that Mr. Thurman be allowed to
follow Mr. Roberts.
Mr. THURMAN. I do not wish to follow the gentleman from Davis County, he is entitled to
close this discussion; I have no request on my own behalf, and do not desire that my friend shall
make it.
Amendment withdrawn.
The CHAIRMAN. The question is then on the motion of Mr. Kimball.
Mr. SQUIRES. Why do the gentlemen of this Convention, in view of the fact that Mr. Roberts
has sent in his resignation and will not have an opportunity to speak to us, do him the discourtesy
of cutting him off in an hour? We know he does not fairly get to work in an hour. We want his
best effort. I am in favor of giving him all the time he wants, and let's listen to him.
The CHAIRMAN. The question then is on the motion of Mr. Kiesel from Ogden, that he have all
the time he wants.
Mr. KIMBALL (Weber). When I made the motion that Mr. Roberts close this debate and be limited to one hour, I did not know he had resigned, and I am very sorry he has; I do not think there is any necessity for that.
Mr. ROBERTS. Would you let me correct you? I have not resigned but I promise to do so the
moment my constituents shall indicate clearly that this is their wishes.
Mr. KIMBALL (Weber). Well, if your constituents ever indicate that, they are bigger fools than I
think they are. [Laughter.] Therefore, I am in favor of giving Mr. Roberts all the time he wants. I
am willing to sit here from now until next Saturday morning, a week from to-day, to listen to Mr.
Roberts on this proposition, because I think he is right, and so far as I am personally concerned, I
stand behind Mr. Roberts, and I will support him all the way through.
Mr. MURDOCK (Beaver), Do we understand when he takes the floor that cuts off all further
The CHAIRMAN. That is as the chair understands.
Mr. CANNON. I would like to offer an amendment, that we do not rise until Mr. Roberts gets
Mr. GOODWIN. If it is in order I move a vote of confidence in Davis County.
Mr. KIMBALL (Weber). I am opposed to the amendment of the gentleman from Salt Lake. We
are now close on the middle of the afternoon, there may be several gentlemen here who may want
to speak on this question before Mr. Roberts reaches it, and I am opposed to shutting him off by
any motion to arise, and think he should have all the time he wants. And, for that reason, I am
opposed to the motion of Mr. Cannon of Salt Lake, because his motion is out of order, for this
reason that we must take a vote on the amendment just now pending, before this committee
finally arises. There is an amendment pending here, that we have to vote on, and, under Mr.
Cannon's motion, we will rise without any vote on that amendment.
Mr. CANNON. The gentleman is laboring under a misapprehension. My motion is not to arise at
the close of Mr. Roberts' remarks, but my amendment is that we do not arise until he gets
through. I feel it is the general feeling among the delegates that we should dispose of this matter
as speedily as possible, and give the gentleman all the time he wants. I am willing that Mr.
Kimball should sit here until next Saturday if need be.
Mr. KIMBALL (Weber). I am further opposed to the gentleman's motion for this reason, that
with the incentive to talk that the majority on this floor have, Mr. Roberts will not reach his
speech until about next Wednesday evening, and I do not care about sitting here all that time.
Mr. WHITNEY. I do not think it is a very cogent reason that Mr. Roberts should have the closing
of the debate simply because the gentleman from Weber County believes he is right. Neither do I
think the motion should pass in this form, that the debate should close as soon as Mr. Roberts
gets the floor. I second the original motion
that Mr. Roberts have the privilege of closing
the debate, but I shall expect him not to take the floor until we know by some manifestation that
there is no one else wishes to speak.
Mr. ROBERTS. That is right.
Mr. KIMBALL (Weber). That is my view of it. I say that Mr. Roberts should not rise in his place
until every other man has had his say.
Mr. WHITNEY, I agree to that.
The amendment of Mr. Cannon was rejected.
The motion of Mr. Kimball, as amended, was agreed to.
Mr. BARNES. Matters have assumed a shape in this Convention which I think calls forth some
remarks from me as a delegate from Davis County. It may be somewhat presumptuous on my
part to take up the time of this Convention after listening to the able oratory with which we have
been favored during the last day or two, but, Mr. Chairman, I desire to say a few words in
defense of the residents of Davis County_my constituents and the constituents of Mr. Roberts.
We are informed this afternoon, that through the chairman of the democratic committee of Davis
County, Mr. Roberts is asked to resign unless he takes a different stand from that which he has
taken upon the subject of giving the right of suffrage to women. I will say that I exceedingly
regret that this step has been taken.
Why, I doubt if there is a man on the floor that respects Mr. Roberts more than I do; he is my
personal friend; I accord to him all the honors which have been shown him by this Convention.
He is worthy of them, and I think possibly the step may be ill-advised, but, Mr. Chairman and
gentlemen, why do the democrats of Davis County take the stand? It is because they feel that Mr.
Roberts has taken a stand diametrically opposed to their views and to their request made upon
their delegates. I have here a copy of a letter which was sent to Mr. Roberts a few days ago, and
which embodies, I think, the views of the convention which met in Farmington, at which Mr.
Roberts, Mr. Call and myself were elected as delegates to this Convention, and if the gentlemen
will bear with me I will read it:
Kaysville, Utah, March 26th, 1895.
DEAR SIR:_Our attention has been called to the position you are taking in the Convention, regarding woman suffrage, and we are informed, in fact the Herald says as much, that you are looked upon as a leader of the opposition on the floor of the Convention. This position is not in line with the sentiments of your constituents, and further, in the county convention that nominated you, a resolution was presented and adopted, favoring equal suffrage, and requesting our delegates to work for it. Our campaign, locally and territorially, was conducted with this as an important plank in the platform.
In view of these facts, and the further fact that Davis County is so overwhelmingly in favor of an equal suffrage provision in the Constitution, we feel it our duty to ask you to not oppose this suffrage plank. If your convictions will not permit you to vote in favor of it, you might at least, remain inactive in the matter, and thus save our party the humiliation of having their pledges broken.
We hope you will give this matter favorable consideration.
JOHN G. M. BARNES, Chairman Democratic County Com.
