FROM: Senator D. Chris Buttars, Senate Chair
Representative A. Lamont Tyler, House Chair
RE: Committee Meeting
DATE: Thursday, January 10, 2002
TIME: 9:00 A.M.
PLACE: Room 405, State Capitol
- •Welcome
- •Approval of Minutes
- Supplemental Reductions/Appropriations for FY 2002
Agency Presentations:
A. Office of the Governor / Lt Governor
B. State Attorney General
C. State Treasurer
D. State Auditor
E. Department of Public Safety
F. Division of Youth Corrections
G. Department of Corrections
H. Board of Pardons
I. Courts
- Public Testimony
- Subcommittee Discussion
- Prioritization
- Other Subcommittee Business
Sen. D. Chris Buttars, Co-Chair Rep. A. Lamont Tyler, Co-Chair
Sen. Peter C. Knudsen Rep. Ron Bigelow
Sen. Alicia Suazo Rep. Scott Daniels
Rep. Eric Hutchings
Fiscal Analyst: William Greer Rep. Paul Ray
Gary Ricks Rep. Mike Thompson
Secretary: Cherri White
In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, persons needing auxiliary communicative aids and services for these meetings should call Linda Johnson at 538-1255 giving her at least three working days notice.