Agenda (1)

TO: Members of the Public Education Joint Appropriations Subcommittee

FROM: Senator Howard Stephenson, Committee Co-Chair

Representative Marda Dillree, Committee Co-Chair

Re: Committee Meeting

DATE: July, 2, 2002

TIME: 9:00 a.m.

PLACE: Room 303, State Capitol Building

1. Approval of Minutes - June 26, 2002

2. FY 2003 Budget Discussion

Committee Members

Sen. Howard Stephenson, Co-Chair

Sen. Karen Hale

Sen. Bill Hickman

Sen. John Valentine

R. Michael Kjar, Committee Staff

Jonathan Ball, Committee Staff

R. Benjamin Leishman, Committee Staff

Patrice Shaffer, Secretary

Rep. Marda Dillree, Co-Chair

Rep. Doug Aagard

Rep. Duane Bourdeaux

Rep. Judy Ann Buffmire

Rep. Glenn A. Donnelson

Rep. James A. Ferrin

Rep. Tom Hatch

Rep. Brad King

Rep. Karen Morgan

Rep. J. Morgan Philpot

Rep. John Swallow

Rep. Glenn Way

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