HENRY H. BLOOD, Secretary.
As you are all aware, gentlemen, the honorable Mr. Roberts gave no heed whatever to this advice from his friends, from his constituents, but has utterly disregarded it. They not being here to listen to his argument, know only what they get through the press as to what is going on here, and it is very evident from what the gentlemen have said that their feelings are worked up to that pitch that they feel that they can no longer endure it.
I wish, in this connection, to state my own position. I
was, but I most certainly, in the
convention held at Farmington, endorsed the idea of granting equal suffrage to women and men.
Why did I do this? Because I believed it right. I believed that women should have an equal
privilege with men here, and that is why I endorsed it.
It is true, as Mr. Roberts has stated, that a gentleman informed him, that objections were raised
there to binding delegates. I am the individual who raised those objections. I am the person who
told Mr. Roberts this; and why was it? The convention in Farmington was held prior to the
convention of democrats being held in Salt Lake City, and, as I there stated, the resolution that
was proposed was in very strong language, binding their delegates to the accomplishment of a
certain object. I said, gentlemen it may be impossible for them thus to do, and, therefore, I object.
It was reconsidered and this motion was passed which I endorsed then and endorse to-day. I went
before the people in a few instances in Davis County and I there pledged my word that if elected
to a seat in this Convention, I would here vote and use my humble influence in favor of granting
the women of Utah an equal suffrage with men. I, too, believe that I am the one referred to as
having stated to Mr. Roberts that party pledges were binding upon me, and I reiterate it here
gentlemen, that party pledges are binding. What do I care for your politics if there is neither truth
nor honor in them? Sweep them to the four winds and give us truth and honor. Do I say this
excitedly? I say it firmly, because I mean it, gentlemen. Who taught me to be honorable here
upon earth? My mother, a woman. She taught me, gentlemen, the principle of honor, the
principle of integrity; she taught me to be true to my word. And could I go back and face my
constituents in Davis County, without lifting my voice, seeing that matters have assumed the
proportion that they have in favor of granting them suffrage? No. Were I to be unfaithful and
untrue to my pledge to them, for ever after would I hang my head in shame when meeting the
citizens of Davis County. This is how much I regard my word.
What are party pledges, gentlemen, but aggregation of individual pledges? Then, if party pledges must be ignored, individual pledges must follow, and where are we? A worthless set of beings
here upon the earth. That is the view I take of this matter. I stand before you to-day pledged to the
support of woman suffrage, and while I have power to lift my feeble hand, and to raise my feeble
voice, and wag my unwilling tongue (unwilling because of its inability, that is all) to express the
sentiments of my heart, I hope ever to raise my voice in defense of human liberty. Would it be in
defense of human liberty were I to say to one-half of the population of Utah, you,
notwithstanding you are the equal, and, as gentlemen have expressed it here, you are the
superiors of man, you, because we have the right in our hands, shall not exercise your privilege?
No, gentlemen, we cannot afford it in view of the pledges that our parties have given to the
people of Utah; we are in honor bound to grant the ladies of Utah the right of suffrage.
I claim it as a right_as was explained this morning_beautifully explained. And again if our
politics, as I said before, have descended to that point that there is neither truth nor honor in them
they are fitly illustrated by the muddy stream of the Missouri river. Then, I say, gentlemen,
inasmuch as woman is the purer element, inasmuch as she is superior to man, the greater need is
there of engrafting into the muddy stream the pure element. If the muddy stream cannot be
entirely cleansed it may at least be benefitted; it may at least be palatable and peaceable, and so
that we can support it.
The objection has been raised upon this floor that if we grant unto the ladies of Utah equal
suffrage it will bring division, strife and confusion into our homes. Gentlemen, I do not think for
a moment that this needs to concern you. Think you that our daughters, our wives, or our
mothers, will take any greater interest than they have done in the last year or two? I do not
believe for one moment that they can. I am blessed with two or three daughters who are pretty
well grown; they have taken a lively interest in politics; they are divided in their opinions. Does it
cause jars, strifes and contentions in the family? Why, no; we are willing to accord to each other
our views. I claim that the views of my daughter are entitled to as great respect as my own. I am
willing to accord to her and to one of my sons an equal privilege with myself. They listen to my
views; I listen to theirs, and in this way what will we arrive at? At that which is best to do.
Gentlemen, in view of these facts, let us unitedly stand by our party pledges. Let us give unto the
women of Utah their rights. Will we regret it? No. The ideas that have been brought up here why
it is inexpedient, to me are far fetched. To me they are simply facts of imagination. Do I believe
if this plan goes into the Constitution, that for one moment the old conditions will be resorted to?
No, gentlemen, I have a better faith in the Mormon people than that. I have lived in this Territory
for nearly forty-two years, I know somewhat of the disposition, the honor and integrity of the
Mormon people. When we yielded to the conditions which were inevitable, we did it in good
I stand here, gentlemen, as the representative of that class, and I say that what we did, we did in
good faith, and if ever those conditions are returned, it will not be because of the action of the
Mormon people, but because of the action of those few who doubt their sincerity.
I feel, gentlemen, that I have taken up enough of your time. Undoubtedly my colleague, Mr. Call, he being a representative also of Davis County, will want to say a few words. Now, I will say to my honorable friend, do not resign your position. Stay by it. If it is your convictions, erroneous though I believe them to be, I honor your courage, I honor you, sir, for staying by your
convictions, but, sir, I cannot agree with you in disclaiming any allegiance to the wishes of your
constituents. [Applause.]
Mr. L. LARSEN. I did not think that I should occupy any time upon the floor of this Convention,
because I have had my mind, as I told you_I could have voted upon this question long ago, and I
might say here as well as any other time, that to me it is a foregone conclusion. My friends can
take it as they please. I have believed in the woman suffrage right for many years. I have lived in
this Territory for many years, and while the women did have the right of suffrage in Utah
Territory, I was in for it that they should have continued. I only regretted that the Congress of the
United States took away from them that right in 1887. So far as the ladies are concerned, I think I
can assure them that they need have no fears. They have plenty of stand-bys on the floor of this
Convention. That is my honest conviction. All the eloquence that can be brought to bear upon
this now against it will have no effect. That is, on me; I have decided on this question and upon
its merits too, for many years. I see no reason why that half of our community should not have
the right to vote, should not have a right to go to the ballot box with their brethren and cast their
votes. I see no reason why this in any manner should lower them in the estimation of mankind, or
degrade them in the least.
