N O T I C E O F M E E T I N G (1)
TO: Members of the Executive Offices & Criminal Justice Joint Appropriations Subcommittee
FROM: Sen. Chris Buttars and Rep. Lamont Tyler, Co-chairs
RE: Committee Meeting
DATE: Tuesday, September 17, 2002
TIME: 9:00 PM
PLACE: Room 405, State Capitol
Committee Business:
- Update on the implementation and impact of the FY 2002 and the FY 2003 budget reductions for each of the Agencies
- Programming and treatment programs inYouth Corrections and Adult Corrections
- Transfer of Youth Services to the Division of Youth Corrections
- In-depth budget review of the Governor's Office
- Update on Homeland Security, structure, budget and activity requirements
- Implementation of House Bill 154, "Expansion of the DNA Database"
- Other Business
Committee Members: Senator Chris Buttars, Co-Chair and Representative Lamont Tyler, Co-Chair and Senators Peter Knudson and Alicia Suazo, and Representatives Ron Bigelow, Paul Ray, Mike Thompson, Eric Hutchings and Scott Daniels
Executive Offices & Criminal Justice
Joint Appropriations Subcommittee
Tuesday, May 29, 2001
1:00 PM
Room 405, State Capitol
1. Welcome and Introductions
- Study Presentation - Investigations
- Department of Public Safety Presentation on Investigations
4. Attorney General presentation on Investigations
5. Brainstorming Session - Alternatives for Corrections
6. September Legislative Trip Agenda and Date
7. Other Business
8. Adjourn
1. 1 In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, persons needing auxiliary communicative aids and services for these meetings please call 538-1285 at least three working days ahead.