Fiscal Note
HB0473S01 - Revenue Bond and Capital Facilities Authorizations
State Impact:
Debt service on revenue bonds authorized in this bill will be paid from increased departmental/institutional operating revenues which result from the projects outlined in the bill. Regarding non-state funded projects outlined in the bill, if institutions are successful in raising non-state funds sufficient to construct the buildings, the bill allows certain institutions to request state funds for operations and maintenance in the future. If institutions request such funding, it is anticipated to be as follows:
Weber State University Lifelong Learning Center: $199,300
Salt Lake Community College Facilities/Security/Parking Building: $96,000
Southeast ATC property exchange: $141,000
Proceeds from the sale of the Human Services building will be used to pay off revenue bonds and acquire a building for the Schools for the Deaf and Blind. The transaction will have no net impact on the Capital Project Fund.
Individual, Business and/or Local Impact:
Enactment of this bill likely will not result in direct, measurable costs and/or benefits for individuals, businesses, or local governments.
2/28/2007, 2:40:22 PM, Lead Analyst: Allred, S. | Office of the Legislative Fiscal Analyst |