It has been read to us from the news-papers that women acted in an unmannerly way at a certain
gathering at Chicago or New York, or some other place where women have the suffrage or the
right to vote. Why, that was not because of this. I think that the ladies can be just as pure because
they go to vote with their political brethren at the election day. Why should they not have a right
in the say of who shall preside over them? They are taxpayers, many of them, but they are those
who oppose it. They argue that they have their husbands and brothers to defend their rights and to
vote for them, etc. Well, that is not a reason to me why they should be deprived of the privilege,
and I am certainly willing to accord it to them. If it would be any good I would vote with both
hands. But the reason I have arisen here is more particularly to refute some statements that were
made here yesterday. I tried to get the floor yesterday, but I was not recognized and so I had to
take my seat. So far as the ladies from the county from which I hail together with others of my
fellow colleagues of this Convention, we represent in the neighborhood of thirteen thousand
people, and I can speak so far as the ladies are concerned, in Spring City, that I know they want
the right of suffrage, notwithstanding the remark made by my young and esteemed friend, and I
might add newly converted into the other side, because of eloquent language that has been used,
etc. I do not know_he knows his own reasons and I should say nothing about it. As I see he is not
here in his chair, I will refrain from saying very much; if he had been here I should have had
more to say. I believe that I would have been willing, as it were, to take the side of the ladies in
his own town and even refuted the statement from whence I hail, Ephraim City, but I will not say
anything about those, but I will speak in behalf of the ladies of Spring City. I will speak in behalf
of the ladies of Mt. Pleasant And when I now speak I know what I am saying and speaking,
because I have heard their views expressed on many occasions, I know that they ask for the right
of suffrage, and to state here that the ladies from Sanpete do not want it, why, I could not go
home and face my constituency, if I had not raised my voice upon this floor against such a
statement as that.
I almost felt when the remark was made, why, the people of Salt Lake will think that we are an
age behind the times in Sanpete. People did think years ago that nothing could come from
Sanpete. I began to think yesterday that we yet were under those old conditions, that we had not
advanced any further in the scale of progress, and that we yet stand on the old ground. and say
our women, our ladies, our wives, our daughters, and our sisters are so ignorant yet that they
don't rise up and ask for their rights among their fellowmen [*note*]. I tell you it is not so, that
the statement was made, and I was asked the question before the young gentleman spoke_I do not
wish to cast a word of reflection upon our friend, for I esteem him and love him, but he asked me
the question, I only wish he had been here to hear my remark.
Mr. SQUIRES. Send the sergeant-at-arms after him.
Mr. LARSEN. He asked me the question, Have you got a woman suffrage club in Spring City?
I had to say no. Well, why is the reason that our ladies have been perhaps a little dilatory in this
regard? Why is the reason? I will tell you the reason. They put in a plank in the platform at the
Provo convention we favor the granting of equal suffrage to women. These words were the
assurance of their political brethren, why we do not need to organize, we do not need to ask
them. We have asked, they have granted, and they have said what they will do, we have
confidence in them
that they are men of their word; that they will stand by their platform.
That is the reason why the women of Sanpete have not yet organized a political club. They knew
that they were men in which there was stamina, in whom there was backbone to stand by their
convictions and who could not be turned by anything that might occur. They knew that we were
willing to grant to them. I wish it was understood. I am willing to grant to my wife the privilege
to go with me to the polls, although she is a democrat. [Laughter.] But we will never quarrel in
politics and I fear not the consequences. I have said to her, I do not want to convince you, or at
least I do not want to persuade you; you are perfectly at liberty to keep your views on politics,
and if you get the suffrage or the right to vote, I shall be most pleased to go with you, side by
side, and you cast your democratic ticket and me the republican. You shall have that privilege
and I shall feel honored if you stay with this, and these are your convictions. But, gentlemen,
when the election came around and she, as many others, have seen the trickery that was brought
to bear, and that some of our men_some of whom are here to-day, were counted out, she was
afraid_yes, far more so than I was, that I was counted out also. [Laughter.] I told her that rather
than see those men who were counted out not get a seat in the Convention, I would rather be
counted out with them, that was my feelings. I sought no political influence or office, I have no
political star in the horizon or in the sky. [Laughter.]
I have never asked for a position from a political point of view. If I ever held an office I am
pleased to say, and take honor in saying it, that office has sought me. I came to this Convention
upon this ground, I did not seek for that position. I cast my vote for another gentleman who lived
in my own town whom I claim had greater wisdom, greater influence, and greater knowledge;
knew more than I did. I cast my vote for him in our caucus, but no, says the people, you are the
man we want to go, and, on the second ballot_the first was a tie_and on the second I was in the
majority and hence I had to go.
But I did not arise to occupy much time. I am not much of a politician, not much of a political
speaker; I was born in the country far away from here, and it puzzles me sometimes to use the
proper language and especially to do it grammatically. But I challenge any gentleman who never
was outside of America, that if they are willing to discuss with me in the language in which I was
born and raised, then I will do it. [Laughter.]
I admire the courage of your friend and I reverence him in his position, because he is
eloquent_but I thought to myself the force of his eloquence was lost in the very fact that he went
back on his constituents. When we say here, and did say in Provo, we favor the granting of
equal suffrage to women this was ratified in my county convention at Manti.
Mr. ROBERTS. That is the republican platform.
Mr. LARSEN. Yes, but the democrats claim their's even superior to this and that it goes even
further than what this does. [Laughter.] So, I suppose I am justified in going as far as the
republican platform goes at least.
