Tuesday, January 8, 2002

MEMBERS PRESENT: Sen. Michael Waddoups, Co-Chair

Rep. Don E. Bush, Co-Chair

Sen. Millie Peterson

Sen. Terry Spencer

Rep. Neil A. Hansen

Rep. Wayne A. Harper

Rep. Neal B. Hendrickson

Rep. Joseph G. Murray

Rep. Merlynn T. Newbold

Rep. Max W. Young


MEMBERS ABSENT: Rep. Stephen D. Clark

STAFF PRESENT: Mark C. Bleazard, Fiscal Analyst

Jennifer Asplund, Committee Secretary

Chair Waddoups called the meeting to order at 9:20 a.m. The committee members and staff introduced themselves.

Mark Bleazard, Fiscal Analyst, discussed the proposed schedule for the interim meetings to be held during the next two weeks. The interim meetings will address the Supplemental Budget for the remainder of FY 2002. He also discussed the Overall General Fund and School Fund Revenue Trend for FY 2002 and 2003. It was decided that all budget decisions were tentative until all possible information had been received.

Department of Environmental Quality

For FY2002 the Fiscal Analyst recommended reducing the current General Fund appropriation for the Department of Environmental Quality by $364,000.

Internal Service Fund Rate Changes - A budget reduction of $12,300 of which $4,000 is from the General Fund was recommended..

The Governor identified $46,000 in General Fund reductions from ongoing programs with ongoing funds; $21,000 coming from the Radon Program and $25,000 from the X-ray Program.

A 10 percent across the board decrease in the General Fund for ongoing items in current expense categories was included. These reductions total $39,400.

A one day furlough for full time employees will save $32,000. This is a state-wide recommendation.

The Hazardous Waste Oversight Program ($32,100) and Waste Tire Recycling Program ($14,500) were identified as programs that could be downsized. The FY2002 General Fund savings associated with the reduction in these programs is $46,600.

It was recommended that two FTE vacancies be eliminated, saving $150,000 from the General Fund.

The use of $46,000 carryover General Funds for upkeep of the Department's facilities was recommended.

An appropriation of $76,000 from the General Fund's Restricted Account - Underground Wastewater Disposal System Account to fund HB14 was also recommended.

Due to increased numbers of applicants to the Environmental Voluntary Cleanup Program, a supplemental appropriation of $20,300 from the Environmental Voluntary Cleanup Fund was recommended for FY2002 in addition to the ongoing annual appropriation.

The Analyst then recommended specific budget cuts in each division of the DEQ.

Utah National Guard

For FY 2002, the Analyst recommended reducing the current General Fund appropriation for the National Guard by $221,900.

Internal Service Fund Rate Changes - A budget reduction of $1,600, of which $700 is from the General Fund, was recommended.

The Governor identified $102,300 in General Fund reductions in ongoing programs with ongoing funds; $40,000 coming from vacant FTE's, $2300 from travel, $40,000 from maintenance and $20,000 from tuition assistance.

A 10 percent across the board decrease in the General Fund for ongoing items in current expense categories was included. These reductions total $8,500.

A one day furlough for full time employees would save $7,600.

The Armory Maintenance Program ($82,000), Veteran's Affairs Program ($9,300), and Veteran's Cemetery Program ($11,500) were identified as programs that could be downsized. The FY2002 General Fund savings associated with the reduction in these programs is $102,800.

The Analyst then recommended specific budget cuts in each division of the National Guard.

Utah Department of Transportation

For FY 2002, the Analyst recommends reducing the current General Fund appropriation for the Department of Transportation by $111,200.

Internal Service Fund Rate Changes - A budget reduction of $7,200 from the General Fund was recommended.

The Governor identified $39,000 in General Fund reductions in ongoing programs with ongoing funds; $27,400 coming from building and grounds and $11,600 from airport maintenance.

The Space Port Program ($60,000) and Airport Construction Program ($5,000) were identified as programs that could be downsized. The FY2002 General Fund savings associated with the reduction in these programs in $65,000.

The Analyst recommended specific budget cuts for UDOT.

The Fiscal Analyst responded to questions from the committee.

MOTION: Sen. Spencer moved to adjourn the meeting. The motion passed unanimously.

Chair Waddoups adjourned the meeting at 10:15 a.m.

Rep. Don E. Bush, Co-Chair Sen. Michael Waddoups, Co-Chair