Fiscal Note

HB0202S01 - Employee Benefit Amendments

State Impact:
Enactment of this bill will not require additional appropriations. The bill would allow certain current and future at-will employees and elected officials to transfer their retirement balances from a defined benefit system or plan to a defined contribution plan. If all eligible beneficiaries with higher benefits under the defined contribution plan were to switch to the defined contribution plan, there would be a one-time cost to the Utah Retirement System of at most $2.5 million. This one-time cost is not significant enough to result in an overall change to State retirement contribution rates, therefore no change in appropriation is required by the bill.

Individual, Business and/or Local Impact:
Enactment of this bill likely will not result in direct, measurable costs and/or benefits for individuals, businesses, or local governments.

3/3/2008, 1:54:51 PM, Lead Analyst: Schoenfeld, J.D.Office of the Legislative Fiscal Analyst