Well, I believe that I have said all that I care to say, I will, before I sit down, just read a few lines
of a news-paper, it is a democratic one at that, but I think it is to the point:
We have hope and faith that the men of Utah who now have the power to right this wrong will not falter in their work by pleas of expediency or flights of rhetoric, which please the ear but do not convince the mind, and that the pledges given by both parties will be {525} held sacred notwithstanding the influences to disregard them and betray the trust reposed in the representatives of the people. Give men and women equal political rights and trust to their good sense and honor for the faithful exercise of those inestimable privileges.
I thank you for your kindness. [Applause.]
Mr. HOWARD. Mr. Chairman, I had not thought to say much upon this subject, but there has been some reference made here in regard to party pledges, etc., and I wish to say a little in support of the position of the majority of this Convention. The delegation from Eemry County came here pledged in support of the plank of the Constitution of woman suffrage, and I can say, as did Mr. Squires about Salt Lake, that in the political meetings held in Emery County, and in Carbon County, that question was brought up and talked about and discussed, and I never heard a man or a woman throughout all the meetings that we had there that I visited, have one word to say against the proposition, but it was promised to them, and that promise came upon the ground that it was in the party platform, and the people expected it as such. The ladies want it. They ask for it, and, as has been said here, there has been no opposition to it, there has been no petition sent to this Convention asking that it may not be granted to them. But they ask for it and they want it, and I believe they ought to have it. And I will also add, although some of the delegates here ridicule the idea, that I myself would rather vote against the Constitution with that out of it than to vote for it in any other way. I do not want to see the Constitution formed here with that plank out of it, I want to see it go before the people as both of the political parties in Utah promise that it should go before them_with that in it; and the fear that has been expressed here by some of the speakers, that it would endanger the Constitution, I believe is ungrounded. Mr. Roberts made a statement the other day in his remarks with reference to the franchise that the
women of Utah held here for quite a number of years, it was given to them on account of a
challenge that had been given to them, that they dare not give the women the franchise, or right
to vote or conditions would be changed if they voted, and it was given to them, not altogether on
that ground; perhaps that brought it a little quicker than it would have been otherwise, but it was
given to them and it did not result as was expected it would be by those who gave the challenge.
It was also said that a gentleman had made the remark, that whenever the women had the
franchise, going to the polls was like going to a Relief Society meeting. I, for one, would say that
that was one great point in favor of woman suffrage, because if you go to a Relief Society you
will find no drunkenness, you will find no rowdyism, you will find no profanity, you may find a
great deal of talk. [Laughter.] You will find that at the polls, whether the women vote there or
not, and if the women are not there it will be of a degrading character, more so than if they were
there. Men, as a rule, will try and behave themselves in the presence of women, and if they go to
the polls, while they are men, if they are gentlemen at all, will behave themselves, they will
conduct themselves as gentlemen should conduct themselves, and to say that it will degrade them
to give them the right to vote, I do not believe it for a moment. I have not got so far along as to
think as some of the gentlemen on this floor have intimated, that women are angels, and are up
above the men, but I have got far enough to know that we should give them equal rights with
men, and at least raise them up to our standard, and if they earn, through their good conduct,
which I have no doubt but what they will, the title to be called angels in the
future, then I
will willingly give them that title.
But we are to-day human, man and woman is one, and the men who get up here on this floor and
talk about women being so much better than the men, and that we should not hold them down to
man's level_why, women ask for this. They want to come down, if it be that they are above them.
They want to be on an equal footing with the men. They do not want to be placed away up above
them where they have no rights; so far ahead that they cannot say anything at all in regard to the
government under which they live, but they want to come down and mingle with the men, and
have the right to talk in our political affairs.
I could not expect, Mr. Chairman_I never will expect to equal the oratory of some of the
gentlemen on this floor, or to go back into history as some of them have; but I will say this, that
if we will look at history, if we will examine the history of the people of this earth, go back as far
as we will, we will find that where woman has been exalted in the estimation of men, it has been
among the most enlightened nations; among the most civilized; among those who have been
most Christianized and who believe in a Supreme Being, that has power to reward men for the
good that they do. And, on the other hand, where you find woman degraded, you will find it
among the savage nations, and the more savage they are the more degraded their women are.
I am prepared, Mr. Chairman, to vote and sustain the plank that has been offered here by the
committee and against the proposition or the substitute offered by the minority.
I will call your attention to section 6 of the article presented here by the committee on election and suffrage, which I believe will be adopted. Now, if we refuse the women the right to vote, if we refuse to give them the franchise, we will then place them on the same footing with the persons described in that section.
(Reads section 6.)
That is the footing and that is the place we are placing women when we refuse them the right of
franchise, and I do not think we ought to do it. I think we ought to give them what they ask for. I
will do that. I have been upbraided sometimes for not getting my wife things she did not ask for.
She did not ask for this, and I calculate to surprise her, and will if my vote will get it for her and
give her the franchise.
Mr. CREER. I have an illustration to make on the point the last gentleman has spoken on, and
that is this. We are confronted this afternoon with a very strange picture contrasted with what I
am about to relate. Of course, it has been demonstrated by argument upon this floor, that if we
deny woman the right of the franchise, we are deny- them the right that the Indian, the criminal or
the lunatic may have, because the Indian may sever his tribal relations, and the criminal may have
his disabilities removed, and the lunatic may return to his reason. I say this in deference to the
gentleman whose eloquence has been so clearly portrayed upon this floor, that we stand here a
parallel_perhaps no better parallel can be found in the Territory. He was born within a few miles
of where I was born. We came here to this land to seek our liberties; he has had to pass through
tutelage, and so have I, in order to obtain the high privileges that we have to-day. Further, it
seems to me very remarkable, every one of those who have signed this minority report are men
who have had to pass through tutelage to obtain the franchise, but the only difference is this, that
the gentleman is unwilling to accord that to the females, but I am. I was about to say, that twice
in my life-time I have had to pick up men who have been mutilated by the scalping knife of the
Indian in this Territory. And it is
within a possibility that these men, under the provisions
of this substitute, would have the right to cast their vote and yet they deny this to the ladies here
who are before you ladies who have been educated and ladies that have helped to bear the heat
and burden of the day in the experience of our commonwealth. I say that this is certainly wrong.
