Fiscal Note
HB0039 - Concealed Weapons Fees Amendments
State Impact:
Enactment of this bill will appropriate to the Bureau of Criminal Identification within the Department of Public Safety an ongoing negative ($653,900) from the General Fund and $653,900 from dedicated credits beginnining FY 2008 forward. Any excess of the amount required to cover the cost of issuing concealed firearm permits will be retained by the Bureau of Criminal Identification to help fund any other costs incurred by the Bureau for FY 2008 only. Overall, this legislation will be revenue and cost neutral.
Funding Source | FY 2007 Approp. | FY 2008 Approp. | FY 2009 Approp. | FY 2007 Revenue | FY 2008 Revenue | FY 2009 Revenue |
General Fund | $0 | ($653,900) | ($653,900) | $0 | ($653,900) | ($653,900) |
Dedicated Credits | $0 | $653,900 | $653,900 | $0 | $653,900 | $653,900 |
Total | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 |
Individual, Business and/or Local Impact:
Enactment of this bill likely will not result in direct, measurable costs and/or benefits for individuals, businesses, or local governments.
2/28/2007, 9:48:52 AM, Lead Analyst: Ricks, G. | Office of the Legislative Fiscal Analyst |