Fiscal Note
SB0236 - Trademark Protection Act
State Impact:
Enactment of this bill will require an appropriation of $120,000 from the General Fund Restricted - Commerce Service fund in FY 2008 only for start-up costs and equipment acquisition. Beginning in FY 2009, there will be a need for an ongoing appropriation of $45,000 for promotion and related costs. Fees provided by the bill will increase revenues to the Commerce Service Fund by about $150,000 annually. Appropriations from the Commerce Service Fund may impact revenues to the General Fund. The bill has a Legislative Review Note indicating the bill has a high probability of being found unconstitutional. No estimate is made for legal expenses involved in defending the bill.
Funding Source | FY 2007 Approp. | FY 2008 Approp. | FY 2009 Approp. | FY 2007 Revenue | FY 2008 Revenue | FY 2009 Revenue |
Commerce Service Fund | $0 | $120,000 | $45,000 | $0 | $150,000 | $150,000 |
Total | $0 | $120,000 | $45,000 | $0 | $150,000 | $150,000 |
Individual, Business and/or Local Impact:
Enactment of this bill likely will not result in direct, measurable costs and/or benefits for individuals or local governments. Businesses would be required to pay $250 for the electronic trademark annually.
2/20/2007, 9:51:47 AM, Lead Analyst: Eckersley, S. | Office of the Legislative Fiscal Analyst |