It is not in keeping with the times, and I say this further, that the gentlemen who are in favor of
voting for the affirmative of this, are in accord with the progression of the age. There is no need
debating the fact that the question of female suffrage is progressing, it is not retrogressing. Over
one hundred states and provinces have already granted it to some degree, and even the birthplace
of my friend, and all of those who have signed the minority report, grant it to the ladies in some
degree_the gentleman who says of course unmarried women and widows can vote, but he is
unwilling even to grant that much to the ladies. It is an absolute refusal to grant them the
privileges that the ladies received in the land of their birth; greater privileges of course, are
accorded them in many other states and some other provinces.
I say this is not democratic, but I had rather follow the judgment of the gentlemen, who, in
territorial convention, as well as county convention, laid the platform broad and strong that we
were willing to stand by the ladies and grant them this privilege. I say it is a shame then that we
should deny the privileges that this class of people whom I have referred to would enjoy. Talking
about the placid waters of the sea; I remember, nearly half a century ago, we were coming along
there in the Gulf of Mexico, those muddy waters that he spoke of were blended with the beautiful
water of the Gulf of Mexico. And why then can we not afford to repose upon their bosom and
grant to all classes the rights we enjoy as American citizens?
Mr. JAMES. For my benefit, and others in this Convention, I ask for the reading of the substitute; it has been a long time since it was read to this committee, so long since it was read that I almost forget what it contains.
The substitute was read by the secretary?
Mr. JAMES. As the substitute is read I had not understood from the time this debate began up to
the present time. My impression was that this provided for submitting the question of woman
suffrage to the people in a separate article. I was not present at the time it was offered, and I only
knew of, or judged what it contained from the remarks that were made upon it. That being so, it
stops my discussion that I have arisen here to offer to this committee, and I will only make a few
remarks, explanatory to the form and course that the debate on this floor has taken.
There has been a position taken that if a member of this Convention should vote for to submit
this to the people in a separate article, they were anti-woman suffragists, which I wanted to arise
and disclaim. I maintain and I supposed that I knew something about the position in Salt Lake
County in the republican party upon this question, and this issue during the past campaign. I
supposed I knew something about it, although I have come to a conclusion to some extent since I
have met my friends and co-workers, that I must have been dreaming or asleep. My
understanding was_of course I knew that that provision was in the territorial platform, but I never
met anyone_a single person during that campaign that belonged to my party, that maintained that
that meant that there must be a plank put in our platform granting suffrage to the women of Utah
Territory. But, on the other hand, it was conceded that it meant that suffrage should be granted
to the women of Utah, and the republican party in favor of it, but it should go to the people
in a way so that they could say whether they wanted it or whether they did not want it. It never
was understood by me or any of the numerous other speakers we sent out throughout this county
that they should take any such stand as that. In cases where any remark was made or explanation
made by me, as chairman of your county committee, was that that meant the submitting of that
question and the ratification of woman suffrage by the people when it went before them and was
discussed upon its merits.
Now, I did not attend a single republican meeting during the campaign (and I attended a good many) that the question was ever in my presence mentioned_not one from the start. I say, gentlemen, it is my opinion that in Salt Lake County to-day, unless it may be some isolated outside precinct that I am not much acquainted in, this question is unsettled so far as its having been placed before the people and debated and understood. Now, for that reason I do not want any gentleman to be placed in the position that they are opposed to woman suffrage simply because they are opposed to the plank going into our Constitution that we are framing for our new State. I am opposed to that position and that style of argument, and I am rather in favor of our friend's from Summit County position this morning on this floor, that the unfairness of the position comes from the gentlemen that insist that it must go there. Now, why? There are honest people all over this great United States, and, for that matter they are around this great globe, that do not believe in woman suffrage. There is a great mass of them that do not believe in it. Now, it is to be supposed that there are some in Utah Territory that do not believe in it, but the mass of the people of Utah Territory want statehood, they want it to a man, they want it to a woman, and
their children want it. Now, you gentlemen, turn around and say to those people who may be
honestly convinced that woman suffrage is not the proper thing; you say to them, you take that
or you take no statehood. Now, is that a better way to do this business, Mr. Chairman? Is it not a
better proposition to submit this matter to the people of this Territory in a separate article and
permit them to say whether they want woman suffrage or whether they do not want it. Can any
man say, because I raise my voice in favor of submitting it to the people and having it discussed
from the points of merit when I claim that it has not been in this Territory, it may have been in
some places but they are where I am not acquainted with_is it unfair that it should go to them,
and is it fair that you should say that I am an anti-suffragist? No, I say, gentlemen, it is not.
Now, I do not blame any man for coming here and voting his honest convictions; I am not
upholding any feelings against any gentleman for that reason, and I do not blame a man if he
comes from a district where his people understood that he was pledged to woman suffrage before
he came here, where it was discussed and debated, and he came upon that issue, for coming here
and defending that principle. But, when men come here as I came, it is a different proposition. I
say that in my district where I was nominated, in the convention which gave me the nomination,
not one single word was uttered upon this question, not one word, and the fact of the matter was
this: The understanding was, as our friend Mr. Thurman from Utah has stated to you, there
should not come into this Convention anything of a political nature; and secondly, our
nominations were given to us as the choice of our party. We're not committed beyond anything
but what was supposed we would do, and that being our strict,
honest, sworn duty to this
Convention. Now, the resolution as it has been read here, and, as I understand it now, I shall vote
against it, but if I have an opportunity in this Convention to vote for a proposition that proposes
to submit to the people of this Territory, and not force it into our Constitution, I shall support it,
for I believe that that is the proper way to do it. I believe that the wishes of the people should be
granted, but I believe still, that their wishes should be ascertained in a way so that it may be
properly understood.
