Room 305, State Capitol
MEMBERS PRESENT: Sen. Parley Hellewell, Co-Chair
Rep. Michael R. Styler, Co-Chair
Sen. Bill Wright
Rep. Craig W. Buttars
Rep. Carl W. Duckworth
Rep. Ben C. Ferry
Rep. Fred J. Fife III
Rep. James R. Gowans
Rep. Bradley T. Johnson
Rep. Brent D. Parker
Rep. Darin G. Peterson
STAFF PRESENT: Steven Allred, Fiscal Analyst
Greta Rodebush, Committee Secretary
VISITORS: Attached to and made a part of these minutes
Rep. Michael R. Styler called the meeting to order at 9:08 a.m. Rep. Styler introduced Cary Peterson, Commissioner of the Utah Department of Agriculture and Food. Mr. Peterson spoke and introduced Renee Matsuura, Director of Administrative Services, and various directors of the departments who were present.
Mr. Allred, Fiscal Analyst, presented the FY 2002 Supplemental Budget Recommendations for the Dept. of Agriculture and Food.
Mr. Allred recommended a reduction in the FY 2002 General Fund appropriation of $500,100.
Recommended reductions affected individual line items as follows:
Agriculture Administration ($399,100)
Building Operations $15,800
Predatory Animal Control ($35,500)
Resource Conservation ($81,300)
MOTION: Rep. Buttars moved to approve the following intent language for the Division of Water Resources as found on p. 41 in the FY 2002 Supplemental Budget Recommendations:
It is the intent of the Legislature that funds appropriated to
the Cooperative Water Conservation Program be nonlapsing.
The motion passed unanimously.
MOTION: Rep. Ferry moved to approve the following intent language in the Supplemental
Appropriations Act as found on p.61 in the FY 2002 Supplemental Budget Recommendations:
Under the terms of UCA 63-38-8.1 the Legislature intends
not to lapse Item ***, Chapter 334, Laws of Utah 2001.
Expenditure of these funds is limited to: (approved categories).
The motion passed unanimously.
MOTION: Rep. Ferry moved to increase the reduction to High School Rodeo by $4,200, and decrease the reduction to Trichomoniasis Control by $4,200.
MOTION: Rep. Johnson moved to increase the reduction to Agribusiness Development by $5,500 and decrease the reduction to Trichomoniasis Control by $5,500. The motion passed unanimously.
MOTION: Rep. Gowans moved that the committee accept the Analyst's recommendations for the Department of Agriculture and Food for the FY 2002 Supplemental Budget with amendments to restore 2 FTE, Chemist IV and Deputy Commissioner, in Agriculture Administration. The motion passed unanimously.
Rep. Peterson stated a conflict of interest.
MOTION: Rep. Buttars moved to approve the minutes of the January 8, 2002 meeting with a correction to the time when the committee recessed, as being 9:40 a.m. The motion passed unanimously.
MOTION: Sen. Hellewell moved that the committee accept the Analyst's recommendations for the Department of Natural Resources for the FY 2002 Supplemental Budget.
The motion passed unanimously.
MOTION: Rep. Ferry moved that each of the Departments be allowed to recommend a source of alternative funds to recover the one-day furlough and that the Departments report back to the Co-chairs their recommendations, with the Co-chairs reporting the alternative source of funds to the Executive Appropriations Committee. The motion passed unanimously.
Rep. Styler called for public comments.
Debbie Goodman spoke on behalf of wildlife conservation and outdoor recreation groups.
She expressed reasonable support for the recommended supplemental budget cuts.
Robert Muschek, citizen activist, suggested increasing fees as a source of revenue.
MOTION: Rep. Johnson moved to adjourn the meeting. The motion passed unanimously.
Rep. Styler adjourned the meeting at 11:04 a.m.
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Sen. Parley Hellewell, Co-chairman Rep. Michael R. Styler, Co-Chairman