MEMBERS PRESENT: Sen. Scott Jenkins, Co-Chair
Rep. Chad Bennion, Co-Chair
Sen. Dan Eastman
Sen. Ed Mayne
Rep. Eli Anderson
Rep. Cindy Beshear
Rep. David Cox
Rep. Steven Mascaro
Rep. Peggy Wallace
STAFF PRESENT: Mr. Stan Eckersley, Fiscal Analyst
Ms. Debbie Headden, Fiscal Analyst
Ms. Sandra Wissa, Legislative Secretary
VISITORS LIST: A list of others present will be filed with committee minutes.
Co-Chair Scott Jenkins called the meeting to order at 9:23 a.m.
Mr. Stan Eckersley, Fiscal Analyst, distributed and reviewed handouts "Options for Balancing the Budget Including Cuts in Public Education as Discussed by LFA, GOPB and Agencies: Commerce and Revenue," "Incremental Options for Balancing the Budget Holding Public Education Harmless as Discussed by LFA, GOPB and Agencies: Commerce and Revenue," and "Commerce and Revenue appropriations Subcommittee: Budget Reduction Items for Consideration." He explained budget reduction considerations for the next year's budget.
Mr. Rod Merrelli, Tax Commission, and Mr. John Njord, Utah Department of Transportation, responded to the analyst's recommendations on the Tax Commission and answered committees members concerns.
Mr. David Spatafore, Utah League of Cities and Towns, also responded to the analyst's recommendations for the Tax Commission.
Ms. Tomi Jean Ossana, Comprehensive Health Insurance Pool of Utah, distributed and reviewed a handout and responded to questions. Mr. Merwin Stewart, Department of Insurance, responded to the questions about the cuts that would affect the Insurance Department.
Ms. Raylene Ireland and Mr. John Nixon, Department of Workforce Services, distributed and reviewed the handouts "Projected Increase in Utah Child Care Subsidies for Increased Participation Rates" and "General Assistance." They also responded to questions. Ms. Sarah Brenna, Department of Workforce Services, answered questions from the Committee.
Ms. Karen Silver, Salt Lake CAP; Mr. Bill Tibbitts, Crossroads Urban Center; Ms. Debbie Frisbie; Mr. Timothy Schults, Utah Issues; and Mr. Steve Blackham, Utahan's Against Hunger; stated their concerns on the cuts to workforce services.
Mr. Ted Boyer and Ms. Klare Bachman, Department of Commerce, responded to the recommendations.
Mr. Lee Ellertson and Mr. Gordon Linnett, Department of Labor, responded with concerns to the recommendations by the Fiscal Analyst.
Mr. Tom Bingham, Utah Manufacturing Association, stated his concerns to the recommendations.
Ms. Debbie Headden, Fiscal Analyst, presented the budget recommendations for the Utah College of Applied Technology. She distributed "Options for Balancing the Budget Including Cuts in Public Education as Discussed by LFA, GOPB and Agencies: Commerce and Revenue" and "Incremental Options for Balancing the Budget Holding Public Education Harmless as Discussed by LFA, GOPB and Agencies: Commerce and Revenue."
Mr. Greg Fitch, UCAT (Utah College of Applied Technology), distributed a handout "Utah College of Applied Technology: Possible Impact of Additional FY 2002-2003 Budget Reductions" and commented on the recommendations on UCAT.
Mr. Tom Bingham commented on the recommendations on UCAT.
MOTION: Rep. Anderson moved to adjourn the meeting. The motion passed unanimously.
Co-Chair Scott Jenkins adjourned the meeting at 12:02 p.m.
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Sen. Scott Jenkins, Co-Chair Rep. Chad E. Bennion, Co-Chair