Fiscal Note

SB0211S03 - Alcoholic Beverage Control Amendments

State Impact:
Enactment of this bill will reduce sales and excise tax from off-premises retail stores by $604,000 consequently reducing General Fund Revenues by the same amount. Sales through the Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control would generate sales tax increases of $467,500 to the General Fund. The Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control anticipates an increase in revenue of $2,491,400 which includes profit to the Department of $1,725,600 and $765,800 that is transferred to the school lunch program. This bill appropriates $1,589,100 from the Liquor Control Fund to the Division of Substance Abuse and Mental Health, Department of Human Services. The remaining Liquor Control Fund revenue - $136,500 - would be deposited into the General Fund whereby offsetting any General Fund revenue loss.

Funding SourceFY 2008
FY 2009
FY 2010
FY 2008
FY 2009
FY 2010
Liquor Control Fund$0$1,589,100$1,589,100$0$2,354,900$2,354,900






Individual, Business and/or Local Impact:
Certain individuals would pay higher prices for certain alcoholic beverages. Certain businesses may be impacted due to the reduction in inventory they are able to carry. Local school districts would benefit from revenue generated by this bill.

2/28/2008, 11:54:55 AM, Lead Analyst: Schoenfeld, J.D.Office of the Legislative Fiscal Analyst