Mr. MACKINTOSH. As one of the minority committee I wish to say a very few words in
support of that motion. I would say a little more, but I think the gentleman, Mr. Whitney, from
Salt Lake, has made one of the most unanswerable arguments that was ever made; but that should
not get into this Constitution, and I will refer to that portion of his argument where he departed
from the merit of the question and cited the gentleman from Davis County, Mr. Roberts, and told
of an instance where in the church nearly two thousand women held up their hands to vote for
him for a high ecclesiastical office. He pulled on the floor of this Convention matters which I
supposed were entirely out, but matters, sir, of which I have a grave and serious doubt. I hope I
am mistaken, but that part of his argument convinced me that the report of the minority was
correct, and I think I am correct. I have never yet in any way bound myself to a pledge that is put
in that republican plank. The first I heard of it I denied it. When I heard it from the constituency
in the second precinct, I told Mr. Walker and others that I did not endorse that portion of the
platform. To-day I was not going to say a single word, but when I heard the gentleman, Mr.
Whitney, from Salt Lake, arraign the gentleman from Davis County, and tell him the things
ecclesiastical that he had done, and that two thousand women held up their hands, I am afraid
that forty thousand women will go and raise up their hands to elect some one to a high political
and temporal office. I thank you.
Mr. HEYBOURNE. I did not, Mr. Chairman and gentlemen of this committee, intend to take up any time in talking upon this important matter that has now been brought to our attention. But I am of the opinion, sir, that I would be somewhat derelict in my duty, were I not to stand up and express my views and sentiments, at least a few of them, in regard to this matter, thereby representing the people whom I have the honor to represent upon the floor of this Convention.
I, sir, listened with a great deal of interest, and I might say pleasure, to the able remarks that have
been made during the pending of this important question, and in listening to them, sir, I have
taken into consideration the circumstances that have transpired in this Territory since the
memorable June when the territorial convention convened in the city of Provo, and among other
things presented before the people of this Territory was their banner, upon which is written in
unmistakable terms this fact, that the party was in favor of woman suffrage. I am really surprised,
sir, at the statements that have been made by the honorable gentleman who, I understand, to-day
holds the exalted position of chairman of the county republican committee of this county, and I
should infer, sir, from the remarks that he has made, in connection with other gentlemen, that we
are trying to carry water on both shoulders; that there is a disposition on the part of some to avoid
the responsibility that now attaches to this important matter that has received, and is now
receiving, our attention, and we are seeking now to shift it back and say to the people of this
Territory and the
ladies, You pass upon this question. You consider this question, and if
you are favorably disposed, why, petition the Legislature that shall convene, and doubtless you
will get the privilege granted you. Now, Mr. Chairman and and gentlemen of the committee, I
do not propose to cast my vote or use the little influence that I command, in the agitation of any
such proposition. I do not so understand it. I wish to state, sir, that when this matter was
presented to the people, so far as the southern part of the Territory was concerned at least, they
looked upon it with favor, and they looked forward to the time, particularly the ladies, when they
might enjoy the rights and privileges that of right belonged to them. They looked forward to the
happy time that was alluded to by my friend from Sanpete County when they might go hand in
hand with their husbands, fathers and brothers and cast their ballot. That is what they looked
forward to, and it was in anticipation of this great and glorious privilege our county conventions
were convened. And what was the result? I do not call to mind, sir, at this time, one of those
conventions that I read or heard about, but what endorsed the sentiment of the Provo platform
and were willing to pledge their support not only upon the silver question, but particularly upon
the woman suffrage question. And with that understanding we went before the country, we went
before the people of this Territory, and we were proud to state that that spirit of liberality had
aroused in the hearts and breasts of the republican party of this Territory that they would grant
unto the women this inestimable privilege and prize. Now, some of the gentlemen upon the floor
of this house say that they did not understand it in that light; that they did not understand that this
should be placed in the Constitution of the coming State of Utah, and that it should be a matter
that should be left entirely to the people. I have to differ with those gentlemen. I assumed this
responsibility of coming here and throw in my humble efforts in connection with gentlemen, in
the drafting of this fundamental law of the country, to accord this right and privilege to the ladies
of Utah Territory. I have not yet, and am happy to say, been changed in that feeling and
As was remarked by the honorable gentleman from Salt Lake, this morning, we are starting out
on a new era. It is a time of progression. Now, gentlemen, when this opportunity is presented to
us, shall we pass it by, shall we ignore it, shall we manifest to the people of this Territory that
have imposed confidence in us, that we are too weak, that we are a party of broken pledges and
promises? I have more confidence in those who compose this Convention than to even think of
such an idea as that. Let us start the ship of state in progress. Do not let us throw an anchor
around her that will hinder this progression that we look forward to in the future. Gentlemen
upon the floor of this house have stated that they are looking forward to that with regard to the
citizens of this coming State. They have referred to the institutions of learning as the foundation
in which men and women could be reared in those principles, and that would make of them great
men and great women, that would enable them to carry on the responsibilities that will devolve
upon us when these changed conditions are brought about. Do you forget, gentlemen of the
committee, that the very foundation stone lays with the women of this Territory. We can entrust
them, gentlemen, with the molding and fashioning of the minds of our sons and our daughters,
but we hesitate when an opportunity is presented to place them side by side with us lords
of creation. I shall oppose the motion
that is now pending for the substitute, and I trust that
I shall vote in favor of woman suffrage.
Mr. KIESEL. As one who signed the minority report, I feel it incumbent upon me to say a word
or two. I have heard many eloquent orations here on the right of suffrage to be accorded to
women, and, as a result of the various fine efforts, I will admit I am converted.
Mr. HAMMOND. To what?
Mr. KIESEL. Theoretically. In principle, and for this Territory, this is not applicable at all. It puts
too much power in the hands of the clergy. We have just begun to assimilate and are trying to
adjust the old people's party and the liberal party, and now you are about, through the aid of
woman suffrage, to increase the vote which we are trying to assimilate, by about thirty thousand
or more. I fear that this is the result more of the wishes of the men and not of the women. In my
section, where I come from, I have not yet been appealed to by a single woman. On the contrary,
(I go home once in a while) I have the approval of my course_the course that I have pursued this
far. They have not tried to hang me in effigy or anything of that kind. On the contrary, I have held
their approval.
