Fiscal Note
SB0076 - State Parks and Recreation Amendments
State Impact:
Enactment of this bill will not require additional appropriations. However, the bill allows the Board of Parks and Recreation to increase fees for off-highway vehicle (OHV) registrations, as well as for OHV training and boating safety courses, beyond the levels currently set in statute. This could generate additional revenue in future years.
Funding Source | FY 2008 Approp. | FY 2009 Approp. | FY 2010 Approp. | FY 2008 Revenue | FY 2009 Revenue | FY 2010 Revenue |
Total | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 |
Individual, Business and/or Local Impact:
A potential fees increase would result in higher costs to boaters and off-highway vehicle users.
1/31/2008, 12:26:30 PM, Lead Analyst: Djambov, I. | Office of the Legislative Fiscal Analyst |