Tuesday, January 15, 2002

MEMBERS PRESENT: Sen. Michael Waddoups, Co-Chair

Rep. Don E. Bush, Co-Chair

Sen. Millie Peterson

Sen. Terry Spencer

Rep. Stephen D. Clark

Rep. Neil A. Hansen

Rep. Wayne A. Harper

Rep. Neal B. Hendrickson

Rep. Joseph G. Murray

Rep. Merlynn T. Newbold

Rep. Max W. Young


STAFF PRESENT: Mark C. Bleazard, Fiscal Analyst

Jennifer Asplund, Committee Secretary

Chair Bush called the meeting to order at 2:24 p.m.

MOTION: Sen. Peterson moved to approve the minutes for the January 8, 2002 and

January 9, 2002 meetings. The motion passed unanimously, with Rep. Clark, Rep Hendrickson, and Rep. Newbold absent for the vote.

Chair Bush invited the Department of Environmental Quality, Utah National Guard, and Utah Department of Transportation to respond to questions asked by the committee at the previous meeting.

Department of Environmental Quality

Dianne Nielson, Executive Director of the Department of Environmental Quality, presented the summary of budget cuts including the additional $90,000 in general funds suggested at the previous meetings. She expressed concerns about the negative impact on the services the DEQ provides. Brent Bradford assisted in answering questions from the committee.

Utah Department of Transportation

Carlos Braceras, Department Director of Utah Department of Transporation, responded to the aeronautics division proposals made at the last meeting. He was assisted by David Miles, Operations Engineer for UDOT. Thom Wardell, President of the Utah Airports Operations Association, and Monte Yeager, Aeronautical Planner of the Division of Aeronautics, also answered questions from the committee.

The Analyst discussed the possibility of using the nonlapsing balance in the Restricted Fund - Aeronautics to replace the $200,000 General Fund Appropriation in the airport construction program.

MOTION: Sen. Peterson moved to accept the following supplemental budget appropriation to the DEQ FY2002 budget:

Department of Environmental Quality

ISF Adj ($12,300)

Radon Program ($21,000)

X-ray Licensing Program ($25,000)

Conv/Travel/Off Sup/etc ($39,400)

FTE Vacancy Elimination ($150,000)

OS&M Balances Reduction ($46,000)

Hazardous Waste Oversight Program ($32,100)

Waste Tire Recycling Program ($14,500)

Local Studies - Drinking Water ($25,000)

Out of State Travel ($7,000)

Underground Waste Water Disposal Systems $76,000

Environmental Voluntary Cleanup Program $20,300

Total ($276,000)


General Funds ($364,000)

Federal Funds ($3,800)

Dedicated Credits ($2,300)

GFR - Environmental Quality ($2,000)

GFR - Petroleum Storage Tank ($100)

GFR - Water Quality ($100)

GFR - Underground Wastewater System $76,000

GFR - Environmental Voluntary Cleanup $20,3000

Total ($276,000)

The motion passed unanimously.

Committee members discussed the Transportation Fund Restricted - Aeronautics budget supplemental.

MOTION: Sen. Waddoups moved a supplemental appropriation of $500,000 from the Transportation Fund Restricted - Aeronautics to allow for the replacement of $200,000 in general funds and increase the airport construction budget to increase construction funds as well as additional security for Utah airports. He also moved to make the funding for the Airport Construction program nonlapsing. He requested that UDOT and the Division of Aeronautics provide a report next year on the use of these funds.

Utah National Guard

MOTION: Sen. Peterson moved to ratify the tentative votes from the subcommittee's previous actions for the National Guard and the nonlapsing intent language for the National Guard and UDOT as follows:

National Guard

ISF Adj ($2,300)

Armory Maintenance ($20,300)

Conv/Travel/Off Sup/etc ($8,500)

Vet Affairs ($4,000)

Vet Cemetery ($5,000)

Total ($40,100)


General Funds ($38,500)

Federal Funds ($1,600)

Total ($40,100)

Department of Transportation

ISF Adj ($7,200)

Building and Grounds ($27,400)

Space Port ($60,000)

Airport Construction $300,000

Total $205,400


General Funds ($294,600)

TFR - Aeronautics $500,000

Total $205,400

National Guard - Utah National Guard

Under terms of Section 63-38-8.1 Utah Code Annotated, Item 240 of Chapter 334 Laws of Utah 2001 is made nonlapsing with the use of any nonlapsing funds limited to the following:

Schedule of Programs:

Armory Maintenance 50,000

Veteran's Cemetery 50,000

Department of Transportation - Maintenance Management

Under terms of Section 63-38-8.1 Utah Code Annotated, Item 240 of Chapter 334 Laws of Utah 2001 is made nonlapsing with the use of any nonlapsing funds limited to the following:

Schedule of Programs:

Maintenance: 500,000

Department of Transportation - District Management

Under terms of Section 63-38-8.1 Utah Code Annotated, Item 240 of Chapter 334 Laws of Utah 2001 is made nonlapsing with the use of any nonlapsing funds limited to the following:

Schedule of Programs:

Equipment Purchases 500,000

Department of Transportation - Aeronautics

It is the intent of the Legislature that funds appropriated for Airport Construction be nonlapsing.

The motion passed unanimously.

MOTION: Sen. Peterson moved to adjourn the meeting. The motion passed unanimously.

Chair Bush adjourned the meeting at 4:36 p.m.

Rep. Don E. Bush, Co-Chair Sen. Michael Waddoups, Co-Chair