Mr. DRIVER. May I ask a question?
Mr. KIESEL. I will answer your question when I get through; just put it on a slip of paper and by and by I will answer it. [Laughter.] Now, then, the people in Utah consist of at least four-fifths of the Mormon Church. If there were more churches, if this thing was a little better divided, I would not object so much, because I think in the discord of the churches lies the safety of the state. That is the way I look at it. Now, the Mormon people are good people; I have lived among them some thirty-two years or more. I know just as much about them as anybody. They are neither better nor worse than we are. The lust of power is inherent in the human breast, and they will use that power, unless I am very much mistaken, when opportunity arrives. I know we have the promise of gentlemen who are very sincere, I have no doubt, that this power shall never be used, but, gentlemen, in all these things we must be guided by history. And where has it been that when
men have the power, that they would not use it? I know we Gentiles would use it. For this reason
I say that the more you diffuse churches that much more will take away the power to do evil,
politically. It has been said, and justly, that woman by reason of her sympathetic nature and
religious impulses, will more readily yield to the submission of the clergy; it will take her some
years to get over what she has been taught for so many years. I have the highest respect for
woman; I yield to no one in that respect. I have worked for thirty years for her emancipation and
for her enfranchisement here in Utah, and when that request for her enfranchisement came from
the other side, and knowing how it had been used in times past, then, naturally my suspicions
were aroused. Now, then, lead me not into temptation. The temptation is that this power will be
used if it is given to them. For this reason, I am just at present opposed to conferring the electoral
franchise on women in Utah. Otherwise, I might concede it. In Utah I consider it out of place and
Mr. MILLER. Mr. Chairman, as this meeting has taken on the character of a love feast, I want to
hand in my testimony. I took an active part in the campaign last fall from the beginning; was
elected as a delegate to the territorial convention, which met at Provo, for the purpose of
nominating a delegate to Congress, but through circumstances over which I had no control I was
not permitted to meet with that body. One week after the convention met, the county of Sevier
ratified the platform adopted by that convention. I was invited to participate, and the
plank that attracted the attention of the women of Utah in the county convention_that plank was
again adopted; ladies were present, both from the republican and democratic party, or ladies who
were in sympathy with both parties. We extended them the courtesy of the floor; they talked or
spoke to us in behalf of the measure. Right then and there that county convention that nominated
three delegates from Sevier pledged themselves to that meassure [*note*], and I could not
consistently do otherwise than vote for the proposition submitted to us by the committee on
elections and suffrage.
As for the proposed motion of submitting it to a separate vote of the people, I could not consent.
If my wife was ever granted the right of franchise I want her to come in the same as myself and
not be hung on the tail. And I believe, Mr. Chairman and gentlemen of this Convention, that if
we shall vote down this measure, if we shall prove false to the trust that the people have imposed
upon us, if we shall break our pledge and kill this measure, it will be the liveliest corpse that ever
Utah had on her hands. It is a progressive measure, and I think we will take a forward stand in the
forward rank among the states of this Union if this Convention shall adopt and place in the
Constitution for the proposed State of Utah the proposition giving women the right of suffrage.
Mr. DRIVER. Mr. Chairman, I arose here a short time ago to ask my honorable colleague, Mr. Kiesel from Weber County, a gentleman capable of signing the minority report on this important question_to ask him a single question. He did not deign to answer me. I believe that is the first instance of the kind that has ever occurred on this floor. So far as I have noticed, when one gentleman has arisen to ask another a question, that gentleman who has been addressed has been polite enough to accord to that gentleman the privilege to ask the question, and if he could, to answer it. But, in my friend's case it has not been so. He said the ladies of Weber County did not approach him on this subject of woman suffrage, and ask him to support it. I do not believe they did. I believe he has spoken the truth on that matter, but I do not believe there is a lady to-day in
Weber County that does not know, if she is over 20 years, or rising to that age, that Mr. Kiesel is
diametrically opposed to woman suffrage, and would not allow it to exist if it was possible for
him to prevent it. He is not in favor of woman suffrage, he is in favor of the principle enunciated
in the minority report.
Mr. KEISEL. I told you I had been converted.
Mr. DRIVER. Yon never can be converted. [Laughter.] There are some things that may happen,
there are some things that can never happen, and I believe honestly from my soul this is one of
them. I have known Mr. Kiesel 25 or 30 years, and he has been traveling in the direction of
suffrage all that time, yet, at the same time professing to be in favor of enfranchising the women
of Utah. Now, if it takes a man 25 or 26 years traveling in one direction at a quick pace, how long
will it take him with the obstacles that he would encounter on his return, to arrive at the position
that the majority of this Convention is to-day? He never can get there in his lifetime, and when he
does come; it will be from the grave in spirit to see the progress this movement has made during
his absence. I say as a republican I was pledged to this step, to vote for the right of women to cast
their ballots as well as men. And while I am not an old republican, I want to tell these gentlemen
here that I was born into this party less than a year ago; I believe that the republicans were men of
their words, that the republican principles were the correct principles for me to follow, and I
understand that party platforms
were the same as articles of faith in matters of religion;
they were to be honored and respected, and if possible, lived up to.
