Members Present:
Rep. Sheryl L. Allen, Co-Chair Sen. Gene Davis Sen. Carlene Walker Rep. Carol Spackman Moss
Members Absent:
Sen. Dave Gladwell, Co-Chair President Al Mansell Rep. Jackie Biskupski Rep. Kory Holdaway Rep. David Ure Rep. Bradley A. Winn Staff Present: Dr. Andrea Wilko, Fiscal Analyst Ms. Glenda S. Whitney, Legislative Secretary |
Note: A list of others present and a copy of materials can be found at http://image.le.utah.gov.imaging/history.asp or by contacting the committee secretary, Glenda Whitney, at 538-1032.
1. Call to Order and Committee Business
Chair Allen called the meeting to order at 9:18 a.m. Sen. Gladwell, Rep. Biskupski, Rep. Holdaway, and Rep. Winn were excused from the meeting.
No motion was taken on the July 9, 2002 minutes due to lack of a quorum.
2. Report on Zoo Audit
Chair Allen noted that she and Sen. Gladwell have been assigned to serve on the Zoo Board.
Mr. John Schaff, Audit Manager, distributed a report "A Performance Audit of Hogle Zoo April 2002," and presented an overview on the audit. He explained that the audit was initiated by the Legislative Audit Subcommittee in response to questions raised by Senator Michael Waddoups and members of the Audit Subcommittee. Mr. Schaff reviewed the scope of the audit along with objectives and recommendations. He addressed specific questions found in the handout pertaining to market performance, site location and space, and the 7.7 million dollars spent on remodeling the entryway of the zoo.
Mr. Jim Hogle, President of the Utah Zoological Society, Hogle Zoo, said that the members of this subcommittee should have received copies of their response regarding the performance audit of Hogle Zoo. He said as painful as some of the conclusions were, he acknowledged appreciation for the time, energy, and recommendations that were made by the audit team. He said that a number of those recommendations have been implemented. He answered questions of the subcommittee regarding the process and direction the zoo will take.
Mr. Dan Hartman, Consultant for Hogle Zoo, said they are in the process of implementing all of the recommendations in the audit. He said there are a few recommendations that will take some time to implement but the others were implemented within a month from the time they were received. One main emphasis of the Legislators, the audit committee, and others has been a reconstitution of the board of directors. He explained that has now been accomplished.
Sen. Walker thanked Mr. Hogle for its pro active response to the recommendations in the audit. She requested that they submit to the subcommittee, progress reports or minutes from their board meetings so they can follow the progress of the zoo. She also suggested receiving a time table explaining the direction and plan in addressing growth and expansion of the zoo. She said it is important to know specifics before funding is appropriated in January.
Chair Allen asked the members of the subcommittee for recommendation and direction back from the Fifth Special Session regarding reducing state appropriation to the zoo by $100,000. She said it was not clear at that time if the $100,000 was to go to Hogle Zoo or if it was to be distributed proportionally to Hogle Zoo and the small zoo in Logan. She explained if it was to go proportional, the smaller zoo in Logan would take $7,000 reduction of that $100,000.
After subcommittee discussion, it was recommended to send it equally across the board. That the reduction should be proportional and Chair Allen suggested for the staff analyst to construct a letter with the recommendations and send it to Department of Community Economic Development (DCED).
- Report on Post Olympic Economic Development
Mr. David Harmer, Director, DCED, said they were asked to report on the post Olympic economic development activities and also performance measures. In terms of post economic development activities, he explained that there have been a lot of them that go beyond the one time kind of monies that were appropriated. That they have focused on the four million dollars that travel utilized in the fiscal year 2002, and then the follow-up monies that have been appropriated of three and a quarter million dollars for travel development. He distributed a handout "Business & Economic Development Special Olympic One Time Appropriation" that he reviewed. Mr. Harmer asked the following presenters to review the post Olympic economic development activities in the various divisions. The presenters were as follows:
Mr. Spencer Kinard, Assistant Director, Utah Travel Council
Mr. Richard Bradford, Economic Director, DCED, DBED
Ms. Leigh von der Esch - Director, Film Commission
Ms. Marian Hein - Program Specialist, National Business and Recruiting
Ms. Tina Lewis - International Business Development Office
Mr. Brad Bertoch - CEO, Wayne Brown Institute
Mr. Rod Linton - Administrator, Utah Technology Alliance, Eco Systems
Mr. Bradford distributed a handout "DCED Mission" which also addressed strategies and tactics for the subcommittee to review. He said their whole strategic plan is based on four elements, research, media, trade missions, and unearned media such as the travel writers.
- Report on Performance Measures
Mr. Richard Bradford presented an overview.
Mr. Kerry Bate - CD, distributed three handouts, "Strategic Planning Update," "Summary of Division Programs FY-2002," and "Ethnic Offices." He asked the following senior program directors to discuss the actual activities during the Olympics, to discuss the Olympic follow-up activities that are currently taking place, to discuss the major initiatives that they are working on in collaboration with the Governor's Office on an extensive domestic and international trade mission initiative, and to discuss the integration of the concept of the eco systems and how they are identifying them and tying those back into the post Olympic activities. The following made presentations:
Mr. Wilson Martin - History Preservation Services
Ms. Terrie Buhler - Arts Administration
Ms. Amy Owen - Library Administration
Mr. Forrest Cuch - Division of Indian Affairs
Mr. Bradford distributed a handout "1000-Day Plan Milestones," for the subcommittee to review.
- Other Committee Business
6. Adjournment
MOTION: Chair Allen adjourned the meeting at 12:12 p.m.C:\Interim\working2\20020821.appedh.mn.01.wpd