Members Present: Sen. Howard Stephenson, Co-Chair

Rep. Marda Dillree, Co-Chair

Sen. Karen Hale

Sen. Bill Hickman

Sen. John Valentine

Rep. Doug Aagard

Rep. Duane Bourdeaux

Rep. Judy Ann Buffmire

Rep. Glenn Donnelson

Rep. James Ferrin

Rep. Brad King

Rep. Karen Morgan

Rep. J. Morgan Philpot

Rep. John Swallow

Rep. Glenn L. Way

Members Absent: Rep. Tom Hatch

Staff Present: R. Michael Kjar, Legislative Fiscal Analyst

Jonathan Ball, Legislative Fiscal Analyst

Ben Leishman, Legislative Fiscal Analyst

Patrice Shaffer, Secretary

Visitor List on File

Committee Co-Chair Dillree called the meeting to order at 9:45 a.m.

MOTION: Rep. Way moved to cut $10,000,000 for two U-PASS days as well as $669,100 from U-PASS Basic Skills Competency Implementation Delay totaling $10,669,100 and hold harmless everything else on the "Majority Party Consensus Balanced Budget - FY 2003."

Discussion was held to the motion. Mr. Rich Kendell from the Governor's Office answered questions and explained the position of the Governor's Office and clarified that they do not favor cutting U-PASS days because specific funding no longer exists.

Supt. Steven Laing, Utah State Office of Education, went through each line item on the "Majority Party Consensus Balanced Budget - FY 2003" and indicated support for each item.

SUBSTITUTE MOTION: Sen. Valentine moved to take the equivalent amount of money equivalent to one U-PASS day from the teacher development block grant and the remainder come from 50% of the amounts on the line items.

Sen. Valentine withdrew his substitute motion.

SUBSTITUTE MOTION: Rep. King moved to cut $2,000,000 for charter schools leaving $1,000,000 and add money in one-time back into the Minimum School Program.

The motion failed with Sen. Hale, Rep. Bourdeaux, Rep. Buffmire and Rep. King voting in favor of the motion.

SUBSTITUTE MOTION: Sen. Valentine moved to adopt the list "Majority Party Consensus Balanced Budget - FY 2003" with the following changes:

a) Change line 266 Minimum School Program, MSP-Single Item Block Grant from ($4,703,600) to MSP-Quality Teaching Block Grant ($5,000,000)

b) Eliminate the $325,000 one-time add-back on line 267 "State Office of Rehabilitation, make UU Reading cut ongoing." Distribute the $325,000 one-time and the difference between the amount of ($4,703,600) and ($5,000,000) detailed above on a pro rata basis to each of the remaining programs on line 267.

Motion passed with Sen. Hale, Rep. Bourdeaux, Rep. Buffmire, Rep. King, and Rep. Morgan voting against the motion.

MOTION: That committee authorize the chairs to work with staff in developing language that indicates that for a school district to qualify for the .75% WPU increase, that school district must certify to the State Office of Education that none of the increases in class size or reduction in classroom expenditures are as a result of the budget reductions approved in the previous substitute motion.

The motion passed with Sen. Hale, Rep. Dillree, Rep. Bourdeaux, Rep. Buffmire, Rep. King and Rep. Morgan voting against the motion.

MOTION: Rep. Way moved to accept the recommendation "Majority Party Consensus Balanced Budget - FY 2003" as amended.

Motion passed with Sen. Hale, Rep. Bourdeaux, Rep. Buffmire, Rep. King and Rep. Morgan voting against the motion.

Sen. Hickman moved to adjourn.

Rep. Dillree adjourned the meeting at 11:24 a.m.

Minutes reported by Patrice Shaffer, Senate Secretary.

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Sen. Howard Stephenson, Co-Chair Rep. Marda Dillree, Co-Chair