I was at Provo. I voted upon the article that gave the right to women to vote_the right of suffrage, and I have felt all the time that I was bound by that platform. Some people say that I voted for it because my wife was a leading suffragist. Not at all. I believe, like some other gentlemen here, that if my wife wanted to vote her way, why she should do it, and it would not interfere with the way I voted, but thank God we are both republicans on that point at least, and I think she is right. And I want to tell Mr. Kiesel and every other man who thinks as he does, that there has never been a time since the first pioneers entered this valley, since the first three ladies came through Emigration canyon, that they ever needed enfranchisement from the sources that he has suggested. Never. The ladies of the country never have been slaves; they are women who have been the pioneers of this country with their husbands and their brothers, and if there is anything around us to-day that we see to admire, the ladies of this country have helped to make it. Some say that they should be able to shoot the bullet and carry the bayonet and go to war. I believe lots of these ladies have done worse than that; they have worked all day long and killed the crickets to save their husbands' crops, and they have worked side by side with them to save their families from starvation, and I believe that if the time should ever come that they would have to carry the rifle, they are perfectly competent and able to do it. But is it necessary in order to give these ladies the right to vote, that we should have it demonstrated to us that they are Amazons_that they will go to the front and fight? No, sir; let the regular army go first, let the militia follow, then come on with your volunteers, and when they are all swept out, I guarantee you will find a fighting force in this country such as the world has never seen before. The women will fight for their liberties and for the liberties of their husbands and their sons. And I say, gentlemen, that the ladies of Weber County want the franchise, they want to vote, and they are going to have it. I did not think that it was necessary for anyone from Weber County outside of Mr. Evans to introduce
this matter or to speak upon it upon this floor, and I would not have said one word, but here we
are, eleven from that county; one has spoken in its favor, and one gentleman says that not a lady
in all Weber County wants the right of suffrage; they came down here in advance of all others,
from any section of this country; they held their convention in Ogden City and sent their
delegates down here, and I believe those delegates from Ogden City are treated with respect and
consideration by the committee before whom they appeared, as I know they would be.
Now, gentlemen of the Convention, this is all I need say upon this matter, but I want to say that I
am for woman suffrage, first, last, and all the time, and I believe in giving the women the ballot
that they may know how to use it, and that we will not regret it; and I hope to see the day when
my friend, brother Kiesel, from Weber, and all that appertain unto him, will see the matter in the
same light as the majority of this Convention see it to-day.
Mr. MORRIS. Mr. Chairman, I have been astounded in listening to the remarks of the chairman of the republican county committee. In his statement he stated that he never knew that the woman suffrage was to be placed as a plank in this Constitution, but that it was to be presented to the people as a side issue at the election. I have never heard such a thing mooted before in all the meetings that I have attended of the republican party. It is true that {534} prohibition has been mentioned as a side issue to be placed before the people to choose or to reject; and with all due respect to the member from Salt Lake, it looks to me as something in the shape of crawling back, because he knows well the sentiments of the republican party in regard to the woman suffrage. And I will say in regard to woman suffrage, it looks to me as a relic of a barbaric age; of the dark ages that have past. And I wish to say in regard to some point that was made by my friend from Davis County in his eloquent and masterly speech, which he made, when he made mention of the ladies and the conduct of the ladies which disqualified them as being worthy of the franchise. He read a newspaper here referring to the ladies of the World's Fair commission. I had to blush for him for bringing that up as a reason against woman suffrage, because whether it is true or not is more than he can say. For we all know that all that is printed in newspapers is not always true. But because of a little quarrel, a dispute between the ladies in the World's Fair commission meeting, that that should be sufficient to bring before this committee as a disqualification for ladies to receive the franchise. Because she uses the only weapon that she has in self-defense, that is the tongue. It is an old saying that that is the best and only weapon that ladies have in self- protection. But my friend from Davis County dare not mention about Breckenridge with a black eye and a bloody nose in the halls of Congress. That should disqualify him. Men are excused and honored while women are despised and set aside. On another point I want to differ from my friend from Davis, in regard to his remark about the tragedy and disgraceful conduct and action in Wyoming. He brought that up as a reason that they were not worthy as yet for the franchise. Why, who did it? Was it the women? Excuse me, no, it was the man that had the franchise_it was the man, not the women, and I cannot see where the points come unless it is to stigmatize the characters of our good ladies in this regard. Another statement was made in regard to going to the polls to cast their ballots. Is that a place fit for ladies to go? Why? Drunkenness, carousing, cursing, swearing, and not a fit place for a lady to go to cast her vote. Who makes it so_is it the women? Is it the women that make it so distasteful for men to go to cast their ballots? I say no, it is the men, and if I had my will, I would disfranchise all who cannot appreciate their high privileges and act as men, and give it to the women.
There was another remark made in regard to the first commandment that a woman was to look to her husband as her head. I would like to know if that would disqualify a woman for receiving the franchise. Have we not heads in our government? Have we not a President that rules supreme over this great and mighty nation? Yet does that deprive us of a right equal with him in casting our votes at the polls? I say no. Hence, I am free to acknowledge that I have not heard a good sound reason, logically, to disfranchise or to prevent the ladies from receiving the franchise_not one. They are entitled to it, and I for one feel that I can afford to stay out with them until they get it honorably in this nation. I can stay out with them, and I pity the kind of a nation or a kingdom without women. I would not want to have such a kingdom as that, unless there was a woman there. Hence, I am ready to give the franchise to the ladies, not half way but give it in full, equal with ourselves. Let us be men, and let us keep our word; I think they will add to our honor and to our glory if we take them side by side with us, and take them to the polls, and I think they will accomplish much in reforming those who already have the ballot or the suffrage. {535} It is a shame when we look on our election day to find a miserable drunkard that will sell his franchise for a pot of beer, or sell it for a dollar, and refuse the good ladies of intelligence and owners of property a right to cast their votes. It is wrong and it is time that the change should come, and we will never see such a golden opportunity as to-day, in preparing ourselves to become a State. Now is our time. Leave it to the Legislature, leave it to the voters, and it will not be done. We have learned a lesson in regard to this. We have a power to-day to place it there, and no man living can prevent it. Hence, let them have it.
Mr. JAMES. Can I ask the gentleman a question? You can say that if it was left to the people and
to the Legislature the women will never get it. Then isn't it because the people do not want it? If
the people will not give it if we leave it to the people, I ask you do they want it?
Mr. MORRIS. I say they want it; and I also say that when this business is left outside of the
Constitution there is such corruption in the midst of men to-day, and wire-pulling, and money
spending, that they can obstruct anything that is right, in nine cases out of ten.
Mr. BOWDLE. I move you the committee now arise and report progress. Seconded.
The motion was agreed to and the committee arose and reported as follows:
The committee of the whole which has had under consideration the proposed article on elections
and right of suffrage, now report progress.
Mr. SQUIRES. I move the Convention now adjourn.
The Convention then, at 4:50 o'clock p. m., adjourned.
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