Tuesday, July 9, 2002 - 9:00 a.m. - Room 225 State Capitol

Members Present:

Sen. Dave Gladwell, Co-Chair

Rep. Sheryl L. Allen, Co-Chair

Sen. Gene Davis

Sen. Carlene Walker

Rep. Jackie Biskupski

Rep. Kory Holdaway

Rep. Carol Spackman Moss

Rep. Bradley A. Winn

Members Absent:

President Al Mansell

Rep. David Ure

Staff Present:

Dr. Andrea Wilko, Fiscal Analyst

Ms. Glenda S. Whitney, Legislative Secretary

Note: A list of others present and a copy of materials can be found at http://image.le.utah.gov.imaging/history.asp or by contacting the committee secretary, Glenda Whitney, at 538-1032.

1. Call to Order and Committee Business

Chair Allen called the meeting to order at 9:34 a.m.

MOTION: Sen. Walker moved to approve the minutes of the June 26, 2002 meeting. The motion passed unanimously. Sen. Davis and Rep. Biskupski were absent for the vote.

2. FY 2003 Budget Discussion

Dr. Wilko distributed handouts of the proposed 2003 budget for the subcommittee to review. She reviewed and answered questions from subcommittee members.

Chair Allen noted that Rep. Biskupski needed to leave the meeting and wanted to make a proposal. Dr. Wilko explained it was Rep. Biskupski's recommendation to reduce Indian Affairs to a negative $20,400 and give $20,400 to the Emergency Food Network.

Rep. Moss suggested on line 25, to take an additional $20,000 from the Smart Site Funding making it a negative $40,000. Then on line 3, put the $20,000 on Utah Humanities Council which would decrease it to a negative $25,000. Sen. Gladwell expressed concern with this recommendation.

MOTION: Rep. Winn moved to adopt the "Chairman Amended Proposal, Ongoing and One-time" budget draft with the following changes:

The motion passed unanimously, with Sen. Davis and Rep. Biskupski absent for the vote.

MOTION: Rep. Holdaway moved to amend and adopt the "Chairman Proposal Intent" amended as follows: $100,000 from the Ogden High Tech Center, $200,000 from the Kuhni Rendering Plant, and $270,000 from the Bio-medical Sector appropriation. The motion passed unanimously, with Sen. Davis and Rep. Biskupski absent for the vote.

MOTION: Sen. Walker moved to allow the Fiscal Analyst's the flexibility to distribute incentive funds between line items. The motion passed unanimously, with Sen. Davis and Rep. Biskupski absent for the vote.

MOTION: Rep. Moss moved to adjourn the meeting. The motion passed unanimously, with Rep. Biskupski absent for the vote. Chair Allen adjourned the meeting at 10:13 a.m. C:\Interim\working2\20020709.APPEDH.MN.01.wpd